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6 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

I have seen worst.  I did skins for A-6 - the thing is you have to compromise here and there...

In general I agree here and I think, I've proven, that I did that in the past. But in that case the "costs" in time were simply to high for what can be achieved - for me. Thats why I stopped. *shrug*

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Very old stuff sent to me by wpnssgt.......



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On 2/8/2024 at 4:59 PM, Svetlin said:

The Scandinavian Front with the Viggen family included is available here at CA, but yes, a Viggen is not available as a standalone download, one has to download the full Scandinavian Front mod to get access to the Viggen.

Unless I am mistaken, the Viggen family models were touched a bit by Ravenclaw at some point, so even if these and the DAT one originate from the same source file (which I am not sure they do), the models in the Scandinavian Front should not be affected by the said politics.

Well, the Viggen model available here is a team work between some member of the Scandinavian Front team, including Ravenclaw and myself.  It's not based in the same source file that the DAT model is based , is a new model with a LOT of improvements if we compare it with the DAT model. Teh model, like all the final Scandinavian front pack, is a BETA since some of the members abandon the project and the leader, JOnathan decided to release as it to provide the CA people a mod with planes that until then were only available in DAT site.

I think I still have the source files, but right now I don't have time to work on it I will try to find the original models and release them in a separate pack, but they are last in a long line of models (F3d, LAvi, NAmmer, CH-47,A3D,A2D,A7M, IowaBB, FREEM, B-32,HE-277,JU-388... so it could take more than the usual two weeks

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On the red side, I have several planes in different stages, hope I can deliver some, shortly... more detail means more time spent...


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It begs the question -- I know a few TMF birds have been updated for SF2, but have all of them? Even if, like the delta-wing mirages, have stock 3W counterparts. (crusader, corsair ii, etc)

AngelP: don't forget I've got your A3Ds, all skinned and decaled. They (just!!!**) need a better working flight model, and some 3d work on the wing folds. At your convience; not a major rush item(s)


**they flip over on the carrier cat shot, and won't catch the wire on landing. other than that, .... LOL!!!:haha:

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On 9.2.2024 at 4:32 PM, yakarov79 said:

We have quite a decent F-5E. from Centurion (?) right?

We also have a great one by bobrock, ok only the source file...

Still needs to be brought into game.


Edited by Soulfreak
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12 hours ago, Soulfreak said:

We also have a great one by bobrock, ok only the source file...

if you got the max file, thats way ahead of what we would have from Centurion. 

he popped off the scene almost 10 years ago, and left a couple projects in various states of completion. including the more modern Tiger 2s (the available pack is early versions iirc)

i'd love for him to be back active and working on it.  but reworking bobrocks is much more likely to happen

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Okay First update the A-6A has been sent to the team and we are working on two things making the data files and the textures hopfull this is what the textures will include.




Edited by GKABS
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A new cockpit or the same one that's been used for years? I mean I don't really mind either way as it works for the most part, and since this isn't DCS functionality isn't a thing anyway.

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6 minutes ago, GKABS said:

Yes it's.


just some time ago I started Vietnam war squadron deployments. So got some reasearch.

no 2 and 7 - are you planning A-6B and A-6C too ? :good:

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No new cockpit, and I totally agree with you.

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So, with a hard and combined effort, we could improve this sim, can we not?

Something to comes to my mind is: Will the bunch of updated objects (Planes, Weapons, Terrains, etc..) affect the performance of the game in, say, fairly strong computers?

Mean, when we get them all in game...

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Just now, yakarov79 said:


just some time ago I started Vietnam war squadron deployments. So got some reasearch.

no 2 and 7 - are you planning A-6B and A-6C too ? :good:

So far we are making the A-6A and most likely we will make the B and C 

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17 minutes ago, FLOGGER23 said:

So, with a hard and combined effort, we could improve this sim, can we not?

Something to comes to my mind is: Will the bunch of updated objects (Planes, Weapons, Terrains, etc..) affect the performance of the game in, say, fairly strong computers?

Mean, when we get them all in game...

id say ODS30AE would be the benchmark for that. if your system can handle that, it should handle the new toys coming out.


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10 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

if you got the max file, thats way ahead of what we would have from Centurion. 

I have the max file, but no 3d acquirements.... :-(

But If someone is willing to take care of the source, i will be happy to share the max.

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I have a question do we have the Douglas 300-gallon tank modeled?


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Im pretty sure it's in a weapons pack somewhere, maybe killerbee's? But if you can incorporate it in the 3D model it'll make it easier to skin and the like.

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4 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

I can send you max file, (Friday/Saturday)

Thanks that will be great. :friends:

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Hi, GKABS, hope you will be able to implement the different configurations of the Aero 1D 300-gal drop tank.

Aero 1D single fin (to be loaded under the wings of the A-6A/B/C):



Aero 1D with 2 fins (to be loaded on the centerline station under the fuselage during the early years of A-6 operations):



Aero 1D with NO fins (to be loaded on the centerline station under the fuselage during the later years of A-6 operations):


The models are not mine, but by one of the well-known, kind and generous modders here at CA and I am showing these only to illustrate my point.

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On 2/15/2024 at 10:38 PM, Svetlin said:

Hi, GKABS, hope you will be able to implement the different configurations of the Aero 1D 300-gal drop tank.

Aero 1D single fin (to be loaded under the wings of the A-6A/B/C):

Yes, indeed I will do it. 

I started working on the A-6C TRIM pod



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Well that sheds light on what the end result is, because so far I can't tell what the TRIM (never heard of it really) looks like. Thanks snapper21

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