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Iran`s new Aircraftcarrier

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LOL...thanks! It's most likely a prop like the reporter says, to be blown up and shown Iranian stre....lol couldn't say it...

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Not aware of a carrier with a deck shaped like that - it has quite a small area at the front.

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Are they planning on getting some DF-21s and use that for target practice?

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awwwwwwww  they put up the photoshop and went outside to play....

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This will make a nice addition to the "amazing" F-313 Qaher toys'R'Us-style combat aircraft.

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Either it is a photoshop thing to fool the west, or they make a target for anti carrier strike training missions. Later would make sense, but personally i think its a fake.

Edited by Gepard

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It's likely a representative size/shape target for training because the expense to make it just to sink it for propaganda wouldn't really return a good value. Even a fake shell that has to be towed around is a non-trivial expense at that size.

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Its coming along nicely




Recent satellite imagery showed Tehran is building a fake U.S. aircraft. New photographs prove that Iran’s Nimitz class mock flattop hosts several (fake) planes, including some CAG birds and a Jolly Rogers F/A-18 Hornet.


Iran is not only working on a mock American aircraft carrier. New images posted on Facebook show that the USS Nimitz class ship being assembled in an Iranian shipyard on the Persian Gulf most probably for propaganda purposes (do you remember the F-313 Qaher stealth jet?) or as a movie prop, now features also some embarked planes.


Noteworthy, along with some F-5 Tiger aircraft (serving with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force but not existing in a carrier-variant) parked on the flight deck of the fake Iranian carrier there are also some fake F/A-18 Hornets.

One of the two in special color scheme sports the unique livery and markings of the legendary VFA-103 “Jolly Rogers”.

The Jolly Rogers are one of the most famous squadron in U.S. Navy. They currently fly the F/A-18F Super Hornet adorned with Ensign Jack Ernie’s skull-and-crossbones on all-black tails, their symbol and probably the most recognizable one in Naval Aviation (to such an extent you can find it in Disney’s “Planes” cartoon).

The reason for using CAG (Carrier Air Group) planes in special colors makes Iran’s mysterious aircraft carrier’s flight deck slightly more realistic but the question remains: why did Tehran spend so much money to build such a huge model?

As mentioned before, it might be a prop for an upcoming movie (about an Iranian airliner shot down by a U.S. cruiser in 1988) as reported by some media outlets; still, considering the effort in building the mock up it is also possible that the ship will serve for more military purposes: for instance testing new technologies and/or training warplanes to attack a U.S. flattop in the Persian Gulf exploiting its vulnerabilities.

In either cases, just a waste of money…


from http://theaviationist.com/2014/04/02/iran-fake-aircraft-carrier/






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I think Jerry Bruckheimer contracted the Iranians to make the set for Top Gun 2!

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Aw that's cute.

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Where do you think the Iranians got the design?


They reverse-engineered the LODs!

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I think the speculation above that it is for troop training/target practice is, ahem, on target. 


and they will then use the video of said target practice for propaganda films. 

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Oh no, the USN's 4th Balsa Wood Fleet is in danger now.

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