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Desert Storm for SF2 Released.....

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alot of targetareas in Iraq terrain with task forces and variety of air and ground objects, in fact ODS missions (single or campaign alike) load longer than Sweden map with my recent very tiles+objects heavy mod

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Is there any chance for a 2003 OIF campaign? Hell, we have the terrain and all of the necessary aircraft.


Just no air to air action.


But at least we have Bombcats!

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That would really be a separate project. No plans to expand the ODS mod, which is huge as it is, to take in another war entirely.


Eric Howes

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I installed the ODS Mod using SF2NA,but I can't fly with the A-10A_78 because there isn't the cockpit and I can't find it.Someone can tell me how can I do for solve this problem or put the files into a rar folder for download them?Thank you!



Ice Man


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Teo you do have SF2 Europe, right? Only Europe has A-10 included as stock plane

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Yeah, while the 2003 conflict used some of the same aircraft and surface vehicles, there were also many different ones. The other thing is frankly the red air side would have little. It went from being a minor threat in 1991 to a nonexistent one in 2003. Want to fly nothing but ground attack? I can see why that would be a lot of work for little return.

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Howdo, I trying to edit the Start Altitude for Strike missions as it's currently around 1500ft (same as CAS) and I'd like to bump it up to 20,000ft+ but I've no idea where that entry is, can anyone give me a clue please?



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Guest Pfunk



That would really be a separate project. No plans to expand the ODS mod, which is huge as it is, to take in another war entirely.


Eric Howes



Please don't. Leave this one just as it is, it does exactly what needs to be done. I'd rather see this kind of effort focused on somewhere else.


This is a stellar mod in its own right, it needs no improvement.

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I agree that the ODS mod is very A+.


I just like creating the single missions of flying a 2 x F-15E, F-16, or F/A-18 to destroy 1 or 2 Mitsubishi vans or gun positions. Not a lot of eye candy, but contemporary real world.

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Please don't. Leave this one just as it is, it does exactly what needs to be done. I'd rather see this kind of effort focused on somewhere else.


Red Storm Rising mod....in which eburger, Caeser, ST0RM, me and a few others are doing. It will be covered on 3 different terrains (I hope);

1: Iceland

2. Northern England

3. Europe


Its ambitious but doable.

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Cheers! :good:


I've never imagined flying such quality modern aircraft in this game. +1 customer if you're planning to go commercial add-on pack.



Also, here's my first F-117 flight video. Moreover, It's my first flight on modder's aircraft!!


In fact, I've found some glitches on ground textures, cockpit lighting(see video...), and a bit low quality cockpit with bug(MiG-23) but who cares! It's a mod!

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I've been reading the Strike Eagle 'Flying the F-15E in the Gulf War' by William Smallwood.

The first strikes of some of the F-15E's are to Scud Sites in Al-Qaim close to the Syrian Border, and a few clicks south of here to Scuds near H2 air field.


So I'm designing a few single missions around these. Searching the DS Map, H2 is not included (neither is H3).

Now my Gulf War knowledge is not that good, so were these airfields used for air operations by Iraq, or only utilized for various facilities/missiles sites?

There is an Al Muhammad Airbase nearby defined in the Map, but I can't find any concrete info about it on the 'Net.. Suspect a naming confusion on my side..


It's certainly understandable for every single target area not be included in the Mod, I just want to hear designers' ideas before I go in and add bunch of stuff for my install.


Thanks in advance.


Here's a good map. The Western Scud sector is in my current interest.



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Al-Qaim is a small town just located at the 'cross-section' between the boarder and the Euphrates river. Exact location can be shown here. But it seems to be changed the name or was decimated during the war. Some source(Google Earth) says a bit east from the boarder.




Also, this article mentions H2 airfield and its location.


Check this out. The location from the article. It seems a bit far away for the term 'a few clicks' but I'm no specialist and the direction is still South.


Edited by Talez

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Howdo, I trying to edit the Start Altitude for Strike missions as it's currently around 1500ft (same as CAS) and I'd like to bump it up to 20,000ft+ but I've no idea where that entry is, can anyone give me a clue please?




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Thanks. I've been researching and found pretty good info on h1,h2 and rest of the airfields from Iraq's super-base project. Acig.org has a good article. The names h1, k1 etc are taken from closeby oil pump stations..


It would be nice to get some roads & rivers along with some of these missing target areas.

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More controls are in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI


Though you might consider altering it per aircraft. Example from stock TU-16_DATA.INI:





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Cheers guys, MissionControl.ini is almost what I'm after. In the stock game a Strike mission (when "start in Air" is selected) starts at around 16-22,000ft ("normal" height in MC.ini file) while CAS starts around 1500ft ("low" in MC.ini) yet in ODS both mission types start at 1500ft (like both are linked to "low"). I increased the "low" figure in the missioncontrol to 7000m which'll do for now, it just means a dive down for CAS.



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PB: I think I left them out, as they're too far west and too close to The Wall


you'll also notice I never to got the rivers/lakes/marshes/etc in like I did on the Iran/Iraq maps. (to say nothing of some of the iraqi s/e targets are actually IN Iran!! opps!)


someday, if I can ever get the TE to stop crashing on the map, I'd love to go over it again and correct the several dozen mistakes I made (the whole Basra/Um Qasr/Shat-al-Arab region is wrong!)

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Hello everyone, I downloaded all the mod Desert Storm, I installed and I followed the instructions, and when I go to play, I'm playing sf2. and not to desert storm. can anyone help me? maybe a video tutorial

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Try replacing the Campaign section of your Options.INI with this data:


CampaignName=19910117 Desert Storm
PlayerUnit=336th TFS


Eric Howes

Just installed the game, with the same problem on Campaigns than Jarhead. Thank you very much for the precious tip, which resolves everything. :good:

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Gents, all my planes are black due to .JPG skins instead .BMP. How can I make it works? My latest patch is Sept2011. Thanks!

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The stated minimum requirement for this mod is Mar2012 patch level. You can either upgrade to the minimum level or convert the JPGs to BMPs.


Eric Howes

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Red Storm Rising mod....in which eburger, Caeser, ST0RM, me and a few others are doing. It will be covered on 3 different terrains (I hope);

1: Iceland

2. Northern England

3. Europe


Hope you manage to pull it off, though the Europe part seems rather tricky due to large concentrations. Maybe some North Cape action, too? Late Cold War FTW!!

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Say, if one old timer with some time at his hands wanted to find all these Complete Set Mods (Desert Storm, Vietnam, you got then hang of it) for the Strike Fighters 2 series... 

How do I look for them? While waiting for EDGE and DCS World 2 to be released, one HAS to keep up, right? ; )


Sorry for the necro-threading. :P

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