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Hi everyone.
After a long and silent absence from the boards of CA, I've finally had time to catch my breath and poke my head in to see what's been happening in my absence.
Reasons for my absence? Well, where do I start...
Of course the most pronounced of my activities would have to be the long overdue marriage to my Fiance Sharon on September 21st last.




After my breakdown last year, this lady fought tooth and nail, argued and verbally wrestled with the health authorities to ensure my recovery; no easy task for any individual in today's austerity plagued Ireland. What Sharon's done for me in this regard is something I don't think I can ever repay.


My doctor has since cleared me as being fit to find work, and I've been busy also trying to find a job, another daunting task here given the lack of them.

We're also busy packing and stacking everything for our big move to a new home nearby next Friday. A new life, a fresh start.


I have to say though that the low point over the past three months has been the diagnosis of my Mother having advanced lung cancer. A big shock to all my Family,

considering that my Father is in remission from prostate cancer. A positive thing that's come out of that bad news though, is how it's bonded my siblings and I closer together

than we've been in a long time in order to assist our parents and to be there for them.


On the SF2 front, it's good to see that the CA community is still as strong as ever. Admittedly, I haven't even played any of the games over the past couple of months.

However, for anybody that might be interested to know, I'm still committed to completing my upcoming (and final version of) Desert V.4 terrain.


Watch this space........


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congrats on your marriage and congrats on overcomming your problems. Best of luck in your news home and in your job hunt. Hope to see you around more.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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Good you see you back and congrats.

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Congratulations, you and I are one of the few Paran/Dhimar lovers, is good to see you back!


Congrats to Sharon too!

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echoing all the others sentiments!!


Congrats! And Best of Luck on the New Life!!

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Congratulations to you and your bride.  

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Congratulations, and wishing much success and happiness in the latest chapter of your new life moving forward.  You've been missed.

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Congratulations.  God bless and keep you and your family in these trying times.

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