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SF2: North Atlantic product page up!

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So...it means that SFP2NA will be available in September??


Indeed. September 2013.

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Indeed. September 2013.

You mean 2013 after release of SFP1, right? Not the ole "Anno Domini"...

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Here is a few pics of the F-14A pit without the RWR screen. The RWR is as Caesar explained.

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Ehh, that September thing... I made that up of course

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As Fubar said, I'm guessing TK put SF2:NA up on the product page to show everyone progress shots, but also to let everyone know the new system specs required to run it. No doubt he's hoping to get all the SF1 and SF2 users to buy it and I think there's still a large percentage that are still on XP.


If you give people time to upgrade, you can avoid the daggers that WILL be thrown when it's released.



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I put the harrier cockpit into the Yak-36 body and take a jump on the Kiev deck .. :blink: [just a dream] :lazy:




@Stary: wake me up when september ends ..... please. :lazy:

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I might have missed it being discussed among all of the pages of SF2:NA talk but has anyone else noticed that both the forward and aft missile launchers and fire controle radars on the Californa Class cruisers can be seen pointing in different directions, one pic even has both Mk13's ponted to port?


Although I have not seen any picture that shows two missile launchers firing at the same time the fact that all of the Californa Class's missile launchers seem to be able to track different targets is the strongest indication I have seen that TK may finally be giving us the ability to have ships and/or Ground Objects that can actully use multiple missile launchers.


If my observation it right I get the feeling once SF2:NA is out that there might just be a flurry of activity in the updating of various ship mods to give them the capability that a lot of us have been hopeing for. I know I am hoping to see what the capabilitys I have observed in the released screenshots will mead for an update of the Falklands/Malvinas mod.

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he's waiting for Jet Thunder


Considering Jet Thunder wants to add a third person shooter mode to a game they have yet to release after a years delay, Id say thats a poor choice.

Better make SF2: NA the standard against JT will be judged.

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I might have missed it being discussed among all of the pages of SF2:NA talk but has anyone else noticed that both the forward and aft missile launchers and fire controle radars on the Californa Class cruisers can be seen pointing in different directions, one pic even has both Mk13's ponted to port?


Although I have not seen any picture that shows two missile launchers firing at the same time the fact that all of the Californa Class's missile launchers seem to be able to track different targets is the strongest indication I have seen that TK may finally be giving us the ability to have ships and/or Ground Objects that can actully use multiple missile launchers.


If my observation it right I get the feeling once SF2:NA is out that there might just be a flurry of activity in the updating of various ship mods to give them the capability that a lot of us have been hopeing for. I know I am hoping to see what the capabilitys I have observed in the released screenshots will mead for an update of the Falklands/Malvinas mod.


I noticed, but i thought that was already implemented, i might be wrong.

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I noticed, but i thought that was already implemented, i might be wrong.


Maybe I was mistaken about the present version of SF2. When I asked about it last year I was told that Ground Objects could only have one missile system which meant that no ship could have more than missile one launcher and could only controle one missile at a time. That is why I was the launcher behavoy stood out to me in the pictuers.

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Methinks that will cost a bit more than the $30 for NA.


You are correct, but at least I can use it NOW, and not wait until September or another "two weeks".

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I might have missed it being discussed among all of the pages of SF2:NA talk but has anyone else noticed that both the forward and aft missile launchers and fire controle radars on the Californa Class cruisers can be seen pointing in different directions, one pic even has both Mk13's ponted to port?


Although I have not seen any picture that shows two missile launchers firing at the same time the fact that all of the Californa Class's missile launchers seem to be able to track different targets is the strongest indication I have seen that TK may finally be giving us the ability to have ships and/or Ground Objects that can actully use multiple missile launchers.


If my observation it right I get the feeling once SF2:NA is out that there might just be a flurry of activity in the updating of various ship mods to give them the capability that a lot of us have been hopeing for. I know I am hoping to see what the capabilitys I have observed in the released screenshots will mead for an update of the Falklands/Malvinas mod.




I noticed that too, there is also that overhead shot of Kiev and she has launched two missiles one from the bow and one from the back of the island I'm so looking forward to multiple missile launchers on the ships I hope that the "older" ones get refits then again there are some other older ships that are going to go the Virtual breakers, can't make um all into floating Virtual museums...... :ok:


AFAIK right now the ships can only fight with one missile launcher except in the case of VLS but that is just placing the launcher placements on different areas of the ship, still just one missile launcher

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I noticed that too, there is also that overhead shot of Kiev and she has launched two missiles one from the bow and one from the back of the island I'm so looking forward to multiple missile launchers on the ships I hope that the "older" ones get refits then again there are some other older ships that are going to go the Virtual breakers, can't make um all into floating Virtual museums...... :ok:


AFAIK right now the ships can only fight with one missile launcher except in the case of VLS but that is just placing the launcher placements on different areas of the ship, still just one missile launcher


I noticed the Kiev picture as well but disregareded it. In that image the ship is underway and the diferance in the diamiter/density of the two smoke trails mean that it it could be two differant shots from the same launcher at differant targets. The Pictuers of the Californa and South Carolina actule launchers and directors on differaint barrings.


On a side note I liked the "Virtual Breakers" and "Virtual Museums" joke.:laugh: Seriously, I do hope a number of refits will be possable however as some of the ships community made ships have beautiful models but only have half or less of there missile armerment.

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I want to be the first kid on my block to get a HIT on the carrier Kiev!


Seriously though, I can't disregard the Kiev picture because right now unless the ship gets a kill or the missile selfdestructs it wont fire another missile salvo..at least that what I understand..

Edited by colmack

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I cannot promise you SF2: NA tomorrow.


But I can promise you attack aircraft with missiles firing on ships, Intercept Missions in designated Interceptors, scramble missions against Paratroop-carrying aircraft and flares, flares flares.


Consider it something to do while we wait :)


Välkommen till det som aldrig blev verklighet.

Edited by JonathanRL

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I looked around but found nothing. Is there any word when SF2:NA will be released?

Right now i´m checking the TW site at least 15 times a day!

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when TK deciedes it's ready....

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I looked around but found nothing. Is there any word when SF2:NA will be released?

Right now i´m checking the TW site at least 15 times a day!


I would say that we as a community probably convinced TK to take SF2NA to a higher level than he had originally planned... I think he has put a lot more work into it that he had originally planned, and that he continues to work to improve it. This is a good thing!!! I think that we should all be thankful for that and stop pressuring him about the release date.

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I would say that we as a community probably convinced TK to take SF2NA to a higher level than he had originally planned... I think he has put a lot more work into it that he had originally planned, and that he continues to work to improve it. This is a good thing!!! I think that we should all be thankful for that and stop pressuring him about the release date.


It´s not like ppl waterboarding him for a release date. I was just under the impression, that since TW loaded up the product page a release would be close and i missed something.

If anyone sets TK under pressure, it´s TK himself with putting that page up!


I´m just so curious how and if the carrier operations are improved.

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as I nee this now, he put the page to gain more attention (the hype ->mouth to mouth info) which might imply he's aiming at wider crowd release, something in the line of Icarus' post

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word from mouth to mouth, geeeez I was typing fast :fu:

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hhhmmmm... methinks more of a Freudian slip, perhaps????

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