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Hi everyone, im trying to make a Su-30KI mod based on Marc's Su-27 using a SKM cockpit with my own camo skin, and i tried getting the flag of Indonesia on the aircraft in the decal.ini of the skin and i showed nothing so i made a 650 x 400 Jpeg of the flag and converted it to .tga and it was 739kb and it looked like the picture below. so i thought the pic / file must be too big. Then i re made the flag with a 8 x 4 jpeg and it was a 1kb file, and it was the same problem. i tried lowering the scale all the way to 0.003 and nothing changed. 

But then i notice the default 51D has the Indonesian flag if i change the nation to Indonesia in single mission, soo is there a way to just get the national flag of it and how?


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Decals need to be square (128x128, 256x256, etc) with an alpha channel and with about 10 pixels of clear border (i.e. image must not touch the edge of the square). Converting a jpeg to a tga you need to add an alpha channel.

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as spinners says decal background should be square....actual decal can be any shape o\c...heres quick n easy 

method same with ps6 etc  flag decal name is what you need....

so....say Wales Dragon.TGA

in decal ini....

DecalLevel=2 you can make country specific decal levels for country with certain numbers if the flag is set specifically...look up decal tutorials in KB
FilenameFormat=Angel\Wales Dragon




Edited by russouk2004
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russouk2004  decal saved following your instructions as .Jpg and this is the result:

also is there a way to change a specific aircraft to be on the Blue side instead of the red? i cant find it in any of the .ini or i missed it


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update: tried to save as targa file straight from CS6 this time and it showed up like this:


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Thanks Spinner but literally just got it to work seconds ago :V sorry but thanks

But one more question, is there a way to make a aircraft red side or blue side since ik the J-11's i download are red side same as the Su-30KI (Copy of Marc's Su-27) is also red side but i want it to be on Blue side to not get paired up with the J-11 or face F-22's...

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I believe the nations.ini sets all the default side of nations, so maybe looking into that would help you. Or you can make another plane and set it to a friendly nation so you can do it that way as well.

Another easier method is changing the aircraft in a saved mission to fly on the Blue side. It's what I do for screenshots as REDFOR planes are on the Blue side so I can take a screenshot.

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1 minute ago, EricJ said:

I believe the nations.ini sets all the default side of nations, so maybe looking into that would help you. Or you can make another plane and set it to a friendly nation so you can do it that way as well.

Another easier method is changing the aircraft in a saved mission to fly on the Blue side. It's what I do for screenshots as REDFOR planes are on the Blue side so I can take a screenshot.

Thanks Eric, Changed Indonesia to Friendly.. (why was it enemy tho wut did we do wrong ;-; , we did buy migs but never did anythin)

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No problem

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the alpha you show in pic is reversed....when done painting...select area outside of the image and then select inverse then add as alpha.....save as tga not jpg...jpgs wont show transparencies it will be a block of white or black...

Edited by russouk2004

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Thanks Y’all, got the Su-30KI to work with decals and the skin


just need to findout why the afterburner affect not working


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11 minutes ago, LilLucy said:

just need to findout why the afterburner affect not working

usually doesnt show if you select one thats not in ur effects folder....or typo.

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There's an Indonesian Flanker skin in the SF1 downloads section:


Edited by allenjb42

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<cough> Userlist.ini. Which I"m sure that doesn't have already.

in data ini:






I'd suggest looking at the Vampire, Hunter, and Meteor data and user list inis to see how it's done.

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LilLucy, congrats on being one of the few that changes the game to what you want (otherwise known as modding) rather than asking others for the change. that said..

take the time to look through both the knowledge base and previous threads. theres alot of info from near a decade (yeah i just said it) of SF2 modding and even longer of base Thirdwire modding. there is even possibly the very mods you are looking for buried in threads or Download sections

takes time, but is well worth it.

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3 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

LilLucy, congrats on being one of the few that changes the game to what you want (otherwise known as modding) rather than asking others for the change. that said..

take the time to look through both the knowledge base and previous threads. theres alot of info from near a decade (yeah i just said it) of SF2 modding and even longer of base Thirdwire modding. there is even possibly the very mods you are looking for buried in threads or Download sections

takes time, but is well worth it.

thanks mate, im currently looking on how to start making cockpits so i can re use the Su-35 on SF1 and make it into a Su-35S for SF2 with my own design cockpit (currently using the SU-35 cockpit on Su-37 as  substitute). Hopefully it turns out great and dont lag my potato off, kinda enjoying learning this game to mod since its quite simple compared to others. Cheers

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