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Bad News? Don't know if anyone noticed this....

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I don't know why, but it seems to me a TW KAW sim is tailor made for the SF2 engine. Simple avionics, NOT WW2, and no one else is doing one. Heck, the Exp pack for WOI even includes several models that could be used.


I'm really surprised no sim maker has attempted to seriously (or even casually) address this conflict since Mig Alley. Note, I am not talking 3rd party mods (including our own).



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I don't know why, but it seems to me a TW KAW sim is tailor made for the SF2 engine. Simple avionics, NOT WW2, and no one else is doing one. Heck, the Exp pack for WOI even includes several models that could be used**.


I'm really surprised no sim maker has attempted to seriously (or even casually) address this conflict since Mig Alley. Note, I am not talking 3rd party mods (including our own).




**and ARE being used!!!


i would absolutely LOVE to see a 3W Sabre ...


of course, if he ever did one, i'd have to go in and rebuild his map

... :biggrin:

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it's been something I was saying since Exp1 came out with Mustang and Fagot... then I said it again after seeing new terrain engine wips, but that was sadly verified after SF2NA release


I had high hopes BDG wizards would pick Mig Alley after they did miracles to BOB:WOV but it's a dead end now apparently



and personal note to those LOL-ing at me Il2 guys:

yes it's great I know, I reall like it but I find myself having more fun out of CFS3 3rd party expansions, Il2 is somewhat sterile and plastic to me, can't descrie it better. And no, I don't fly it in multi, I don't like multi that much

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I call that a poor man's IL-2 haha XD


Actually, Cliffs of Dover is the poor man's Il-2... :deadhorse:

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Actually, Cliffs of Dover is the poor man's Il-2... :deadhorse:

I thought, it was a rich man's with poor judgement Il-2

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what's some running rates on those games? with a bday inbound and a better system than i started the year out with i think i need to branch out from SF2. been thinking on OFF to have something different but any suggestions for a guy on a budget?


oh and course, preferring more moddability than less

Edited by daddyairplanes

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No idea on OFF's moddability, but I can tell you DCS and ROF are far more limited in what they let you do than SF.


I also liked CFS3 quite a bit, but I haven't had it installed since I went to Win7 more from lack of motivation than anything else. I only flew it MP with one person, he lost interest, and my solo time was spent with other sims more. There was one MAJOR thing I hated about CFS3 though...the stock airplanes' DM was stupid. Someone went into the files and looked and it was setup so that in most areas of the plane there was a 70% chance of the control cables being hit! I've lost count of the number of times the first bullet to hit my plane crippled my ability to roll, and if I was in a turn at the time at low alt it usually meant I crashed. Conversely, in Il-2 I rarely lost any controls but elevator cables and even that was rare in of itself.


I did buy the Firepower addon and loved their planes and new effects. I also grabbed a majority of the 1% planes although some of those planes were a PITA to install. Of course, it wasn't really much tougher than SF actually. The big irritant was in addition to the planes, the guns, and the weapons (which we've all had to mess with in SF) there was also the bizarre "pylons" folder for the little things holding the weapons on the wings! No kidding, my pylons folder had more objects than my weapons folder!

Anyway, I still have my install archived on my HD with all the mods, but I'd need to reinstall it and patch it first to make it work, and it looked dated compared to Il-2 on release (stupid DX7 water!!) and is no better today.

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TBH, TKs been repeating that "no SF3 Line" for a loooong time, shortly after the SF2 Initial.

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Thudwire KAW can't work because of the very low horizon distance in the stock game, and its getting lower in SF2 with every other Patch it seems. The pancake earth was an embarassment for Oleg when for some reason he releaced that 1944 high altitude western front "p51" addon which really exposed the issue. Now, a ground attack KAW game, like ye olde IL-2 low altitude game, with no MiGs and Sabres, would work fine, except there would be no MiGs and no Sabres.

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View distance is fine for a SF2 KAW game. Only folks obsessed with long distance glints would say it is unsat for such a thing.



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62 km which is default unlimited horizont range is ok I think, this would be less fit for high altitude flying, ok, but I am more worried about the engine not so of resoultion to render such diverse terrain (or any in fact) -that refering to "classic format" TE

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View distance is fine for a SF2 KAW game. Only folks obsessed with long distance glints would say it is unsat for such a thing.




Or those that don't like objects the size of B-29s suddenly popping into view rather than growing steadily from 1 pixel as it once was in SFP1.

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I consider the flat object (airfields/runways) Z buffer issue a "view distance" problem also.

When bombing airfields, all parked aircraft and other objects are invisible until close ranges.

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Yes, but the guys running 5 year old laptops can't have the game running slowly at max detail, can they?

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one can't satisfy everyone, specially in case of moddable titles as usually mods tend to increase requirements not the other way

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one can't satisfy everyone, specially in case of moddable titles as usually mods tend to increase requirements not the other way


Yeah this is really funny or better said crazy, they download and install the mod, the game runs badly, they complain to TK then he destroys the very things that made that mod possible and as a result nobody can have it now...in-f***in-sane....


Similar is with the hard-core vs "lite" when it comes to realism, people that don't want to play on hardest settings complain, game get's toned down, they play at the same level as before only now it's says "hard" in the options menu and the ones that enjoyed the hard level before now don't have it at all...I mean WTF???


Suggestion for game developers, when you make and advanced option don't call it like: "Hardcore", "Realistic", "Hard", call it for example "for gays only", "for tards", "mommas boys setting", "nancyland", "Lady Gaga fans only setting" or something so unappealing that all those guys can play on their "manly" settings while we can enjoy advanced options not being constantly undermined...

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I really wish we could have realism DLC of some sort... and taht bloody HUD, that would be a game changer at least for me -now doing a run, even with as accurately modelled avionics and weapons as some 3rd party mods go I'm all in the game so to speak until that bloody piper goes off the HUD onto the cockpit mesh... :bad: and as I deducted, most cockpits seem to have separate HUD combiner glass (or reflector one in older planes) modeled as proven by numerous cockpits ini files, but no, the non-floating, restricted reticles go way beyond definition of "fun" apparently

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People keep asking about this from beginning. I dont get it why this guy is so stubborn?? Why he cant just let THE USER through setup to decide if he want simplify or not.

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I really wish we could have realism DLC of some sort... and taht bloody HUD, that would be a game changer at least for me -now doing a run, even with as accurately modelled avionics and weapons as some 3rd party mods go I'm all in the game so to speak until that bloody piper goes off the HUD onto the cockpit mesh... :bad: and as I deducted, most cockpits seem to have separate HUD combiner glass (or reflector one in older planes) modeled as proven by numerous cockpits ini files, but no, the non-floating, restricted reticles go way beyond definition of "fun" apparently



maybe tk's engine do not allow (or is not able) the hud to stay on the glass

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maybe... but we're in 2012

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maybe... but we're in 2012


I just checked this... and you're right.

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maybe tk's engine do not allow (or is not able) the hud to stay on the glass


He wrote once that he 'incidentally' fixed this in some patch for WoV(?) years ago, but quickly changed to status quo in next one, so the engine isn't a problem.

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He keeps the floaty sight for those, who fly with the cockpit turned off. Basically, TK's trying to make HUD usable for both arcade and sim playing style with minimal effort... which means, that the HUD looks like barely tolerable placeholder by modern arcade standards, and remains all sorts of goofy and inconvenient, when you try to get serious.

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maybe... but we're in 2012

I just checked this... and you're right.


anyone got Doc Browns number? we seem to need the Delorean......

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"where we're going we don't need roads"


which is just as well, as TK can't afford them...

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