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Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

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A couple of weeks after embarrassing the Royal family with his Vegas pictures, Prince Harry has been deployed to Afghanistan.


Nice one Philip, that'll look a bit less suspicious than another car crash.

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Fine, next on the list is William... and about 5.874 people and I'm next in line, muwahahahahahaha.


Damn, now I want to see Kind Hearts and Coronets...

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Well......You got to admit that the royal family is setting a good example by making Harry serve just like every other soldier.Unlike a lot of monarchies in the middle east where becoming a fighter pilot is very easy if you are the nephew of someone from their royal family!

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well his night in vegas i'm to understand is blowin off steam after graduating training for his assignment in Apaches. i remember he did a tour as a foot soldier 1st time i was in Afghanistan, now he gets to fly instead of walk. hats off to those kids they are trying to be more than tabloid fodder, again if i understand it right William wanted to go but got a hell no as he's closer to next in line. So he flies SAR instead... goodluck to Harry and good hunting

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He's got nothing to loose he will never be the King. I think It's great that he's the wild child and not his brother. From what I've read he's one hell of a soldier and would do anything for his men. Play(fight) hard party hard.

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So big deal he parties hard. He is young and doesnt seem to be as stuffy as the rest. I heard the same thing Mako, that he is one hell of a soldier and there is no such thing as "can't" in his volcabulary.




He was scheduled to deploy before the pictures came to light. But I do agree though with the Prince Phillip reference.

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From what I have read, members of the Royal family who are currently serving willingly do their duty without any complaints or seeking any special favors.

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I'm with a lot of people on this, BIG FREAKIN' DEAL.


If showing off the "royal" jewels, playing strip billiards, paying up on your bets, and realistically just having some fun is a crime then we all need our brains royally flushed. As a society if we haven't grown past nudity I fear for what's to come. I'm sure to the Brits it's just a night at the pub and we hassle the lad. Come on Las Vegas WTF? I for one am exceptionally proud Prince Harry, who actually lives his life by playing and working so hard, is on our side. If the man needs to rock with his clock out, I'm no hater, I say go for it, royal or not. Most of the people ruining the fun anyway are either too afraid, too embarrassed, or jealous they can't join in.


Harry, be safe on your deployment and come on back to the USA, Las Vegas and the rest of the country welcomes any man who lives up to his word and pays his bar tab.


If you feel like showing your support for Harry there's a Facebook group you may want to check out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/336283586466687/


Cheers! :drinks:

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Like the song says: dead or alive




I think I totally missed something. :dunno:


Can I buy a ticket off the island? :shark:

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I don't get the uproar either. Who cares what he did in Vegas? If you didn't break any laws (or at least get arrested for it), then so what?

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Not much info at the moment, but it seems the prince is a bullet magnet. Camp Bastion was attacked last night resulting in the death of two US Marines. Taliban have stated Cpt. Wales was their target. Fair play to the guy wanting to serve but his deployment should never have been made public knowlege, his last tour was kept quiet and only ended when it became known he was out there.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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You do have to wonder really why it was made public - oh well I'm sure they know best :blink:

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You know, Prince William puts his pants on just the same way we all do. Vegas is made for doing wild stuff. So what!


I, for one, admire a guy who could live an uneventful richboy life, taking a tour in Afganistan. YOLO!

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Ahhh here you cannot accuse this to be the result of the Nevada Test Site proximity :beach:

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You know I'll bet they would've attacked even if they hadn't known he was there. The attacks are likely not that spur-of-the-moment.


They're just trying to capitalize on the possibility it would make some people afraid.


Notice how every single attack is usually in retaliation for something, whether it was last week or last year or hundreds of years ago? They're always justified somehow in what they do.

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I don't know why we give a hoot why the radical muslims attacked, they did. Reason enough to strike back. Let them live with the consequences of their actions.

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I like that. Let's use the same idea and just nuke them. We can use the celebration of some event in history to justify it. End of Prohibition, million man march rememberance, sun rising, etc.

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