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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Object Mods

56 files

  1. Infantry Units

    I have created 10 new infantry units for First Eagles. They are all pretty much identical except for their helmets and uniform colors. Each unit is a five man squad (three riflemen and two runners.) The units will move around and the riflemen will aim and fire independently.
    I have created a dust effect for when they are moving and I've created a gunshot sound for their rifles. The rifles are based on Peter01's rifle data, with my sound effect and a few other minor changes. All the Entente units use the Lee Enfield rifle, and all the Central units use the Mauser.
    This download includes infantry units for: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Russia, America, Australia, and Turkey.
    I couldn't bring myself to kill the poor guys, so they just disappear when they get shot.
    My thanks to Heck and Geo for leading the way!
    Thanks also to Peter01 for his original rifle data files.
    Installation Instructions
    Unzip the file and copy the units you want from my GroundObjects folder into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder. Copy the sound file "InfantryRifle.wav" from my Sounds folder into your FirstEagles/Sounds folder. Copy the dust effect "RunningInfantryEmitter.ini" from my Effects folder into your FirstEagles/Effects folder.
    Follow the instructions for installing the guns and sound in the two other instruction files included with the download.


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  2. Anti-aircraft Guns

    Most of the anti-aircraft guns in World War One were converted field guns, especially during the early years. Some modifications were necessary however to make an effective anti-aircraft weapon. I have created four new anti-aircraft guns for First Eagles.
    A French 75mm field gun, mounted on a 120mm gun carriage. This allowed the barrel to be elevated quite high without danger of the breech hitting the ground on the recoil.
    A Russian Putilov 76.2mm field gun. The turntable mount and variations of it were common in WWI because the gun could be quickly dismounted and used as a field gun again.
    A German Krupp 77mm gun on a special anti-aircraft gun carriage. The axles were hinged and the tail had an anchor to allow the gun to be easily rotated. The gap in the carriage allowed the gun to be elevated higher than a normal field gun.
    An Italian Déport 77mm field gun. The recoil mechanism remained horizontal so the breech couldn't hit the ground no matter how high the gun was aimed. An improvised mount gave the gun a higher elevation.
    Captured field guns were often used as anti-aircraft weapons. I have left the helmets and tunics off the gun crews so you can easily convert them to whatever nation you want. It wouldn't be unusual to see Austrians using an Italian gun, Germans using a French gun, or Russians using a German gun.
    All guns use the stock 75mm gun data from First Eagles.
    My thanks to Hansa for providing reference material for World War I anti-aircraft guns.
    Installation Instructions
    You can install the guns individually or all at once. Unzip the file and move the folders you want into the FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder. You must also copy the file "DestroyedAAA.bmp" into the FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder.
    Destroyed versions of all the guns use the same skin. The file named "DestroyedAAA.bmp" must be placed in the root level of the GroundObjects folder (not inside any other folders.)


       (4 reviews)



  3. Trucks for First Eagles

    I have made two generic trucks for First Eagles. Both have cabs, so it isn't so obvious that they don't have drivers when you see them from the air.
    The Russian Truck is loosely based on the Russian Garford-Putilov but is similar to the WFD and the Jeffrey. It had a high ground clearance and the engine was in the middle, under the bed, which made it good for driving on poor roads.
    The Austrian Truck is loosely based on the German Daimler-Marienfelde but is similar to many other trucks of the era.
    I have provided alternate skins, an olive color for the Russian, and a tan color for the Austrian, so you can convert them to use for other nations if you want.
    Installation Instructions
    You can install the trucks individually or both together. Unzip the file and move the folders you want into the FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder.


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  4. Field Guns for First Eagles

    In World War I, field guns were light artillery weapons used for infantry support on the battlefield. The barrel could be elevated using a mechanism on the carriage, but the entire gun had to be turned to aim it. I have created eight new field guns for First Eagles, each with a two man crew behind a small log and earth barricade.
    This download includes - a Russian Putilov 76.2mm, and Austrian Krupp 77mm, A German Krupp 77mm, an Italian Déport 77mm, a French 75mm, a British 75mm, an American 75mm, and a Turkish Krupp 77mm.
    The field guns take the role of Tank in First Eagles so they will appear on the battlefield during Army Co-operation missions. All the guns use the stock 75mm gun data from First Eagles.
    Installation Instructions
    You can install the guns individually or all at once. Unzip the file and move the folders you want into the FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder. Destroyed versions of all the guns use the same skin as the AAA guns. If you don't already have it, you must also copy the file "DestroyedAAA.bmp" into the FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObjects folder. The file must be placed in root level of the GroundObjects folder (not inside any other folders.)


       (3 reviews)



  5. Airships

    Dirigibles were used by both sides on all fronts during World War I. Early in the war, they were used for recon and bombing, but were soon replaced by aircraft. However, because they could stay aloft for long periods, and their ability to hover, airships continued to be used for naval operations, especially for scouting and anti-submarine patrols.
    I have created five different types of airship. They are all identified as "Balloon" and they are all armed with machine guns. Drop them into your Ground Object folder and they will show up over the battlefields for more challenging balloon busting missions. I have included alternate skins for some of them so you can use them for different nations.
    Historical Notes
    The R23 and L32 are relatively accurate models of actual airships. The Type M, Type PL, and Type VZ are more or less generic representations of popular airship types which were used by different nations. I have averaged out the national and manufacturer variations, but the overall size and shape is relatively accurate.
    I have taken liberties with the gondolas and simplified the rigging in order to keep file size down and frame rate up.
    Installation Instructions
    Unzip the file and copy the folders you want into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder.


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  6. Air Raid Warning Ambulances

    Air Raid Warning Ambulances.
    These are the Stock Trucks re-painted to look like Ambulances.
    Their main function is they set off an air raid alarm on friendly Airfields when an Enemy Aircraft gets too close (or when you get too close to the Enemy's!).
    I figured that Air Raid Sirens weren't readily available at the time, so I have used a vintage Fire-Engine Bell, Which sounds quite good, and rings a bit faster than it sounds on the wav file.
    I have also included a version which uses an Air Raid Siren instead of the Fire-Engine Bell.
    I made the two different versions for the two different sounds (rather than just change the sound around) because the rate of fire and burst amounts are different, just seemed simpler to have them both available.
    They have to be manually placed on the Terrain, one at each Airfield, but this isn't as time consuming as it sounds, as most Airfields have several trucks already placed at them; so you just need to substitute an Ambulance for a Truck.
    If you really don't want to do this you can avoid it by making them exportable, but then you end up with Ambulances guarding bridges and balloons.


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  7. WWI Ground Objects

    Allied and German Infantry, French 75 and German 77 Artillery, Vickers MG and MG08 machine guns, Supply Wagons Allied and German.


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  8. New formation for Attack aircraft

    This will show you how to create a new formation for all of your attack aircraft. It will create three Squads with six elements per flight. They will appear to be in somewhat of a Vee formation with slight differences in altitude from one another. This works for FEG and FE2.
    Enjoy, Quack74


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  9. Fix for dust effect in Stephen1918's infantry (FE2)

    The dust effect in Stephen1918 infantry is made for FE1 and doesn't work in FE2 using Dx10. So I fixed this issue.
    To install, put the RunningInfantryEmitter inside your modded Effects folder overwtritting when asked


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  10. Pfalz markings and Staaken formations

    This is a bit much I know. But if you like the Pfalz D.III types then this will be good for you. I've created a way to utilize the game generated National marking system (with marking changes for the Germans in March 1918) while using new "Pfalz" markings without the white boarders (for some Jasta's anyway).
    I had to create new "Nations" for each Pfalz Jasta that uses different markings. Ex: Plain Silver Grey will use the "Germany_Pfalz" nation which will create black iron crosses (no white boarders). And for instance Jasta 77b will use the "Gemany_Pfalz_Lozenge_White" nation which will have white boarders on the wings but not on the fuselage and tail. All in all I think I made 4 new "Nations" for the Pfalz. You have to use the new decals that are in my "Decals" folder for this to work. Drop them into your "Decals" folder.
    It just sounds complicated.... because it was :)
    Anyway I've included folders with all the files you'll need. Really all it is is a copy and paste task for you. Just follow the folder structure thats in my download and follow the readme files. Ex: Create the new "Nations" folder. And put the new "Nations.ini" into it. Thats all.
    *** Staaken & HP400 Formation ***
    I've also created a "WWI_AIRFIELD1.ini" for the Staakens and HP400.
    Their wingspan is too big to use the GothaGIV formations that I posted at CombatAce. I've created a new "Nation" for the Staaken called "Germany_Bombers" for the Staaken only. And I also created a new "RAF_Bombers" nation for the HP400. In the HP 400 and Staaken's DATA.ini and each of their skins' "TextureSet" the nation name should be changed from "Germany" to "Germany_Bombers" or "RAF" to "RAF_Bombers". This way the game will find the new formation setup (thats included in this download), for these particular bombers.
    Enjoy, quack74
    Edit: 9/11/10:
    I added an "Italy2" to the Nations.ini and the Decals folder. It will make Italian markings with a green outer and red inner roundel. Any aircraft you want to use for ITALY just change the texture folder's TextureSet.ini to Nation=ITALY2. Now you have two Italian markings.


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  11. Aircraft Pilot Bailout

    This is a mod from Stary's excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod.
    This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan.
    Be sure to read the Readme for install instructions.
    I haven't tested it yet,but it might also work with WW2 and Korea non-ejection seat aircraft.


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  12. Balloon Gunner Bailout

    This is a mod of Starys excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod.
    This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan.
    Make sure to read the Readme for install instructions.


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  13. New Formations

    This is my "Formation.ini" file for First Eagles Gold install. For FE2
    look in the CombatAce.com First Eagles forums for help
    It has three altered formation versions.
    1. "Fighter" -- Used for German fighter and attack aircraft.
    "Vee" flight formation with "Vee" Squadron formation.
    2. "Fighter2" - Used for Allied fighters and attack aircraft.
    "Echelon Left" flight formation with box like Squadron formation.
    3. "Bomber" - I changed the spread of each flight of three. More space between.
    Each flight is in a "Vee" formation with a slight altitude difference with each aircraft.
    I included pics of each formation so you can see what I have described above.
    A Readme file is also inside.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  14. First Eagles Effects Pack UPDATE 1

    First Eagles Effects Pack update.
    This is small update to my FE Effects Pack.
    Included new effects:
    -Balloon fire effect -brand new, larde burning debris falling to ground
    -aircraft fuel fire -new effect
    -20mm object hit effect -bigger than lmg and hmg
    -37mm object hit effect -big gray cloud
    updated/reworked effects:
    -Lmg object hit effect -without orange explosion, gray small cloud
    -Hmg objhect hit effect -bigger gray cloud
    -tracer smoke emitter -slightly reworked
    -artillery fire effect -longer lasting, smaller gas cloud
    extract ot your Effects folder, overwrite


       (2 reviews)



  15. First Eagles Effects Pack

    This is set of new effects created for First Eagles, to give some new look to the stock effects.
    Nothing big, just some impovements to original ones, together with new graphics.
    Replaces most of originals.
    Includes new smaller tracers, they don't have that laser look anymore, but are visible from shorter distances.


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  16. New Pilots for First Eagles

    New Pilot repaint for First Eagles created by Jan (Honza) Tuma.
    To install:
    Drop the wwiPilotNew*.bmp into your Aircraft folder. (Default C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\WWI\Objects\Aircraft)


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  17. FE Ground Object Gallery

    Here is a file with screenshots of the various "stock" terrain ground objects found in the terrain TYPES.ini. This is just a general list. Not all types listed would appear in the game. This is intended as a reference for modders interested in adding or removing objects in target areas or for making new target areas. I've left some TYPES out intentionally such as villiage and town buildings and some Ground Objects like tanks.


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  18. Effects 3 - First Eagles

    Effects Pack - test.
    New fuel fire and engine damage effects, plus changes fuel leak.
    Please check the readme for installation.


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  19. Armed Balloons v1.01

    Just a simple mod to give the guys in the Observation Balloons a Rifle to Shoot at you.
    (This Version includes the Data ini for the German Type Ae Balloons that i missed the first time!)


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  20. AA MG Airfield Gunners for FE Expansion Pack 1

    This mod contains the Airfield AA MG mod only. It does include the airfield mod for the Cambrai terrain.
    Unzip to a separate folder and read the Readme for installation instructions.
    RESTRICTIONS apply to the redistribution of certain files in this mod. Again read the Readme for clarification.
    Hope you enjoy,


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  21. Bridges for Verdun Expansion Pack 1 Version

    This is the Expansion Pack version. It also includes a combined Bridges & Airfield AAMG mod as an option.
    Unzip to a separate folder and read the Readme for installation instructions.
    There are RESTRICTIONS on the redistribution of certain files in this mod...again see the Readme for clarification.
    Hope you enjoy,


       (2 reviews)



  22. First Eagles Verdun Bridges and Airfield AAMGs

    Bridges and Airfield AA MG defenses to the Verdun Terrain for First Eagles. This mod is for the pre-Expansion Pack version of FE.
    I have combined the Airfield AA MG and Bridge mods into one download.
    Unzip to a Temp folder and see the Readme for Installation instructions.
    RESTRICTIONS apply for certain files contained in this mod. Please read the ReadMe for further information.


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  23. GISTAND FE effects_enhancements Ver 1

    FE effects enhancements!......I Wanted more EFFECTS in this Fantastic WWI SIMS!!!!


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  24. Smoke effects

    This is a small effects pack to give First Eagles more intersting and longer lasting
    smoke from damaged aircraft. The effects 'fill in' entries left empty in the release version
    of the game.
    To install, extract the files into your \Effects folder.
    A quick thank you to Deuces for pointing me in the right direction on making these.
    Have fun.


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  25. Smoke Effects Pack V2

    Pack Updated - Please ensure the readme files says Version 2A in the top line.
    Smoke Effects Pack
    New effects for:
    General aircraft damage (pale grey smoke)
    Aircraft fires (some flames - black/grey smoke)
    Engine fire (small flames, brown/black smoke)
    Fuel fires (intense, long flames & thick black smoke)
    To install, extract the files into your \Effects folder.
    Have fun.


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