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#5 is my new desktop. Thanks guys!


Really is getting tough to wait when such amazing leaps have already been made. I guess ill settle for being impressed continually with the new pics.


Great stuff gents keep up the fantastic work! :salute:



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Thank you Pol and OBD the new girl is looking in fine shape thus far. The pics are wonderful and clearly a progression of talent and effort can be seen. I look forward with anticipation.

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Man, Rickitycrate! Good to see you alive and well - it's been some time ago! Cheers! :drinks:

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The colours ( yes stupid spell check that is how most Canadians prefer to spell color.)


Don't apologise TSmoke. That spelling is the correct English. Another example is humour, not humor. You can thank the Yanks for corrupting the English language. :grin:

Edited by Pips
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Thanks guys glad you like where we are going with P4 so far.

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You can thank the Yanks for corrupting the English language. :grin:


Huh. In the states we have always thought of it as "cleaning up" the language!

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Exactly Duke. We Americans are simply doing our part to evolve the language as needed, and that superfluous 'u' in words such as color and humor is just a waste of a perfectly good letter that is better suited for words like ukulele and luau...and superfluous! :blum:



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I like "tyre." And the way my dear friend in Chelsea pronounces Hurricane "herken."

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I'm fond of 'wings' v 'fenders', and after living in England for three years it makes perfect sense to me. I swear you all think your little cars over there can fly, while we in the States drive ours like bumper cars. :biggrin:



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Oi it's called "English" and we let you borrow it ;)

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I'm fond of 'wings' v 'fenders', and after living in England for three years it makes perfect sense to me. I swear you all think your little cars over there can fly, while we in the States drive ours like bumper cars. :biggrin:




British Cars tend to have a Steering Wheel Lou! :lol:

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It can get complicated to learn English.

When you take the name "Worcestershire" - they spell it "Woostersher". :this:

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Yeah I bet some of them is after a few 100 years of people getting bored saying it the long way probably Olham ;).

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I'm American, but I like to use the colour form...I think it has more..well, color ;>)

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Huh. In the states we have always thought of it as "cleaning up" the language!


Actually, the americans are just speaking the language as it was spoken in England when the Mayflower and the following ships departed England for the Americas.


On another note, great work OBD, keep it up (as I know you will), I wish other software developers/publishers showed as much dedication to a released product as you do.


Also guys and gals, just remember to wipe the drool from your mouths before you get in the cockpit, or at best you will have frozen saliva caked to your skin when at altidude, at worst you will rust your machine guns and engine. LOL


Seriously loving the screenshots, and awaiting eagerly the polished product, because lets be realistic it will not be released as a half completed simulation.

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I'm fond of 'wings' v 'fenders', and after living in England for three years it makes perfect sense to me. I swear you all think your little cars over there can fly, while we in the States drive ours like bumper cars. :biggrin:






I much prefer the term "chrome horn" (yes I love Nascar).

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Love that Rumpler model and the skins! Thanks Winder and Makai. You guys ROCK!

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Gee, that's a sleek two-seat-shark! With some new camo shemes - great stuff!

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This is one of those two-seaters that I've been requesting for P4 many times in many threads. One of the best two-seaters of the war with excellent performance. Thanks for adding it to P4! Looking forward to flying it. :drinks:


Now all we need is a recon camera and then I can go flying daredevil recon missions high above and behind enemy lines in the Rumpler, like it was historically used. :cool:

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This is one of those two-seaters that I've been requesting for P4 many times in many threads. One of the best two-seaters of the war with excellent performance. Thanks for adding it to P4! Looking forward to flying it. :drinks:


Now all we need is a recon camera and then I can go flying daredevil recon missions high above and behind enemy lines in the Rumpler, like it was historically used. :cool:


Not so very daredevil :qt: You'll be so high and fast prolly noone will ever catch you. Just like the Roadrunner :qt:



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Not so very daredevil :qt: You'll be so high and fast prolly noone will ever catch you. Just like the Roadrunner :qt:




besides james mccudden and his gogo-gadgeto-se5a's :grin:

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I love the skins - fantastic! :good:

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I rather like that Rumpler, and, if memory serves correctly, it actually had a fairly long run at the front - hence a good addition. Having said that, I would be very happy indeed to see Aviatik and Albatros two seaters added, as they were fairly legion. Is this likely? And, of course, any other Entente two seaters which would nicely fill out the Allied rosters - DH4s, Breguets, anything really!

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