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EricJ last won the day on August 19 2024

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About EricJ

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    Baltimore, MD
  • Interests
    Flight simulation, Military Science Fiction writing.


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  1. EricJ Release Thread

    EricJ Taliban Fighters RC32 - Added a Special Activities Divison LMG Gunner, using the SPAR-16S (Sand), the fire team has been adjusted accordingly, replacing one of the Operators
  2. EricJ Release Thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC132 - TF562 Marksman now has an AMS (Sand) instead of the Mk17 Holosight. - Added a temporary solution to removing the refuel probe on the SOAR MH-60/92s. Right now it's a scroll wheel menu that the pilot can use to remove/show it. Until I can figure out a more Garage component solution, that will be the standard for now. Also only the pilot can hide/show the probes at any time. Google Drive link updated
  3. Lol don't get PJB started lol Fair enough I guess, as stuff is still not known, and frankly don't worry about it much, but would be interesting to see in SF2 at least.
  4. Well Happy Belated New Year and all, but not much is expected from me, other than a project (which is a Super Hornet project) with Soulfreak, GKABS, and ravenclaw_007. I'm not doing much other than textures for the birds, so it's Soulfreak's project, not mine. I think when I mention it GKABS gets a little confused with which project I'm talking about, so I'll mainly show skin work from this one. The good news is that I still have to work on my own project, which will be within two weeks or so, as I'm mainly doing Arma 3 work instead of anything else really. I can mod stuff in that game so I gravitate to something that I can actually work with rather than be hampered by my inability to use 3DSMAX or Blender. Frankly the files that I have (the source files) are either .max or .3ds, and while I could probably import it into Object Builder, I don't think it will work out with what I want to do, or buckle down and find a copy of 3DSMAX and Blender is easy to get since it's free more or less. With the change of payment plan that has affected the site I'm not sure what I'm doing with my stuff in regards to the suggested pricing of the mods. It's only speculative right now, and right now the firm issue is that you have to pay a subscription to download mods, and that includes all of my stuff (and everybody else's of course). If they move into a price per mod system, I'll try and keep it low so it's not like you have to sell body parts for a skin or whatnot. Again I don't know what's going on with Erik other than what has been brought up recently. But if he takes the suggestion that users pay for individual mods then again I'll try and keep it reasonable if I do have a say in pricing. If not then don't bring the pitchforks against me due to abstract pricing, but again it's speculative and so on, so I know much about the way things are headed just like you. Anyway, I hope to improve the Super Hornet stuff in the future, just have to find the right time and place to do it, as I still have stuff to tweak and so on, but not much since the last upload for the Super Hornet stuff.
  5. Yeah fair enough, but bazillus is saying it's 7%, and I don't expect inflation to go down anyway, but it's not 7%, so got it.
  6. Currently inflation is at 2.75%, so it's not inflation that's causing high grocery rates. I mean we can go over it, but the fact is that while some claim the economy is "bad", which it isn't, shows you may need to check your numbers. I mean yeah it's some money to get groceries, but so far we're not at 7%. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=current+inflation+rate+in+us
  7. And roger... Anyway the "problem" with charging by download is now do we get a cut of the payment? While financially I'm doing good, there comes the time of "If I'm making X mod/skin/etc. do I get to charge a price and set that price?" Overall it's a neat idea and keeps costs down (and people will be able to afford a mod/skin/etc. DCS allows most content (I've seen missions able to be bought, but I haven't been on there in a long time to get a read on what they allowed to charge). But again if that goes through then it's just a headache as well and of course the opinion of people who think it should be free, and so on. I mean no matter what Erik does somebody is going to complain, and frankly it's his choice because it's his server, not mine, so his server, his rules, and so on. I mean I think paying for a subscription is right now fair, but overall if it goes to charging for a mod, then that may be a good solution, maybe in the short term or whatnot.
  8. EricJ Release Thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC131 - TF562 now uses the MX series rifle, marksman, and LMG. Right now I'll keep the M4 for the US Army pilots (the Desert version is still available) just because I like it as I think it's better than the MX in some cases. - Removed MASTER ARM-SAFE from the pilot's seat in the MH-92 (Insertion), not really needed - Added an "AGM-152C" Anti-Radar missile derived from the AGM-117 Rattler missile. It comes in for balance two missile racks and is capable of taking out (2 missiles) a Tigris and so on. - Added a couple "1x AGM-114K/AGM-117" racks, given what is seen today and in the past on some helicopters during the Global War on Terror. - TF562 SPAR LMG Bag renamed to TF562 MX LMG Bag, classname is the same. Google Drive upload is updated.
  9. Gifting sounds like a good way to do it, but I won't as once word gets out people (a lot of people) will ask for it, and while I'm not hurting on finances, it isn't infinite, and I have to pay bills too. And some people will get mad when told no, so it's up to the person if he/she wants to do it for other people. But other than that either don't, or do get a subscription, and like Nyghtfall said, and my personal opinion of the whining about this situation. It's not Erik's fault (but was his choice) to go this route. Had people not abused the system, he probably would have (or not) done this anyway.
  10. EricJ Release Thread

    EricJ Taliban Fighters RC31 - Cleaned up a config, removed the requirement for CBA Joint Rails - Removed an errant config https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668919514
  11. Well I renewed for two more years myself
  12. EricJ Release Thread

    Happy New Year! Now that we got that out of the way I hope your hangovers are worth it and your celebrations fun. Back to business with me (I just went to bed normal time, didn't stay up if you want to know) as I just finished up working on an "AGM-152C" Anti-radar missile. It's based off of the AGM-117 Rattler missile, and I think two (or one) missile can take out a Tigris. Which is handy as you now have some capability on the helo front in taking out SAMs and the like. It comes in two round launchers so as setup right now, it's a maximum of four missiles. I didn't put it on all of the pylons for a little balance and the like when using them. But they kill the Tigris, so that's good. As for other things, I am intending in the future to make the fuel probes and doors on the MH/UH-60/92s able to be removed and put back on (similar what you can do with the Offroad and other vehicles) if mods simulate temperatures and stuff like that. So far nobody's requested it, but I did say that I would in the future make the refuel probe removable so that you can fly older eras (such as Black Hawk Down scenarios where it would be correct) without the fuel probe. I mean I can't account for every play style and try to accommodate as much as possible. It was a reasonable request, and I want to make the stuff (at least the crew doors, the cargo doors will stay as is) for mission preference and so on. Not much else except I want to thank those who commented and brought up issues as they go along. While I do catch some stuff in simple playing with the helos, I don't see everything and I appreciate you finding an issue and letting me know, as that makes sure that it's working and what you expect, and so on. So I hope you enjoy the new year and it brings what you want for you.
  13. As mentioned on the previous page, you can post for free on the forums. If you want the downloads though, you gotta pay a subscription for access to download files now. Given the previous posts by Erik this may or may not be a permanent solution, but for now that's how I read the situation.
  14. Yeah I got that, but it was so disturbing that you can't miss it, it's like right there...

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