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Norway capital Oslo bombed

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They said on the News last night, he was armed with a handgun.

I don't know a lot about guns...but that's a huge amount of people to kill with just a handgun surely?


the loonie himself...neo nazi twat


Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Handgun + semi-auto rifle. The island is only like 500 yards across so if he had enough reloads he could keep killing until he ran out of bullets.

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So apparently they are saying now that he was a right-wing Christian extremist.




I thought they only lived in the Bible belt in the US, I would never have picked Norway. According to the article, he felt compelled to do this as a defence against 'Marxism and Islamic colonisation' and posted some youtube clips about this. And apparently the Norwegian armed forces are still looking for explosive as he'd reportedly bought 6 tonnes of artificial fertiliser a few weeks ago. What an A-hole...

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So apparently they are saying now that he was a right-wing Christian extremist.




yup..quite fitting really...proof (if any was needed)...that it isn't whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish or anything else...it's just whether or not, you're a nut, looking for an excuse to vomit your particular colour of Bile upon the world

Edited by UK_Widowmaker
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Interestingly though that nobody even mentions the bomb anymore, I guess "white" crimes are always more severe than others, we can't doubt in multicultualism can we?


I'm not approving this demented maniacs act and also consider it utterly senseless but I can't say I'm too suprised far-right extremists started to act violently...

Edited by Brain32
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He have admitted to have planned this attack for the last 9 years :blink: . And the only reason he didn't kill more on the island was he ran out of ammo. I really hope this guy will burn in Hell.

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93 now

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This has to be the worst Mass Killing by one person in History doesn't it?

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I can't stop thinking that bombing in Oslo was an act of diversion just to keep the police and other forces busy, and more importantly create chaos in phone lines (think of all the emergency reports) and let this bastard have his time for killing spree, the island was his main goal

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He used hollow point ammo on the island. What a bastard

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One of the most peacefull countries of the world, crying and mourning with you Norway ........ :salute:



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he wants his chance to "explain" why he did it in court at arraignment. thank god the judge closed it to the press so this nut job doesnt get any air time for his ranting. can we bring back drawing and quartering? that may be too lenient for this jag off. and Stary i agree after thinkin about it with the diversionary tactics. sadly our definition of crazy doesnt mean stupid. just ask the taliban...

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what's horrible is that mad individuals have many times patience and adaptation skills to carry on horrors of theirs


I think now it's 76, after re checking the victims numbers, I soo hope it will drop more, some missing, not there youngs and such

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be sure that for some (crazy) people this guy is a hero fighting for the occidental culture.

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My heart goes out to the people of Norway and anyone else who has been directly or indirectly affected by the actions of this obviously unbalanced individual.


Although I am personally opposed to the death penalty, I can't imagine that according to one source (unconfirmed) the maximum sentence he can receive is just 26 years! This person should never be allowed to live in freedom ever again.

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Norway never had need of a law to deal with something like this before.

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"These guys aren't fighting for a religion or a cause. This is the lunatic fringe of the world playing a twisted game of one-upmanship."




My take is that this it the upfront challenge of right wing filth to the decent people of Europe.


We've seen what Nazi scum like these can do before. We need to stop them NOW.


The reaction of the Norwegian people has been magnificent - a wholehearted "f*** off" to immoral murderers like this. I applaud them, and you should too.


For too long the extreme right wing in Europe has tried to frame the debate in terms of benefits, burhkas, populations, jobs and what not.


When it comes down to it, it seems that their real argument is murder. Murder anyone who is muslim; murder anyone who isn't muslim who they imagine stand in their way. f***ing nice bunch of people. I expect that CA will mod this post out of existence, but for those that do get to see it, I'd like you all to simply ponder what such a deletion says about this site. If you're a CA mod - please leave this up. I've been modded before and it didn't feel right. Mod me again and I'll have to reconsider whether this is the sort of forum I care to read.




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This is creepy. Ancient warfare -- targeting the children of political opposition? Granted, the idea of political camps for kids scares me too.


Nightwatch's comment on France is interesting here. I don't know what France is doing different from the rest of Euro. Any ideas? I love the theory of unrestricted immigration, but, without .gov making a "racket" out of it, and assimilation helps.



Night of 24 July 2011::

Comment: Some citizens in Norway, Switzerland and France, among others, recently have displayed a backlash against their governments' open door policy of allowing immigration from Islamic states. The liberal attitudes of government leaders are out of touch with their constituencies. France is an exception in that it requires assimilation.


The murders in Norway may be understood as a dark symptom of a fundamental flaw in the way that Norwegian democracy works or doesn't. The shooter has been portrayed as deranged in US media, but the sentiments he expressed are not unique to him, according to NightWatch first-hand experience in Oslo.


One possible reason that I can think of for .govs to run immigration rackets, at least over here, is that even "illegal" immigrants can be offered credit by banks when the native population starts tapping out on debt.


According to Nightwatch-25-July, 24 killed and 24 wounded recently in political violence in Karachi (Pakistan). Outside the Nazi occupation, has Norway suffered political violence in its history at in least the last century?

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There were no kids at this camp. Youg adults ranging from 16-26 years old. Mostly adults that is.


I heard some pod cast from some idiot called Glenn Beck. He basically is comparing this camp to Hitler youth and taking the side of the killers :blink: And people actually listen to this dipps**t.

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Do'h, forgot: Nightwatch 24 July ~> http://www.kforcegov.com/Services/IS/NightWatch/NightWatch_11000151.aspx



x, Beck is a good example why I never watch Television, and the idea of Political Youth Camp is still scary from any side. I can visualize a Climate Change Youth Camp. What's even more scary is this guy dressing up as police, the victims armed with automatic programmed faith, and having no means for self defense. That's frightening. There's a National Outdoor Leadership School in Alaska that just had 7 kids -- alone -- unarmed defenseless -- mauled by a bear. FAIL



so x ignore Beck. Apparently, a few years ago, Beck "indicated" on his FOX show that Ron Paul( :good: ) supporters were terrorists. A year or two later, Beck was inviting Ron Paul( :good: ) on his FOX show all the time. Weird. Weird. Weird.

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There's a National Outdoor Leadership School in Alaska that just had 7 kids -- alone -- unarmed defenseless -- mauled by a bear. FAIL

They were on survival training. If anything it taught them that outdoors the leadership still belongs to bears.

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There were no kids at this camp. Youg adults ranging from 16-26 years old. Mostly adults that is.




Not true. There was several kids which saw their parents got shot. The youngest I have heard about was an 5 year old which saw his dad get killed. He was only saved by a woman whom grabbed the kid kid and ran while the bastard was reloading. While they were running she heard several bullets passing by her head.

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