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Yea, I've been working on one of these too.




Though the original MAX file was not mine (freeware), I've adapted it for the SF series.  It's actually mostly complete and flyable.  Just needs FM and weapon tweaks on the ini side, with proper skin and decals on the paint side.


It could use a cockpit...but I suspect folks will be happy adapting one of their own.



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abb..babb. boo..booom....ah, hgughhhh.....




My heart just stopped beating.... so now with got the F-117, the B-1, and now the B-2 ... wow. FastCargo you sir are truly amazing.

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Development of this has taken 6 years so far? Well, we know FC's stealthing is working perfectly! :tongue:

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As far as a pit goes, the B-1 would make a decent stand-in until the real thing becomes available.

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Pretty cool. I'm curious, is stealth implemented in game? Will I be able to sneak over SAM country with this beauty and remain undetected.

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Pretty cool. I'm curious, is stealth implemented in game? Will I be able to sneak over SAM country with this beauty and remain undetected.

As far as I know,you can make it stealthy....im sure that you make a new a\c ini of some description,and make its signature low or non existent.?  cant remember the exact details.


Though the original MAX file was not mine (freeware), I've adapted it for the SF series

Ive a few of those too...freeware max files that need converting....started a few...as usual,I bite off more than I can chew...lol

heres a few of what ive got.







Edited by russouk2004
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Nice FC, and here I was working on your Arrow (and wondering about the F-108 Rapier *cough, cough*).


@Stratos, stealth is implemented simplistically through a global RCS modifier, it doesn't simulate directional stealth (you can't have the F-35 be more stealthy from the front than from the back) or restricted to a specific radar band (but I can't remember if stealth is hard-coded to apply only to certain radar bands or all of them).

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There is a B-2 at Capun site. The model is good but it doesn't have an own cockpit. So we will wait for this one ;-)

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And not everyone has access to that site, whereas FC will release here at CA when hes ready

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Hopefully it will be ready sooner rather than later. In addition, because the original creator of the MAX file did not put any restrictions other than proper attribution, I will release the MAX file here in the modders area for anyone to make improvements.


Also, someone asked about the F-108. I released the MAX file, templates, and basically everything that composed it into the modders area a while ago, hoping someone would bring it to completion. Sadly, that does not appear to have happened yet.



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Small world, I was about to ask if the F-108 had ever been released - ran a google search as I couldn't remember who was working on it and landed here. Hopefully it gets picked up.



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Not much left to do now...mainly decals and fine tuning the data.ini file.  It will use Dels' excellent B-1B cockpit.



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Decals for all the B-2 tail numbers done.


Texturing done except for a few placards on nose gear door and around cockpit windows...waiting for either a picture of a B-2 model decal sheet or excellent pictures around cockpit and nose gear areas...have to be able to read them...


Data.ini tweaks to go.





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max values on the Radar Cross section entry on the .INI

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Is this B2 the one from Marcfighters? Looks realy good!


Can you close the top windows in the B-1 cockpit to improve the appearence a bit? Just a wish :hi:

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looking forward to this Fast C  clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif

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Heard you needed a mop...or is that a MOP...






Took my old MOAB model and shrank it.


Thanks to ST0RM for some high res photos that allowed me to complete the area around the cockpit.


The B-2A is basically done.  The last thing is tweaking the aerodynamics, loadouts, and making a readme.





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Argh....the last 10 percent always seems like 90 percent of the effort.


Anyway, it's released, includes a proper MOP model (shrinking the MOAB wasn't good enough).


You should find it to be a satisfactory performer as both an AI and player flown aircraft.



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