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OT Favourite TV Theme tune

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Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Sorry guys, breaking my own rules!..I had to put this one on at my Wife's request

(even though she bursts into floods of tears whenever she hears it...bless her!)


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One of my favorite shows growing up and I also genuinely loved the theme too.





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Suicide is painless!

Great show MASH it was and a great theme!

My favorite show and theme as a kid though was this one

The series was played on Greek TV at about late seventies...

we didn't even have a color TV back then...



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(The Professionals is my current ring tone. :grin:) Edited by MikeDixonUK

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Hey - you know that series, von Paulus???

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Okay here's mine :-



and my other one :-



Space 1999

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Hawaii 5-0. Best TV theme EVERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey - you know that series, von Paulus???

Of course. I saw it on TV in the seventies.

We joked a lot with the dances.


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Hihihi - the German space cruiser was looking good; the German future dance was ridiculous! :rofl:

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Hawaii 5-0. Best TV theme EVERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!


It's certainly a classic!

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Yes Hawaii 5-0 is surely a classic and I can't believe I did't use it as my second choice...

Since I have one more left it would be this one from my childhood, the LOONEY TUNES theme:



Edited by elephant

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Aaaahhh! A video that works for me! Cutie with a good voice!

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Well it's actually a bit short but it's catchy and the animation is pretty cool for 8 bit tech.



The little Tetris like animation/games they've had on past shows are a riot. Like the 'Employee of the Month' one, unfortunately , it's not on 'Channel 4's' list

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