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Showing most liked content on 09/23/2023 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 4.0.0


    Mirage F1EJ Royal Jordanian Air Force received 17 F1CJ, 17 F1EJ & 2 F1BJ. F1EJ specifics: R550 (no R550-2), no R530, S530F, no AUF2, CLB4, no CLB8 Radio-altimeter Seat Mk6 Inertial Navigation System Sagem UNI47, VOR/ILS RWR BF (1-20 GHz) No AAR probe Sycomor Chaffs/Flares gondolas (P0 stations, ~1993) Barem jammer, Syrel ELINT, CC420 pods capability This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F.1 Team


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