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Can't we all just claim it is what it is and mod it later?


I love the Dave recants, tho. Moonwalk much?


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Now since you are such an smartass how come you don't develop the perfect game for us??? You get all the feedback you'll need to develop it from scratch. By reading all threads at this forum... Then you can try to run your business by customer demand and see how far you'll get..


Whatever bro..TK has made a series of foolish decisions and he is being called on the carpet.


My business is customer service ... I've won the highest awards in the industry .


Over the past year TK has ruined the game... even with Stary's noble effort to save it with his sarcasm mod the game looks like ASS. You have low standards.

Dave and Pfunk have my respect for telling it how it is, so does Julhelm. None of those guys should be apologizing to any of you.


If TK hits this one out of the park and gives us a kick butt terrain engine / realistic environment system...and avionics fitting of a tomcat sim lite- I will give him major kudos and a personal apology for doubting him.

Edited by Icarus999
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I think the main issue is that first of all, I think some are here because they feel they want a fully fledged combat simulator with the same easyness of modding as the Thirdwire SF2 series. There is nothing wrong with that, but I sometimes feel that this group forget what SF2 actually is, and that it is also a sum of Third Wires limited resources.


While I agree what some changes need to happen (like destructable carriers, new AI Flight roles for ACM and flying radar and onward - modest expectations) I also feel that some feel SF2 is not the game they want, but is the closest thing to it.

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The thread is so hot people actually use karma +/-.

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Guys, some people around here are fine to get some new aircraft and a new scenario. Others want more, they don´t want to have SF2/I/E/V with a new plane set. Both are true, for their goals and hopes.

If some of us would like to see some new features in the new game, we are hoping to get an ear lent by TK. The modding comunity has made tons of addons and (i for myself have no doubt, but that depends on personal view) made the series a success. Without all the mods the sales would have been lower for sure.

In general, even when person A wants this and person B that, we all want to have a game, matching itself. A Prowler without the ability to jam is useless. A Tomcat with Sparrow missiles, just looking like Phoenix is useless. A Hawkeye not able to detect and direct is useless. Defending an indestructable carrier is useless.

That´s why we want more, then just a few models. If you don´t think that way, it´s okay, but no one needs to tell anyone what he should think or say.


Just my two cent... :good:

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I agree that TK could improve the game by adding a lot of stuff. I want improvements too. But its only wishes and they may not be incorporated in this game. Who knows other than TK?


I still play this game because I can't see any alternatives which suit my needs.. If I wanted a hardcore Sim I would move to other games.


Bottom line is that if you don't like the game as it is. Then don't buy it. Nobody forces you to do so. TK must be doing something right since he still got his business and can make a living out of it.

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Just for clarification. You guys are talking about avionics enhancements the new game can or should add, can I ask which avionics we still lack?

From top of my head they are:


- A-G radar that let you select your target so is possible to attack it trough CCRP and similar modes.


- A-G radar that let you select wich SAM will be your target for HARM Missiles.


- Slewable Maverick camera.


-Multi target A-A radar.


Anything more??


Stratos sums it quite nicely,


slewable Maverick... ok, I'll spare Tom Cruise joke here, is I think least possible feature of them all next to CCRP. Ground targets locking for HUD display, simple HARM targetting display a'la F-18 Korea, maybe -if it fit's TK's fun game with nifty planes in it concept.


Thinking of it, what would be the win-win scenario for both sides (if we do have sides here...) would be "just" the ability to give the modders tools to programm some more radar features themselves via ini files, sort of avionics library or scripting. This way those wanting to squish as much as possible from the avionics could have their sandbox to play with


@Icarus999: that was harsh so says me, by God's will Eternal Sun of The East, King of Guadalaqussa, on yer knees minions! :king:

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The thread is so hot people actually use karma +/-.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I just gave you +1 for noticing it :lol:

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A Prowler without the ability to jam is useless.


i guess (and it's only a guess) the prowler will be useful since TK introduce in the game(from some times now) some parameters linked to electronic warfare/jamming/frequencies.


A Tomcat with Sparrow missiles, just looking like Phoenix is useless.


for this one, honnestly, since TK already introduced the TWS mode with f-15, i'm not worried about there will be a multi-targeting mode introduced for the f-14


A Hawkeye not able to detect and direct is useless.


this is a good question, how will it be used by the game engine?


Defending an indestructable carrier is useless.



THIS is a good and big question, how will the game handle the carriers in the futur? (destructability of carriers is only a part of it)

Edited by Murphy'S

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this is a good question, how will it be used by the game engine?

Hawkeye might have impact on Red Crown enemy planes detect chances and bogey's bearing/angle/distance info -say "Bogeys 11 o'clock, range 35 miles" as opposed to "Bogeys 11 o'clock, range 50 miles", but that would require extra speech files I guess, there's gap between 50 and 25 NM isn't it?

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this is a good question, how will it be used by the game engine?

But the game already has "sorta datalink". Whenever something fishy shows on another flight's radar you get a heads up from Red Crown.


Both jammer and AEW could be either loitering roles like Snoopy (RIP) only higher, or extra escorts.

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But the game already has "sorta datalink". Whenever something fishy shows on another flight's radar you get a heads up from Red Crown.


Both jammer and AEW could be either loitering roles like Snoopy (RIP) only higher, or extra escorts.


We all miss Snoopy.

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Snoopy's gone? :cry:

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Stratos sums it quite nicely,


- A-G radar that let you select your target so is possible to attack it trough CCRP and similar modes.


- A-G radar that let you select wich SAM will be your target for HARM Missiles.


- Slewable Maverick camera.


-Multi target A-A radar.


slewable Maverick... ok, I'll spare Tom Cruise joke here, is I think least possible feature of them all next to CCRP. Ground targets locking for HUD display, simple HARM targetting display a'la F-18 Korea, maybe -if it fit's TK's fun game with nifty planes in it concept.



Doesn't sound that hard to do, and will add a whole new dimension to the series. I can already see myself on my Super Hornet designing SAMS for my HARMS :)

Edited by Stratos

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Doesn't sound that hard to do, and will add a whole new dimension to the series. I can already see myself on my Super Hornet designing SAMS for my HARMS :)


Hmm we all miss one point here,


all SF2 titles til now were basically re-creactions of previous Gen1 titles brought into V/7 Dx10 environment, expansions packs and DLC aside. With many many improvements along the way.


SF2 North Atlantic's gonna be the very first "new" sim so, some changes in avionics/game mechanisc (as these both influence each other) seem very plausible.




Oh thought struck me right now -IF TK would like to stay with the avionics unchanged a bit as we all know them, he wouldn't picked up Tomcat in the first place...

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Yep, this is the first true SF2 game, not a remake or an expansion.

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Oh thought struck me right now -IF TK would like to stay with the avionics unchanged a bit as we all know them, he wouldn't picked up Tomcat in the first place...


i thought the very same thing.

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Oh thought struck me right now -IF TK would like to stay with the avionics unchanged a bit as we all know them, he wouldn't picked up Tomcat in the first place...


Make sense

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I am pretty amped, that's for sure. Sure, everyone has got a personal wish list, mine has mostly to do with wingman AI and comms, but I am grateful for anything really. After all, we all know that this is a one man show making a game for a very niche market. And even though sim markets have been blessed with pretty neat stuff I prefer TK's offerings. They push the right buttons :drinks:

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The new models look nice. A couple of accuracy issues with the Tomcat, from what I see from the screenies. But nothing that will interfere with playability. I just hope it's more than an SF2 add-on.


There will be the normal mad dash to buy this from the people who blindly follow TK no matter what. I assume some of the vets will stand-back and let the smoke clear before jumping on. After their review, I'll make my own decision.

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I'll buy it day one. Someone has to, right? And I think with my not-that-high expectations I won't be that dissapointed



no, I'm not TK's blind follower, you may know that from my reactions to recent DLC packs for example. In fact I hate some aspects since day one (early early 2005). Things that as I imagine would be two days of programming. And two more for extra eyecandies.

On few occasions in the past wanted to give up Thirdwire and go somewhere playing Sims 3: The Office Life addon :lol:


But to blame TK for not making something in his game the way I would implement it, not going to happen.

Edited by Stary
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I'll buy it day one. Someone has to, right? And I think with my not-that-high expectations I won't be that dissapointed


I'll be there with you. I don't expect - nay, I don't want - half the features some people here demand, and I'll be happy getting what I get.

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I'll be there with you. I don't expect - nay, I don't want - half the features some people here demand, and I'll be happy getting what I get.



So then there is lies the problem.....you'll be happy with that you get. So you don't want the game to progress? My entire point is, that sim needs to progress.....I don't want it hard core but some updated or new features would be nice. If you are going to make a new game with an F-14, put updates to the radar avionics so it can do what it was made for. In the theater he made, it would need that. Lets take this game into the future. I do not think I am wrong for asking that.

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Considering the time the game spent in slow development, asking now for anything besides sexier helmet colors seems pointless. I don't think the release is that far off, since the last patch spilled the beans on most of Tuna's object contents.

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