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3 minutes ago, Stratos said:


Discussion opened.

Moved it to the Modder forum where it needs to go. Thank you for starting it. :smile:

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1 hour ago, Jimbib said:

To quote Erik...

"With out more income CA will close. If CA closes then nobody gets anything. I just write what will happen."

Pretty simple.

EDIT: What I'm more surprised at is the passive aggressive tone coming from people towards Erik on this decision. A couple of thoughts:

  • The running of CA is purely for the enjoyment of others, it makes zero profit, in fact it costs him a shit load of money to simply keep the website up and running. Does anyone seriously think he would ever want to apply a subscription to access downloads? It's been made abundantly clear from multiple posts in this thread that it is now beyond financial viability for him to keep things going without much needed help from the broader community
  • I'm amazed at the sense of entitlement being shown by some... I'm yet to see one shred of thanks to Erik for personally bankrolling this site where we all come to blow off some steam and enjoy SF2 (and other games) for over 20 years. That's his own money, that he's perfectly entitled to spend on his own hobbies... but instead, he keeps this place open for all of our enjoyment. Instead of criticising the guy, maybe we could help with him out by buying a subscription? Crazy idea I know, but christ on a bike... come on.

You and me both Jimmy, you and me both :suicide:

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2 hours ago, Jimbib said:

To quote Erik...

"With out more income CA will close. If CA closes then nobody gets anything. I just write what will happen."

Pretty simple.

EDIT: What I'm more surprised at is the passive aggressive tone coming from people towards Erik on this decision. A couple of thoughts:

  • The running of CA is purely for the enjoyment of others, it makes zero profit, in fact it costs him a shit load of money to simply keep the website up and running. Does anyone seriously think he would ever want to apply a subscription to access downloads? It's been made abundantly clear from multiple posts in this thread that it is now beyond financial viability for him to keep things going without much needed help from the broader community
  • I'm amazed at the sense of entitlement being shown by some... I'm yet to see one shred of thanks to Erik for personally bankrolling this site where we all come to blow off some steam and enjoy SF2 (and other games) for over 20 years. That's his own money, that he's perfectly entitled to spend on his own hobbies... but instead, he keeps this place open for all of our enjoyment. Instead of criticising the guy, maybe we could help with him out by buying a subscription? Crazy idea I know, but christ on a bike... come on.

Well I renewed for two more years myself

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38 minutes ago, Erik said:


 Happy New Year.

Happy New year to you too.

44 minutes ago, Erik said:



Could you open a discussion in the Modder group about this candidate?


Honestly, I didn't open this discussion because I was seeking a modder status, it's up to you guys.


47 minutes ago, Erik said:


 We need 100 monthly subscriptions every month just to pay the bills.

1000$ a month????????  This is a crazy !!!!! Sorry I was not aware of this, it never crossed into my mind that it could be that much


52 minutes ago, Erik said:



TK is not interested in selling the game or the rights to anyone but you're welcome to talk to him. If you need his email address, I will be happy to provide it to you.

That sucks...I was thinking a "IL-2 Sturmovik" like solution, however if he's not willing to negotiate about the game makes things difficult. Well if he's not willing to talk about it with you that you are the Combat Ace man I don't think anyone else has any chance.


58 minutes ago, Erik said:


 I don't see that you've ever financially supported the site.

No, never.


1 hour ago, Erik said:




 I do see the twenty files you have here.

It's much more than the twenty files because I worked on the data.ini (mainly FM), avionics, loadouts and as a beta tester on many projects.


1 hour ago, Erik said:


You have been inactive for the most part and I do see your random hand full of downloads monthly or bi-monthly depending on when you would log in.

Indeed, after Guruu presented his Tornados (I worked with him for them a lot) I was largely inactive because of real life issues despite my attempts to return. I was a beta tester in the ODS campaign but I failed to work on it properly, it was an unfortunate timing for me at the time. A few times that I came back was when my HD crashed and I re-downloaded planes that I had in my old HD.  There are many files in my folder that I downloaded and are still there unistalled because I had no time (if I don't have time to "fly" them, I tend not to install them). It's a couple of months that I made a slow comeback via PMs of others that urged me to come back. Therefore I downloaded a lot of stuff recently.

One more thing, my fears are genuine, it's not a complain because I am just a "free down-loader" as Daddy implies.

After your reply I have second thoughts because the 1000$ per month struck me in the head, I never thought that much.

I hope that TW will reconsider and open us the way to do an update to the SF2 series the way Oleg Maddox let the IL-2 to others because some parts are getting very dated like the mission planning, AI, the gameplay suffers a lot in comparison with newer simulators. The IL-2 survived that way and frankly I don't see any other way for the SF2 series.

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Why all the vinegar? Why all this nitpicking?

Bills need to be paid to keep this site going! It's not about profits and earnings...
And for those whining about it...
You have cable TV or a streaming subscription...
You have a mobile phone with a monthly subscription...
You have a speedy internet subscription...

All these cost a lot too, wherever you are. And you are NOT willing to pay for the 1 or 2 year subscription to have access to the greatest flightsim community, to the huge amount of files? Spread the costs and a CA subscription costs you less a month than an evening meal...
If you are NOT willing to help lessen the burden and chip in... you're a cheapskate. Letting someone else pick up the (huge!) tab so you can have your "free" files makes you a leech...
And please don't come here with local exchange rates, with living standards and such... In comparison with my countrymen I am in a pickle. My military disabilities have shrunk my income to 60% of the nominal average so I never have enough to get by. HOWEVER... I DO appreciate the little things in life and I am willing to put some money aside to pay for that. So that is why I paid a 2 year subscription here on CA to do my little bit to keep this site going. Not because I can afford it and I can easily take it out of my checkbook, but because I want to! I want CA to stay afloat, I want to be a part of this community, I want to keep my SF game alive.

And to ALL those people who have no contribution to CA whatsoever (so I mean those who register to download and never ever write something, except the last few days) and are here only to suck it dry for its contents... shame on you and go f*** yourselves and your arrogant privileged attitudes...


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13 minutes ago, FANATIC MODDER said:

Happy New year to you too.

Honestly, I didn't open this discussion because I was seeking a modder status, it's up to you guys.


1000$ a month????????  This is a crazy !!!!! Sorry I was not aware of this, it never crossed into my mind that it could be that much


That sucks...I was thinking a "IL-2 Sturmovik" like solution, however if he's not willing to negotiate about the game makes things difficult. Well if he's not willing to talk about it with you that you are the Combat Ace man I don't think anyone else has any chance.


No, never.


It's much more than the twenty files because I worked on the data.ini (mainly FM), avionics, loadouts and as a beta tester on many projects.


Indeed, after Guruu presented his Tornados (I worked with him for them a lot) I was largely inactive because of real life issues despite my attempts to return. I was a beta tester in the ODS campaign but I failed to work on it properly, it was an unfortunate timing for me at the time. A few times that I came back was when my HD crashed and I re-downloaded planes that I had in my old HD.  There are many files in my folder that I downloaded and are still there unistalled because I had no time (if I don't have time to "fly" them, I tend not to install them). It's a couple of months that I made a slow comeback via PMs of others that urged me to come back. Therefore I downloaded a lot of stuff recently.

One more thing, my fears are genuine, it's not a complain because I am just a "free down-loader" as Daddy implies.

After your reply I have second thoughts because the 1000$ per month struck me in the head, I never thought that much.

I hope that TW will reconsider and open us the way to do an update to the SF2 series the way Oleg Maddox let the IL-2 to others because some parts are getting very dated like the mission planning, AI, the gameplay suffers a lot in comparison with newer simulators. The IL-2 survived that way and frankly I don't see any other way for the SF2 series.

It is nice to see you have an open mind. You're open to discussion and reason and that counts for something.
And as said earlier here... asking for money to keep CA alive is not easy and funny at all... but very necessary! Happy to see you get the broader perspective.


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15 hours ago, bazillius said:

I don't have any money either. All my money goes to war. I just want to say that in this way you are simply cutting off users from third world countries. I am one of them. Look at some of the comments above.There will be no increase in money this way. Although why are we arguing. I shouldn't have written this comment. Everyone has their own problems. Someone's oysters are too small, and someone's second-rate bread is too stale. i dont say you must pay for everything. i just write what will happen.

Indeed for a lot of people around the world giving 90$ is a significant sum. I know that for some others in the US this may sound crazy, but I know a lot of people that their money are ending before the end of the month and they are just waiting to get paid and this cycle goes all over again.

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2 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

perhaps...But still. If there is a user who can create several accounts just to download content...Some users will download, and then send via "facebook"  to other friends that do not want to pay for that shit...So what is the point of payware mods? 

Because I am positive that some will download content to pay the bill..But some will do it with piracy in mind...And that is the reality. 

Even with this system, someone that has access can  then re-sell what is downloading so for example if I pay 90$ per year and find 3 people to sell all the content that I download for 30$ I covered my expenses.

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40 minutes ago, FANATIC MODDER said:

Even with this system, someone that has access can  then re-sell what is downloading so for example if I pay 90$ per year and find 3 people to sell all the content that I download for 30$ I covered my expenses.

that is true

but it is also on the less likely end of probabilty

its like the old Columbia House CD scam in the 90s. get your 5 (or 7 or 10 or whatever) CDs for just 1 penny mailed in with the order form. then buy 3 more at regular price. Except people didnt buy three at regular price. they used a different variation of their name and ordered another 5 CDs for a penny. up until they required a credit card to do the transaction (so they could charge you for the 3 full price  cds)

thieves and pirates are less likely to use credit cards (even stolen ones) to bootleg non studio release software than they are to grab what they can for free.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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1 hour ago, EricJ said:

Well I renewed for two more years myself

Thank you. The Modders in this community have always stood up and put their shoulder behind this place when we've needed it. I owe them a huge debt and amount of gratitude. It's one of the reasons I don't complain about finances, and try the best I can, to quietly maintain things in the background. Sincerely, thank you guys. Please take a bow for all you've done throughout the years. You deserve applause and appreciation.

@logan4 you own the spotlight sir, center stage please.  :declare::ty:

It is unfortunate but everything has gone up in price, even what do here. What used to cost us $400 a month 20 years ago has increased yearly to our current state. Everything has gone up and I mean everything. The cost to have the books and taxes done for the site has doubled since I first started. Our licensing and support for our forum software has doubled. Not to mention we've been running outdated forum software because our Apache distro is outdated but I can't upgrade the LAMP stack without new gear, it's a never-ending battle. Licensing for our domain names has gone up 35%. Licensing for hosting software has gone up. The cost we pay to PayPal for every transaction has gone up. The servers have been at contractual rates for 24-month clips, but they go up with every new contract. We're working on the 12th renewal now due to be signed by the 15th. Our delivery costs have gone up 46% while growing in volume. Even electricity has gone up. If we broke even every month I'd pass out. Let's not forget I'm also forced to look at a $3000 - $4000 hardware upgrade because our gear is old and tired. I'm surprised the old girls have lasted this long if the truth be known. The amount of abuse these machines take is insane. I'm sure you've noticed the sluggish response when making form posts? That's our MySQL database machine just choking on the size of our database after 23 years. So, the bills aside I've been agonizing over the equipment for years just praying it hangs in there. On the plus side we don't have any money to keep track of, so our banking fees are non-existent besides the PayPal fees. Another good thing is my hips are still in decent shape because I don't have a fat wallet to carry around. I prefer to end on a positive note, so I'm going to leave it there.


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I've been following this since the OP and don't really have anything other to add (because I'm relatively new here), other than how surprised I was that this resource was free when I first joined some months ago. To have a database of files free to the community (and not to mention the "free" hard work from the community) blew my mind. I have bought a sub in the past to download ODS and some others, and thought it was fair - even cheap! So thank you, Erik, for what you do. I'd rather have you and the site, even at modest cost, than not.


What I will say is that, as some in here will recognise, I am active in a couple of discord groups trying to keep the game alive as I enjoy it myself. There have been several occasions recently when new users/players have admitted in the open that they have pirated the game (this alone I find distasteful) and have sought to circumvent the CA download limits by using multiple  email addresses, so I can understand the need to make these changes, and I support them. I'm sorry some of us are jolted by the changes but I would echo those others who compare CA with any other kind of streaming service; nothing is free, it all costs someone money, and it's unfair to pass that on to someone else.

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8 hours ago, FANATIC MODDER said:

If you are referring to me, I contributed in so many projects.

They don't want to notice not only your work, but also the work of different teams, which include free moders. They only notice their own work. Just don't pay attention and don't be offended. Although I also feel offended when they wrote to me that I didn't give anything. I understand your feelings, friend. They are friends with a small circle of friends and that's why they say that. Just forget about it. Leave it. Golden billion wants to cut off third world countries (Global South) like fishead. Let them do.You have deeds to do instead modding i bet. Pity to read that kind of words, sure.


Edited by bazillius

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8 hours ago, Muesli said:

You have cable TV or a streaming subscription...
You have a mobile phone with a monthly subscription...
You have a speedy internet subscription...


who said we all have it? i already answered on this question but it was deleted. i dint have even electricity 24\7

Keep in mind that while you are living on social benefits and lying on the couch watching cable TV, for your this life with cable TV, 100 Uyghurs are working for you somewhere far away for a salary of two dollars a week.


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9 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

.TAV-8B. I think 15$ will be a fair price.

i will not buy. i have no credit card. I wanted to offer to swap. You give me that twinsitter Harrier and I'll give you the Yak-38U. I was waiting for a good opportunity to offer. You said it was a bit unfinished and mine is also unfinished. Ha-ha. Offer now is not actual. Lets sell aircrafts now. :biggrin:

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Не розумію, щось втрачено в перекладі.

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Hello again and first, Happy New Year for Everyone.
I've been here for a long time and so I think I can make a suggestion about your problem? But first I'll tell you a little about my story. I ask you to read it before misinterpreting it because I am using a translator. Reading the posts I didn't imagine that there were abusive people making fake accounts.

Firstly, I will try to explain my position and apologize. I had asked what was happening in another post because I thought it was an error on the site and unfortunately they thought I was being abusive. Because it was something so unexpected, and because I had already had an error in my browser here, and a moderator even guided me on how to fix it, I thought it was another error and didn't even stop to pay attention to what was happening.

I'm one of those people who downloaded a lot of models and almost didn't even comment. But it wasn't abuse. I'm from South America and I can't write English well. For me, I have to use a translator and sometimes things go wrong. I read very well, but I write and speak poorly. So when I saw a colleague write about abusive people, I felt the need to let them know that I'm not one of them.

In my other post, which I think was deleted, I thanked everyone for providing the models I downloaded. They are helping me a lot. And why? My purpose in this community was to help develop mods and share them. I've even spoken to a moderator about this. My difficulty is the same as Erik's. Money. That's why I agree with your decision. Developing games or models is not easy.

Your mods are helping me understand how to make models, although my understanding is very poor due to the fact that my PC is weak and cannot run programs like Blender or 3D Max.

I'm pursuing a career as a game developer, the amateur way because I don't have the money to pay for games college. I made the mistake of studying Biology, which didn't give me anything, and I decided to invest in making games. I'm developing a children's game but I've always dreamed of making simulators. But then life plays its tricks, I lost my father, I lost my dear friend, depression came, lack of money, pandemic and corrupt government. Things that a lot of people also face.  I really wanted to be able to contribute money from the first day I joined and that's why I haven't been able to until now.

I was never able to register because dollars here are worth a lot of reais. 9 dollars for example, the minimum registration, costs very money. And here in my country, as you may already know, it's not even possible to make a good purchase in the market. And I think that's the reality of at least those like me, who live in a third world country full of corruption like mine. Yes, we suffer so much from violence that we are afraid to even leave the house.

Due to health problems I have, I depend on my mother. And, she has already denied contributing to this because you knows, it's hot here and she and no one here are betting on developing games, much more simulators. Therefore, the reason I never said thank you or left a thank you was really embarrassed to lower myself and not be able to contribute anything. I always thought you guys deserved a bigger contribution and then I thought - The guy download himself and only knows how to thank him. If we can't give something better, nothing could be done. But I think I made a mistake and didn't say thank you. Besides, I'm moving at a snail's pace. 

But why am I saying this? Just so you can see my side and why I didn't contribute, since I saw that this was one of the main factors that led to this decision on the site. I felt the need to speak out since one of you mentioned the abuse by many who just want to get down. Well, I not want you to think I'm the abusive guy who wants to breastfeed. The only thing I can do now is contribute suggestions.


Edited by Fdino
I forgot to mention that I agree with you and I'm not complaining.
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Now my suggestion.

As my knowledge of games that I am, and avid for aerial simulators, have you ever thought about making your own simulator? This question goes to Eriki. I downloaded several models and terrains that several of you made. So, you have enough modders and minds to create your own simulator, don't you think? You just need to avoid chauvinism or the sameness that all simulators commit and that's why they always end up having few admirers. Innovate something. Take alien ships for example. Why don't they focus on creating a simulator. I'm not talking about freeware simulators. I'm talking about an official simulator that allows you to fly several aircraft and also has an intriguing story that escapes the old geopolitical arms war. Would this be difficult? Wonderful professionals do you have? What I'm saying is to invest in your project.

In the post I created, I mentioned YS Flight SIMulator. I used it a lot for a long time before Strike Fighters and I already contributed ideas to one of the communities. I don't know what it's like now, but as far as I know, it's a freeware simulator of Japanese origin with several models. The cool thing about it is the diversity of aircraft, some of which don't even appear in other games. And when I talk about diversity, it really means diversity, as there are everything from P-38 to X-Wing, Transformer and Star Wars Destroyer.  To this day I wonder how the guys managed to maintain all of this and still become famous. Maybe you should talk to them Erik and they can give you an idea of how to maintain all this. I say this because I think you need help from someone who knows how to maintain all of this. And I'm not talking about free downloads. Forget free templates. I'm talking about you creating a simulator company.

Maybe Erik, things are so difficult to maintain because you must take the next step. The first is to demand recognition for your work, you have already had it. But as Fanatic Modder said in his comment, this is a simulator that the company didn't even manufacture or invest in anymore. If he invested, it was little. We are not talking about a franchise. If my advice is bad, I ask you to disregard it. I apologize once again for the misunderstanding I caused in the previous post. I wish you the best of luck. and once again I want to thank you. You gave me a lot of joy with the models and helped with my studies on airplanes. I recognize this and feel never able to contribute. Thanks and Very Wishes and a New Happy Year.

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I'm not Erik, but I'll answer. In order to make a game, and especially a AAA class simulator, you need hundreds of gold, hundreds of crystals and oil and hundreds of wood and stamina, but Erik can't pay even for the site hosting. Keep yourself safe pal. i wish you luck in your studying and I wish you to find a job as a game developer and get out of your bad streak of life

Edited by bazillius
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5 hours ago, bazillius said:

who said we all have it? i already answered on this question but it was deleted. i dint have even electricity 24\7

Keep in mind that while you are living on social benefits and lying on the couch watching cable TV, for your this life with cable TV, 100 Uyghurs are working for you somewhere far away for a salary of two dollars a week.


If you read between the lines, you could have made a conclusion that I am in a situation that is far from that. And you suggest I am nothing but a lazy government leech???
For that I truly say a big fat FUCK YOU!!!

I have done my share for other people in another country... I got nothing back in return except all the shit I am in right now. On top of that I live in a country that may have "mo money" but with bills exceeding the imagination... I wish my life was as easy as you describe!!!
I have experienced the worst things man can do to eachother and it broke me mentally and physically, all because I was always willing to help my fellow humans... Don't give me that pathetic shot just to have an excuse to keep nagging and whining!

I cannot spare a single dime in all fairness but I still contribute. If you hypothetically ARE an uyghur and have ¤2 a week, you don't have a PC with SF on it at all.
Everybody here has the minimum to have a PC, to have SF and to use electricity and internet. You're not living in a cave so get over it and stop bitching...
Freeloading times are over and now it is time to help paying the bills. Otherwise... FUCK OFF.

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First and foremost, I want to wish everyone on this site a happy 2025. I truly appreciate you all and hope this year brings success to your lives.

Secondly, there's a lot to say, so I apologize in advance if this is lengthy. I prefer to express my viewpoint fully in one context, rather than diluting the same idea in parts and repeating myself.

Where I come from, there's a saying that goes, "Politeness doesn't take away from courage," and that's where I'll share my thoughts on this matter... In over 20 years of visiting forums, I've seen that arrogance and a lack of empathy are terrible moderators. When I read Erik's post, my first thought was, "He's absolutely right, but this will upset those who have contributed," and I didn't comment until I saw if all viewpoints would be treated with respect and empathy in a place where the average age is probably around 35, meaning adults with common sense. Well, I was right... (in my opinion)  the problem of discontent is due to the fact that for CA to be what it is today, it has taken 20 years with a handful of users who contributed for free to a site that admitted them for free, in a symbiotic relationship of collaboration (some with little, some with a lot, but everyone has added something) and to unilaterally decide that those who have contributed content to the site should now be forced to pay a subscription overnight is completely logical to generate, at the very least, annoyance. (And here I want you to understand my argument very well): the reasons Erik gives are very sensible, but the solution could have more common sense and could have taken things more calmly.

According to what I've read, the problem lies in the maintenance costs, caused by the exponential growth of user accounts that download large amounts of content. But is that the core issue? Isn't it more about monetary resources? And who's causing this content flood? The ones who have been around for 15 years? Or the new users...? If you think about it, who's been around for so long already they've probably downloaded everything they wanted during that time. The problem is the new users who want to catch up in a week and the famous "I want" crowd that doesn't even use common sense in their forum posts. Are they really going to question whether multiplying their accounts is harmful to the site...?

I came from Checksix and Column.us, and that's where I found this amazing place. I'm sure that if there had been a subscription when I arrived here, CA wouldn't be what it is today, because there are talented people who wouldn't pay anything because they have other priorities, and yet they don't have any problem sharing their talent in exchange for a 'like', feeling part of a collaborative group, or simply for personal growth.

I'm also disturbed by the lack of empathy from some users. We've been part of this community for years, and it's disheartening to see people resort to attacks when faced with different opinions. I greatly appreciate everyone's contributions, but let's remember that we're all human beings first. While this platform may not solve world hunger, it provides a valuable escape for many who face challenges in their daily lives. Some live in areas without reliable electricity 24 hours, others in conflict zones, and still others deal with chronic illnesses. This community offers a much-needed distraction. The cost of the subscription is also a concern. It's important to remember that people's financial situations vary greatly. Some may have already established themselves, while others are still building their lives. If everyone is expected to pay, we should reconsider the values of this community. The focus should be on finding sustainable solutions rather than criticizing those who can't afford it. In my children's school, we encourage cooperation and inclusivity. If a child can't afford a field trip, we find ways to help them participate. That's what community is all about. If you don't share these values, at least try to be respectful.

Edited by PeacePuma
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Let's be clear, no one can touch Erik or Logan's wallet, and it's not fair for them to pay out of their own pocket. However, there are things we could reconsider for everyone's benefit:

1.     The site has user levels (I'm a valuable member, for example). We could implement a reasonable download quota based on your contributions to the site (logically, based on participation in creating downloadable material).

2.     New users all pay, or have a limited download quota to access basic material (you might say that multiple accounts of the same people have already violated this alternative, but the solution leads to the next point).

3.     Exclusive material, it was proposed at some point with the ODS pack, I never knew what stopped it, I paid a brief subscription to obtain it, but the same people who collaborate could qualify by mutual agreement a percentage of "Premium" material that is uploaded or already hosted as exclusive material, which can be obtained through a paid subscription and at this point, even if you create 1000 accounts, you won't be able to obtain it without going through the cash register that would end the vice, and collaborators could access with limited or full quotas according to their contributions.

4.     This is not a measure but an idea... the fact that the site has an explosion of users does not have to turn into something negative, if a member makes a national skin that they publish on their social networks, that is brand advertising that attracts more subscribers to this site, the problem is a matter of security and of wisely managing the resources that are offered, otherwise tell me how Netflix doesn't collapse in a pandemic with borrowed accounts... I insist that we should all be understanding of all positions, but we should not kill the site with a massive exodus of valuable people who are hurt, nor let it die for lack of resources, if higher up in another post the venerable Mue, to whom many owe the proliferation of material here, hints that we should look for a better solution, it is because my proposal is not so wrong after all.

This is all, a thousand apologies for the length, my language and idiosyncrasy has an extensive language that I tried to compact as much as possible, on the other hand, if you disagree with my proposal or vision I will gladly read it as long as it is with the same respect that I owe to everyone.

I hope for news that will bring joy and maintain the unity we have had. A hug to everyone.


Edited by PeacePuma
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Hey there,

first thing I want to mention is that in my opinion the arrogance and rudeness of some people in this discussion is disgusting. Some people here are godlike and that is nothing new. To bad...

Nevertheless, Erik has a valid point. Servers have running costs and someone has to pay for it. If having an active subscription is the way to go to solve the costs-issue, than be it. It's his wallet - his money, his rules.

But as this community is from all over the world, of course some people get problems now on how to pay the subscription. Maybe it's not the golden idea, but would it be technically possible so gift a subscription to anyone? It could at least be a short-term solution for some people out there.

P.S. I made s subscription...I hope that helps a bit.

Edited by Nyghtfall
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Gifting sounds like a good way to do it, but I won't as once word gets out people (a lot of people) will ask for it, and while I'm not hurting on finances, it isn't infinite, and I have to pay bills too. And some people will get mad when told no, so it's up to the person if he/she wants to do it for other people. But other than that either don't, or do get a subscription, and like Nyghtfall said, and my personal opinion of the whining about this situation. It's not Erik's fault (but was his choice) to go this route. Had people not abused the system, he probably would have (or not) done this anyway.

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7 hours ago, PeacePuma said:

First and foremost, I want to wish everyone on this site a happy 2025. I truly appreciate you all and hope this year brings success to your lives.

Secondly, there's a lot to say, so I apologize in advance if this is lengthy. I prefer to express my viewpoint fully in one context, rather than diluting the same idea in parts and repeating myself.

Where I come from, there's a saying that goes, "Politeness doesn't take away from courage," and that's where I'll share my thoughts on this matter... In over 20 years of visiting forums, I've seen that arrogance and a lack of empathy are terrible moderators. When I read Erik's post, my first thought was, "He's absolutely right, but this will upset those who have contributed," and I didn't comment until I saw if all viewpoints would be treated with respect and empathy in a place where the average age is probably around 35, meaning adults with common sense. Well, I was right... (in my opinion)  the problem of discontent is due to the fact that for CA to be what it is today, it has taken 20 years with a handful of users who contributed for free to a site that admitted them for free, in a symbiotic relationship of collaboration (some with little, some with a lot, but everyone has added something) and to unilaterally decide that those who have contributed content to the site should now be forced to pay a subscription overnight is completely logical to generate, at the very least, annoyance. (And here I want you to understand my argument very well): the reasons Erik gives are very sensible, but the solution could have more common sense and could have taken things more calmly.

According to what I've read, the problem lies in the maintenance costs, caused by the exponential growth of user accounts that download large amounts of content. But is that the core issue? Isn't it more about monetary resources? And who's causing this content flood? The ones who have been around for 15 years? Or the new users...? If you think about it, who's been around for so long already they've probably downloaded everything they wanted during that time. The problem is the new users who want to catch up in a week and the famous "I want" crowd that doesn't even use common sense in their forum posts. Are they really going to question whether multiplying their accounts is harmful to the site...?

I came from Checksix and Column.us, and that's where I found this amazing place. I'm sure that if there had been a subscription when I arrived here, CA wouldn't be what it is today, because there are talented people who wouldn't pay anything because they have other priorities, and yet they don't have any problem sharing their talent in exchange for a 'like', feeling part of a collaborative group, or simply for personal growth.

I'm also disturbed by the lack of empathy from some users. We've been part of this community for years, and it's disheartening to see people resort to attacks when faced with different opinions. I greatly appreciate everyone's contributions, but let's remember that we're all human beings first. While this platform may not solve world hunger, it provides a valuable escape for many who face challenges in their daily lives. Some live in areas without reliable electricity 24 hours, others in conflict zones, and still others deal with chronic illnesses. This community offers a much-needed distraction. The cost of the subscription is also a concern. It's important to remember that people's financial situations vary greatly. Some may have already established themselves, while others are still building their lives. If everyone is expected to pay, we should reconsider the values of this community. The focus should be on finding sustainable solutions rather than criticizing those who can't afford it. In my children's school, we encourage cooperation and inclusivity. If a child can't afford a field trip, we find ways to help them participate. That's what community is all about. If you don't share these values, at least try to be respectful.

Thank you for your input and gracious reply. I too agree that kindness and politeness go a long way, so thank you for that.

I hear what you're saying in both posts and appreciate your views. I will add your thoughts to the future release.

Thank you,


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