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OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

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That makes me Lord Edward Trudi Preston - seems like I may have some gender issues.blink.gif

Edited by Doublestop

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Lord Robert Fuzzy Columbia. Doesn't seem to have a real British ring to it.


BTW, Fuzzy was a long haired guinnea pig - Even so, it sounds better than the other one I had at the time: Cousin Itt.

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Lord Henry Rinty Undercliff

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Mine would be...


Lord William Yoda Windermere


First family pet was a cat named Yoda... Don't ask... :drinks:

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Lord Wallace Eggs Benedict Wentworth

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Yer grandads name weren't really Wallace Eggs was it? :grin::lol:

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HEE HAW! Fun thread WM, and I'm back just in time to claim my Royal Wedding moniker before the big event.

I shall be Lord Lewis Bella Argonne, (it's true, the lane I grew up on in Minnesota was called 'Argonne Road' and it ran through an area that was plotted in the 1920's and named 'Argonne Woods' in honour of the famed WWI battle sight).







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(it's true, the lane I grew up on in Minnesota was called 'Argonne Road' and it ran through an area that was plotted in the 1920's and named 'Argonne Woods' in honour of the famed WWI battle sight).

That explains it all, Lou; the uniform and all the books - maybe the soul of a WW1 flyer found a new home in you? :grin:

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if i take the other granddads name, the first pet and first streetname since we moved to germany, it would be


Lord Dragutin-Jack Glockenhof

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Lord Dragutin-Jack Glockenhof

...the Transsilvanian Vampire-Pilot. :rofl:

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...the Transsilvanian Vampire-Pilot. :rofl:


although romania has the same in common with croatia, geographically and peoplewise like norway with spain, i must admit that it sounds like a 70ies-trash-vampire-wannabe-bella-lugosi-movie-name :rofl:

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...i must admit that it sounds like a 70ies-trash-vampire-wannabe-bella-lugosi-movie-name :rofl:

I know, Creaghorn - I didn't mean to insult your granddad, nor the Croatians or Romanians.

It was only just that sound of the name.


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I'm Lord James Shandy Pilmuir.



(We once did this at college, but wasn't for your Royal Wedding invite, but what you'd be called if you starred in a porn film. :cool: (No titles). Back then it was middle name, first pet, and mothers maiden name). Ah, happy days & the evils of drink....

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HEE HAW! Fun thread WM, and I'm back just in time to claim my Royal Wedding moniker before the big event.

I shall be Lord Lewis Bella Argonne, (it's true, the lane I grew up on in Minnesota was called 'Argonne Road' and it ran through an area that was plotted in the 1920's and named 'Argonne Woods' in honour of the famed WWI battle sight).







Two of the impressive American monuments making woody Argonne today even more attractive: Varennes and Montfaucon. Constant impeccable maintenance by the American Battle Monuments Commission. I often wandered in these places when young.



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I know, Creaghorn - I didn't mean to insult your granddad, nor the Croatians or Romanians.

It was only just that sound of the name.



no offence taken my friend. as a matter of fact according to german wikipedia, the first case "official" of vampirism happened in croatia in the same district i am coming from :blink: .


Der erste bekanntere angebliche Vampir stammte aus Kroatien, aus dem kleinen Dorf Kringa (Istrien), und soll dort im Jahre 1652 gestorben sein. Er war ein Bauer und trug den Namen Jure Grando. Im Jahre 1672 soll er aus seinem Grab gestiegen sein und des Öfteren das Dorf terrorisiert haben. In dem Buch von Johann Weichard Valvasor wird dieser Vampir das erste Mal in der europäischen Literatur erwähnt. Johann Joseph von Görres übernahm diese Geschichte in seinem mehrbändigen Werk „Die christliche Mystik“, das 1836–42 in Regensburg gedruckt wurde.



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Impressive monuments, Capitaine Vengeur. I'll put them on my list of places to see, if I ever make it

to undertake a bicycle trip from Aertrycke over Douai and Cambrai to the Argonne forrest.

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Those of us who grew up on numbered streets really get the short end in this game...


Just sayin'..

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Those of us who grew up on numbered streets really get the short end in this game...


Just sayin'..


That's exactly what I was thinking.


But anyway, as an ardent republican, I'd rather jump off from a cliff than associate myself with any of those inbred noble houses and their rotten titles from the dark ages. :grin:


I apologize in advance to my German friends, who most likely won't be able to see this clip. :grin:


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My invitation obviously got lost in the post; somebody will end up in the Tower for this! Must have a quiet word with my new near-neighbour Baroness Carrickfergus next time she's in the barony.

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I apologize in advance to my German friends, who most likely won't be able to see this clip. :grin:

While this happens very often indeed, it does not happen with Monty Python's videos.

Actually, the German TV bought all the rights and so supported this fine British humour,

which gives us German all the legal rights to see it! It seems.

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That's good for you. Nobody should be without easy access to the best of British humour. :drinks:


I bet the Youtube-Polizei is frustrated because he can't ruin your joy in this case. :grin:

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So did anyone else see the video of the Spitfire-Lancaster-Hurricane over flight of the wedding? That was pretty awesome.

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So did anyone else see the video of the Spitfire-Lancaster-Hurricane over flight of the wedding? That was pretty awesome.




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