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Showing most liked content on 01/19/2025 in File Reviews

  1. 1 point
    The opera omnia about the C-130 Hercules, I think this is the most complete ever package of the C-130 family in any flight sim game. Top notch work and attention to detail, highly recommended!
  2. 1 point
    I've gone through several installs and reinstalls. Crashes everytime when I hit the button to start a campaign with either of the two jets. >Needs work< NOT. >I've followed the install instructions to the letter< NOT. The regular 2.0 falklands works fine. EDIT: Apparently I didn't follow the instructions to a T. Okay the mod maker contacted me and it turns out I went off halfcocked. Mod works great if you follow the instructions properly. Thanks for the mod!!


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