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I'm uploading the Mirage F-1C200, the last of the first wave of releasing.


Please, feel free to report all the bugs you can find, we will do our best to correct them in the foreign operators versions and in a v2.0 for the French Armée de l'air.


Thanks for your help.



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Ludo, you are like Sébastien Ogier!!!!!! or even faster :)  yesterday the F-1C, and now the F-C 200!!!!!! . This is amazing!!!

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And the models Mirage F.1AZ South Africa?

Error range radar in the cockpit

Edited by denissoliveira

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For the radar problem, you need to adjust the values in the avionics.ini file :


For the Mirage F-1A : it's in our to do list.

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And the models Mirage F.1AZ South Africa?

Error range radar in the cockpit

15 nautical miles = 27.78 kilometers so I think it's ok

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has anyone even thought of doing the metric conversion on the ranges???




avionics ini ---






data ini's DetectSystem statements....



RadarName=Cyrano IV



people, you need to READ the inis!!  :biggrin:

it's a no brainer!


give it a try and see what happens; at worst, you return it to stock

Edited by Wrench

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Nice model! But don't forget the Iraqi Mirage F-1EQ! I would be usefull for the Operation Desert Storm and for the Iran/Iraq war.

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has anyone even thought of doing the metric conversion on the ranges???


yup, but the ranges indicators are hard-coded into cockpit so to say, ok, these are separate TGA files but still

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Actually there is an INI error here... So the fix Ludo sugested is correct, the upper number on the radar is the range while the lower number is the spacing of the markers. This is from F.1CZ manual. 

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thanks for clarification

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The best plane addon yet! Congrats! I notice that when using AI controlled the plane has a high take-off pitch angle wich causes a small tali strike. Thanks!!

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The best plane addon yet! Congrats! I notice that when using AI controlled the plane has a high take-off pitch angle wich causes a small tali strike. Thanks!!


Thanks for the feedback Wilches. I am looking into it and seem to have a simple fix but will test it a bit more. [ too much auto rotation effect on take off]

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Thank you for this great aircraft and for your hard work !

It is really amazing.



I found a bug with the font undercariage.

During its compression it suddenly pops out again. and disconnects.

attachicon.giflanding gear.jpg



And when in the cockpit and looking outside everething is grayish,.. or is that supossed to be ?



and there is a small clear area.



I hope this information helps.


Thanks Happy308, a fix for the nose gear has been found and will be included in the update.  Also, a fix for a reverse wheel rotation issue.       [ The canopy thing isn't my department.] :biggrin:


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The canopy  and some weapon station issues are getting looked at prior to the next release so will post the gear and take off rotation fix for the "do it yourselfers" out there: EDIT: The simpler approach, just drop these files into the appropriate aircraft folder and allow the overwrite.



The models default landing gear behavior is like a Swiss watch!


Edited by baffmeister
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Some older/beta inis sneaked into the F1C's, thus the minor avionics issues.

And the radar ranges are all in nautical miles ... NOT in kilometers !!!

The range lights on the radar, e.g 2/7  .. they mean the selected range is 7 nm ( upper figure) with a range marker every 2 nm (lower figure)....  thats all in the new inis which somehow went astray ... :D

Updates are WIP :)

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Beautiful work. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!


Bug Report:


RWR does not work in the 80 model. Probably wrong entries in AVIONICS.ini. I know you guys had it working during testing. Probably just wrong entries in the version uploaded.


I recommend replacing Mk10 seat with Ravenclaw's Mk5. It looks really close to the Mk4.


1,000 THANK YOUS too all working on this project. It is an instant classic!


Where can we download this seat? Only found other versions and a SF1 variant?

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this are the Mk5 seat with changed ejection handle (no more collision with helmet) and i added a distance lod

Mk GW5B is with a brown color parachute container




maybe if i find some time i make a better more detailed seat


the seat position is the same as the pilot position

SeatModelName=MK GW5
MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.215
MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92

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Excellent Volker, I am sure Ludo will include that seat in the next round of downloads!

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Something nice waiting for approval in the download section. 

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