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denissoliveira last won the day on September 24 2020

denissoliveira had the most liked content!

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About denissoliveira

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  1. Mirage F1EE (1981-1993)

    @paulopanz Hello my friend, version B is under development, slowly but being done.
  2. Mirage F1EE (1981-1993)

    hello, check your anti-virus, it could be a false positive.
  3. Mirage F1EH (1984-2007)

    Dedicated team that cares about quality and reality. Congratulations to everyone involved in the project.
  4. Mirage F1EH (1984-2007)

    Dedicated team that cares about quality and reality. Congratulations to everyone involved in the project.
  5. Is it when the update of this beautiful model comes out?
  6. Any chance of seeing this on DCS?
  7. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage F-1EAZ for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2

    All versions are here, and it is constantly being updated. The team is working and updating versions. https://combatace.com/files/category/649-mirage-f1/ - Here are all versions, accompanying for future updates.
  8. Mirage F1AZI

    All versions are here, and it is constantly being updated. The team is working and updating versions. https://combatace.com/files/category/649-mirage-f1/ - Here are all versions, accompanying for future updates.
  9. Mirage F1CH Late

  10. Mirage F1AZ Late

    Congratulations to the whole team!
  11. Mirage F1AD

    congratulations team!
  12. Mirage F1AD

    congratulations team!
  13. Mirage F-1CG

    all these versions will be released with their variants and updates, please wait.
  14. Antonov An-26 "Curl"

    As always a beautiful job my friend

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