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About aeenrahimpour

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    F-14 Super-Tomcat evrything in my life.......


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  1. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    @ Caesar and @ logan4 are the best Madders in this game and they help me too much and really with out them i could not solve to many solution they are really nice people. i wish always god with these two friends...
  2. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    this pack is a amazing! and with help my friend @ logan4 i can move the engine nuzzle ring for victor trust, but something very annoying me is the RWR in this game, in real world when enemy use his radar in TWS mod we can not understand he lock on us and when fire but when missile's Radar goes pitbull, the RWR most show we have in coming treat, but in this game i don't know how to fix it....
  3. Hi

    Guys My friend Is:

    Best of the Best Modder and Tester and Pilot Ever I seen

  4. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    i find some way to solve this bug, with useing DLL files, and using Windows Portable Executable explorer that show full Flags and other assemblies
  5. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    Bro AHM problem solved? or not?
  6. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    Cheers, congratulations to you at lassssssssssssttttttttttt.........................
  7. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

  8. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much, AFTER 3 years waiting........... tanks, tanks, tanks, tanks, tanks..................
  9. ok, I don't want to identify the Aircraft,,that has same family radar,or tell Which type of missile launching on me, but I want the RWR just tell me 1: when the missile Launch on me, and 2:the missile Of "which side" comes up to me. my RWR Type is TEWS, and Flying with F-14D that made of by Mirage Factory, and have good RWR.LST, I Attach my RWR.lst files for you, Please Can you Help me how can I make this things possible? RWR.zip RWR.zip
  10. Hi I Have another question, how can I add missile warring in the RWR.lst? for example to warning about when the enemy firing AA-10A,B,C,D,E, R77,73 and AA-9, or .....
  11. :((((((((((((( please some one help me :((((
  12. tanks for your Great helps my friend, I have question : for F-14D, I use this code in the DATA.ini file : ThrustVectoring=TRUE ThrustVectorInputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL ThrustVectorAnimationID=9 MaxVectoredPitchAngle=-9.0 and use this codes to Controls.ini file: [RangedControl008] AxisControl=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=0.000000 Saturation=175.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=THRUST_VECTOR_DOWN DecreaseControl=THRUST_VECTOR_UP CenterControl= I Attach the Data.ini File for my F-14,that may be to show you what I need to chenge, this F-14D was made by mirage factory, (version :F-14SP_V121). I chenged some parameter in this File and in the game when pull back the Joystick Thrust vectoring is working but only Afterburner Flames moving and I cannot make the Exhaust to moving with Afterburner Flames,how can I use the Fake Metods to do this?,Please, help me, its too important to me INI Files.rar
  13. hi who can help me to make Thrust vectoring for F-14 with Fake pilot metods? please help me
  14. hi who can help me to make Thrust vectoring for F-14 with Fake pilot metods? please help me
  15. FakePilot addon for pilot method of addon parts

    hi tanks for your Great help, I have question : can I use this metod to create Trust vectoring for my plan, for example for F-14D, I use this code in the DATA.ini file : ThrustVectoring=TRUE ThrustVectorInputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL ThrustVectorAnimationID=9 MaxVectoredPitchAngle=-9.0 and use this codes to Controls.ini file: [RangedControl008] AxisControl=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=0.000000 Saturation=175.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=THRUST_VECTOR_DOWN DecreaseControl=THRUST_VECTOR_UP CenterControl= and in the game when pull back the Joystick Thrust vectoring is working but only Afterburner Flames moving and I cannot make the Exhaust to moving with Afterburner Flames ,Please, can u help me?, its to important to me

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