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Now since you are such an smartass how come you don't develop the perfect game for us??? You get all the feedback you'll need to develop it from scratch. By reading all threads at this forum... Then you can try to run your business by customer demand and see how far you'll get..



well said...

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Jules has spoken.....everybody bow.....

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Yes master

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how long before this thread gets locked????????? 2 WEEKS !!! :clapping:

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26 members, 7 guests... I wonder... naaa, nevermind

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Nah, it'll stay open until the usual peanut gallery have taken turns bashing the big bad Julhelm.

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at least Jules know how modern models should look, and is valid in his post IF you'd ever try to read what he wrote, so please.

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at least Jules know how modern models should look, and is valid in his post IF you'd ever try to read what he wrote, so please.


I've no doubt he does, but its the same old record all the time, so......please Jules set up your own flight sim company & we'll all buy it, seriously, as TW is obviously taking another route.

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Guest Pfunk

I doubt TK will pull the plug having invested so much into it already.


The game needs to change a little if for no other reason than to keep it from getting stale. The F-14 was a maritime fighter developed to kill bombers at very long range, protecting the fleet and serving as top cover for an alpha strike.

I don't think he'll have problems with fulfilling any of these roles given the existing parameters. The threats, on the other hand, need to change. I notice there are ASMs all over the Soviet heavies we've seen so far and this gives me great reason to hope there is going to be a noteworthy change in gameplay.


We know that enemy AI will engage moving targets with guided weapons all day long, so what we'll see is a continuation of that, only now it will engage warships. THIS IS GOOD.


Indestructible carriers? No. I need a reason to be tense. If I know they can't kill my carrier, I'm going to be more relaxed about it.


The terrain? Hoo, boy. What can we say? There's some things I'd like to see done differently. I LOVE the fade-in/fade-out effect of terrain objects, I just wish we could extend the radius a little further. I'd like to see more trees and buildings in the stock terrains and I don't know why TK won't contract with someone like Stary or Wrench to re-invent his existing offerings. We've seen what these guys do for free. Could you imagine what they'd do if they got offered a little change for their efforts? It's going to have to be better than what we've seen in the past. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel, we've been seeing the same terrains for many years now, time to punch it up a little. Iceland needs to look good.


He could even offer it as a DLC. I'd pay more for an enhanced terrain. I did it all the time for FS9.

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If I dont make any more replies its because I'm going out.......more to life than playing games y'know :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

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Hey all I asked was why the canopy glass looked really bad in the F-14 pics. I suppose that makes it my fault for wanting simple cubemap reflections when TK inevitably pulls the plug on his business rather than the guys who seem to be expecting Fleet Defender 2-type features. Maybe if I complain about the stock SF2E terrain in the background of one of the pics TK will come and personally remove any and all copies of SF from your harddrives. Then we can really have a "bash Julhelm" party here.

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Whats a cubemap?? really gotta run, wifey is tapping her foot.

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Hey all I asked was why the canopy glass looked really bad in the F-14 pics. I suppose that makes it my fault for wanting simple cubemap reflections when TK inevitably pulls the plug on his business rather than the guys who seem to be expecting Fleet Defender 2-type features. Maybe if I complain about the stock SF2E terrain in the background of one of the pics TK will come and personally remove any and all copies of SF from your harddrives. Then we can really have a "bash Julhelm" party here.


Personally I don't think it was that question, that put the final nail in the coffin..

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if you make the game too perfect, there will be nothing for the modders to do....

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Whats a cubemap?? really gotta run, wifey is tapping her foot.

It's kind of the same thing as a skybox. Basically you have an environment texture laid out in the shape of a cube and you then sample from it to reflect the sky and ground on your game objects. If you have dynamic day/night cycle you can also write-to-texture to the cubemap so that it updates on the fly. It's what FSX does with its reflections. It's more expensive but then SF2 was never intended to run on a PS3 with 256mb ram.

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Whats a cubemap?? really gotta run, wifey is tapping her foot.


decade old technology

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if you make the game too perfect, there will be nothing for the modders to do....

I'm sure that's what customers said when IL-2:Cliffs of Dover was released.

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Listen I don't wan't WOP style terrain I don't expect it to look much more that what we have now, really, but if the technology rendering it is new, that makes whole new possibilities for the terrain modders.


I however do expect some changes in the gameplay, the introduction of ASM's mentioned by Pfunk, fact that your hame ain't tarmac but bird house, this leads to conclusions changes must be there. Why TK is so stubborn about showing TWO pictures is a mystery to me


PIC 1. Tomcat cockpit. Or hud zoomed in.

PIC 2. Tomcat/Bear/Hawkeye, whatever plane over new terrain mesh. Or water if latter's too big of a deal.


See, other developers jerk themself showing single new gear strut to the customers, TK's known from keeping stuff close to his chest, I perfectly understand him, I was quite suprised seeing all the new airframes yesterday, but some shots giving insights into how new gameplay will relate to what we know for years are needed. Badly.



Bolden gameplay in above. I just came from training mission in DCS, where I spend half a hour starting engines and avionics as virtual instructor told me to. Don't remember s**t from it. TK's sims are quite perfect as they are now for me, I don't want much more switchology from them

Edited by Stary

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shame he hasn't posted any shipping shots, wonder what types will be in there.

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TK's titles allways were more about dogfighting... cargo ship will do :rofl:

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shame he hasn't posted any shipping shots, wonder what types will be in there.


An educated guess based on the high vis type of paint on all the birds, will be reuse of the FRAM II Sumner class Destroyer and the Forestall Class carrier.

Edited by hgbn

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Dave, you have every right to speak your mind. Unlike other sites, CA has always been a place where BOTH sides could be heard. I understand what you're thinking but you're using normal people logic. Ask yourself - am I expecting something new from TW or do I feel like I've bought the lobster dinner, sent the roses and now its time to start up the bang bus? You're fooling yourself, man. You're gonna get what you're gonna get. Even TK says not to be expecting much. So don't get all worked up over what you know you won't get.


I'm with Sundowner - there are people outside these walls. :drinks:

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Listen I don't wan't WOP style terrain I don't expect it to look much more that what we have now, really, but if the technology rendering it is new, that makes whole new possibilities for the terrain modders.


Yeah, for all I care he can re-use textures from GermanyCE, but if we get a bunch of new options I'm all into it again...

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yeah right, I have some pines to move from grass/forest transitional tiles...


(but TK, please, tease us once more)

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Can I have a pony?

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