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well, to make a long story short...




the finalization exporter is only for max.


models can be built in other programs, but then need to be imported to MAX, EVERYTHING checked (meshes, animations, etc) then exported.

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The only way to export the model into a game usable LOD is via a plug-in for 3DS Max. However there is a way you can build the model with ether Blender or GMax and export it into a format that 3DS Max can read. Then you can ask the CA members who have 3DS Max  if one of them could generate the LOD file for you. There is a thread from a few years back about it, I will see if I can find it for you.


Edit: Wrench beat me to the punch.

Edited by KJakker
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we need find some clever dick programmer who can make other 3d progs exporters....

Edited by russouk2004
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we need find some clever dick programmer who can make other 3d progs exporters....

You don't have to find him, you just have to offer him enough money. TK didn't just suddenly decide to make First Eagles. Someone paid him, at least in part, to do that. For the right money, TK would surely make any exporter you want, and there is no one more qualified to do so.

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Well the let us ask TK how much it would cost the community.

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we need find some clever dick programmer who can make other 3d progs exporters....


In my opinion, this is one of the essential things to solve for medium/long term. There will possibly always be 3D-guys around in SF2. I'm pretty sure though, that their number will not increase over time, if things are bound to 3dMax2009-32bit, as time (and IT) moves on.

Helpful people are great, but you cannot always count on the good will of a decreasing number of 3D-guys, that want to to their own stuff too. Sometimes, things are solved by trial and error, which is also very difficult to do, if you don't own the exact 3dMax version.


Just my 2c

Edited by Nyghtfall
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so, "Planetary Combat Ace Fund to have TK made new exporters for the benefits of all afficionados"? Why does it sound like sort of Jack Black or Sasha Baron Cohen comedy?:D


I AM serious BTW
given my interest in the series declines to a slightly worrying level I'd really pay the guy all the cash to fix few things and impove few areas

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Don't worry stary, it is on my todo list, just after "win 1 billion dollars at the lottery"

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same here, but after I win 2, so I can give 1 to TK and keep the rest :D


edit to add something productive:

Given we have Mue on our side who came and delivered among other things must-have LOD Viewer (and I think was able to do sort of exporting) I think someone with similar skills >maybe< would be able to make say GMAX or Blender exporter. Gmax is still free and available on the net, Blender is Blender with all of it's large as it seems community. Sketchup there is too for those that fancy, list is long

Edited by Stary
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Yeah if Blender had an exporter I'd jump straight in to the 3D-modeling biz. I'd happily contribute to a pool to pay TK for an exporter.

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Yeah if Blender had an exporter I'd jump straight in to the 3D-modeling biz. I'd happily contribute to a pool to pay TK for an exporter.




I try to make "something" with Blender and to progress with my Mystère IIC... but this needs lots of time to learn!!!

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True enough. I'm willing to put in the time. I'll bet anything that Blender is easier to learn than 3DS.

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Blender on Windows has a strange operating philosophy....many things that are standard in Windows (shortcuts, etc.) simply don't work the way you would expect them to do. So the best used feature of it is the undo-button. But you get used to it somehow, if you regularly work with it.



The idea of paying mue for new exporters instead of TK is a very good one! I guess his price would be much fairer than TKs. ;)

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Very interesting thread here.  I worked on an aerospace project that upgraded a digital training simulator to a more advanced, and more marketable, configuration.  It was a joint effort in that several different organizations contributed 3D models, so we constantly imported models made in different programs - just like importing Blender into Max as discussed above.


The 32-bit version of Max will be a sort of bottleneck.  Not only will 3D models have to be imported into Max, but most models will not import perfectly.  Typically, the simulator project had to devote 1-5 hours AS A MINIMUM to each model from an outside source because an unpredictable number of verts would detach from each other, and had to be manually re-welded together.  More elaborate stuff like animations or bump mapping often had to be reworked also.


So...using other 3D programs (such as Blender) will probably have hidden flaws that will significantly increase the workload.


There is an alternative however.  The obsolete nature of 32-bit software could be a blessing in disguise?  Older versions of Max, in use when TK made SF2 and FE2, are available for free or close to it.


This is the version of Max that I use - Max R9 - I bought and paid for mine way back in 2007.  It and Max 2009 have TW export modules - only the Max 2009 export module can handle specular maps or bump maps.




It's unlikely the TW series of sims will be upgraded to current 64-bit technology, but that is not the end of the world if the community cannot exploit the potential of the 64-bit technology.  I freely admit that I can't.  So why not turn a vice into a virtue?  Old tech will still get the job done, and will be within the capabilities of guys who aren't pros.


EDIT: Disregard - I just tried the link and it no longer works.  :blackeye:

Edited by Geezer
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When "free" and "3dsMax" are in the same sentence, it usually translates to "illegal" ;)

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When "free" and "3dsMax" are in the same sentence, it usually translates to "illegal" ;)


Yep.  Despite their obsolescence, Autodesk protects even its oldest editions.  However, the old stuff can often be bought for a low price - if you can find it.  The only reason I suggest obtaining a copy of Max is the difficulties of importing models into Max from other applications.  It can be done - but its not always easy.

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Would it be easier to import models from Gmax?




Dunno - I've never played with Gmax.  I DO know that Gmax is a truncated version of Max R5.5, so Gmax and Max should play well together.  Maybe...

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Unfortunately, I understand the lod format only partially. It's sufficient to write a viewer. But to write an exporter, I have to understand the format completely.

Maybe I should email TK/Thirdwire and ask for a format description/documentation. But I doubt I'll get an answer: In the past I already emailed him regarding my plan to write a cat extractor and asked him if he allows (or not) the extraction of locked content ... I never got an answer :sad:

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Thank you Mue for your answer, though this is not very optimistic

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if ever then Gmax is  the way to go I'd say

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im not going politically very correct or say something very legal but here goes

why not hack into the exporter and try merry the gmax or blender or even new version of 3d max that can be use whit a student licence!

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