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GKABS last won the day on July 26

GKABS had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

8,530 +1000 Reputation


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kuwait Ali Sabah Al-Salim
  • Interests
    3d modeling, all military models for
    flight simulator games.


  • Website
    https://www.gkabs.net https://www.gulfknights.net
  • Twitter

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  1. Hello, gentlemen I will be away from the forum for some time as I have started construction on the house and it's taking all my time. Please forgive me if I have delayed any work or didn't keep my promises to anyone but I will do my best as soon as I have time I will get back to working on what I have promised.
    Take care,

    1. UllyB


      Good luck M. ! Don't forget to throw a party when it's ready LOL


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