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What's your favourite 'Strike Fighters' year?

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A new patch (sorry TK - lol) has caused your fully merged install and favourite add-ons to become stuck on one year. Doh! But if you had a choice, which year would you choose?


For me it would have to be 1967.


SF2I covers the Six-Day War brilliantly whilst over in SF2V the Vietnam War is reaching boiling point. Closer to home, in SF2E the RAF's V-Force is at it's peak, the Lightning, Canberra and Hunter are all in service whilst across la manche a sexy little delta is making Marcel Dassault the legend he rightly deserves to be. Finally. I can just about get an early F-4E into the Desert skies to help Dhimar in their eternal struggle against the evil Parani empire.


That's my choice. But I'd like to know your choice and why!



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Um in fully mergered and patched and Im not stuck on one year.

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my years work too!


but to answer the question -- 1969. (I'd originally thought 1957, my birth year, but the aircraft then sucked. Want something with better missiles and radars, but not too good!)

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I'm not stuck to one year


But to answer my favorite time span is 1962 to 1982-1984

Edited by Murphy'S

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Since I'm a "own all, but fly SF2I only" person, I'd choose 1973, as it offers the best from the Six Day War (Mirage, Sambad) in both original and upgraded versions as well as some decent American aircraft. Plus you can't beat fancy yellow ID triangles. :grin:

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Probably 1975. The F-14 and F-15 were in service by this time, but all-aspect IR missiles (AIM-9L and comparable missiles) were still not on the front lines yet, meaning you still had to defeat your opponent by outmaneuvering him if you closed to dogfight range. Missile technology by this time was getting better, but was still not to where it came by the 1990's with "death ray" missiles with extremely high Pk, longer range, and excellent maneuverability. Still my favorite year to fly overall.

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Oh 'Im with Spinners too, 1967......for all the reasons he stated. Lousy missiles, better have done good on the gunnery training....

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One year is simply not enough. I normally alternate between 2 years in Vietnam: 1965 and 1972. When I do Israel: 1973 and 1982. If I absolutely had to do only one year, probably 1972 where I can have historical combat between F-4Es and MiG-21MFs.

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I'd go '86. Many of the Cold War warriors are still in service (F-4/Mig-21 etc), there are advanced AAMs but still nothing close to a 'silver bullet' like the Aim-120 or IRIS-T. Mud moving was a choice between a wide array of unguided munitions, carpet bombing, etc or the growing number of precision guided weapons. And Cold War budgets ensure capability trumped penny pinching. Yeah... I'd go mid eighties for sure.




Only negative I can think of right now, no Avro Vulcans in service. :sad:



*EDIT* Nope, another negative. No more Australian Navy Skyhawks or Carriers!! :cry:

Edited by ZmelliFahrdz

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I'd have to go with 1984. The Eagle, Viper, Hornet, Fulcrum, and Flanker had all just entered service and made a huge impact on air combat.

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mine are all between 1956 and 2011.

So many nice aircrafts, that i can´t

say which is the best year.

Edited by Soulman

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mine are all between 1956 and 2011.

So many nice aircrafts, that i can´t

say which is the best year.


Crikey. Anyone would think I was asking you to choose your favourite child...

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the last year or so i've been stayin roughly between 1977 and 1986, though playin the most in 1983 in Germany. the old cold warriors were on the way out but Teen series just getting warmed up. throw in the various WP air defense assest out there in CA land and it makes mud moving a very interesting task! plus with all the tension in the world in 83 (KAL0007, Able Archer, Operation RYAN etc) it would have been the most likely time for a slugfest in the Fulda Gap. dont believe me on survivabilty, fly a Dutch Starfighter recce with all the SAMs from NF4+ loaded! :yikes:


oh and all my years work, all installed but the very original. :grin:

Edited by daddyairplanes

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... 1967 for the year!


I like the "gun fighter" jets from 1950 to 1975...


Coupi. :salute:

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I prefer late forties and early fifties - before many electrinics on board... and all others. :grin:

Edited by Kulbit80

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I prefer late forties and early fifties - before many electrinics on board... and all others. :grin:


We'll have to wait for SF2:Korea for that :rofl:

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Any year from 50's or 60's. Missiles are for girls! :fu: I'm an old fashioned boy who loves gun kills. :minigun:

Edited by ojcar

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