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10 hours ago, Stratos said:

I tought GermangCE came with buses and trucks on the roads, but seems I was wrong. Anyone remember if a terrain with vehicles on the roads exist?

i think Rends version of Germany CE had the occasional bus or truck

but its been awhile since ive flown over that Germany

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I know when I rebuilt the WW2 EAW map, and added roads, I used them for truck routes. But like DA said, I think Rends GCE may have them too

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I tried the terrain and no buses. My memory is failing to me. :stars:

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Well, if there's no bus service, you'll have to take your own car


---------------------------------- ducks and runs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

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On 20.5.2023 at 5:31 PM, Stratos said:

I tought GermangCE came with buses and trucks on the roads, but seems I was wrong. Anyone remember if a terrain with vehicles on the roads exist?

Wasn't road traffic a part of European Air War? Moving trains they had. And if i remember correctly there was something on the roads. But is years ago that i played EAW.

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Hello everyone, I read that the tone of the water in the Río de la Plata makes it look like a desert, the bad thing is not the tone but the effect of tidal waves that they use, try to temper the normal water.

This is the tile (it is not in tga) for the normal brown mud and water tone
what i use

I hope they help.







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On 5/21/2023 at 2:23 PM, Wrench said:

Well, if there's no bus service, you'll have to take your own car


On 5/21/2023 at 11:22 AM, Stratos said:

I tried the terrain and no buses. My memory is failing to me. :stars:

I knew there were buses in there! not moving but still there



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10 hours ago, torno said:

Hello everyone, I read that the tone of the water in the Río de la Plata makes it look like a desert, the bad thing is not the tone but the effect of tidal waves that they use, try to temper the normal water.

This is the tile (it is not in tga) for the normal brown mud and water tone
what i use

I hope they help.





Thanks for the files. I will try them. Overpainting all existing water tiles will need a lot of time.

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Something i make wrong with the water. And i dont know what. I used the files, which Torno gave me, and the result is far away from his screenshots:




Somewhere i have a mistake in my files, so that the water is full of pixels. Weird.


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sorry, when i read "water full of pixels" i couldnt help but think of the ads on the TV all the time about "Camp Lejune Water" here in this part of the states....:lol:

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change the name of the  watermormal that you shared with the one you use on the map, that  waternormal  with pixels is the stock of the israel terrain

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On 29/5/2023 at 12:32 AM, daddyairplanes said:


I knew there were buses in there! not moving but still there



Now imagine it replicating it with a couple or three cars per tile, with modern PC's will not affect a single FPS and will add a lot of live to the terrains.

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It costed me 3 days to find the solution of the water problem. It drove me crazy.

But finaly it was a easy thing (as usual). I forgot to copy a WATERNORMAL.bmp file in all seasons tilesets.



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In the last days i went back to the Ukraine/Crimea terrain and started to rework the TOD files of the farmland areas. Is a boring job. Each red cross marks a tree.


The trees are now not anymore widely spread at the pampa, but at places where they should be.


Edited by Gepard
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Yesterday i flew some missions over Kurile islands. And i thought: some smoking volcanos would be nice.

In reality some mountains there are volcanos. So why not!

I would need a big smoke effect, connected with a little object, which i can place on the top of a volcano.

Has someone such an effect, or know where to find one?

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the effect its self wouldnt be too hard

MaxVisibleDistance=21000.0 <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Change this
ParticleLifeTime=210.0 <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and this

those are all i remember changing to make a water injection "afterburner" effect for the B-52s. long lasting thick smoke trails on take off

in theory, you could boost the numbers way higher still to get a volcano plume visible for miles

my question would be what ground object would work for this?

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I would think a simple geometry would suffice since you won't be flying too close to the volcano. But the question is though can it be done? This will be the first map with volcanoes so we'll see how it works out.

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Took a looooong break from modding, but trying to find time and get back into it.  Sure, it can be done - here are a few mock-ups for example with different styles. 

Obviously not sure about desired height of smoke plume color, thickness, etc. but this is just to demo one approach and prove of course that it can be done.  



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1 hour ago, swambast said:

Took a looooong break from modding, but trying to find time and get back into it.  Sure, it can be done - here are a few mock-ups for example with different styles. 

Obviously not sure about desired height of smoke plume color, thickness, etc. but this is just to demo one approach and prove of course that it can be done.  



I Lava this!


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There are active 'steam vents' on the volcanos on the Kamchatka terrain revamp I did. IIRC, used the smokestack effect attacked to a oildrum1 object. I think, other than using swambast very cool effect (and cinder cone) maybe the 'sam trail effect' smoke could be use (it's white-ish) like is used for reactor cooling towers

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9 hours ago, swambast said:

Took a looooong break from modding, but trying to find time and get back into it.  Sure, it can be done - here are a few mock-ups for example with different styles. 

Obviously not sure about desired height of smoke plume color, thickness, etc. but this is just to demo one approach and prove of course that it can be done.  



Oh cool...

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you think particlewindfactor values would cause it to drift one side or the other?

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Kuril island terrain with relocated map and other tileset.




Left: old terrain map, right: new terrain map.

Its still a lot to do.

Edited by Gepard
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1 minute ago, Gepard said:

Kuril island terrain with relocated map and other tileset.

I was hoping to see it again with the new tileset you were making. Top notch work! :hi:

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