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US National debt (in graphic form)

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This is just to give you a view of the debt in a graphical form


I've posted this merely for interest here, as opposed to the political forum...so please, just take it for what it is...no squabbling yeah? :drinks:

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That would look good in stone.

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I like such visualisating of things, thanks Widowmaker.

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in light of that, ya got a room available Widowmaker? :grin:


It's no better here m8...just the amount thats different :this:

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Hmm...I was expecting lexx_luthor to jump in on this one.


The numbers are staggering aren't they? A visual representation like that really brings it home. I loved the quote from Henry Ford. To paraphrase, if people really understood how the banking industry worked there would be a revolution by morning. I think our politicians are so overwhelmed by the extent of the problem they're unable to figure out a solution. But they won't tell us that. Instead, they keep themselves busy renaming streets, peeking through keyholes to see who's screwing who, and investigating whether baseball players lied or not. And so the problem continues to grow...

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It's no better here m8...just the amount thats different :this:


the percentage of GDP numbers from country to country are truly frightening. We are all in deep trouble.

Edited by Typhoid

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They'll bring us to our knees and claim control of our money to fix a problem that was planned before the World Banks

attained control of the supply in 1913. If the people don't pay attention and find out what is really going on here?, they will keep falling into the trap they set for us all. We'll walk off a cliff thinking the problem is being solved. If you think that other then a very very few in congress isn't being manipulated? think again. Our so called President is nothing more than a Puppet.

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I was expecting lexx_luthor to jump in on this one.

Yall fellas+fellattes are doing fine. :good:


eww... My fave analogy to the central bank owned "dollar" debt backed system is pouring sand on a sand pile -- a chaotic or non~equilibrium dynamical system. Advance search Google the exact phrase fingers of instability if yall wish.

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Even Andrew Jackson, the sworn enemy to the money speculators and to the large powers released to the banks, has ended with his face of the $20 banknote!

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Yall fellas+fellattes are doing fine. :good:


eww... My fave analogy to the central bank owned "dollar" debt backed system is pouring sand on a sand pile -- a chaotic or non~equilibrium dynamical system. Advance search Google the exact phrase fingers of instability if yall wish.


I read a bit from Mauldin about the "fingers of instability." Really interesting stuff. Chilling as well.

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I'm definitely not a commie, but I think it was Karl Marx who said "Look to those who keep profiting all the way, and you'll know who's to blame." Words of wisdom IMHO...

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I'm definitely not a commie, but I think it was Karl Marx who said "Look to those who keep profiting all the way, and you'll know who's to blame." Words of wisdom IMHO...


Not everything said by Karl Marx is evil. Some of it is actually true and good.




I dont see how America can survive this. I read the solution they have is to borrow more money. How would that help? Its like putting even more gasoline into the fire. All your doing is making it burn for a little while longer before it eventually dies. Something drastic has to be done. More loans are not the solution.

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America is going the way of Greece.


I agree. Even Scrooge Mcduck don't have enough cash to cover this bill :lol:

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Only Chuck Norris can kick this can down the road.


ooops, wrong thread, but Norris Theory can be applied to everything so... :good:

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People get so caught up in choosing political sides when it comes to the economy... but the truth is, this is a banking problem caused by both political parties. And neither party will admit to the fact that America is SCREWED. Nothing will save us at this point. It is time people accept that unless we raise taxes ACROSS THE BOARD, we will plummet as a nation.


I know, no one wants to pay more taxes but that is the only thing that will fix the problem quickly. But since Americans seem to think paying taxes is a violation of their god given rights, the country is DOOMED.


Unwillingness to accept a curable cancer and instead try to get rid of it with prayer (which is pretty much what trying to cut the budget anywhere but on the big ticket items will do long term), will lead to unnecessary pain and eventual death. And America will deserve it because it refused to save itself.

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I think sooner or later, all debt will have to be written off, and start again from scratch

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What the hell the Marines are doing in Afghanistan? Wont it be better if they would rush the buildings of the hedge fonds and arrest the gambling people there! :drinks:

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Here's how it looks to me. Figures are the last available and are rounded off.


Government books:


1) Income: $2,170,000,000,000.00

2) Proposed Budget: $3,820,000,000,000.00

3) New Debt: $1,650,000,000,000.00

4) National Debt: $14,271,000,000,000.00

5) Last Budget Cut: $38,500,000,000.00


My books:


1) $21,700.00

2) $38,200.00

3) $16,500.00

4) $142,710.00

5) $385.00


Now I can understand why we're not going to be worth a "plug nickel".

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This is a slip up. How does this work?



...this is a banking problem caused by both political parties.


It is time people accept that unless we raise taxes ACROSS THE BOARD, we will plummet as a nation.

Who is "we?" Political parties raise taxes -- the parties that caused the problem in the first place? How does paying *the same* organization more taxes fix anything that organization caused?



No, its not a "banking problem." Its a money Quality problem. Banks are great, as long as men and women have the freedom, independence, and liberty to avoid banks when banks do really, bad, bad things, and so men and women are never forced to live under the rule of banks.


Its not caused by political parties, although both ALL political parties enable the debt backed money Racket.




I don't think it's quite fair to condemn a whole thread because of a single slip up, so otherwise, yall fellas are doing really good here?



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The only problem I've had with your analysis (and similar analysis by others of the same track), is the reliance of investment in precious metals (gold of course being the big one).


The thing is, even gold has no intrinsic value...only a value that we as people assign it. If the big collapse happens, I'm not concerned about having enough gold.


I'm concerned about having enough food, water, shelter, medicine and ammo. I guarantee if the collapse comes, I'm not wasting my time taking shiny metal in exchange for services or goods. If a service that exists will take gold, that's fine...I have my 'clinky' reserve. But that's not what I'm relying on to get by through the dark days of the collapse of fiat money.



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I'm thinking of the nations and how they ALL seem to have fallen into endless debt. What happens to the individual souls in these nations is related however.




I'm concerned about having enough food, water, shelter, medicine and ammo.

Don't forget electric power! When you run out of storage space for 1,000 tons of food, 200 AR-15s, 500 years of medicine for *each* individual in your circle, etc... Then what...? :dntknw:


For the wealthy enough, after spending a mere 5% of their wealth on a weapons arsenal, private farm with hospital and pharma warehouse, then gold may be a compact way of securing the other 95% of their wealth. To Paraquote Tolstoy: How many AR-15s does a man need? Most are not that wealthy. I am not, but as an American I "get" the concept of wealth and freedom for all.


Local community is an equally important "investment" as the things you mentioned. But how to do that when so much community has broken apart over the decades? Then the image of feuds and warlords come to mind lol.


Everybody here is specially lucky. If I had that much wealth muscle, I would have bought out Thudwire years ago and paid TK a fortune to re-program StrikeFighters, optimizing the game sim completely around classical stratospheric SAC-vs-PVO, LeMay vs Saivitsky, and that's what we'd all be playing here today. :good: :good: :good:




..love this...I found this on the SF (stratofortess) forum last night...


Thread..."Cold War alert"

river rat::

Glad to help. Thanks for being interested. As we get older our long-term memory gets better and I can place myself in those situations now better than I could a year after it happened. Those were good days--my god, we were kings of the world and lord of the skies. Warriors were we and invincible, especially after a couple of drinks.


It means a lot to us that someone is actually interested in such an important part of our lives.


/s/ Old Fart

~ http://b52stratofortressassociation.yuku.com/topic/53/Cold-War-alert


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Felix Rohatyn on defaulting...


(It's like)"someone stepping into a tepid bath and slashing his wrists — you might not feel yourself dying, but that’s what would happen”

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Found an utterly fascinating recent item through ticker forum. MS-Magazine. Recall that's Gloria Steinem's publication...


(14 July 2011) > A Feminist Economist Speaks Out: Deficits are a Grrrl’s Best Friend by Susan Feiner.


Scroll down and see the humorous Old Macdonald paraquote ... We/I We/I owe...a quick click here... czech it out.


Interestingly, the initial comments show that souls know what is going on. However, my take -- neither raising taxes, nor cutting spending, nor even both together, can fix the problem, because its not about the Quantity of money taxed or not spent -- a click here, a click there -- but the Quality of money.

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