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I had an off the wall idea a couple of weeks ago. What does everyone think about a Death Star terrain map for SF2?


I am thinking a relatively level terrain with various rectangular, circular, and what not geometric patterns for an artificial DEM file plus custom tiles to representing the building like surface structure of the Death Star with a canyon trench running through the middle of it to a target area with the primary target exhaust port below a main port.






Create a couple of different turrets for the surface and tower mounted turbo lasers plus some low angle pedestal mounted cannons.  








I have this image in my mind of F-111's replacing the Y-Wings in the trench run and being able to prove if Wedge was right or not with his "...impossible, even for a computer." remark.






Anyone with terrain making experience willing to weigh in on this idea? 

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be a simple replacement of standard tiles with a repeating "city" pattern. The equatorial trench is also easily made -- one must just remember that a 1 pixel brush give a 5 km wide ditch. (I know this for a fact from the KAW terrain).

The GermanyC1 tile would be the best stock one to use, as it's already got the grayish metallic look. One, also, in theory, create the "laser projector" dish with several repeating curved, plane unmarked tiles, and some for the center. Depends on how large you'd really need it. Be just for eye candy.


Shouldn't be all that hard. limit the physical map size to what?? --- 500 x 500 km? The hard part is the "start" zones. Since the terrain would all be "enemy" (Imperial) there's not really a place for "friendly" (Alliance) forces to spawn or be based from.

Alternatively for that, would be a slightly larger terrain (1000 x) with an "island" for the Alliance base, not to far (or close) to one of "The Walls", and having black ocean tiles to represent "space". 

(see image below) The "Yavin IV" island could be done up with VietnamSEA tiles, with stary's jungle TODs.

of course, we'd need a 3d guy to build us some Mayan structures..... :wink:


it's a great pity that Bpao (Oli) never finished his TIE fighters or X-Wing for SF. We're talking around 2008? 2009-ish.

sf-space map.jpg

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I imported the Death Star Trench Run mission from X-Wing into AlliED to get an idea of size. The trench run way points for Red 1 is 44.43 km long. I also plugged the radius of both Death Star's into an online calculator and got the following numbers for Surface Area and Circumference. 


Death Star
Diameter: 120 km 
Surface Area: 45238.9 km2
Circumference: 376.991 km
Death Star II
Diameter: 160 km
Surface Area: 80424.8 km2
Circumference: 502.655 km

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that pretty much matches what's on Wookiepedia

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Something like these?


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Wow! Yes, although the trench itself seems a little wide, I think the trench's width was the same as its depth. Any way to make the trench walls more vertical? Still that is amazing, just need to build some turrets, towers, and surface mounts as ground objects for turbolaser AAA.

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Its only a test.

At the moment the trench is 2 km wide and 600 m deep.

I would it not make it smaller. I doubt, that the AI planes are skilled enough to fly in a 300 m wide trench.

But this must be tested.

To make the sides of the trench more vertical i think i should make the trench deeper.


Has someone an idea, what dimensions the trench of DS in movie had?

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Wow Gepard! The side walls should be in 90 degrees and the sky, well no sky - it´s dark space!!

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When you have the gun mounts ready I have some prototype Turbolasers data files based upon game data from X-Wing:Alliance ready for testing.

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21 hours ago, Wilches said:

Wow Gepard! The side walls should be in 90 degrees and the sky, well no sky - it´s dark space!!

Its only a first attempt to build a terrain for a possible Star Wars mod. Its far away to be perfect. It is not even an Alpha version.

There ar a lot of problems to solve.

For instance:

While the Imperial forces can use airfields on the DS, the Rebell forces cant. What means the Rebells starts always in the air. But if you fly for the rebells and press ALT+N at the end of a mission the game hangs up.

The solution could be to use a "carrier" as starting and landing point. Such a "flying carrier vessel" is not yet available. I dont know, wheter it would be possible to build such a vessel. And who would do the job.



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I love it ! Star Wars and Strike Fighters ? The ultimate combination.

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I made the trench smaller.


To get 90° walls will be nearly impossible

I tried it to make the trench deeper.

It looked so:


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Have seen the movie again. And then Rouge One again (For me the best Star Wars movie. I had always the feeling, that the story writer had read the east german tactical manual how to fight against an enemy helicopterborn landing force. :wink:)

It seems to be, that i always was on the wrong path. I always tought that Lukes X-Wing raid in the trench happend in the equatorial trench. But this seems to be wrong. The attacked trench is much smaller. Perhaps 100 m wide and 100 m deep.

The trench in my DS terrain is much wider and deeper. Perhaps i shoud make crossing smaller trenches, so that the big trench stands for the big equatorial trench and the others for  trench attacked by Luke.

BTW, would it be allowed to call such a terrain Star Wars or Death Star terrain or would it be a violation of copyright?


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Lucas Arts is very protective of it's copyrights (and by inference, Disney now). So, I guess a new name needs thinking up!

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38 minutes ago, crisisloaner said:

That's no moon !

Of course not. Its an early test.

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No offense intended mate,that was a famous one liner about said battle station....

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Wow Gepard! The side walls should be in 90 degrees and the sky, well no sky - it´s dark space!!

Just make it night by default constant

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22 hours ago, crisisloaner said:

No offense intended mate,that was a famous one liner about said battle station....

Sorry, i missed it. It was lost in translation. :wink:


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Yakarov made a TIE-Fighter some years ago.



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Did you try to change the colour of the sky Gepard with still the brightness on the day sun?

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