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Files posted by Nyghtfall

  1. A-4M Skyhawk II for SF2

    Re-release of my A-4M Skyhawk II mod.
    Readme is included - feel free to read it.


       (1 review)



  2. A-4PTM + TA-4PTM Malaysian Skyhawks for SF2

    Re-release of my Malaysian Skyhawks.
    Readme is included, feel free to read it.


       (1 review)



  3. Templates for Thirdwire A-1H & J Skyraider (4096x4096, layered)

    Re-release of my Templates for Thirdwire's A-1H & J in 4096x4096 resolution.


       (0 reviews)



  4. Templates for Thirdwire A-4E & F Skyhawk (4096x4096, layered)

    Re-release of my Templates for Thirdwire's A-4E & F (and variations like A-4G, A-4K) in 4096x4096 resolution.


       (0 reviews)



  5. Templates for Thirdwire A-4C & L Skyhawk (4096x4096, layered)

    Re-release of my Templates for Thirdwire's A-4C & L in 4096x4096 resolution.


       (0 reviews)



  6. SF2 Vietnam Scooters

    SF Vietnam Scooters - v0.95
    *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    This pack includes 111 Skins for Thirdwires A-4 Skyhawk-models during Vietnam war from 1964 to 1972. It combines the former v0.01 and v0.02 releases into 1 pack.
    The data.inis for the planes itself are changed from the stockfiles (rearranged weaponsstations, added invisible skids for belly-landings, added new droptanks and missilerails, etc.).
    Sometimes a skin is provided for 2 different Skyhawk-models. This is done to represent different changes througout an ongoing deployment:
    - transition from one Skyhawk-variant to another (for example A-4E to A-4F)
    - retrofit of ECM-equipment (Project Shoehorn) (A-4C to A-4C_65, A-4E to A-4E_65, A-4E_65 to A-4E_67)
    - change in Camouflage (VA-155)
    Skins included (Timeframe 1964 to 1972):
    (compl.) means, that skins, for all deployments to Vietnam are finished for a squadron.
    Navy Squadrons:
    VA-12 Flying Ubangis (compl.)
    VA-15 Valions (1 of 2)
    VA-22 Fighting Redcocks (compl.)
    VA-23 Black Knights (compl.)
    VA-34 Blue Blasters (compl.)
    VA-36 Roadrunners (compl.)
    VA-46 Clansmen (compl.)
    VA-55 Warhorses (4 of 7)
    VA-56 Champions (compl.)
    VA-72 Blue Hawks (compl.)
    VA-76 Spirits (1 of 2)
    VA-93 Blue Blazers (1 of 4)
    VA-94 Mighty Shrikes (3 of 6)
    VA-95 Green Lizards (compl.)
    VA-106 Gladiators (compl.)
    VA-112 Broncos (compl.)
    VA-113 Stingers (1 of 3)
    VA-144 Roadrunners (5 of 6)
    VA-146 Blue Diamonds (1 of 3)
    VA-152 Fighting Aces (compl.)
    VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (compl.)
    VA-155 Silver Foxes (compl.)
    VA-163 Saints (compl.)
    VA-164 Ghost Riders (compl.)
    VA-172 Blue Bolts (compl.)
    VA-192 Golden Dragons (compl.)
    VA-195 Dambusters (4 of 5)
    VA-212 Rampant Raiders (compl.)
    VA-216 Black Diamonds (1 of 3)
    Marines Squadrons:
    VMA-121 Green Knights (compl.)
    VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers (1 of 4)
    VMA-214 Black Sheep (compl.)
    VMA-223 Bulldogs (compl.)
    VMA-225 Vagabonds (compl.)
    VMA-311 Tomcats (1 of 6)
    H&MS-15 Angels (compl.)

    Unfortunately I failed at finishing this MOD! For different reasons, I decided to not invest any more time into this.
    I hope you can still enjoy this pack. Have fun!
    Unpacking and installation:
    !!! IMPORTANT !!!
    !!! I recommend using this pack for a standalone-Vietnam-War MOD-folder, as planes.inis are changed accordingly
    !!! That means, that no exportusers are in userlist.ini
    Backup your A-4B. A-4B_65, A-4C, A-4C_65, A-4E, A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F planefolders, as .inis will be overwritten
    1. Create a temporary folder, copy all 3 zip-files into that folder and unpack them into this folder (overwrite is ok)
    Info: If you do NOT want to include the changed data.inis to your installation, just go to all planes-folders in the temporary folder (Objects/Aircraft/A-4B, etc.) and delete all ini.files in each planes-folder.
    2. open "Put_Contents_In_Your_MOD_Folder" from the temporary folder and copy the contents you want to your Vietnam-MOD-folder
    3. if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'
    4. Thats it!
    - Thirdwire and TK the game and models
    - FastCargo for the fakepilot
    - Alejandro for Escapac-Seat
    - OldDiego for pilotmodels
    - ravenclaw_007 for AGM-12C+E Bullpup
    - ???? for Walleye_I model
    - ???? for sounds
    - me - template, skins, decals, ini- and 3D-work of tanks, rails and addons, walleye-repaint
    This MOD or parts of it may not be included in any PAYWARE-packs, PAYWARE-mods or "PAY"-related. It is free!
    If you use the MOD or parts of it, you should give proper credits.


       (2 reviews)



  7. SF2 S-3A+B Viking Revamp v1.0

    SF2 S-3A/B Viking Revamp
    *** for all SF2-variants ***
    Based on Wrench's Rework of Foxmonters S-3B Pack
    This is an update for the old S-3B-model originally made by Foxmonter and updated in the past by Wrench.
    The new pack is split into S-3A and S-3B (has Countermeasures and Harpoon-support). There are 10 skins for S-3A (until 1987, HighVis) and 5 for S-3B (from 1987 onwards, LowVis):
    VS-21 Fighting Red Tails (1984)
    VS-22 Checkmates (1976)
    VS-24 Scouts (1977)
    VS-28 Hukkers (1977)
    VS-29 Dragonfires (1981, 1998)
    VS-30 Diamond Cutters (1978, 1992)
    VS-31 Topcats (1977, 2002)
    VS-32 Maulers (1980, 1986, 1991)
    VS-33 Screwbirds (2001)
    VS-37 Sawbucks (1980)
    No changes were made to the cockpit, avionics, etc. - this pack is mostly for an updated look.
    Included are also:
    - CAG-Birds for Squadrons, that had them
    - 300gal Droptank model
    - CNU-264 CargoPod (no actual use, pure eyecandy)
    - D704 RefuelingPod (retracted and deployed)
    - BuNos are correct, if possible (if not, then marked with a *)
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models.
    - FoxMonter for the S-3B-model
    - Wrench for Update Pack
    - Nyghtfall - Template, Skins, Decals, Tank-, Refuelingpod and Cargopod-models, some ini-work
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration


       (3 reviews)



  8. Templates CAF F-104L+M variants (4096x4096)

    Layered templates for cocas/CAF F-104L and M variants in 4096x4096.
    Tested with Photoshop only.
    Have fun!


       (0 reviews)



  9. Templates for CAF Condor F.1 (4096x4096)

    Layered templates for cocas/CAF Condor F.1 variants in 4096x4096.
    Tested with Photoshop only.
    Have fun!


       (0 reviews)



  10. Templates for CAF SM-12 variants (4096x4096)

    Layered templates for cocas/CAF SM-12 variants in 4096x4096.
    Tested with Photoshop only.
    Have fun!


       (0 reviews)



  11. D-704 Buddy Store (Refueling Pod)

    Refueling Pod D-704 for SF2 v1.0
    *** any SF2 ***
    This is a model of the Refueling Pod D-704, designed by Douglas.
    Included is the following:
    - D-704 with retracted Basket in HighVis White
    - D-704 with retracted Basket in LowVis gray
    - D-704 with deployed Basket in HighVis White
    - D-704 with deployed Basket in LowVis gray
    Pods are set up like the known BDOUG-pod as GP. A template is also included.

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD_Folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    The included A-4E_65_DATA.INI is an example how to set up the Pod in your planes data.ini and is only
    changed by adding a new weaponsstation for the Pod. This station works on all Skyhawks beginning from A-4B.

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game
    - ???? data.ini from the bdoug-pod as template
    - myself - model, skins, template
    If you created the ????-marked items, please contact me, so I can add your name in the credits! If I forgot someone, please PM me too!

    - cocas for help with learning 3D-stuff!
    - mue for his great LODViewer, which is a big help!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



       (1 review)



  12. Thirdwire A-4E to K Cockpit Repaint

    Thirdwire A-4E/F/G/H/K Cockpit Repaint by Nyghtfall v1.2
    *** SF2V, SF2I, DLC 002 (A-4G) and DLC 005 (A-4K) required for the according Skyhawk-Models ***
    *** tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    Update v1.2
    All A-4E-based cockpits are now included with a repaint similar to the A-4F from the initial release, together with updated cockpit.inis:
    - A-4E, E_65, E_67, A_Ahit, E_Ahit_73
    - A-4F, F_74, F_Ahit
    - A-4G
    - A-4H_Ahit, H_Ahit_68, H_Ahit_70, H_Ahit_73
    - A-4K
    Early Variants (A-4A to C and L) will follow later, as they require some more paintwork.
    Update v1.1
    Crusader did some excellent cockpit.ini-tweaks and corrected the following issues:
    - chaff/flare counter entries for the A-4F_74 (one counter for chaff, one for flares)
    - added entry for the ECM Control knob, will switch from "Rec" to "Rpt" if ECM is turned on
    - ECM box, "Rec" light, new function, now works as Type=THREAT_SAM_WARNING_LIGHT . Thats the normal operating setting of the ECM, light indicates that emissions are received and ECM can be switched to transmit.
    - Spoilers Indicator light - changed entry to use external animation link function, now the spoiler light works correctly (gears extended and ground contact, airbrake extended)
    Initial Release v1.0
    This is a repaint for Thirdwire's Stock A-4F and A-4F(74) Cockpits. While working on a proper A-4PTM-Cockpit based on the A-4F-one, this was a secondary result and maybe someone will find it useful. I aimed for an worn look and instruments, that are a bit darker than the stock ones and so I redid most instruments. I also corrected the font used on the instruments (special thanks to The Trooper for the font!). A slightly changed cockpit.ini for both planes is provided also. I corrected the ArrestingHook- and Gearlever, which are rotating levers now (rather than sliding ones).

    Known Issues
    - Landinggear-Lever only turns 47° instead of 90° --> In the Cockpit-LOD, the lever-mesh is missing the bottom, so I used this, to avoid a visible hole.

    - US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War, Osprey 2007
    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - Airliners.net
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod" folder and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
    - Crusader ini-Tweaks for the update (Thanks m8!)
    - me template, paintwork, ini-edits, zipping the pack.
    - Crusader for your work to improve this pack!
    - The Trooper for providing the proper font used on instruments.
    - mue for his LOD-Viewer, which was a BIG help!
    Legal Stuff
    Use whatever parts you need as long as it's not for payware. And giving credits is also not to bad.
    If you have any problems with this pack or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (10 reviews)



  13. SF2 Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for TW A-4

    Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
    *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    *** DLC 019 A-4L for 1 Skin ***
    For this pack I used a somewhat different approach. While playing campaigns, your plane gets upgraded from time to time or the plane changes to a new variant. So I did skins for the upgradepath of some squadrons, that flew in Rolling Thunder Campaign in addition to the ones I already did for the following: VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (2 more in Redux), VA-155 Silver Foxes (completly new) and VA-192 Golden Dragons (2 more in Redux). VA-56 Champions is completely new and included upon special request. And last but not least I did 2 special skins for VMA-142 just for fun and these are included too.
    This pack contains new skins
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Ticonderoga, 9/1965 to 5/1966 for A-4E_65
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 11/1966 to 7/1967 for A-4C_65
    - VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 1/1968 to 6/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4E and A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 10/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4E_65
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 5/1966 for 9/1966 for A-4E_65 (experimental camouflage)
    - VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/1965 to 1/1966 for A-4C and A-4C_65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, US Ticonderoga, 12/1967 to 8/1968 for A-4F
    and just for fun:
    - VMA-142 Flying Gators, NAS Jacksonville, Florida in their '76 Bicentennial Aniversary scheme for A-4F_74 and A-4L
    Hangarscreens are included in 1920x1080 resolution as default and 1024x768 as optional.

    As always, feel free to read the readme and have fun with the skins!
    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - GoNavy.jp
    - Airliners.net
    - Google in general

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    If VMA-142 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
    DisplayName=VMA-142 'Flying Gators'

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack
    - Alejandro - escapac seat
    - ???? - J52-Engine-Sound
    - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work, higher resolution skin for rockeye-cbu
    Please PM me, if I forgot someone!

    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



       (5 reviews)



  14. SF2 Scooters! - Redux - a rework of all my earlier Single Skin Releases for TW A-4

    Scooters! - Redux - a rework of all my Single-Skin-Releases for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks
    *** SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    For this pack I redid all my previous single-skin releases, brought them on the same level with the Scooters Vol.1 pack and rearranged them. I also corrected several errors from the older versions.
    Former VA-153-Skin with optional Coral Sea Marking is split into 2 separate skins for Coral Sea and Constellation now. Some skins are done for different plane-variants to reflect upgrades.
    So this Pack includes:
    - VA-93 Blue Blazers, USS Hancock, 1/1967 to 7/1967 for A-4E_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Constellation, 5/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4C_65
    - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4C and A-4C_65
    - VA-163 Saints, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E_65
    - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E-65
    - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Hancock, 1/1972 to 10/1972 for A-4F and A-4F_LST
    - VA-172 Blue Bolts, USS F.D. Roosevelt, 6/1966 to 2/1967 for A-4C-65
    - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Ticonderoga, 10/1966 to 5/1967 for A-4E_65 and A-4E_67
    Updates include:
    - Added Weathering, that most early skins missed.
    - Insignia and several squadronspecific markings are painted on.
    - Many decals are redone and optimised (more blur for less flickering)
    - Corrected several errors in the baseskin, aswell as for the markings.
    - Added modexnumbers to the flap insides (possible with mue's great LOD-Viewer - Thanks mate!)
    - Updated cockpit with working Landing Gear- and Arresting Hook Lever
    - Included Hangarscreens for each skin in 1920x1080 as default and 1024x768 optional.

    Notes and Issues:
    As there's no possibility of squadrons with mixed plane-variants, some skins are available for 2 plane-variants. At some point A-4C and A-4E got ECM-equipment and I'm pretty sure, those were used besides planes without ECM in squadrons. The other case are A-4E, that got the avionics hump at some point and were used besides ones without hump.

    I hope you have fun with it!

    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - GoNavy.jp
    - Airliners.net
    - Google in general

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack
    - Alejandro - escapac seat
    - ???? - J52-Engine-Sound
    - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work.
    Please PM me, if I forgot someone!

    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while placing stuff!
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



       (8 reviews)



  15. SF2 Scooters! Vol.2 - Aggressors for TW A-4 and Fractures TA-4 Skyhawks

    Scooters! Vol.2 - Aggressors for TW A-4 and Fractures TA-4 Skyhawks
    *** DLC A-4G Skyhawk required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    *** SF2 or SF2V for the A-4E cockpit and A-4F model ***
    This pack contains 14 Aggressor-Skins for the Scooter as used during it's career as plane for DACT - Dissimilar Air Combat Training. These planes were used to simulate enemy aircraft vs. regular Squadrons.
    Although a certain camouflage was applied often to 1 plane only, I decided to do 8 planes per skin for playability reasons. To difference the real planes and the "filler" I added the BuNos for the real planes in the loadout menu. The ones without BuNo are fictional.
    This pack contains skins depicting the following planes/squadrons:
    A-4E/F Mongoose without Hump
    - A-4E/F of VF-43 Challengers, 1992 in a light gray/gray wraparound camo.
    - A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1992 in white/gray/blue with light blue bottom
    - A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1991 in tan with brown stripes and gray bottom.
    - A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1991 in tan/brown/green with gray bottom.
    - A-4E/F of VFC-12 Fighting Omars, 1993 in an overall glossy engine gray camo.
    A-4E/F Skyhawk with Hump
    - A-4E of VF-45 Blackbirds, 1987 in brown with green tiger stripes ("Brown Tiger")
    - A-4E of VF-101 Grim Reapers, 1972 in 2 shades of bluegray with light blue bottom.
    TA-4J Skyhawk
    - TA-4F/J of VFC-12 Fighting Omars, 1989 in an overall glossy engine gray camo.
    - TA-4F/J of VA-127 Cylons, 1986 in a tan/green wraparound camo.
    - TA-4F/J of VA-127 Cylons, 1983 in a light gray/dark gray/blue wraparound camo.
    - TA-4F/J of VC-8 Redtails, 2000 in tan/brown.
    - TA-4F/J of VC-8 Redtails, 2000 in blue/light blue ("Baby Blue").
    - TA-4F/J of VF-45 Blackbirds, 1993 in bluegray/gray wraparound camo.
    - TA-4F of H&MS-31 Aggressors, 1989 in 3 different gray wraparound camo.
    Included is a variation of the ACMI-Pod. For that I combined ravenclaws ACMI-Pod model with the data.ini of 331Killerbees CAP-9 to make it a missiletype-store than uses a build-in rail.
    New Hangar- and Loadingscreens are also included with a resolution of 1920x1080 as default and 1024x768 as optional.
    I changed the cockpit by removing the radar screen. Additional changes are the switched positions of the Accelerometer and AoA-Indicator and Levers for Arresting Hook and Landing Gear are operational now.
    As in dtmdragons original mod, I retained the cannons for playability, although they are not visible in game.
    I hope you have fun with it!

    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - Airliners.net
    - Google in general to gather pictures of aggressor skins.

    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    If the Squadrons are missing in the loadout screen, you should add content of the "squadronlist_ini_addon.txt"-file to the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free numbers.
    If the Aggressors-"Nation" is missing, you have to add the content of "nations_ini_addon.txt"-file to the nations.ini ("<mod>\flight"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number.

    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Fracture, Wrench for the original TA-4J Pack and Model.
    - dtmdragon for his A-4 Aggressor pack, on which this is based.
    - RAVEN - LAU-129 missile-rail
    - ravenclaw_007 - ACMI-Pod
    - 331Killerbee - CAP-9 from his Ordnance Shop II Pack
    - Alejandro - Escapac seat
    - FastCargo - FakePilot
    - ???? - TopGun pilot
    - ???? - J52-Sound
    - ???? - 150gal OV-10A-tank
    - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work, modified A-4E cockpit.
    Please PM me, if I forgot someone!

    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!

    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (6 reviews)



  16. OA-4M UpdatePack for SF2

    *** SF2+SF2I+V required for the KfirC1_77-Cockpit and optional A-4F_74-Cockpit, that is used here together with bits from the A-7E-Cockpit. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    This pack contains an update to the previously released OA-4M-Pack by Wrench. All skins and decals are newly done for this pack.
    Included are the following "new" planes and Skins:
    * OA-4M Skyhawk (2-Tone Gray Camo) - Initial Camo with large insignias and white modex.
    - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni '81-'83
    - H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '79-'83
    - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '79-'83
    * OA-4M Skyhawk (GhostGray Camo) - 2nd Camo-Scheme, differently arranged with small insignias and lowvis modex.
    - H&MS-11, MCAS El Toro, '88-'90
    - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1986 (Yosemite Sam on Tail)
    - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1989 (Yosemite Sam on Tail, Samurai on Aft Fuselage)
    - H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '83-'88
    - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '83-'90
    * OA-4M Skyhawk (Overall Gray Camo) - There were probably just 2 planes with that camo 154306/DA01 and an unknown 2nd one. Gray overall with black markings.
    - MAG-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '89-'90
    * OA-4M Skyhawk (Blue/Green Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154306/DA01. Dark green / dark blue with white bottom and black markings.
    - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1983
    * OA-4M Skyhawk (Green/Gray Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154628/DA04. Green / gray with gray bottom and inverse markings.
    - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1985
    Planespecific skins for the droptanks are provided (stock A-4 tanks), aswell as a new skin for the stock Mk.20 Rockeye II CBU.
    As there's no dedicated OA-4M-Cockpit available, the Pack contains 2 options here:
    * KfirC1_77 cockpit by default, from dtmdragons A-4M-pack as stand-in. It "feels" better than the big and roomy A-7-Cockpit from the original OA-4M-pack. I also made refinements over
    dtmdragons version to bring it more towards a modern Skyhawk-Cockpit. Landing Gear-, Arrestor Hook Lever and Rudder pedals are working now, I rearranged and reskinned the weaponspanel,
    to get rid of the hebrew stencils and Kfirs additional weaponsstations and I removed some instruments, that are useless here (Nozzle- and Shockcone Position).
    * A-4F_74 cockpit, which is slightly modified by me. It now has a HUD and the Radarscreen is used for the ARBS. Although it was not actually installed in real planes, it is added for playability.
    Also the HUD is rather small, but works.
    Included are Hangar- and Loadingscreens in 1920x1080 by default and 1024x768 as option. Just open the planes ini-files and you see what you have to change.
    There's a readme included. Feel free to read it! :)
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
    - Wrench, Fracture, triplethr3at and pappychksix - original OA-4M Pack, Updates and of course the TA-4 Model
    - Nengajyou, daddyairplanes and Wrench - Yosemite Sam issue and Samurai logo
    - RAVEN - LAU-129 missile-rail
    - dtmdragon - Kfir-Cockpit-mod from his A-4M-pack and testing
    - Eole2 - testing, loadout.tga and optional A-4F cockpit-idea
    - Alejandro - Escapac seat
    - FastCargo - FakePilot
    - ???? - antenna/bent probe/avionics blister kit
    - ???? - avionics hump
    - ???? - J52- and damaged Engine-Sounds
    - Rudder-Pedals ini-statements taken from bobrocks AV-8Bplus
    - myself - skins, decals, loading- and hangarscreens, cockpit-changes, ini-work.
    If you created one of the ????-marked items, please contact me, so I can add your name in the credits! If I forgot someone, please PM me too!
    - Eole2 and dtmdragon for testing and providing valuable improvement-advices. Thanks to you guys!
    - TMF for their A-7 and Crusader for valuable information regarding weaponsstations-arrangement, I found in the forum.
    - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
    - Soulfreak, for a A-4 decal pattern, I used here to place maintenance markings.
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (4 reviews)



  17. SF2 Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks

    Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
    *** SF2 required for A-4B-model ***
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F-model ***
    *** tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    This Pack contains skins for 5 different Skyhawk Squadrons (4x US Navy, 1x US Marine Corps):
    - A-4B from VA-81 Crusaders aboard USS Forrestal in 1961
    - A-4E_65 from VA-72 Blue Hawks aboard USS Independence in 1965
    - A-4E_67 from VA-106 Gladiators aboard USS Intrepid between 1968-1969
    - A-4F from VA-55 Warhorses aboard USS Hancock in 1972
    - A-4E_65 from VMA-311 Tomcats, based at Chu Lai Air Base between 1967-1968
    Included is also a slighty changed loadout.ini, to get a more navy-like loadout.
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    If VA-81 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
    DisplayName=VA-81 'Crusaders'
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
    - Alejandro for the Escapac seat
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini (Canopy, Landinglight)
    - VA-55 patch is taken from http://a4skyhawk.org/and modified by me
    - VA-72 patch is taken from http://www.vfp62.comand modified by me
    - VMA-311 patch is taken from http://www.aviatorgear.comand modified by me
    - myself Skins, Decals, ini-work
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (5 reviews)



  18. SF2 A-4F VA-164 'Ghost Riders' 1973

    A-4F Skyhawk, VA-164 'Ghost Riders' Vietnam 1973 Skinpack
    *** SF2V required for A-4F-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Fs from VA-164 'Ghost Riders' in 1973 aboard the carrier USS Hancock in Vietnam.
    All BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.
    This pack contains another version of "Lady Jessie", this time the wellknown version with big letters on the fuselage. In 1973 VA-164 was on another combat-cruise in Vietnam. Carrier Air Wing CVW-21, which VA-164 was part of, was tasked with the responsibility, to develop expertise in unique mission types. For example VA-55 was tasked with Iron Hand missions, while VA-164 was to develop tactics to use Laser Guided Weapons at its best. Some A-4F were equipped with Laser Spot Trackers instead of the ususal Radar in the nose, so that LGBs could be used on designated targets. As these were only trackers, a special Designator was needed. For that case, 2 TA-4F were borrowed from USMC squadrons. A 2nd crewmember with a handheld-device to designate the targets was placed on the 2nd seat. Those people were volunteers from other squadrons, that usually flew E-1B or RF-8/F-8. As the handheld-device had to be held steady for a proper designation while the plane was flying, it was a not well-like job to do. But in the end, it proved successful and led to the development of build-in laserdesignators.
    The pack consists of 2 parts:
    - a skin for the stock A-4F, which cannot use laser-guided bombs (LGB). So this is only for the looks. Select the skin in the loadout-screen of the stock A-4F.
    - a modification of the stock A-4F to use LGB. Ingame you will find a new plane - "A-4F (Laser Spot Tracker)" to choose. It also has a different gunsight and shows laser designated targets. For the laser-designator you have 2 options. First is to use the plane as is, meaning, you only can use LGBs on primary targets as they're always designated. The radarscreen is just black in that case, because the planes didnt have a radar anymore. Second, you use the Laser designator from the loadout screen and can use LGBs on every target. I included a modified AVQ-23 (modded from the stock one) for that purpose. It is not shown externally and is a compromise for playability-reasons. The radar-screen shows the target if you have selected one.
    Planes marked with * are the LST-equipped ones (401, 407, 411, 413, 414), which have the different nosecone. 401 and 407 are confirmed by pictures, the other 3 are in for a good mix. There were more than 2 of them, but I couldn't find more numbers or other pictures.
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. open "Put_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
    - Eole2, Hangar- and Loadingscreen, Vintage Screenshots, aswell as improvements of the packagearrangement (A big thanks for that!)
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini (Canopy, Landinglight)
    - myself, Skin, Decals, ini-work (Gunsight/HUD, LaserDesignator)
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench, KJAkker for the Gunsight-Issue
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
    This pack and any parts from it, may be used as freeware only.


       (2 reviews)



  19. Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall

    Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 v2.0 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall
    This pack is an updated version of dtmdragons Indonesian Skyhawks pack and brings you nation specific versions of the A-4E_Ahit_73 and A-4H_Ahit_73 with updated INIs based on dtmdragons Ahit Enhancement Pack.
    Also included are new skins and decals with correct numbers for all single seaters used by Indonesia.
    In game you will find:
    "A-4E Skyhawk (Indonesia)" with 3 blue camos (HighViz markings, light gray markings and dark markings according to year) and 1 brown camo (HighViz markings)
    "A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Blue Camo)" with the 3 blue camos
    "A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Brown Camo)" with the 1 brown camo
    Please read the included readme for further details!
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    If the Squadrons are missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next 2 free numbers:
    DisplayName=Skadron Udara 11
    DisplayName=Skadron Udara 12
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models and skins
    - dtmdragon Idea and basic Mod
    - Nyghtfall Skins, Decals
    - Dev A-Team of Capun
    - CB Productions
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM dtmdragon or Nyghtfall.


       (4 reviews)



  20. SF2 A-4E(67) VA-192 'Golden Dragons' 1967

    A-4E (67) Skyhawk, VA-192 'Golden Dragons' Vietnam 1967 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_67-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Es from VA-192 'Golden Dragons' between October 1966 and May 1967 aboard the carrier USS Ticonderoga in Vietnam.
    All BuNo are correct for this squadron including Modex.
    Some highlights on this skinpack are:
    - new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)
    - new Decals for nearly everything :)
    - special Decals for the CAG bird (Number x00)
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    Known Issues
    - not all A-4Es had the Avionics Hump. I'm not sure, but I would think squadrons had a mix of A-4Es with and without hump and as my mainsource had one, it was the way to go.
    - the color-sequence of the cag-bird is open for discussion, you can find 2 versions (tailcolors upside down on the 2nd), i chose the more common
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. SF2 A-4E(65) VA-93 'Blue Blazers' 1967

    A-4E (65) Skyhawk, VA-93 'Blue Blazers' Vietnam 1967 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Es from VA-93 'Blue Blazers' in the first half of 1967 aboard the carrier USS Hancock in Vietnam.
    BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.
    The following ones are correct and confirmed by pictures or shotdownlists:
    300 (152022), 301 (151049), 302 (151106), 303 (151070), 306 (151038), 310 (151082), 311 (151076), 313 (151105)
    All others are filled with BuNo that are correct for the timeframe and squadron, but miss an assignment to a specific modex.
    If someone has more information, please contact me for an update.
    One rare fact is, that some planes of VA-93 still wore the A-4C marking pattern (Insignia on front, 4-digit BuNo on tail, Navy on airbrakes)
    which was changed with the transition from A-4C to A-4E. According to my sources 301, 303 and 313 are confirmed for the old scheme.
    I added 308 and 312 for a good mix.
    Some highlights on this skinpack are:
    - new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)
    - new Decals for nearly everything :)
    - 2 Marking styles (Markings like A-4E for 300-315 except for 301,303,308,312 and 313, which wear the A-4C-scheme)
    - special Decals for the CAG bird (Number x00)
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    - US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War, Osprey 2007
    - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
    - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
    - Wings Palette, http://wp.scn.ru/en/news/
    - GoNavy, http://www.gonavy.jp
    - the Internet ;) for details and reference picture
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. SF2 A-4C(65) VA-172 'Blue Bolts' 1966

    A-4C (65) Skyhawk, VA-172 'Blue Bolts' Vietnam 1966 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1
    *** SF2V required for A-4C_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Cs from VA-172 'Blue Bolts' in 1966 to 1967 aboard the carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in Vietnam.
    BuNo and Modex should be correct for this squadron, but I couln't find a complete listing from one source, so I had to combine all available sources.
    Some highlights on this skinpack are:
    - new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)
    - new Decals for nearly everything :)
    - special Decals for the CAG bird (Number x00)
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (1 review)



  23. SF2 A-4E(65) VA-163 'Saints' 1967

    A-4E (65) Skyhawk, VA-163 'Saints' Vietnam 1967-1968 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Es from VA-163 'Saints' betwenn June 1967 and January 1968 aboard the carrier USS Oriskany in Vietnam.
    BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.
    Modex-numbers 305, 307 and 314 are filled with BuNo, that are correct for this squadron, but miss a modex-number.
    - new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)
    - new Decals
    - gray rudder for 301, 305, 306 and 311
    - a lot of new maintenance markings (a big thank to Soulfreak for the pattern!)
    - corrected nosecone
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (4 reviews)



  24. SF2 A-4C(65) VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' 1966

    A-4C (65) Skyhawk, VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' Vietnam 1966 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.0
    *** SF2V required for A-4C_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Cs from VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' in 1966 aboard the carrier USS Constellation in Vietnam.
    BuNo and Modex should be correct for this squadron, with 302 and 307 filled with Numbers that are correct for the squadron, but miss the modex.
    According to my sources, modexnumbers 300, 308 and 309 are not used, so in this pack you'll find 301-307 and 311-316.
    Some highlights on this skinpack are:
    - new Baseskin
    - new Decals for nearly everything :)
    - optional 'Griffin'-Decal as used on planes aboard USS Coral Sea (just change to commented parts at the end of decals.ini, to have it visible)
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - a4skyhawk.org, Harry S. Gann - original VA-153 Griffin-patch, I used as pattern
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


       (2 reviews)



  25. SF2 A-4E(65) VA-164 'Ghost Riders' 1967

    A-4E (65) Skyhawk, VA-164 'Ghost Riders' Vietnam 1967-1968 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1
    *** SF2V required for A-4E_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***
    The skin represents A-4Es from VA-164 'Ghost Riders' between June 1967 and January 1968 aboard the carrier USS Oriskany in Vietnam.
    All BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.
    The plane number 406 (152048) is an early version of the well-known "Lady Jessie", named after Jessie Beck, an owner of a casino in Reno, Nevada by Richard Perry. As a young man, he worked in the casino, they befrieded and he later became her pseudo-adopted son, until he was commissioned in 1957. Part of the training took place at Fallon near Reno and she always took good care of him and his comrades with baskets of goodies. Even after R. Perry was assigned to VA-164, she took care of him and the entire squadron by sending care packages. At some point R. Perry painted "Lady Jessie" on one of the squadrons birds as hommage to Jessie Beck. In October 1967 R. Perry was shot down while on a raid over Haiphong, but Lady Jessie continued her care for the squadron and after that date it was common use to apply "Lady Jessie" on the 401 plane until the decommisioning of VA-164.
    The interesting story well-written:
    Some highlights on this skinpack are:
    - new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)
    - a lot new maintenance markings (a big thank to Soulfreak for the pattern!)
    - new Decals for nearly everything :)
    - gray rudder
    - corrected Nosecone
    - updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).
    1. unzip to a temporary folder
    2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
    3. enjoy!
    - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern
    - ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
    - Wrench, updated data.ini
    - Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
    - Wrench, ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas, EricJ for your help with the color-issues
    - Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
    - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
    If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me


       (4 reviews)




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