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Showing most liked content on 07/24/2024 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Mod of the superb Mirage 4000 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the indian air force. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the folders into your Mod folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes. CREDITS Big Thanks to all the people involved (see original credits) in the creation of this superb mod. Also thanks to Logan4 for allowing me to release it. ORIGINAL CREDITS taken from Logan4's Mirage 4000P & PB This aircraft mod represents Dassault's what-if Mirage 4000P fighter and its trainer PB variant in the Portugese Air Force service. This package comes with 1 skin set for each variant, with decals for P (14 planes), and for PB (6 planes). Also it is dedicated to our friend Cocas who put his work and time to bring us many of the rare or experimental aircraft in this game series and originally created the base model for this plane. This model is meant for SF2 games only, SF1 variants will be uploaded at the SF1 section. Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the prototype or French A and B variants you can skip the overwrite prompt of weapons as those 6 items are identical. Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1. The model uses the general french and NATO weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family. Important: The PB variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file. CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely! Make sure to read the manual included with the package. ---------------------- Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site: Original 3D work: Cocas Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4 Cockpit 3d work: Logan4 Aircraft FM: Cliff7600 Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4 Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600 Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod. Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. Happy flying! ValAstur
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Fictional mod of the stock Kfir C2 from SFP:I to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the japanese self defense force. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes. CREDITS Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have. Thanks also to Yakarov for sharing his template with me. Kindest regards ValAstur
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Part Time Photos Chapter 2: RF-4C Phantom in the Kentucky ANG A TMF Rebuilt skin pack This skinpack brings the Photo Phantoms of the Kentucky ANG's 165th Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron into the game, both in its basic skins as well as the various specials for deployments an competitions. Required a functional copy of any Strike Fighters 2 game except for SF2 North Atlantic (the only one without a native F-4 destroyed model) The aircraft from the TMF Rebuilt RF-4C Late set, available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/18263-late-model-rf-4cs-photo-phantoms-after-vietnam/ Included Skins for two different aircraft models, Decals for those skins Installation Unzip file, add Objects folder to desired mod folder. there should be no overwrites with this pack ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** NOTE!! This mod is not covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use this mod for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it unless it is part of a full inclusive package after you ask me or a TMF member for permission. ************************************************************************************************************************************************ Credits -The Mirage Factory the very original aircraft (see TMF Readme) -daddyairplanes skins, tgas, multiple ini edits -Menrva, NightshadeP/R testing. Nightshade often shows me my errors in screenshots he's just sharing for fun, while Menrva helps me with the more technical aspects -Sundowner, ravenclaw_007, yakarov79 and daddyairplanes templates are a mix of layers as contributed by these four. compiled in current form by daddyairplanes About The Mirage Factory Rebuilt Back in the early days of Wings Over series modding The Mirage Factory, lead by bpao was the peak of modding excellence. Many of their models are still heavily in use today, 15 years later and still amongst the very best. This despite the team not creating any new mods since the passing of Oliver Anguille in 2009. But time does move on, and the next generation of modders have ideas, techniques and tools not available back then. With the help of some of the original modellers (who have copies of the original max files) we can update these fine aircraft for the 2020s. Rebuilt for new terrains and campaigns that were just hopeful wishes over a decade ago. The Mirage in the logo is camoflaged, much like the real aircraft in later service. The "HD" has been replaced with "Rebuilt" as what was HD in the 2010s is just standard today. Finally, the new logo thanks Oli, both for the aircraft that are still relevant today and for the inspiration he's given to the modders that followed him. on behalf of The Mirage Factory (original and rebuilt) I thank you for downloading this mod, and hope you enjoy it. Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 21 July 2024 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. *************************************************************


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