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Most realistic strike fighters difficulty

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Is the "hard" option is most close to real life or normal mode ?



I'd actually be curious as well. I never seem to run out of fuel, despite setting my fuel on difficult. Yet I feel like I always read that fighters generally only had limited time on target (due to fuel constraints). 


Maybe I'm not loitering long enough! 

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Hard settings generally mean more realistic, but some players find Normal more realistic, and some aspects of the game don't work as well with everything set to Hard.


For example, the flight model is far more detailed reflecting more accurate physics on Hard. But the values used in the flight models are estimates, sometimes even wild guesses, which combined with slightly simplified tables of aerodynamic data can lead to behavior that a given aircraft should not have. The flight physics for Normal are far less detailed/realistic, but can more easily produce text book performance numbers and just "feel" right to some people.


Combat aircraft aerodynamics is a hobby of mine, so I appreciate and prefer what the Hard setting brings to the table when it comes to flight modeling.

So, I can't stand playing with any lower setting.


AI behavior is a case where Hard is actually less realistic. Normally, AI difficulty is determined by preprogrammed stats for each nation. Some nations have better training/experience, so fewer pilots are novices and more are veterans. When Hard is used for AI, the pilot quality percentages/probabilities are skewed toward veterans and aces for the enemy, and dumbed down to green/novices for friendlies. So, to get better flying/more aggressive enemies, you have to tolerate dumb/cowardly wingmen. My work around for that is user created missions with AI set fairly high for both sides to produce the best possible dogfights instead of one-sided slaughters, or player versus everyone else fights while your friends run or do nothing.


When playing campaigns, Normal is probably the best bet for AI assuming TK or whoever assigned unit pilot quality stats successfully recreated historical parameters and/or created fun/interesting play balance. Even on Normal, you will encounter some veterans and aces that are as capable as the AI can be. Though you will probably face a lot of cannon fodder, too.

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I prefer fly Under the hard setting as air to air combat are more challenging. But was, the aircraft physics are strange on some aircrafts.


As to MrGoTime who said to never ran out of fuel... Are you doing the ''skip thing'' (Alt-N)??? If so, that is nrmal as there is no fuel consume by the plane on the time period skipped. BUT, if you accelerate time (Alt-T), whatch your fuel levels as you will in fact have not more time to waste over the target. I laught every time i get involve in an air air dogfight only to break away from combat in order to have enough fuel to make it home and the engine is shutting down on final (no fuel left)... The trick, fly high with throttle to about 45-50% (don't forget the drop tanks for longer missions!).

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As far as fuel consumption rates go, TK usually has good numbers for the specific fuel consumption rate of the engines, but historically his flight models were a little low on zero-lift drag... So it doesn't take as much thrust as it should to maintain cruise speeds.

Also, the maps are a little smaller due to the maps being imported in English units but use metric measurements in the game: i.e. 1 mile on a real map will be only 1 km in the game, or something like that.

One benefit of the "shrunken" maps is that it helps compensate for the lack of in-flight refueling. Without this benefit, flying historical missions from Thailand to Hanoi would be impossible in the game.


If you want to test fuel consumption effects (i.e. run out of gas), engage full afterburner at sea level where fuel consumption is at its highest level possible and see how long it takes to empty all your tanks ;)

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I just hope that engine sim will be developet for give a most realistic figlht and combat conditions.

There's no air-refuel, no A-G tracking targets and no EO- AT flir sistem for engage targets whit avionics system.

I hope for new improvements

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Thanks for the input. Moving forward, I think I'll play at normal. Mainly because I'm looking for the entire experience, not just my own flight model. 


Cough...ummm...yes, I am assuredly guilty of using the skip. I guess I just assumed that it would factor in the estimated fuel used during the skip. It sounds like I need to start using the time compression function instead of the skip!!

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Use the settings to customize as you see fit... you don't have to have everything on Hard or Normal or Easy.

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I stopped using alt-n to get around because the game keeps track of fuel weight and the F-100D I was flying at the time was too tubby to turn.


I've been relatively happy with these settings...  I was using hard weapons but on most planes the mean rounds between failures was way too high.


Enemy Skill Level Normal

Flight Model Hard

Weapons Normal

Radar Display Hard

Visual Targeting Normal

HUD Display Normal

Landing Normal

Collision Normal

Blackout Normal

Ammo Usage Hard

Fuel Usage Hard

Edited by Z09SS

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I've flown Normal and Hard. I stick to Normal, but occasionally select Hard when I've been reading up on my ACM. I've found in Hard that AI planes get on your 6 much more quickly, pull higher G loads, and get on my six and stay there much more successfully. In Normal, I rarely exceed 6 Gs, but in Hard, I will fly the needle to 7-9 Gs regularly. Need to go vertical, snake, use actual ACM/BFM moves. Whereas in Normal, I can just keep pulling around 6 Gs nad I'll wind up on their tail. Also, In Hard I get missiles lobbed at me from farther away, and in greater number.


Also, my flight model in Hard... is harder. Gs register sooner, and high AOA and stall behaviors match what I rad about in engineer books (for the F-15, -14, -16 and -18). I can't even guess how many Tomcats and Hornets I've leafed into the ground.

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Speaking of.. how does one solve the trim problem on hard FM? The old SF1 method doesn't really work.


Apply constant stick pressure and be done with it?...

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Speaking of.. how does one solve the trim problem on hard FM? The old SF1 method doesn't really work.



Which method are you referring to?  Associating a keyboard button for pitch, and then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection? That only worked until one pulled (or pushed) on the stick, then it reverted to the default neutral setting.  And, BTW, it works in SF2, as I still use it.

Edited by Fubar512

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Which method are you referring to?  Associating a keyboard button for pitch, and then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection? That only worked until one pulled (or pushed) on the stick, then it reverted to the default neutral setting.  And, BTW, it works in SF2, as I still use it.

Fubar512 yes, that's the gist of it.. actually it is the perfect description.


Although are you implying there's another method?

Edited by Do335

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Fubar512 yes, that's the gist of it.. actually it is the perfect description.


Although are you implying there's another method?


Well, I did map it to one of the hat-switches on my HOTAS, simulating a pair of keyboard buttons, but basically, it's pretty much

the same procedure.

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OK thanks. Think I'll stick with normal which.. ain't that bad.

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Which method are you referring to?  Associating a keyboard button for pitch, and then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection? That only worked until one pulled (or pushed) on the stick, then it reverted to the default neutral setting.  And, BTW, it works in SF2, as I still use it.


then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection ---> instructions on how please?

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then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection ---> instructions on how please?

The problem as I see is, "trim" axis and pitch axis is the same one, so can think of nothing within the game itself...





Although for Hotas cougar ppl at least I have an idea of writing something in foxy. Foxy is quite powerful programming wise, maybe something can be done to make tapping the trim hat equivalent of moving the pitch axis's neutral/center position.


But atm just can't be much bothered, being pretty ok with normal FM etc :|

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then scripting it so it maintains a set elevator deflection ---> instructions on how please?

This works in SF2 for me. Make a copy of your Default.ini in your controls folder. Keep the copy as your backup. Copy the following into your Default.ini and overwrite:


This will make your arrow up and down keys on your keyboard pitch trim, your left and right arrow keys your aileron trim, and your comma and period keys your rudder trim. How you map these inputs to your joystick is up to you. If anyone is still flying out there with a keyboard, please don't use these. I tested these before I posted, they work in SF2, to trim the P-51 Mustang. You can adjust the KeyControlRate= to get different amounts of input.
If you go to external view, you can see the amount of trim visually. It remains there if you move the stick.
Just remembered. I'm patched only to July 2012, so if you're patched further, you'll have to test to see if it works for you. 
Edited by Heck
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Anyone know how to change the options so in map only appears my plane and the waypoints? Also Is possible to be able to padlock the enemy planes without getting info about his speed, altitude, etc?

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The map shows any plane that your flight has either radar contact or visual contact of; I'm not sure there's a way to shut that off.  As for not seeing your or your enemy's info on the screen, I believe you have to set HUD Display to Hard.

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The map shows any plane that your flight has either radar contact or visual contact of; I'm not sure there's a way to shut that off. 

Burger found a way in his mods (SF2V ...), but it is not an option you have to modify a file in your install

  As for not seeing your or your enemy's info on the screen, I believe you have to set HUD Display to Hard.

Alt D, I think, hides those indications (I use it while creating screenshots)

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Thanks! Will try it tomorrow!

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