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About CowboyTodd41

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    One's in hot... guns, guns, guns!

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    Kansas City, KS

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  1. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    It's so cool to see that these guys who got their start modding SF here are now moving onto things like this! Congratulations fellas!
  2. View File CowboyTodd41 New Loading Screen Sound *New SF2 Loading Sound/Music by CowboyTodd41* //======================================\\ Place in your flight folder. /MOD*/flight/ folder This loading screen sound is a combination of two elements, music from Ace Combat Assault Horizon, and audio from Vietnam air combat. Gives you an exciting pump up moment before the mission starts! Credits: Ace Combat Assault Horizon OST, "Horizon" - Keiki Kobayashi © Bandai Namco Games (2011) Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Air Combat- Dogfight 2 USAF via johnsmith on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hljX_QRL-ks The incredible CombatAce Community for all their tutorials on modding anything for SF2 **This mod is available for use in any other mod according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing Agreement** Submitter CowboyTodd41 Submitted 10/04/2024 Category Menu Music  
  3. CowboyTodd41 New Loading Screen Sound

    Version 1.0.0


    *New SF2 Loading Sound/Music by CowboyTodd41* //======================================\\ Place in your flight folder. /MOD*/flight/ folder This loading screen sound is a combination of two elements, music from Ace Combat Assault Horizon, and audio from Vietnam air combat. Gives you an exciting pump up moment before the mission starts! Credits: Ace Combat Assault Horizon OST, "Horizon" - Keiki Kobayashi © Bandai Namco Games (2011) Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Air Combat- Dogfight 2 USAF via johnsmith on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hljX_QRL-ks The incredible CombatAce Community for all their tutorials on modding anything for SF2 **This mod is available for use in any other mod according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing Agreement**
  4. Microprose Sea Power Early Access

    Beriev P-42. They also have the other version of the design the KO-45 with the engines above the wing
  5. Unusual B-1 camo

    Not so sure about that, there was nothing ECM related in the backbone of the B except some waveguides and RF cables
  6. Old Dudes That Only Lurk

    Hey all, been a long time since I’ve posted here. Haven’t had a PC in a number of years so haven’t been involved for a while. I still about once a month or so check the SF2 sections and see what’s being talked about and what amazing new mods are still being made. Anyway, just seeing if anyone else is in the “just lurking” category. I don’t think I’ll ever leave this community until it completely doesn’t exist anymore. Ya’ll are pretty amazing.
  7. 2022 Donation and Membership Drive

    I’m not around much anymore but I still love you guys and all the fun you’ve provided over the years. Donated.
  8. That revamp video looks fantastic, but I usually just used YAP objects (mostly their pilot models) to populate other, better mods from the guys here with certain little puzzle pieces that you could only find in YAP. Sometimes there was some really cool stuff. A very expensive scenery pack lol.
  9. SF2 is the same game as SF1 just better in every possible way.
  10. There’s a lot more that goes into it. A lot has to do with having the line “navalmap=true” set in the terrain.ini as well as having a proper water.bmp file file that tells the game where the map the task forces should spawn. Nothing from SF1 applies here as naval units as we think of them following SF2:NA just plain didn’t exist in SF1. theres a pretty comprehensive thread in the terrain building forum that can explain things waaaay better than I could
  11. You can advance time at 15 minute intervals. Use the Re-arm function. Advance time about 15-30 minutes, take off. Problems solved.
  12. Humpday Heavies

    Ellsworth birds, hell yeah
  13. Airshow Season 2020

    Been looking at the lists of Air Shows for this year, I'll probably be at the Kansas City show at KIXD, the Whiteman Air Show, and Offut, assuming it doesn't get flooded out again. If anyone is planning on travelling for some shows would love to meet up and watch some jets!
  14. Well since FastCargo was a Dyess guy there never were enough Ellsworth skins!

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