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Anyone Heard From Typhoon?

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Sorry if I have overlooked anything recent, but I just wondered if anyone knew how Typhoon was doing?


He was starting chemo back In February as far as I remember.

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It has been a while now, I hope things are going OK for him.



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Thanks for the concern. I finished the chemo and as luck would have it, it failed to halt the tumours. As a consequence I will be having 2 rounds of chemo then If I am healthy enough my bladder will be removed, then 2 more rounds of chemo. This is the nasty type of chemo with the bad side effects, nausea and hair loss to name two. I have to report to the cancer centre Wed morning for indoctrination. I'll try to keep you advised.



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I'm sorry to hear that the first round didn't do the job.  Hang in there.

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Our prayers are with you get well soon

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Same wishes from me to Tony. I've seen way too much of the big "C" in my life time and it's way ovedue for some major advances in treatment and cure.

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The hair will grow back, and so will your health - stick it out, Tony!

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My thoughts and best wishes are with you, and your family

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All my positive energy and thoughts are coming your way Tony.

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Just like to add my best wishes too.

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Well Ihave to report to the cancer centre next Thursday at 10 o'clock for my first bout with the dreaded chemo demon. It will take 6 hours to put the drugs in.   I think I would rather face the Red Baron. The doctor gave me 4 presciptions for anti nausea drugs of varying strengths. That does't bode well. He also said that the drug they giving me will not cause me to lose my hair.  Well at least they have a plan.



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My thoughts and prayers go out to you Tony.  You've had a tough row to hoe and it's high time you caught a break.





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Just jumping in from a long time away to add my best wishes and prayers, my good fellow.  I'm with Mr. Wiggins, this stuff is far too prevalent and we are long overdue for some advancements and cures.

God help you.





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I'm here, Tony. Often sit up late at night, listening to some music over headphones;

seeing through the forum - and often thinking of you. Beat it!

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Another Update.  After the first session it was not as bad as I feared. It was worse :bad:  They had me on some drugs that softened the effects of the chemo. I was cut off them on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday was absolute hell on earth. :diablo:  Wed I was ok and then I had another session on Thur. No extra drugs this time. and I was quite ill thru the weekend, Monday I was ok again. The nurse said I should have tapered off the drugs the first week. I have another chemo session on Thur and will see the Dr on the following Thursday, will let you know what happens then.

And thanks Ohlam I consider you a true friend. :friends:



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Perhaps you should think of a wonderful reward for the time after the torture is over.

Something you would normally never allow yourself to buy, due to the high cost.

Like a very special old bottle of whisky, at the range around 100 $.

And then you could sit in the evenings and sip a dram or two!

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Ahh Olham, if only I wasn't a tea totaler It will have to be something else when this is over.



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It was just one example - I gave up on alcoholic drinks completely, ten years a go.

So I understand that.

It could be something completely different. An expensive set of water- or oil colours.

A trip to a place you always wanted to see, but which is far away and expensive to travel to.

Or just a wonderful menue in the best restaurant around.

Just think of it, while you suffer through that again.

After that, you'll have deserved it.


Good night for now, Tony!

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Well here is another update. After the 12 weeks of chemotherapy aka as "hell on earth" I had a CAT scan and It showed that the outside tumours had shrunk. I also had another cystoscopy and it showed that the tumours inside the bladder were gone. The Dr said that they would return once the effects of the chemotharapy had worn off. So on Thurs morning I am to report to the hospital at 0600 hrs for a seven hr operation to remove my bladder and prostrate. I will be in intensive care for a day or two afterwards, and I will be in hospital for 7 to 10 days after the operation. I'll let you guys know the results when I am able, There is wi-fi in the hospital but it is really slooooow. Wish me luck and I will be in contact in a few days.



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Take care and we are all pulling for you!

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I wish you the best of luck, good doctors and good nerves, and everything else you need to stand it, Tony!

See you in a week!

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I wish you the best of luck, good doctors and good nerves, and everything else you need to stand it...

...and Nurse Gladys.

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Just caught up with this.  Hope the operation has gone well.

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