- SF/WO* Aircraft Skins
- SF/WO* Add-On Aircraft
- SF/WO* Add-On Cockpits
- SF/WO* Weapons Mods/Skins
- SF/WO* Sound Mods
- SF/WO* Object Mods
- SF/WO* Add-On Ships
- SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns
- SF/WO* Maps/Terrain Mods
- SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
- SF/WO* Utilities/Editors
- SF/WO* Joystick Config Files
- SF/WO* Patches
- SF1 DAT Mods
Modern Darwin/Timor
By Wrench
Modern Darwin Terrain Ver 2.0
for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E
UPDATED to Version 2.0 6/11/09
This is a rebuild of MY rebuild of Edward's WW2 Pacific Theatre map of Northern Australia, Timor, and parts of Indonesia. This moves it up into modern-ish times; the operational time frame I've designed it for is apporximately 1950-2050. Modern place names have been used were needed (and discoverable!). It has been extensively updated for Post-08 Patch Level installs for the Classic Series {herein after to be known as "TOS"}, and is usable in the New Series {herein after to be known as "NextGen"}.
The Update is designed to COMPLETLY replace the earlier version I'd released some years ago, and is a COMPLETE terrain with just about everything needed for installation.
It has been extensively re-tiled, with the addition of MANY parts from the WoV "GreenHell" mod by Brain32 & CA_Stary, while still using ONLY the original stock tiles (in other words, TODs for the jungle/paddy/grass. City TODs are still the stock ones, due to target placements within the cities) . The target areas have been 'cleaned up' and enhanced, including some that are of a 'fictional nature' to enchance gameplay. The movement ini has had some additions for CAS missions on Timor., The data ini has also been brought up to present (post-08) standards, with all effects activated. For mission and campaign builder, 2 Friendly Carrier stations have been added.
I've included several new ground objects, mostly to replace some that have gone missing from General Usage . Included are 1 new destroyer, 2 1/2 aircraft carriers, and some other things. (I say 2 1/2 carriers, as one, HMAS Australia, is just ini edits to create a "What If..." for the RAN). There's also quite a few surprises ... so keep a sharp eye out, especially when flying near coastlines/ports at night ...
*NextGen users take note -- you =MAY= be making data ini adjustementst for use in SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E. I've experienced NO anomalies during testing. Your mileage may vary*
**SF/SFG/SF2 Only users take note: you will be missing 2 of the naval vessels; the SumnerFRAM2 destroyer and the SCB-125 Essex class aircraft carrier. You will have to import the various and sundry bits from WoV or Post-08 Patch WoE. Or find "other alternatives". Or switch to WoE/WoV as your main gaming install.
It is also suggested (read: REQUIRED!!) you have the latest weapons pak installed for the various guns, SAMs, and whathaveyous. This is mostly for the ships, and air defense units --this is MOST critical for NextGen SF2 series users!!!! Any additional Ground Objects you can get your hands on, is also HIGHLY reccomended!! (Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak, Kesselbruts Zil Trucks, you get the idea...)
As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It is also HIGHLY reccomended you read this document ALL the way through to get an understanding of what's to be accomplished, and how to do it.
Happy Landings!!
Kevin Stein
ps: yes, I've reused the same screenie. Just too lazy to take/make a new one
North Korean Air Force Nanchang/Hongdu A-5 ''Fantan''
By Guest
This skin is for Q-5D(or Q-5II) made by tomcat and posted by 101tfs representing the Nanchang/Hongdu A-5 ''Fantan'' from North Korean Air Force.
Pakistan Air Force Nanchang/Hongdu A-5C ''Fantan''
By Guest
This skin is for Q-5B made by lindr2 representing the Nanchang/Hongdu A-5C ''Fantan'' from Pakistan Air Force.
Fictional Laos AF SEA skin
By EricJ
Made for the same aborted campaign, this is a MiG-29A in SEA camo.
For the Mirage Factory MiG-29A - Russian, but can be applied to any MiG if you change the filenames.
Falls under the Combatace Freeware License Agreement.
Fictional Laos AF All Metal MiG-29A - Russian
By EricJ
This is a fictional rendition of what a MiG-29 could possibly look like in Laos service, around 1985. It was intended for a campaign, but since the author couldn't finish it, he allowed me to release them, and I didn't want my work to go to waste either.
For the Mirage Factory, MiG-29A - Russian, but can be used on any other version as long as you change the filenames.
Falls under the Combatace Freeware License Agreement.
By James Fox
There is no real A-4K models made so these three use the closest Thirdwire models. These models are for WOX versions of Thirdwire games.
If you have any Thirdwire WOX games and you extract all the required .lod files they will work in SF2 series games. However the SF2 models have been very much updated from WOX versions and look much,much better and have greater detail. Plus I am curtainly working on those SF2 models to bring A-4k's into SF2 series.
These three models all use Truck-Lo's cockpit which is available in the Combat-Ace download section and included, plus can also be modded to use the A-4AR's cockpit as well. I do not know how different the A-4AR's cockpit is from the A-4K's cockpit, but believe to look at they are very similar.
You just need to copy or drag and drop the aircraft into your Aircraft folders and tanks to be installed in the usual way. Note I do not know who made the green A-4K tank, because it has alway been there in my weapons folder. I think it may have come from Bunyaps Weapons orginally. It is also included in 331Killerbees pack.
I have tinkered with the weapons loadout files a little and they may not be totally correct, feel free to amend if you want. They are set for fun rather that relistic.
First model is A-4K Euro 1 which based on the stock Thirdwire A-4F, RNZAF A-4K's where late model A-4F without the tail top pod. Where originally painted in SEA camo, see A-4K SEA in Combat-Ace downloads which I painted for Truck-Lo. The Euro Camo came later, I cannot remember the date, then another upgrade happened and the hump became reduntant and was removed, I used Thirdwire A-4E, closest match. Then New Zealand brought A-4G from Austrailia sometime after the Austrailan Navy retired its last carrier. On entering service in NZ the A-4G's only had their markings and numbers changed, they remained in the tone grey camo. I've released as SF2 model only, not included here. Later the A-4K's and A-4G's where all upgraded to A-4K Kura, Hawk in English, and where all painted green.
The A-4K Green 1 skin is fictional.I was playing around one wet weekend.
Feel free to mode as you like but must remain Freeware. I have no problems with that and you do not need my permission to change, improve on and release. This is what makes ThirdWire and its Forums so great and helps it to keep going, for over seven years I think I read somewhere.
Thanks to TK, Thirdwire
To Truck-Lo
To Bunyap and 331Killerbee
And to Marcfighters, I used your A-4F Israeli model a lot as reference when I first started painting the SEA Camo. Helped me alot in find those strange parts on the templates.
Ps, there are even more on TK's new models. I think I have found all the hinges now and where they are mapped.
F-14 Tomcat Tanque de Combustivel
By flaviodutra
A instalação do tanque do F-14 Tomcat é bem simples......
Copiar e Colar a pasta TANK330_F14 e substituir em ...Objects\AIRCRAFT\WEAPONS
F-14 Tomcat Weapon Rail
By flaviodutra
F-14 Tomcat Weapon Rail - Suporte para Missil AIM-54
Viajando pela Web, a procura de materia para pesquisa sobre o F-14 Tomcat e vendo várias imagens reais sobre o Tomcat, sempre me chamava a atenção do olhar para o "Weapon Rail" frontal onde se encaixa o AIM-54 e sempre foi de uma imponência e tanto sobre essa peça..... não podemos imaginar o F-14 sem os acessórios que o torna inigualável a outros aviões como por exemplo... suas Asas retráteis, que são fantásticas, seu missil AIM-54 que é fabuloso, os dois Motores que lhe dão toda essa força para atingir velocidades incríveis e o efeito BOOM que o Tomcat pode atingir quando quebra a barreira do som de forma fenomenal.... e também o WeaponRail que dá suporte ao AIM-54 na parte frontal do cockpit.... então enquando esperamos por um modelo melhorado do F-14 no CombatAce com a modelagem mais atualizada eu lhes ofereço uma pequena contribuição de minha parte já que não sou especialista em modelagem 3D e não me considero um, deixo para a equipe do forumaniacos essa pequena contribuição.
A instalação de WeaponRail é bem simples................
Copiar e Colar os aquivos (F-14WeaponRail.LOD, F-14WeaponRail.OUT e o arquivo imagem F-14_WeaponRial.bmp) na pasta Objects\AIRCRAFT
EM SEGUIDA abrir o arquivo F-14A_DATA.INI de qualquer modelo de F-14 e inserir no campo
MinExtentPosition=-0.473, 9.1,0.339
MaxExtentPosition= 0.683,0.783,-0.426
CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00, 9.0,0.3
CollisionPoint[002]= 0.00, 9.0,0.25
CollisionPoint[003]= 0.00, 0.7,-0.406
SystemName[010]=F14WeaponRail ------------------------------------- inserir aqui
---------------adicionar todo este aqui.........
// X(+direita/-esquerda Y ( +frente/-traz) Z(+acima/-baixo)---------
Position=0.0, 0.0, 0.0
Gostaria de agradeçer os sites que foram de vital importância para minhas pesquisas
http://www.anft.net - HOME OF M_A_T_S_ - The most comprehensive Grumman F-14 Reference Work - by Torsten Anftrail! - tem tudo sobre o F-14 Tomcat
e o site de imagens
www.airliners.net - que contém muitas fotos de aviões incríveis e que sem elas não poderia aproximar da realidade dos modelos.... obrigado
Direitos - flaviodutra - evertomcat
F-35 Pilot Pack
By Klavs81
Finally! The Demon helmet for the F-35.
Several variants are included, modify the pilot parameter in the AircraftData.ini file to select your pilot.
Heat: green flight suit with carbon Fiber Helmet
Moisture: green flight suit with grey helmet
Dirt: Brown flight suit with camo Helmet
Death: Black flight suit with carbon fiber helmet.
More variants are in the works, including female flight crew.
Feel free to modify, as long as you give credit where credit is due.
Mirage III EA 2000
By alejandro
This is a fictional model of the Mirage III EA 2000 by Banidos Team
This model is inspired by the NG Mirage and other improvements designed for the M3,
using as a base the exellent Mirage III EA of The Mirage Factory
These are the changes;
1 - Dual launcher for IR missiles
2 - Ability to launch medium-range missile from the wing pylons internal
3 - Addition of ECM, chaff and flares
4 - Improvements in overall performance, turn, speed loss,
climb speed, speed of pitch, yaw, motor power, etc..
5 - 3D models of tanks completely new and exclusive for this model,
ventral tank 1300 ltr, and Wing tank 1700 ltr.
6 - Obviously, the 3D models of the canard, refueling probe, nose cone,
antennas, countermeasures launchers, etc, etc.
This model is intended only as a fighter interceptor, so it has no way
air-ground radar.
Textures; Torno
Hangar and loading screens; EsPeKTrO
Sounds; argentinoemanuel
3D aggregates, changes in the .INI, and drop tanks; alejandro
BPAo Factory and The Mirage; for the excellent model of the Mirage III
Julhiem; for the beautiful (and adaptable) Kestrel´s cockpit
Diego Lozano; Usaf Mod Pilot
For the beta testers; Halcón, Pato Poli, Trebol and EsPeKTrO
To Escuadrón Virtual Cruz del Sur for the support and suggestions
And especially to Third Wire for this game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Este es un modelo ficticio del Mirage III EA 200 de Banidos Team
Este modelo está inspirado en el Mirage NG y otras mejoras diseñadas para el M3,
usando como base el exelente Mirage III EA de Mirage Factory
Estas son las modificaciones;
1- Lanzador dual para los misiles IR
2- Capacidad de lanzar misiles de medio alcance desde los pilones alares internos
3- Agregado de ECM, chaff y bengalas
4- Mejoras de prestaciones generales, viraje, velocidad de pérdida,
velocidad de trepada, velocidad de alabeo, guiñada, potencia motor, etc.
5- Modelos en 3D de los tanques suplementarios completamente nuevos y exclusivos para
este modelo, tanque ventral de 1300 ltr y tanque alar de 1700.
6- Obviamente los modelos 3d de las canard, sonda de repostaje, cono de nariz,
antenas, lanzadores de contramedidas, etc, etc.
Este modelo está pensado solo como caza interceptor, por lo que no tiene modos
de radar aire tierra.
Texturas; Torno
Pantallas de hangar y carga; EsPeKTrO
Sonidos; argentinoemanuel
Agregados 3D, modificaciones en los .INI y tanques suplementarios; alejandro
BPAo y The Mirage Factory; por el exelente modelo del Mirage III EA
Julhiem; por la hermosa, (y adaptable) cabina del Kestrel
Diego Lozano; Usaf Mod Pilot
A los beta testers; Halcón, Pato Poli, Trebol, y EsPeKTrO
Al Escuadrón Virtual Cruz del Sur por el apoyo y sugerencias
Y sobretodo a Third Wire por este juego !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aeroflot An-12
This is a repaint of the Antonov 12, NATO reporting name "Cub". It represents a handful of aircraft actually operated by Aeroflot and the Soviet Air Force.
I've also given you a new data.ini file for the An-12. I've added the ALO-2 chaff and flare dispensers that were fitted to some Cubs used in the Soviet-Afghan War. Additionally I've added the landing lights and a tail beacon.
This can be used with any of the first series TW sims, although with some slight adjustment, be made to work in the second gen sims.
Saitek X52 Profile For WoE/WoV/WoI
By Guest
This Is a Profile I created for my X52 Joystick and throttle control. I’ve Tried you incorporate as many of the user Key use in the game as much as possible.
Most of which are pretty easy to work out can Store in the old memory banks.
To use all you need to do is unzip the file and copy it to the Directory Shown here....C:\Program Files\Saitek\Software
All so included are JPG shots of the Mapping to undersatnd how to operate the X52 wile Flying high.
Hope you enjoy my fist release for WoE/WoV/WoI more to come.
Regards Raven.
F-35 Pilot
By Silverbolt
This is just a repaint i did using Diego's Modusaf pilot, all credits goes to him, i've just did a copy paste job!
instructions on the readme , so use it!
i hope you enjoy it!
Skyraider Cockpit Mod
By Wrench
"Stand In" Prop Cockpit Mod for MontyCZ's A-1H and 3rd Wire's A-1H/A-1J Skyraiders
For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E
This mod is a semi-complete overhaul of the stock A-4B Skyhawk cockpit into a 'passable' stand-in prop-style pit for use on Monty's Skyraiders and the new Skyraiders in SF2:V. I say "passable", as opposed to the more true "fiddled-with-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life, not-even-close-to-reality".
This mod uses ALL stock items, found in just about all versions, and includes EVERYTHING needed to get your AI SPADs in SF2:V up and flyable. All bmps, inis, and the cockpit lod are included. Most of the gauges have been repainted and reletter for a more "piston engined" look. As stated earlier, it's really designed for use with MontyCZ's A-1, but it's still in the Hangar for it's overhaul, hence, I'm releasing this mod before the aircraft it was made for. Rest assured it'll be included in the new version.
This package has been tested in all the Classic Series -hereinafter known as "TOS", and also in SF2:V -hereinafter to be known as "NextGen" versions of the sim. It works pretty damn good in both, allowing for the innaccuracies in the general layout and so forth. A new avionics ini is included for an audio-only RWR. While not too helpfull, it'll allow you some 'heads-up' time to look around for that radar or radar-controlled AAA or SAM that's about to get you.
DISCLAIMER: this cockpit layout ain't even close to Real Life . I already know this, but it works, the instruments read pretty close to 'normal', and it's free.
As always, unzip the package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full install instructions. It's reccomended you DO so, and read this through before installing; it'll help you understand what we're going to do a bit more.
Happy Landings!!!
Kevin Stein
ps: I forgot to list this in the readme;
Crash Testing by NDiki
thanks Nigel!!!
pps: look for the easter egg on the clock!
Super Mystere B2 EC 1/10 'Valois' Skin
By Eole
:yes: Third skin for Enrico "ErikGen" AMD Super Mystere B2
Depict planes of EC 1/10 'Valois'
To come in this order :
Planes of EC 1/5 'Vendée'
Planes of EC 2/5 'Ile de France'
Best regards
Super Mystere B2 EC 2/10 Seine skin
By Eole
:yes: Second skin for Enrico "ErikGen" AMD Super Mystere B2
Depict planes of EC 2/10 Seine (Land base Creil 1968)
To come in this order :
Planes of EC 1/10 'Valois'
Planes of EC 1/5 'Vendée'
Planes of EC 2/5 'Ile de France'
Best regards
F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.3
By Dave
F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter Version 2.2 BETA Release
A USAF Version
B USMC Version
C USN Version
for the SFP1/WOx series beta Version 2.0
With thanks to Dave, JSF Aggie, JAT81500, Amokfloo, and especially FastCargo
This is a Beta Release, I have to appologize that I simply don't have the time at present to finish up the cockpit, but I hope to have it finished someday! Meantime, I'm happy with the flight model, radar and weapon delivery, I'm afraid the AI is somewhat lacking when it comes to engaging with AA missiles from the weapons bays.
Templates are included.
A few notes about flying the F-35:
This model has only been confirmed to work in 1st Generation TW Sims (SFP1/WOx). It has not been fully tested in 2nd generation sims (SF2,SFV).
The AI still has problems in hard mode doing an approach to landing in the A and B models. We are still working on that.
The B model VTOL mode has been made to be very similiar to the real thing in terms of performance. What that means is don't try VTOL mode fully loaded out...you won't get anywhere...literally. Plan to be publically ridiculed if you post a question on the forum asking how to do to a vertical takeoff fully loaded.
Also, the real thing will not allow you to engage afterburner in VTOL...this limitation was not possible to implement in the TW sims. What that means is if you go to afterburner while in VTOL mode...bad things will happen VERY quickly.
Speaking of the B model, for some reason, the nozzle will not animate open or closed. Several things have been tried to get it to work with no success...we are not sure why this is broken, especially since it works in the other models.
To install:
Effects in the Effects folder
Objects in the Objects folder
Sounds in the Sounds folder
Please do not release modified files for this aircraft without my written consent, you are welcome to release any skins you like using the included templates. As always, any use of this mod for commercial ventures is strictly prohibited unless included in a future official Thirdwire Release.
The creators of this mod are not responsible to any damage to hardware or software as a result of installation. As always: BACK UP YOUR FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Constructive criticism is always appreciated, but please be nice; I'm emotionally delicate, like a flower.
Clear Skies and Check Six!
-Adam Burch 22 May 2009
The USN and USMC skins are basically up to the end user to make what they like. I will more than likely sponser another contest at CA for the best skins for the F-35B/C versions.
Dave (USAFMTL) 22 May 2009
Version 2.1
Several bugs fixes by FastCargo, added Klavs81 new cockpit.bmp and new hangar and loading screens.
Dave (USAFMTL) 24 May 2009
Version 2.2
F-35C sound fixed.
Various ini fixes by Crusader
Dave (USAFMTL) 29 May 2009
Version 2.3
Fixed gun naming issue.
Dave (USAFMTL) 3 Jun 2009
By Eole
:yes: hi my first upload on this forum but I think not the last
EC 2/12 Cornouailles Skin's for Enrico "ErikGen" AMD Super-Mystere B2
J-32 Lansen
By knug
J-32 Dark Green Skin & national decals (for Strike Fighters Series)
This is a skin for the J-32 Lansen by Timmy
I've altered and added some screens and renamed the folder to better match my own WoE installation.
Therefore I distribute this as a "whole" aircraft for easier install.
I've modified the "new J-32 Template" , thanks for this,
I've left it out due to it's size (38 MB) but if anyone is interested just mail me: knugis (a) gmail . com
Model and skins by Timmy
Thanks also to Lexx
As usual extract and put the "J-32 Lansen" folder in \...\Objects\Aircraft
Ohio Vipers for F-16B_10 178th/180th
By Guest
These are F-16C_B30 skins of the 178th and 180th modified and edited to fit F-16B_10 by a10boar. All the HARD work goes to HrntFixer!
Extract the files to your Objects\Aircraft\F-16B_10 folder.
(You don't need to extract the .jpg and readme to the folder)
Don't like them, simply remove the files from your from your folder.
Thanks and credit to Sidewinder86 (HrntFixer) for permission to use both skins, Team Viper for the aircraft. Feel free to use at will except PAYWARE!
Included in the zip:
This Readme
Now get out there blow stuff up the Buckeye way!
Harrier GR7
By bobrock
The Harrier GR7 is a license-built American-designed AV-8B Harrier II fitted with RAF-specific navigation and defensive systems as well as other changes including additional underwing pylons for Sidewinder missiles. The improved design of the GR7 allows the aircraft to carry twice the load of a GR3 over the same distance or the same load twice the distance. First flight of the Harrier GR7 was in 1989, and deliveries to RAF squadrons began in 1990. A total of 96 aircraft were ordered, including 62 interim GR5s which were later modified to GR7 standard.
Detailed "readme" file included.
The TIALD pod included in this pack is meant to be used only with this plane.
Just as a reminder, maximum VERTICAL take-off and landIng weight is 18,950 lbs.
If you try to take off vertically with a full load of weapons and fuel, the plane will simply not get airborne and, if you try to land, you'll fall like a brick.
Best vertical landings are performed with a 25% fuel load or less, just experiment to find the right compromise.
Good hunting
Mirage Factory A-7A/B Corsair II
By column5
Vought A-7A/B "Corsair II"
The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you :
The Vought A-7A/B "Corsair II"
SFP1 model
Took part in this project :
3D : Flying Toaster, mapping & details : BPAo
Skin : Column5
FM : Column5
Cockpit : Armourdave, BPAo
Test team
Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, USAFMTL, Moonjumper, UF Josse, Typhoid, Jimbib, Crab_02, Fast Cargo, Syrinx
Should I have forgotten you.. get in touch with me quick .. this will be corrected soon
The content of this file may not be used in a commercial product or any other.
Any use requires my authorization
IL-28 Beagle Cockpit & Ini Upgrade Pak
By Wrench
IL-28 Beagle Cockpit Upgrade for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2
Modifications and repaints to the stock F-4B Phantom cockpit creates a 'reasonably facsimile' twin-jet engine pit for use on the otherwise "AI Only" Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle". I say 'reasonable', as the Real Life , the Beagle didn't have a radar scope in the cockpit; all that was handled by the bomb aimer/navigator. But, this will allow the Player Pilot some control over what happens.
This is a complete package, with all the necessary bits to just unzip, and install into your game install of choice. As I knew this mod would work in the Classic Series (SF/SFG/Wo-whatever), most of the testing was done is SF2. This assured me that all would work (more or less) as advertised.
For SF2/2:V players, specfic inis for those games are included, edited as necessary to match those of the Classic Series.
For Classic Series users, the data ini included is for use in those installs at the 08 patch level.
Both data inis included herein have had some small adjustments in the gun aim angles, and landing lights added for those bothersome night operations, and a small tweek to the landing gear's rolling radius.
Also included is a generic WoE-Style hangar screen (usable in ALL versions of the series), and the loadout.bmp for the Loading Screen. For those that don't have them, the MiG-style RWR sounds are here for your enjoyment and panicification (with no display, you won't know WHAT kind of radar, or where ... just somebody's looking at YOU!!! <evil grin> )
As always, detailed instruction are included below in the "To Install" section. It's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of the readme FOR said instructions. The "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings" section will make good reading too, for explinations and etc.
Kevin Stein
ps: look for the 3 Easter Eggs hidden in plane sight on the instrument panel...
F-35A Skinpack 05-31-09
By Klavs81
I'll be adding to these as I make 'em.
Also fixed the basic skins from Dave to not have the wireframes on them.
Download Statistics