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Julhelm last won the day on September 29 2016

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About Julhelm

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  1. Feel free to port the SF version to DCS if you want to.
  2. Your GPU has another opinion. The whole point is that the approximation will be good enough that you won't be able to tell the difference, and you run cheaper, simpler geometry which performs better.
  3. Yes it can, you just don't know how to bake properly.
  4. Maybe you need to use the weapon editor to add the weapons to the dat file? I haven't modded the game in years so can't remember well. It would be nice if some of the knowledgeable people here could help you out instead of telling you not to use them because historical accuracy.
  5. My original release of the A-5 and RA-5C came with storetrains for the Mk-27 and Mk-43 nukes and were set up to use them. I think the latest version of the A-5A definitely has them. On the RA-5C I guess whoever did the latest repackaging of it disabled them just because.
  6. Well he was chased away along with the other Chinese people way back when.
  7. All this is is extra bloom, contrast filter and color correction filter. IMO all these external filters do is make everything look cartoonier, with exaggerated blacks and whites. And it doesn't adress the core issue of why stock Strike Fighters looks bland, which is non-optimized light settings and quite frankly subpar texture work on a lot of 3rd party assets (a lot of people here obsess over rivet placement but totally ignore concepts like ambient occlusion that really work towards adding depth to a scene).
  8. For those of you who dislike Steam, we've released Cold Waters and Atlantic Fleet on GOG.com at a discount. Go buy them if you haven't already. https://www.gog.com or click the images below for each respective title download page.
  9. That's in SEA. TK is in Texas which I assume is a fair bit more expensive. What it really comes down to is time. If you factor in the time it takes to build a quality plane with exterior models and virtual cockpit, to modern standards, 10k is a totally feasible sum. A single ship model for Cold Waters probably ends up around 3k, and then you can multiply that by some 40 classes of ship in the game.
  10. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    That's an FMV game though similar to Dragons Lair. All that engine has to do is overlay sprite colliders on what is essentially a animated movie, which itself is probably streamed from laserdisc. Jet was a full-3D game that featured semi-active radar homing, carrier operations, and real dogfights, all while running on 64k of RAM. That's much more technically impressive.
  11. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    There were even a few games on the Amiga that used wireframe graphics with red/blue glasses for actual 3D. Sublogic's JET is probably the earliest fully-3D flight sim I can think off. Unlike F-15 Strike Eagle, it had filled polygonal graphics with actual terrain, airfields and carrier landings. This in 1983 on a C-64.
  12. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    The old sims were still 3D. All the 3DFX card did was switch the rendering to hardware, while earlier games had to invent software renderers which constrained what could be done with the CPU. In fact GPUs are so good at handling vast amounts of data we now have compute shaders to help further offload the CPU.

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