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Showing most liked content on 03/16/2024 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 TMF Mirage IIIE (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack 3/14/2024 -For SF2, Any and All- (Full 5 Merged Suggested) This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage IIIE as used by the French Air Force. Even though there is =NOT= a stock 3W Mirage IIIE, this is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with any (other) Mirages available within the game. Skins remain in their original bmp format. All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, excepting drop tanks). A new User List has also been created (see note about that in the "Notes" below). This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins: EC 1/13 Artois (NMF) EC 2/4 La Fayette (EuroCamo <1968) EC 3/3 Ardennes (EuroCamo <1980) Each skin has 26 id letters/serial numbers. Almost all markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As you can see above, the SF2 Date Switch is in effect. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see: Mirage IIIE (TMF) So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli and The Mirage Factory
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Included are three RAF manuals from WWII. "Bag the Hun" is fairly well known and available from other sources. The RAF "Manual of Air Tactics" was more difficult to find, I ended up reaching out to and paying for a copy from the British Archives. If you are trying to fly accurate tactics in a Battle of Britain mission this is for you. The last manual "Tactical Bulletin 15" is actually USAAF pilot Reade Tilley's "Hints on Hun Hunting, issued to allied pilots flying in the Mediterranean theatre, and marks the shift in tactics and formations from the Finger-Four to Line Abreast. Interesting stuff.


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