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Guys it's been fun, but over the past 1 1/2 or so, I've become less and less enthusiastic about the SF2 series. Patches that arent tested correctly which break more things than fix and releasing the unfinished SF2NA was the final straw. I've followed the progress and tried to hope for the best, but I continue to be unimpressed. TK does not give a rats a$$ about how this community has kept his sim alive and carried through the delays. The latest round of DLCs are proof of this and FC's words on them, pretty much sealed the deal.


Over the past year, I've spent less and less time in the sim. Maybe an hour total in NA. It's just the same old thing repackaged in a shiny wrapper. I don't see it going further.


So, I wish you guys well and hope that soemthing else comes along that was as fun as the early days of SF.


I'm not going to delete my account, but won't be active here.




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geeez Jeff... very sad to hear this :this: I hope you'll be somewhere around here at CA my friend!


I understand you perfectly as I myself am in a bit of SF-hiatus at the moment, but I still hope the game will give me and you fun again, as used to

(proof No. 412335 that the best thing for this community would be TW's cease of SF2 development...)

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Bummer. However, I understand. I've been spending less time, too.

Take care, STORM.


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  On 7/5/2012 at 5:44 PM, ST0RM said:

Guys it's been fun, but over the past 1 1/2 or so, I've become less and less enthusiastic about the SF2 series. Patches that arent tested correctly which break more things than fix and releasing the unfinished SF2NA was the final straw. I've followed the progress and tried to hope for the best, but I continue to be unimpressed. TK does not give a rats a$$ about how this community has kept his sim alive and carried through the delays. The latest round of DLCs are proof of this and FC's words on them, pretty much sealed the deal.


Over the past year, I've spent less and less time in the sim. Maybe an hour total in NA. It's just the same old thing repackaged in a shiny wrapper. I don't see it going further.


So, I wish you guys well and hope that soemthing else comes along that was as fun as the early days of SF.


I'm not going to delete my account, but won't be active here.





I am 100% in agreement with you. I hope DCS follows through and fills in the void where I thought SF2 was going.

SF2 is now meant to be the modern kind of game where you won't die and you can easily engage and kill overwhelming odds.

Of course, it is still great for making screenshots, too.

If gameplay is so challenging that a bunch of newbies complain, just dumb it down a bit more to "make the game more accessible."

Tic Tac Toe is very accessible, but I don't see it selling much on PCs :grin:


DCS already has many key features.

The main limitations of LOMAC/FC/DCS have been limited modding capability, limited flyable planeset, and lack of a dynamic campaign system.

The new 3rd party mods may largely overcome the first two problems and I never really play campaigns, so the last part isn't a problem at all for me.

I just want the planeset (and preferably matching terrains) to cover more of the Vietnam/Yom Kippur era.


The future of DCS is much more promising based on where it is at and where it seems to be going.

Whereas SF2 keeps moving not only away from where I wanted it to go but from where it already was.


Even if you don't ever play SF2 again, I don't see any reason to go inactive on the CombatAce forums.

Surely you will still participate in other games/sims that are covered by this site?

If not, then farewell, Jeff!

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Hope you'll still hang around from time to time SF or not. Think most of us can relate to the loss of interest, personally I havn't fired up a TW game in almost two months and if I'm honest I don't miss them.




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Who isn't taking a break from SF2? Haven't touched it in weeks.

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Sad to hear that outside of a bit of testing I have backed off for a while as well as I am getting bored of having to reinstall all my mods etc every time... Good luck in your future endeavours... :drinks:

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Respect the decision Storm - I rarely use SF2 at the moment - and when I do its because of the choice of Jets and era you currently don't find elsewhere.


SF2NA has some great new things - but I dont like the way SF2 is being infected by these changes to turn into more of a game. TK has even written that features from the mobile game will later be incorporated into SF2 - so well I dread to think really - assume it will be like a free web site game in the end.........

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I agree with Storm and Streak. DCS is where it's going to be at.

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  On 7/5/2012 at 7:35 PM, Julhelm said:

I agree with Storm and Streak. DCS is where it's going to be at.



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3-5 years TOP


edit: for pack of 3rd party planes and hopefully terrain to do some 60s-70s 'Nam or IAF/IDF scenarios

Edited by Stary

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I understand the SF2 gripes but DCS is far from perfect. I won't touch it until they drop the DRM.


I'm OK with SF2. It delivers what I want it to and there are some simply outstanding mods avaialable that you won't find for other sims.

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Yup, unfortunately DCS doesn't "push my buttons" either...


Is there anything else?

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Freefalcon, maybe. Still a bit dated graphicswise but a good sim nonetheless.

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not much really, if you ask about titles still in development/patching



FreeFalcon never got me, but it was about 5 years ago or so...

BMS is ok, great in fact but too study and Viperocentric

shame nothing came out of Rowan's Mig Alley 2 source code project -BDG guys did amazing things with it's WW2 brother


edit 2:

can't say much about Gaijin's, I do like it's titles so far, will see... their more singleplayer oriented Korea title could do much ado on the scene though IMO

Edited by Stary

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As Yoda once said, "There is another..."

FSX is still gearing up to be a combat flight sim if VRS Tac Pack is any good.

X-Plane almost went that direction, but decided blowing people up was a bad thing, so weapons do no damage.

Edited by streakeagle

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Streak in Xplane10 demo it still does damage IIRC


maybe, just maybe, Flight will get weaponry, that engine is spot on for Vietnam era Snoopy sim

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Prepar3d should be getting a DX11 update and Weapons Platform/Module update.

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P3D cannot be purchased via PayPal so NOGO for me (yes I was about to buy it few months ago)

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Lets see, need to fix Avionics60....some are having that problem.


Weapons too easy now? I use my own weps pack so no changes there.


Can survive a wheels up landing? Its about time....


So far so good....am I missing something? I saw TK's post but...you can get around what he did.

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Wags himself has posted on the ED boards that they neither expect nor want all 3rd party DCS modules to be DCS: A-10C level-of-fidelity. At least there is the possibility to custom-build systems such as LABS or IRSTs- something that's never been possible with TK's games.

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I wish this game got Il-2'd. I know it's already open source but I think that the same kind of gamer that has kept European Air War going as long as it has will keep Strike Fighters going.

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The problem is guys......you have forgotten to have fun. We get too focused on making mods or using mods and not flying for fun. I am off to the range because I just realized after 10 years I can not rocket attack for sh!t. Sit back and have fun and quit taking this so seriously.

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