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Showing most liked content on 12/03/2024 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    What is New... There are x3 Playable tanks. M-84AS, T-80BV, T-90 MBT Tanks are originally made as Ground models (static), but now are PLAYABLE models. Tanks are equipped with x8 Shell 125MM 9K119M Refleks-M (HEAT) laser beam riding, guided anti-tank missiles. & Standard 125mm D-81K Tank Gun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All of this is done, because some Combatace users ask me to make Playable tanks. And i wanted to test the boundaries of Game engine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is important to mention? - Strike fighters 2 maps are not made for typical ground Campaign because of that Tanks sometimes want to be "bumpy" when pass over terrain tile boundary layer. -Do not try to pass over watter (tank will get stuck) -Distance from starting position "Airstrip" to the (Primary Target) can't be skipped with (ALT+N) Because of Low Altitude so Player must pass everything on Foot (Tracked Wheels) ! Just do Time Compression x8 (ALT + T) and Speed up ! And of course Turret is in Fixed position, so you need to aim like you use Tank destroyer (etc. Hetzer tank or Sturmgeschutz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ---Third Wire for making this outstanding game--- ---Combatace site--- ODZADZE (me) for making Hangar, loading image, Modified Model ini. files, and for making Ground models (static) as PLAYABLE models also for: Shell 125MM 9K119M Refleks-M (HEAT) modified .ini files Credits by other authors: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (TANK M-84AS) M-84AS by GKABS Nightshade/PR for searching information for the tank blueprint. AleksejFonGrozni - GKABS used his 3d model as a blueprint F-106 cockpit by Kesselbrut & Pasko with F-102A mods by Ordway Side panels on Cockpit replaced by ODZADZE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (TANK T-80BV) Original Google Sketchup Model by SWS Ported to SF2 format by BPAo and Fubar512 INI files by Fubar512 Textures by 331Killerbee F-106 cockpit by Kesselbrut & Pasko with F-102A mods by Ordway Side panels on Cockpit replaced by ODZADZE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (TANK T-90MBT) (1)Cloostyyyk(offsite user): Original models and textures; (2)simonmiller416: port models to game, do a lots of data and texture works; F-106 cockpit by Kesselbrut & Pasko with F-102A mods by Ordway Side panels on Cockpit replaced by ODZADZE Play & Enjoy
  2. 1 point

    Version 4.0.0


    Mirage F1EE(M) The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes. F1EE(M) Specifics: Same as F1EE_late plus: Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWRmiscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna Covered units : Ala 14. This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F-1 Team.


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