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Any questions now bitches? :lol: j/k

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Unbeliable, even for me, who lives in a piracy cramped country....

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How about reporting this to TK? Would it even have any effect?

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How about reporting this to TK? Would it even have any effect?


Not even in the least bit, I mean what is he going to do, prosecute a them from Texas?

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That's not cool :angry2:


perhaps delete the link too...

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I would rather punch my own balls then use the terrain editor....just sayin...... :lol:

Punching your own balls is a minor inconviniance in relation to working in TE.


I would rather cut my penis with a rusty razor and then paint all the lines and rivets on a MiG-15 including the weathering with the small drops of blood coming from it...


P.S. Hope this is not too much for our rating lol

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Not even in the least bit, I mean what is he going to do, prosecute a them from Texas?


Hmmm, so because they're based in China (?) they're beyond the reach of the law? That's really disturbing...I'm guessing that an offcial "cease & desist" note from Thirdwire would be laughed off by them...

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If you have permission it should be OK. The problem here is people took someone else's work and claimed it as their own. Not cool. Reminds of that guy who ripped our models for Civ3.


yeah I remember that..had a couple of mine there also.

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Hmmm, so because they're based in China (?) they're beyond the reach of the law? That's really disturbing...I'm guessing that an offcial "cease & desist" note from Thirdwire would be laughed off by them...


Sure they would laugh them off, they are pirating entire Apple stores so what would they care about this?

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I've just emailed the Man, naively hoping he'll send Texas Rangers their way :minigun:

Edited by SFP1Ace

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Not even in the least bit, I mean what is he going to do, prosecute a them from Texas?


He'd give the "Cost vs Return" speech, "the cost to prosecute them would outweigh any damages collected."


dont worry, they'll be taken care of soon.

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sooner or later one of our gifted modders will bring us Su-34 or 39, no doubt.:grin:


Julhelm Sounds like this is a job for you,,, :clapping::salute::good:

Edited by Veltro2k

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Punching your own balls is a minor inconviniance in relation to working in TE.


I would rather cut my penis with a rusty razor and then paint all the lines and rivets on a MiG-15 including the weathering with the small drops of blood coming from it...


Isn't that the SAME as using the TE???? :lol::rofl: After a while, it starts to feel good, then you know you should stop.


btw, the link to outsky isn't working for me, and like Veltro, it's not like I can read Chinese....

Edited by Wrench

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I recommend an Alpha Strike on Hainan Island.


All in favor say "Aye"!!!!!!!

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What if you compensate the US debt with the copyright infringments in China, making the chinese responsible for not enforcing...well, it is worthless, but hey, just messing around

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Guest Pfunk

I've just emailed the Man, naively hoping he'll send Texas Rangers their way :minigun:


The Rangers are a bit busy these days, keeping the narcoterrorists from crossing the border and bringing the bloodshed over here, since the federal government seems disinterested in protecting Texans.

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The Rangers are a bit busy these days, keeping the narcoterrorists from crossing the border and bringing the bloodshed over here, since the federal government seems disinterested in protecting Texans.


Amen brother!

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I've just emailed the Man, naively hoping he'll send Texas Rangers their way :minigun:

Chuck Norris doesn't need a warrant. and he can get involved in a land war in Asia!

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So whats the word on the files that were uploaded at this site by Erwin Hans/ insky - are they all pirated? Ive got several huge installs that contain some of their stuff downloaded off of this site and I don't know whats what. I'm not really looking forward to weeding through all of those files trying to figure out if they are pirated objects... I don't want to be posting screen shots with stuff appearing in them that's not legit either


Do we have a list of what was pirated?

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You say you're nasty pirates...
...scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers?
From what I've seen I tell you...
...you're not pirates! You're just slackers!

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