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'Ello guys

Thought I'd share a campaign I have working with you as the chances of me finishing it on my own seem to be rather slim.




As communist hardliners in Moscow depose Gorbachev, NATO forces are on high alert. Eager for a diversion, Soviet intelligence services begin feeding their North Korean allies faked plans that EXERSICE TEAM SPIRIT '85 is actually preparations of a joint ROK/US invasion of the DPRK. Kim Il Sung takes the bait, and launches a pre-emptive strike. As tensions flare in Europe, the USAF and USN must fight with what they have in-region alongside the ROKAF. Hopes are the JASDF will also lend a hand, and that the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China will stay outside of the fight.

Good luck, and godspeed!


  • Set in 1985
  • Features flyable aircraft of the USAF, USN, USMC and ROK.
  • Intial enemy is DPRK, reinforced later by Soviets and China
  • Fairly realistic ORBAT for blue side
  • Two carrier groups, USS Constellation and USS Carl Vinson, with period accurate squadrons and escorts
  • A (not yet fully working) friendly Amphibious landing
  • A new comprehensive 60+ node ground war. Can be used for Korean war ops too I think

MODs I used,

























Ground units





and more probably...


So if anyone is interested give it a try and maybe we can make a complete pack out of this. It flies quite good, the campaign, the best I've done certainly. Installation is just to pop it into the campaigns folder. Take the included Korea3_targets and pop it into the Korea 3 folder, this add a USMC deployment point for the naval invasion.


I have a lot of period skins in the work, I suck at decaling and would gladly hand them over to a good decals guy. These include Wolfpack F-16A skins, USN A-7E and F/A-18A skins..


Ground war node network











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Looks good, will be sure to try this out.

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"Hold, Falcon 1, we have a situation developing" :biggrin:


Will be flying this one for sure!

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Sorry to ask, but where do we get the A-37B from?


Not available yet AFAIK, I'm also looking forward to it, it's a great aircraft, hope Cent can release a beta so we all can fly it.

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Not available yet AFAIK, I'm also looking forward to it, it's a great aircraft, hope Cent can release a beta so we all can fly it.

Correct, forgot to mention that. The role it plays is quite minor tho, especially since SF2 does not support the FAC role anymore. I hope to have a beta ready sooner rather than later. The mod also references the still unreleased KF-5E, I also hope to release that one soonish.

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Correct, forgot to mention that. The role it plays is quite minor tho, especially since SF2 does not support the FAC role anymore. I hope to have a beta ready sooner rather than later. The mod also references the still unreleased KF-5E, I also hope to release that one soonish.


I'm a COIN player, and the Dragonfly will fit tons of scenarios on several maps, from Vietnam to Cenepa or Central America. Looking forward to the release Cent. Thanks for all the hard work.

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Roger that.


If anyone has tried the campaign I would like to hear some feedback


Some stuff that comes to mind

  • Some of the airbases seem kind of small for a 1985 time period? Maybe Wrench can comment on that.
  • If you have SA-8s that are set as Mobile_AAA they will infest the theater and create heavy losses for Blue air, so I found it best to remove those. NK didn't operate the SA-8 anyways.
  • Some air units like the A-10s never seem to do missions.
  • I might add more friendly nation units, thinking of A-4s of RNZAF and F-8s of Phillipine AF.
  • The russian naval forces should probably be stronger, or perhaps a new battlegroup with the Kiev and/or Kirov appearing after the inevitable sinking of the first soviet surface group?

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Not tried it yet Cent, I'm still downloading everything, will tell you once I try it.

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I assume you're talking about the "runway 3"???  Sometimes, if I've given enough space with the airfield tiles, you can swap them out for Runway 2. That's the smallest of the 'medium' runways (the others are 1, 5, & 6), and require more 'open space airfield tiles'.


the type IS historically correct, for the 1950s.


iirc, there's 2 verrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy small "enemy ship" zones, as it wasn't designed for Red Side Surface Action or Carrier groups. You'll have to enlarge them on the _water.bmp.

It is/was assumed (oh! that word!!), that the Sovs would stay out of any new (1970s and later) "problems" on the peninsula. Staying safe in port at Vladivostok. (note that all Russian target areas are NEUTRAL, as was -originally- any in china with the exception of the Antung complex) 

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My campaign just CTD, first mission, a CAS mission flying F-4D LORAN 1978, the game crashed when I was about to shoot a Sparrow to a Su-7.

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Ok try to put these into your Korea 3 folder and see if it helps, I must have modified these slightly and forgot about it.



Other than that dunno what could be wrong.


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I got an old tileset (can be the vanilla one in SF2'Europe?) with black tiles, but still get the CTD as soon as I approach the frontline.

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What are your PC specs Stratos? theres quite a lot going on so I have gotten CtDs on my laptop.


As for the tileset, try downloading Starys Korea 3 tileset. Check campaign data ini and see that you have all groundobjects and ships installed.

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Looks spiffy!

I'd say you've got quite a campaign there!

But my only pressing question is whether or not you'll take a page from eburger66's campaigns, and make more than a situation set in '86?

Such potential times for a flashpoint in Korea would've been around '94-95, 2005 when Kim tried to shoot an ICBM at the states, but it fell harmlessly into the sea, a potential conflict erupting after the death of Kim Jong-Il in 2011 and another such possibility being an open war around 2015-2016 with today's sort of equipment.

If you can't, oh well, I understand. But if you can, so much the better... You've opened up more replay value.

Another question is if the campaigns will support helicopters such as the AH-1 Cobra or the AH-64 Apache.

Well, take your time and make us proud, centurion!

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Any chance of getting the RAAF in, with Mirage IIIO (or possibly F/A-18) and F-111C?

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Any chance of getting the RAAF in, with Mirage IIIO (or possibly F/A-18) and F-111C?

Do you think that the RAAF would be involved in a conflict far from home when they could be tied up in defending Singapore, the Philippines or Taiwan? Just askin'. But I'm somewhat eager as to whether he'll try for the aforementioned multiple conflict eras a la eburger66. 

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Do you think that the RAAF would be involved in a conflict far from home when they could be tied up in defending Singapore, the Philippines or Taiwan? Just askin'. But I'm somewhat eager as to whether he'll try for the aforementioned multiple conflict eras a la eburger66. 


The RAAF was involved in the Korean War, they even claimed a few MiG-15s. It is actually more rare for the RAAF to operate near home. 

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Looks spiffy!

I'd say you've got quite a campaign there!

But my only pressing question is whether or not you'll take a page from eburger66's campaigns, and make more than a situation set in '86?

Such potential times for a flashpoint in Korea would've been around '94-95, 2005 when Kim tried to shoot an ICBM at the states, but it fell harmlessly into the sea, a potential conflict erupting after the death of Kim Jong-Il in 2011 and another such possibility being an open war around 2015-2016 with today's sort of equipment.

If you can't, oh well, I understand. But if you can, so much the better... You've opened up more replay value.

Another question is if the campaigns will support helicopters such as the AH-1 Cobra or the AH-64 Apache.

Well, take your time and make us proud, centurion!

The 94-95 timeframe sounds like a good idea, when DPRK had MiG-29s and Su-25s (IIRC). Once the base scenario works well I can just change units, but it depends on finding good ORBATs.


Any chance of getting the RAAF in, with Mirage IIIO (or possibly F/A-18) and F-111C?

The RAAF is already in with said assets. They appear a week or so in, with a token Hornet and F-111 sqn. Also Indeonesia, another regional ally. The RAAF birds are not set as playable though, easy fix if you know how or have the campaign customizer DLC.


Has anyone tried the campaign, does it work for you?

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The 94-95 timeframe sounds like a good idea, when DPRK had MiG-29s and Su-25s (IIRC). Once the base scenario works well I can just change units, but it depends on finding good ORBATs.


The RAAF is already in with said assets. They appear a week or so in, with a token Hornet and F-111 sqn. Also Indeonesia, another regional ally. The RAAF birds are not set as playable though, easy fix if you know how or have the campaign customizer DLC.


Has anyone tried the campaign, does it work for you?


I gotta get myself that Campaign Customizer DLC... And see if I can get the custom campaign working.

Yeah, around that timeframe of '94-'95, the KPAF possessed MiG-29s and Su-25s.

Concerning new aircraft for the USA, the USAF would bring in F-15Es, B-1Bs, and F-16Cs, the Army would utilize improved AH-64As, Marines calling in F/A-18Ds, and the Navy would bring F/A-18Cs and F-14B/Ds to the tables. In addition, most of the US aircraft would be capable of using AIM-120s.

The USN would most likely use the following Carriers in '94-'95 if the Korean War were to reignite:

-CV-62 "Independence"

-CV-63 "Kitty Hawk"

-CV-64 "Constellation"

-CVN-70 "Carl Vinson"

-CVN-72 "Abraham Lincoln"

The ROK would have included F-16C Blk 52s and improved F-4s in their arsenal.

Should the JASDF join in, they'll most likely bring out RF-4EJs and the new F-4EJ "Kai" Phantoms.

The PLAAF would have JH-7 "Flounder" attack aircraft and the Z-9 "Dolphin" helicopters as new items in their inventory.

And if the Russians decide to join the fun, the only major new piece to their arsenal I can think of is the Ka-50 "Hokum/Black Shark" attack helicopter.

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I am messing around with this as it looks a lot of fun.

Anyone know of any good internet information on ROKAF F-4D units and their start dates?
I have found two sources that mention 3 units while all other sources mention 2, not sure if this is confusion with 151st and 157th fighter squadrons.


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in 1969 received 18 airframes for 110th TFS /11th TFW 

64-0931, 64-0933, 64-0934, 64-0935, 64-0941, 64-0943, 64-0944, 64-0946, 64-0947, 64-0948, 64-0950, 64-0951, 64-0955, 64-0957, 64-0958, 64-0961, 64-062, 64-0966

additional one 65-0709 in 1970

in 1972 18 airframes for 151st TFS /11th TFW
64-0978, 65-0582, 65-0589, 65-0591, 65-0592, 65-0605, 65-0610, 65-0620, 65-0622, 65-0623, 65-0630, 65-0640, 65-0650, 65-0678, 65-0691, 65-0715, 65-0732, 65-0762

in 1973:

in 1975:

in 1982:
65-0679, 65-0755, 65-0797, and three more.

in 1987/1988:
66-7507, 66-7555, 66-757, 66-7608, 66-7618, 66-7673, 66-7690, 66-7709, 66-7715, 66-7737, 66-7747, 66-7750, 667753, 66-7758, 66-7762, 66-8701, 66-8734, 66-8737, 66-8756, 66-8758, 66-8765, 66-8806, 66-8810
these ones were equipped with PaveSpikes.


152nd TFS and 153rd TFS /17 TFW
in 1978 (19 airframes) distributed between squadrons
76-0493 - 76-0511

in 1980 (18 airframes)
78-0727 - 78-0744

then in 1987-1989 few ex USAF  surplus airframes with PaveTack. 

RF-4C from 1988 
131st TRS /39th TRG.

Edited by yakarov79
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