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Well not to worry Viggen I have 4 iran Iraq Campaigns already!  


1- Project Dark Gene/Project Ibex- A long running low intensity campaign meant to be a semi fictional scenario of 1970-1979 border skirmishes with Iraq as well as Classified USAF and CIA recon flights over the Soviet Union for probing air defenses... Because the terrain doesnt encompass the Southern Border of the Soviet Union I simply pivoted the operation 90 degrees to Northern Iraq with Soviet interceptors


2- Iraqi Invasion of Iran, surprise attack low supply levels for Iran low replacement times on ground units, aircraft and weapons lasts till 1982


3- War of the Cities/Tanker War- LOTS of interdiction type missions hitting SCUDs, Oil Terminals, oil fields, lots of anti shipping missions.  Iran is better supplied with a new Squadron of F-4D's bought from South Korea, weapon/aircraft replacement is higher but a lack of pilots.  Ground war is a stalemate.  (Contemplating adding a squadron of Saudi F-15s as a surprise addition for interceptions only. 1982-1987


4- End Game (Not sure what to name this one)- Iranian units reenergized for large offensive to end the war.  Iraqi forces are depleted after losing a lot of soviet support.  Su-24's introduced to Iraqi airforce 






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And the full war also, I hope? :)


Unfortunately Centurion-1's project went dark, he was working on a 32 strategic node ground war. Spudknocker built another mod package using these new terrains as a base. So simply enjoy what we'll have to offer. Besides, I hope that once the terrains get released, we'll see updated versions of Operation Desert Storm, Operation Darius and maybe for the first time a campaign based on Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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I like your current project! :good:

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I'm impressed guys! Wish I had your knowledge so Syria map can go faster.

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I'm impressed guys! Wish I had your knowledge so Syria map can go faster.


Hi, Stratos! Believe me, there is no such thing as fast terrain making. You're talking to the guy who spent almost three years on a small terrain (it's not even real size, it's like stock TW's terrains). Of course, I spent most of the time researching details, targets locations, and hand-tiling the whole Mesopotamia with rivers, lakes and so on. I think you all we'll be impressed with the results. I used satellite images as reference during all the development. If you're not seeking ultra-accuracy, especially with rivers and lakes, you can gain quite some time for targets placement and so on.


I only wish that the terrain could get a better tileset complete with new TODs once it is released. Some magic from Stary or other artists here would make the terrain really shine. Creating good-looking tilesets and TODs is also very time consuming.


Out of curiosity, IIRC, Stratos you were working together with Centurion-1 on a beatiful terrain representing Ecuador and Peru, a long time ago. Such a pity Centurion-1 is no longer active, he had so many interesting mods for SF2. But RL comes first, I hope he's well and all. 

Edited by Menrva
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I still have the BETA we were working on, but he left long ago and no more job was done there.

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I still have the BETA we were working on, but he left long ago and no more job was done there.


Really? Sounds like we could form a team to complete it in the future, but I'd wait to hear if it's okay with him.

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Really? Sounds like we could form a team to complete it in the future, but I'd wait to hear if it's okay with him.


Regarding Centurion I think we're in the exact same position as with Namibia/Angola terrain, so I will go forward, respecting credits, but forward without Centurion, I've tried to contact him during years without luck.


I will like to complete that theatre too, that's for sure. BUT I need to targetize my Syrian mod of Anatolia map first.

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Hey Stratos do you want to PM me a copy of the Peru map? I can hopefully help out with finishing it off like I did with Angola! 

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First South Africa, now Iran-Iraq, and in the future Peru-Ecuador? Keep up the awesome work.

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Hey Stratos do you want to PM me a copy of the Peru map? I can hopefully help out with finishing it off like I did with Angola! 


Not interested in Syria first? lol


Let me find everything I have about Cenepa and pack it.

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We may have something for Perú, please don´t take it wrong, between all the ideas we have, details, RL, makes us to slow the release, in some cases we are waiting for just small stuff, in others, whole pits, but we promise something good, well researched at the end, i leave you some of the schemes we have for the Fitter F:






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Haha I enjoy working on the stuff in my down time I have created some sets of targets and a types.ini that REALLY speeds things up haha


Its too bad centurion's stuff is lost... 

Edited by Spudknocker
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Haha I enjoy working on the stuff in my down time I have created some sets of targets and a types.ini that REALLY speeds things up haha


Its too bad centurion's stuff is lost... 


Is not lost actually, I have everything as it was in the moment he left, is just I need to find, it will not take long but I'm at work, so maybe will be this night or tomorrow.

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Is not lost actually, I have everything as it was in the moment he left, is just I need to find, it will not take long but I'm at work, so maybe will be this night or tomorrow.


Stratos, do you have anything relative to Centurion-1's Iran-Iraq war mod too? He made various aircraft skins, terrain tiles, etc.

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Stratos, do you have anything relative to Centurion-1's Iran-Iraq war mod too? He made various aircraft skins, terrain tiles, etc.


Don't think so as I was not involved in that project, but let me check on my HD's

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Found the Cenepa map, sure it looks promising, but I think it needs tons of work.



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Found the Cenepa map, sure it looks promising, but I think it needs tons of work.


True, we can make it. To make a good terrain takes time of course. It will be worth the wait. I'd like to help with it as well, but not now, as I am busy with the Iraqi terrain instead. Maybe in the next month I'll find some time for it, i'd really like to contribute. BTW, in order not to hijack this thread about Iraq/Iran, let's revive this old one about Cenepa: http://combatace.com/topic/84630-equadorperu-terrain-project-wip-input-wanted-from-terrain-gurus/

Looking forward to any news about it there!

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Okay, terrain preparations are complete. First terrain you'll be able to play will be part of Spudknocker's Iran/Iraq war mod package.  My standalone releases will follow in the coming weeks.


@Wrench, before I give Spudknocker the green light, I want to check if it's okay with you that I include your old ReadMe files from the IR and IR2003 terrains together with my own ReadMe. Especially because I might forget in the credits someone whose work has been included indirectly in my reworked terrain. Although the terrain is pretty much 99% new, few target layouts may be your work too, so I'll wait for your permission.

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I dream about weather seasons in Iran map :blink:

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of course you can use (and edit as needed) my readmes!!! Have at it!!! :)

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I dream about weather seasons in Iran map :blink:


Not gonna happen for first version. I might need some artists for a better looking tileset too.


of course you can use (and edit as needed) my readmes!!! Have at it!!! :)


Ok, thanks a lot, Wrench!

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Great job with mapping and detil people. Still waiting for the campaigns. Also i found out there was also a Greece-Anatolia map readily available. I grew up in Turkey and remember the 1996 crisis, which almost caused a war. If someone is willing to make a fictional campaign or a Historic/Semi-Historic 1974  Cyprus campaign i can be of help on the historical research side

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here is what i was talking about in other thread...




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