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Edited by Veltro2k

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A proper NF!!!! Most welcome!

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Very good! I like the Meteor "family"!!! :clapping:


This NF version is a very great project.


And... I have a dream! What do you think about any earlier version like Mk.IV? :ok:


Many many thanks Veltro for your mods... :good:


Coupi. :salute:

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Oi Big Nose...


Seriously looks good and finally an Early model Night figher for use... :drinks:

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OHHHHHHHHHHHH Veltro2K, thanks for your work, i will have a night fighter soon!!!!!!

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Excellent! finally a decent NF!! Maybe I can finish that mod from 6 years ago now...

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You are my hero (2).


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


A long waited and needed planes.


Go Ed go.




PS Remeber to fix that pylons You know some of these days .....

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... good!!! :good:


Coupi. :bye:

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hangar screens is easy! Now, I just have to find some decent shots...

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Nice ! :clapping:


Are you planning to do its shorter nosed cousin ? Because I have a thing for the NF.11/13 and it would be a great addition to Suez and Europe in 56 as it was used not only by the RAF but also Belgium and France.

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Mapped ! anyone like to skin her ? and Mr Wrench,,maybe some screens ?




If you want... I'd try to make a skin of your choice! But this would be my first skin! :grandpa:



Edited by Coupi

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so, it IS an NF 14? just so's I can find the right pic


also, the earlier shorter nose had the full-framed canopy instead of the blow-bubble of the 14


i take it all already have the Modelers Datafile and warpaint books?

Edited by Wrench

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