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Viggen last won the day on July 15

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About Viggen

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    Can I deploy again?

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    Aviation, flying, modding, cars

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  1. Going to pass time in Afghanistan making an SF2 campaign. I think that should be enough time to finish one

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      don't remember an Aghan coffee. but that was 2009. loved going to the Brit side of town tho. better prices better food. at Heroes used to get two pies (think fancy hot pockets) and an irn bru soda for $3.25. irn bru is admittedly an acquired taste but try getting full at the boardwalk for that price!


    3. Viggen


      Afghan Coffee is by the RLBs or whatever our barracks are called. I want to go to the other countries areas, but can't find them, nor have I had time. I haven't eaten at the boardwalk for the very reason of prices.

    4. daddyairplanes


      well brit zone is a 20 min walk from the boardwalk. lived right across the street from it most of the year. the dutch aren't still set up back behind the boardwalk, over by the chapel?



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