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Showing most liked content on 10/28/2019 in Files

  1. 4 points

    Version 1.0.0


    NF.11 with new two-piece blown canopy rather than the heavy-framed version. It also had a longer nose giving a length of 51 ft 4 in. Prototype modified from an NF.11 was first flown 23 October 1953 and was followed by 100 production aircraft built by Armstrong Whitworth for the Royal Air Force. France: 2 test aircraft were used in a wide variety of experiments, including radar and missile tests and during the development of Concorde. What's in: - a new plane - 25 RAF, AA skins - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade, IDF Skins - paulopanz: skins, decals, srcreens etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz PS: This ugly bird is the last of night fighter Meteor and the last plane of our complete Meteor line up by Yakarov79. Thank you very much mate!
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    In this little package you will find : - Redraw of the panel lines and rivets. - New RCAF skin to depict the RCAF Lancaster used (but no model modification so bird is still armed :)) - Same RAF CAMO, but ''like new'' paint Just copy/paste and overwrite when prompted. Original Credits : 3D Model (Veltro2k) Textures and FM (Charles) Cockpit (Kesselbrut) Best Sim : Thirdwire Me : New RCAF Skin Happy flights!
  3. 1 point

    Version 2.1.0


    Caporetto Terrain WW1 V2.0 ******************************* INTRODUCTION The Italian Front during WW1 refers to a series of battles fought between 1915 and 1918 in northern Italy between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Germany against Italy. Italy hoped that by joining the countries of the Triple Entente against the Central Powers it would gain Cisalpine Tyrol (today's provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol), the Austrian Littoral, northern Dalmatia and some areas of western Carniola. Italy had hoped to begin the war with a surprise offensive intended to move quickly and capture several Austrian cities. Well, the war soon bogged down into trench warfare similar to the Western Front fought in France. The included terrain represents the situation around September/October 1917, just before the battle of Caporetto. The Battle of Caporetto (also known as the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo, the Battle of Kobarid or the Battle of Karfreit) was the greatest defeat in Italian military history. The battle was fought between the Entente and the Central Powers and took place from 24 October to 19 November 1917, near the town of Kobarid (now in north-western Slovenia, then part of the Austrian Littoral). The battle was named after the Italian name of the town (also known as Karfreit in German). Austro-Hungarian forces, reinforced by German units, were able to break into the Italian front line and rout the Italian forces opposing them. The battle was a demonstration of the effectiveness of the use of stormtroopers and the infiltration tactics developed in part by Oskar von Hutier. The use of poison gas by the Germans also played a key role in the collapse of the Italian Second Army. INCLUDED - Italian terrain/front WW1, situaton around summer/late summer 1917 - 544 unique tiles - 10798 targets and 589 target areas - Terrain represents the most important battlegrounds on the Italian front (Monfalcone, Mt. Hermada, Doberdo and Doberdo Lake, Mt. Fajiti Hrib, Gorizia, Mt. Sabotino, Bainsizza plateau, Caporetto, Mt. Krn, Mt. Tre Cime, Mt. Cristallo, Mt. Lagazuoi, Mt. Col di Lana, Mt. Marmolada, Mt. Ortigara, Mt. Pasubio...and many other historical places) - Needed ground objects are also included - Important mountains where done via satellite images (the tiles), like Marmolada, Mount Krn, Monte Cristallo, etc. all unique - All historical fortifications are included (mountain bunkers, etc.) and locations/naming correct (as good as it gets) - Major railroad lines included - Port of Triest acts as port of Pola with all the major Austro-Hungarian Dreadnoughts stationed there - Flying boat stations included with stationary Lohners and Macchi aircrafts PREREQUISITES - FE Gold or FE2 - Very strong PC and GPU INSTALLATION 1. PRELIMINARY WORK 1.1 Extract file into a temporary folder like 'c:\temp' 1.2 You'll find a new folder called 'caporettoV20' within 'c:\temp' 1.3 For the campaign to work properly you'll need the following aircraft (you'll find them at the usual places) --- AlbatrosC3 --- AlbatrosD3OAW --- AviatikC2 --- AviatikD1 --- Ca3 --- Dfwci --- Hanriot_HD1_CAM --- Hansa_BrandenburgDI --- LloydC2 --- Nieuport12 --- Nieuport17 --- oefD3_ba53a --- oefD3_ba153a --- oefD3_ba253 --- PhoenixD2a --- PomilioPE --- RumplerC1 --- SAMLS2 --- SP3 --- SPAD7_150 --- SPAD7_180 --- SPAD13 --- SVA5 2. TERRAIN INSTALLATION 2.1 FIRST EAGLES 2 - This terrain uses the stock wwiCambrai.CAT file, You must have the "wwiCambrai" terrain from First Eagles for the wwiCaporetto terrain to work properly. - Look into your personal Windows folder like 'C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2', e.g. your MODS Folder - create the folder 'terrains' within if not already there - Move the 'wwiCaporetto' directory from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Terrain\wwiCaporetto') to 'C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\terrains\', e.g. your MODS Folder - Move the folders within 'GroundObject' directory from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Objects\GroundObject') to 'C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Objects\GroundObjects', e.g. your MODS Folder 2.2 FIRST EAGLES GOLD - This terrain uses the stock wwiCambrai.CAT file, You must have the "wwiCambrai" terrain from First Eagles for the wwiCaporetto terrain to work properly. - Move the 'wwiCaporetto' directory from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Terrain\wwiCaporetto') into your FirstEagles installation directory (like 'c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Terrain') - Move the folders within 'GroundObject' from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Objects\GroundObject') into your FirstEagles installation directory (like 'c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Objects\GroundObject') - If you've already my previous Italian WWI terrain, then you probably don't need these objects. In any case if asked to 'owerwrite', click NO. 3. CAMPAIGN INSTALLATION 3.1 FIRST EAGLES 2 - Look into your personal Windows folder like 'C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2', e.g. your MODS folder - create the folder 'Campaigns' within if not already there - Move the 'wwiCaporetto01' directory from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Campaings') to C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Campaigns\', e.g. your MODS Folder - Move the files (bmp's) from your your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Menu') to your FirstEagles2 installation directory (like 'c:\Program Files\First Eagles2\Menu') Aircraft Skins - All needed aircraft skins are included. Look for them into your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Objects\Aircraft') add them like any other FE2 aircraft skins. You'll already have the majority probably. 3.2 FIRST EAGLES GOLD - Move the 'wwiCaporetto01' directory from your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Campaings') into your FirstEagles installation directory (like 'c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Campaigns') - Move the files (bmp's) from your your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Menu') into your FirstEagles installation directory (like 'c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Menu') Aircraft Skins - All needed aircraft skins are included. Look for them into your temporary folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Objects\Aircraft') add them like any other FE aircraft skins. You'll already have the majority probably. 4. EXTRAS - You'll find several ZIP files within the temporary 'Extras' folder (like 'c:\temp\caporettoV20\Extras') Description: Terrain_wwiCaporettoFolder_oldCarst.zip - I've repainted the carst region tiles to make them look more like limestone in this new version. If you like more the previous look, then just extract this file and overwrite the tiles within the wwiCaporetto folder. Terrain_wwiCaporettoFolder_oldIsonzo_trench_dry.zip - I've added wet fields and water filled shell holes in this new version. If you like more the previous look, then just extract this file and overwrite the tiles within the wwiCaporetto folder. MenuFolder_Music_MainScreen.zip - If you like a bit more exciting musing in the main menue. Just drop this file into your 'Menue' folder. PilotDataFolder_Additional_PilotImages.zip - These are all the portraits of all aces on the Italian front during 1915-1918. Quite a lot of work went into this. If you like a more historical approach then use these and drop them into your 'PilotData' folder. CREDITS As usually I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the Italian terrain, to TK, Jan Tuma, Stephen1918, ojcar, Gepard, Heck, geo, quack74, Edward, and specially Geezer. Sorry guys, can't remember all the names. Please contact me if you want to be named here. Thanks for files, suggestions, bug fixing, etc. DISCLAIMER The Italian terrain is freeware. You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited. If you find bugs please post them in First Eagles section of Combatace.com forum.


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