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Status Updates posted by pappychksix

  1. Hey Kevin...tried to upioad a pic and got a notice that only 1.08mb is allowed. Is that corrrect? I deleted 4 pic from previous post i made and every time I did the allowable size got smaller. Is there something I should know?

    Thanks in advance, Pete

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pappychksix


      roger that sir...thanks.

    3. pappychksix


      Any news sir?

    4. Wrench


      Erik replied:






      Pete has successfully used 400 MB of storage space. We're going to have to buy bigger disks at this point which means upgrading servers and upgrading costs. My best advice is to have him remove the oldest photos and he can do that in his Settings > My Attachments.

      He also has 60% of his messenger storage full.


      So, I guess some paring down might be required. I personally clean out my messages of anything older than 3 months, and images older than 6 months.

      Let me know how it goes!

  2. Hello Raven...how do you get such clarity in your textures? I think they are pretty awesome sir...Pete

    1. ravenclaw_007


      actually i use 1 or 2 2048x2048 textures for the weapon or pod depending on how many parts the complete object has and how long it is  and  on my latest models i try to get the panel lines done in 3D what has a much better effect than just a line on a texture

      i would like to get the same result on my F-4E/F/G´s but unfortunately i cant , the texture size would be way to big for the game and my software  , so i try to make it with decals instead but that one is failing as well

      so for weapons no problem , for aircraft's not possible :drinks:  

    2. pappychksix


      Roger that...I always thought your weapons were beyond AWESOME!!!!

    3. ravenclaw_007


      Thank You  

      nice to hear if someone appreciate your work  

  3. Hello sir,

    If you're looking for reference material, try this website. Just type in the airplane you're looking for in the upper right hand corner where it says SEARCH DOCUMENTS.

    Regards, Pappy



    1. GKABS


      Thank you so much. :hi:

    2. pappychksix


      There used to be 10 websites like this..now this is the last. Get what you can before it shuts down too. The 100's of airplane book available here. 

  4. Hello sir, I've been working on textures for the F-84G and E available at A team Skunkworks.  I have one that needs a decal on the anti-glare panel but have no idea how to put it on. Can you help me? 

    I've sent the complete airplane along with decals.  I've included a picture of the aircraft that shows the location of the decal. Please let me know..Thanks, Pete 


    1. paulopanz


      Here you are my friend!


      I'ld be glad to help with some Italian ones, too, if I could have the templates ...



  5. Hello Gepard... I saw you Vietnamese F-5's and was just curious. Who's F-5 if that? Again just curious.  Thanks, Pete 

    1. Gepard


      It's a F-5E from Centurion2014 package. It includes a lot of F-5E of diffrent Air Forces. Its worth to download.


  6. Who's Mustang did you post to CA? I was just curious since it has two antenna masts. Thanks in advance, Pete

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wilches


      No problem! Stay tuned!

    3. Wilches


      The model is from Dark Side, so be aware of this. It depicts the 3 squadrons sent to Iwo Jima to escort the B-29s, and I´m sure you know this. The less know detail is the fact that this Mustangs were modified to carry a larger drop tanks with a strange wooden made supports to avoid they to sway for its size, not reproduced here so far. Another feature is the double dorsal antenna plus another one on the chin for long range direction finding. A friend of mine made those lods - the Snowburn. Some later models had a clever IFF gadget installed on tail wich lights up a warning in cockpit when an enemy plane came from behind, but not present in this package as well. 

      Hope you like Boss!


    4. pappychksix


      Thanks much sir...Pete

  7. This allows only small files...so will send over...one at a time.

    JetProvostT5A 2.7z

  8. Got your message about decals...I will remember in the future. If I send you skins WITHOUT serial numbers...can you submit them for these airplanes? Pete

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pappychksix
    3. paulopanz


      It's a pleasure ...

      I have only to find the proper serials list.


    4. pappychksix


      LOL...roger that sir

  9. How hard sir would it be to get this skin sir? I'd really like to have it. Thanx in advance, Pappy


    1. sophocles


      ??? This skin is included in the just released F-5C Skoshi Tiger package; it's in the F-5C_VNAF aircraft folder.

    2. pappychksix


      roger that...thank you

  10. Hello Sir... I saw the helo you posted on Wednesdat the 27th. Is there a way sir I can get those helo's? Let me know sir. Thanks in advance...Pete

    1. allenjb42


      Hi Pete, 

      The Wessex, SeaKing and Lynx are DAT models and are from Capun's site. I think they're also in the Falklands mod here.

      SF2 Falklands Mod - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE

      You may also want to look at these updates to the helos:

      Sea King Package for Strike Fighters 2 Series - Other - CombatACE

      Westland Lynx HAS2 & HAS3 for Strike Fighters 2 Series - Other - CombatACE

      Westland Wessex HU5/HC2 (DAT) - DAT Mods - CombatACE

      Have fun!



  11. Hello Sir...just a quick note to say they reinstated my account...Pete

  12. Hey Dave...just a quick shout to say hello. Hope all is well with you and your family. Hope to talk with you soon. Until that time take care my friend. Pete

  13. This is beta...needs work. Let me know what you think, Pete

    BTW, please keep it under your hat...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pappychksix


      Please sir...that would be awesome, Pete

    3. NIELS


      You got it! I'll work it in the next day or two :good:

    4. pappychksix


      Roger that...Thanks in advance

  14. Hey Ant....haven't talked to you in a couple of days. Hope all is well. Snowing here with 5 degree temp so working on the AD's. You are the BEST at showing weathering. Can you add weathering to the A-1E skin? Plz let me know....thank you.

    Your friend, Pete



  15. Hey Spinners...what are the chances of getting this aircraft from you. One of my favorite. Let me know...


    Thank you in advance,
    Pete (Pappy)

  16. Here are the templates....you can re-do the skins and re-release.


    F-15A Templates.zip


    1. Viper63a


      Can't down load it...it's saying...


      The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.



    2. pappychksix


      Ok...let's try it again...sorry

      F-15A Templates.zip

    3. Viper63a





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