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    1. CAF EE Thunderbolt F1A

      EE Thunderbolt F1A beta pack
      For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Recommended)
       exp 2 needed for cockpit and weapons
      done for some time but several issues and loss of the max file delayed 
      the release of this model
      to today I decide to upload a beta version so that people can have some fun
      to install just drop the zip files contents into your mod folder and go fly

      model  ini edits skins and  decals  by CAF team and Spinners 
      cockpit by TW

      CAf team
      PS will work as standing until I make new model already in progress


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    2. [Fictional] Lockheed F-19A 'Sniper' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2

      Lockheed F-19A 'Sniper' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of the stock MiG-19S to create a fictional Lockheed F-19A 'Sniper' in service with USN & USMC Aggressor Squadrons in the 1974 to 2003 timeline.

      Only during the mid-1980's was it revealed that an unexpected outcome of President Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972 was the purchase of 30 Shenyang J-6 fighters for use as Aggressor aircraft. The aircraft were clandestinely delivered early in 1974 with the US Navy taking 22 aircraft and the US Marine Corps taking the balance of 8 which entered service with VMFT-401 in April 1976. In service, the aircraft were supported by specialist teams from Lockheed and were eventually designated F-19A with the unofficial name of 'Sniper'.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-19A folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-19A folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to Stary for the MiG-19S cockpit.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 25/04/2020


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    3. CAF Condor F.1

      Panavia Condor F.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 On July 25th 1968 a memorandum of understanding was signed by Belgium, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and West Germany expressing their interest and intent on producing a multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) with a tentative in-service date of 1975. Belgium dropped out very early and before the end of the year Canada had also pulled out with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau claiming that they simply could not afford it but this was, perhaps, a convenient excuse to hide behind whilst Trudeau's liberal goverment re-shaped the entire Canadian armed forces. For a short while the remaining four nations ploughed on but the Dutch became increasingly concerned as their prime mission was for an air superiority fighter and even though they had cranked in severe requirements for long radius of action and maximum performance in air combat at all altitudes they then complained when the resultant design became larger and therefore more expensive. Once the Dutch had left the MRCA project the remaining three nations formed a Joint Working Group firming up on requirements, removing excessive demands and establishing a technically viable baseline solution to their MRCA requirement. Fashionably, this baseline solution was a swing-wing design with afterburing turbofan engines. With all three Governments on board the project was to be delivered by a co-ordinating organisation called NAMMO (NATO MRCA Management Organisation) employing three newly created international contractor companies; Panavia Aircraft GmbH (airframe), Turbo-Union Ltd (engines) and Avionica Systems Engineering GmbH (avionics) that would combine to produce the Panavia Tornado. Whilst the RAF were fully behind the swing-wing MRCA design for their all-weather interdiction and strike requirements they expressed deep concern over it's suitability to meet their RAF Air Staff Requirement 395 which called for a long-range interceptor to replace the Lightning and Phantom. Influenced by U.S. studies on future air superiority fighter aircraft, and especially by John Boyd's energy–maneuverability theory, the RAF demanded an aircraft with extra power and maneuverability compared to the proposed Tornado ADV. Whilst they conceded that the Tornado ADV might be acceptable as a long-range interceptor it would be totally outclassed as a 'central front' fighter by the expected threats of the next generation of Soviet fighter aircraft (in particular, and before it's limitations became known, the MiG-25 was especially feared). When the UK Government argued that another combat aircraft could not be considered on cost grounds the RAF reminded them that the proposed Tornado ADV was already morphing into a different aircraft with a longer forward fuselage to accommodate semi-recessed Sparrow/Skyflash missiles, more powerful engines to address the low power to weight ratio and a totally different avionics package. Panavia were already ahead of the curve with several design studies on various advanced air superiority fighter aircraft with the most promising being 'Projekt Condor' from the Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) design team at Ottobrun for a single-seat air superiority fighter powered by a single large afterburning turbofan engine (the RB.250 - itself a paper project by Turbo-Union but based on a scaled-up Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan). Preliminary technical studies demonstrated that Specific Excess Power and manoueverability were off the chart when compared to all current fighter aircraft and a parallel study on the market for such an aircraft in the 1975 to 1990 period revealed a potential market for 600 aircraft in Western Europe and the Middle East alone. Unexpected support for Projekt Condor came from the Italian Government who sought a follow-on fighter aircraft to replace the Aeritalia F-104S on the Turin production line. In the UK, with unemployment at its highest level since 1940, the incoming Conservative Government led by Edward Heath supported the project as one of a raft measures to boost the UK economy. By 1971 all three Governments (Italy, the UK and West Germany) were in agreement and the Panavia Condor programme was allowed to proceed with an initial order for 10 Condor prototype and development aircraft and 465 production aircraft (West Germany 200, UK 165 and Italy 100) to be assembled on final production lines in each country but with workload shared out with the United Kingdom and West Germany each having a 40% share of the workload with the remaining 20% going to Italy. With inflation running rampant in Western Europe the Condor programme was under the strictest financial scrutiny during the early 1970's but luckily escaped the axe on at least two occassions. Despite the Condor programme being a political football (and seemingly a permanent fixture in the news headlines) development moved swiftly aided by the existing collaborative structures within Panavia recently created for the Tornado programme. With a new airframe and a new engine Panavia were keen to avoid also introducing a completely new avionics package so sensibly opted for an off-the-shelf purchase of the Hughes APG-63 multimode radar system but designed to incorporate a software programmable signal processor allowing the system to be modified to accommodate new modes and weapons through software reprogramming rather than by a more costly and disruptive hardware retrofit. The first prototype (PC-01) was structurally complete by early April 1974 and was trucked from Ottobrun to the Hannover Air Show where it was displayed in the static park attracting considerable interest from Saudi Arabian and Omani officials. DA-01 was then taken to Manching to be mated with the Turbo-Union RB.250 engine for ground-testing and taxying trials that continued during the summer months before MBB's chief test pilot, Nils Meister, took to the air on August 15th 1974. A few short weeks later he dazzled the crowds at the 1974 Farnborough Air Show demonstrating the Condor's remarkable manoueverability. The fleet of development aircraft began to build up during 1975 with the only real mishap occuring when DA-06 (whose main task was armament development) was mysteriously lost over the Irish Sea. Entering service with No.23 Squadron of the Royal Air Force on April 1st, 1978 the Condor F.1 eventually served with seven squadrons in the UK and another two in RAF Germany. Primary armament was the Skyflash semi-active radar homing air-to-air missile and the AIM-9L 'all-aspect' version of the Sidewinder infra-red air-to-air missile. In addition, the Condor was fitted with two internal Mauser BK-27 cannon (developed for the Panavia Tornado) each with 250 rounds. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the CondorF1 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the CondorF1 folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the GUNS folder drag and drop the BK-27 folder into your Guns folder (you might already have this). CREDITS Thanks to everyone at Cocas Aircraft Factory and especially to Nyghtfall (skins) and Spinners (decals & screens). packing and original read me Spinners Regards Cocas Version 1 - 05/05/2020


         (1 review)



    4. FAA Skyrays

      It is little-known history* that in the late 1950s, their Lordships of the Admiralty recognised that the Supermarine Scimitar was an unmitigated failure. As an American observer noted at the time, only the British could build a jet fighter with 22,000lbs thrust, that still remained stubbornly subsonic.
      Not only was its performance rather disappointing (British understatement?), the Scimitar was extremely unreliable. At one point it required 1000 maintenance hours per flying hour, and over 50% of the Scimitar fleet was lost in accidents. Its best contribution to the Fleet, was as a Ground Instructional Airframe (which is where the author first saw one, at RNAS Arbroath in the late 1960s).
      In an act of some desperation, therefore, in 1958 the Admiralty cancelled the remaining 50% of Scimitar production, and instead discreetly obtained 40 F4D-1 Skyrays from US Navy stocks.
      Capt Eric (“Winkle”) Brown was highly influential in this decision. A navy test pilot with the world record for carrier take-offs and landings (2,407 and 2,271 respectively), and an objectively strong advocate of American naval ac designs, his advice on procuring the Skyray was decisive. (Besides, he was a Scotsman. From the right side of the country)(ie the East Coast - did I mention that I'm from Arbroath?).
      Modified to carry the British Firestreak IR missile, and also to perform the light strike/attack role, the F4D-1 thus entered RN service as the Skyray F1.
      These ac proved to be particularly useful on the smaller British carriers, Victorious, Centaur and Hermes. For example, in Hermes, the Skyray allowed 892 Sqn to deploy a full 12-ac sqn, instead of the originally-mooted 8-ac Sea Vixen "sqn-lite". This had the serendipitious additional social advantage of eliminating all the Sea Vixen coal-hole observers from the Wardroom.
      Later in their career, 20 RN Skyrays were modified to FAW2 standard. This entailed replacing the original AN/APQ-50A radar with a lightweight version of the Lightning's AI23 "Airpass" radar, installing compatibility for both the Red Top all-aspect IR missile and the US Bullpup AGM, and replacing the original 4 x Colt 20mm cannon with a harder-hitting package of 4 x ADEN 30mm cannon (albeit with halved ammunition loads).
      Deployed in HMS Victorious in 1965 during the Malaysian Confrontation, one of these Skyray FAW2’s shared with an RAF Javelin in the double kill of 2 Indonesian C-130B’s, caught in the act of attempting to infiltrate Indonesion paratroopers into Borneo.
      The RN’s Skyrays were finally retired with the decommissioning of HMS Eagle in 1972. Their last service was to familiarise a generation of FAA pilots with USN ac types, in preparation for the introduction of the superlative F-4K Phantom (another Winkle Brown protogé).
      *Alternative history. The reader is encouraged to decipher what is fact, and what is fiction above. For it is not all the latter..  :)

      Installation: the usual, simply download and unzip the "Objects" folder, and drop it into your SF2 mod directory of preference. Always always always backup your original stuff before trying out new mods like this.
      Credits: this mod is based on the SF2 Skyray 1.1 mod, which I think is the work of Julhelm and NeverEnough. Regret not sure to whom credit is due for the Firestreak, Red Top and Bullpup missiles, and the SNEB Can, so if I missed you out, sorry, but I tip my hat to you!
      Legal Stuff: all the usual disclaimers, ie use at own risk, always always always backup your original stuff before trying out new mods like this (bears repeating). Plus this mod is consistent with both Queen's Regulations for the Royal Navy, and the Official Secrets Act.
      Cheers, Tally-Ho etc
      Mike D


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    5. [Fictional] Douglas Dakota C.3 - RAF Desert Camo

      Douglas Dakota C.3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of the stock C-47A to create a Dakota C.3 in service with the Royal Air Force in the 1948-1967 timeline. Of course, the Royal Air Force were a big user of the Dakota but not in this fictional desert camo scheme which is loosely based on the original Lockheed Hercules C.1 scheme of the very early 1970's (quite an odd scheme for the times). It is flyable and RECON has been added as a secondary role so that you fly low-level recce missions and watch those MiG's stall and crash!

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the DakotaC3 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the DakotaC3 folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to gerwin for this lovely desert camo to which I've simply added black undersides and decals.
      Special thanks also to russouk2004 for bringing us the smashing C-47A cockpit.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 12/05/2020


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    6. F-5GN (Marines)

      F-5GN(Marines) Sea Tiger (What if)
      This mod is made for SF2.
      I. History (fiction)
      In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won.
      A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West.
      WHAT IF, the other side had won?
      What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany?
      And so it starts.
      In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West
       started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consiting of 3 carriers.
      The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga).
      The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann.
      The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter.
      At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane.
      Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school.
      In west german service the F-5GN stayed till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II.
      The F-5GN(Marines) based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package.
      A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files!
      The skin:

      The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package

      The flight model :
      The  FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK.

      -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      The F-5GN(Marines) and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      May 2020


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    7. Dassault Mystère IVA

      The Mystère IV was an evolutionary development of the Mystère II aircraft.
      Although bearing an external resemblance to the earlier aircraft, the Mystère IV
      was in fact a new design with aerodynamic improvements for supersonic flight.
      The prototype first flew on 28 September 1952, and the aircraft entered service
      in April 1953. The first 50 Mystere IVA production aircraft were powered by
      British Rolls-Royce Tay turbojets, while the remainder had the French-built
      Hispano-Suiza Verdon 350 version of that engine.
      This plane was "the star" of War of the Stripes over Suez in 1956
      France was the main operator of the Mystère IV and at the peak usage operated
      6 squadrons. Most of the aircraft were purchased under a United States Offshore
      Procurement contract and many were returned to US custody after they were retired.
      In April 1953 the United States government and the United States Air Force placed
      an order for 223 aircraft to be operated by the French. The new Mystère IVs were
      used in the 1956 Suez Crisis and continued in use into the 1980s
      The Mystère IV became Israel's first swept-wing fighter when an order for Mystère
      IIs was changed to 24 Mystère IVs in 1955, which were delivered from April to June
      1956, equipping 101 Squadron. A further 36 were delivered in August 1956, with a
      final aircraft, equipped for reconnaissance duties, delivered in September 1956.
      On 29 October 1956, when Israel attacked Egypt in the opening move of what became
      known as the Suez Crisis, invading the Sinai Peninsula, the Mystères of 101 Squadron
      were deployed on both air-to-air and ground attack mission.
      A second squadron, 109 Squadron was equipped with the Mystère IV in December 1956,
      while 101 Squadron passed its Mystères to 116 Squadron in November 1961. Israel
      planned to replace the Mystère IV with the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, but 109 and 116
      Squadron still operated the French fighter on the outbreak of the Six-Day War.
      The Mystère was finally retired from Israeli service on 18 March 1971.
      India procured 104 of aircraft in 1957 and used them extensively in the Indo-Pakistani
      War of 1965. The phasing out of the aircraft started soon after the 1965 Indo-Pakistani
      War, though it saw further action in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, it was completely
      phased out of the Indian Air Force by 1973.

      This is a big High Res update of my previous and other modders skins and new ones.
      Plane tweaking.

      WHAT'S IN:
      - 43 new skins (IDF 12; 5 IAF; 16 AdA)
      - historical decalsets
      - missing antenna added
      - taxing dance solved
      - openable autoclosing canopy
      - pilot

      - Tk plane
      - Geary High Rez temps
      - Ghostrider883 IAF previous skins
      - Wilco IDF decals
      - Coupi new antenna
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite
      - key 10 = Canopy open
      I looked for the Hispano Suiza Verdon sound, but no luck. If someone has it, please share.



         (2 reviews)



    8. Vultee P-66 Vanguard

      The Vultee P-66 Vanguard was a United States Army Air Forces fighter aircraft. It was initially ordered by Sweden, but by the time the aircraft were ready for delivery in 1941, the United States would not allow them to be exported, designating them as P-66s and retaining them for defensive and training purposes. Eventually, a large number were sent to China where they were pressed into service as combat aircraft with mixed results. 
      3D Model (Veltro2k)
      Textures and FM (Charles,Capun)
      Cockpit (Kesselbrut)

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



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    9. [Fictional] Convair F-102J Delta Dagger 'JASDF'

      Convair F-102J Delta Dagger for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Veltro2K's F-102A to create a fictional F-102J in service with the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force in the 1957-1977 timeline. 

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-102J folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all folders into your Weapons folder.
      That's it! For sheer simplicity, this mod uses stock Third Wire F-4EJ decals.

      Special thanks to Veltro2K for bringing us a freeware F-102A and also to FastCargo for his revisions and fixes to the 3D model.
      Thanks to Kesselbrut & Pasko for the F-106 cockpit with F-102A mods added by Ordway. 
      Thanks also to 331KillerBee for the 509FIS camo skin that has been used for this JASDF Delta Dagger.
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 30/05/2020


         (0 reviews)



    10. [Fictional] Hawker Hurricane 'Furacão'

      Hawker Hurricane 'Furacão' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Raven's radial engined Hawker Hurricane to create a fictional 'Furacão' in service with the Poruguese Air Force in the 1942-1954 timeline.
      The Hawker Hurricane entered service with the Royal Air Force at the end of 1937 when No.111 Squadron re-equipped with the type at RAF Northolt. By late 1938 the production capacity for Hurricanes at the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft group of companies was sufficient not only to meet the needs of the RAF's ambitious expansion scheme but also sufficient to allow exports to Yugoslavia, South Africa, Romania, Persia, Belgium, Poland and Turkey. Belgium and Yugoslavia had both negotiated production licences but only a handful were produced by Avions Fairey in Belgium before the German invasion in May 1940 and in Yugoslavia the Zmaj factory managed to build 20 Hurricanes before the German invasion in April 1941.
      At the start of World War 2, Portugal was keen to both maintain it's neutrality and also bolster it's defences - recognising that the Portuguese mainland was of strategic importance as was it's island territories of Maderia and the Azores. Indeed, both the UK and Germany considered invading the islands but British diplomacy won the day in June 1940 when the UK formally asked for use of the Azores by invoking the Aliança Luso-Britânica (Anglo-Portuguese Alliance) of 1386 which is still the oldest alliance in the history in the world that is still in force. In return, Portugal asked for a wide variety of defence equipment from the UK including "100 modern monoplane fighter aircraft". With the UK facing a desperate struggle the Portuguese 'wish list' was largely unfulfilled until much later in the war but in December 1940 the British government agreed to supply 100 Hurricane fighters by the end of the following year. 
      However, there was an urgent demand for Rolls-Royce Merlin engines for the RAF's day fighters and also for the Boulton & Paul Defiant and Bristol Beaufighter night fighters. In addition, RAF Bomber Command were about to go on the offensive with the Handley-Page Halifax having just entered service and the superlative Avro Lancaster and de Havilland Mosquito were both on the horizon. In February 1941 the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, blocked the sale outright but Sydney Camm at Hawker considered that the Hurricane airframe could be adapted to take a different engine and Camm was already aware that Roy Fedden of the Bristol Engine Company had developed a modular engine installation or 'power egg' for the Bristol Hercules radial engine. Fedden and Camm quickly schemed the Hercules powered Hurricane Mk.III and instructed the Gloster Aircraft Company, who had been manufacturing Hurricanes for the RAF on behalf of its parent company since 1939, to slot in 250 Hurricane Mk.III's onto the Hucclecote production line. Whilst there was no Hurricane Mk.III prototype as such, the first two production aircraft were thoroughly tested by Gloster's chief test pilot Gerry Sayer and also by Bill Humble of Hawker's and both praised it's flying characteristics noting that "the aircraft is simple and easy to fly and has no apparent vices" although the stalling speed was 8 knots higher than a standard Hurricane.
      The first 100 Hurricane Mk.III's were crated and shipped to Portugal arriving at Santo Amaro in November 1941. After local assembly, they were flown to Ota Air Base and Sintra Air Base to eventually equip six day fighter squadrons of the Aeronáutica Militar (Army Aviation) although, at the time, these squadrons (typically, with 15 aircraft on strength) were confusingly classed as 'flights' with two-digit flight codes that were used to designate the squadron. 'SU' Flight were the first to be declared operational at Ota in April 1942 followed by 'MP' flight at Sintra. In Aeronáutica Militar service the Hurricane aircraft were locally known as the Furacão and remained in service even after the formation of the Força Aérea Portuguesa in 1952 and it was not until August 1954 that the Furacão finally passed from service.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Furacao folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Furacao folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the FuracaoTank into your Weapons folder.
      That's it!
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to Raven for his awesome work on the Hawker Hurricane in all it's forms and for generously including his templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 02/06/2020


         (0 reviews)



    11. SF2 F-86D Sabre Dog Revamp Pack

      SF2 F-86D Sarbre Dog Revamp Pack    5/19/2020
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      = For SF2 (Any & All) =
      This package is designed to replace the original F-86D/L pack available from the folowing URL:
      by suhjake from 2009
      It is NOT necessary to have the original mod pack, as this WILL replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. On a side note, the F-86L "Lima" Sabre will be covered in a a seperate release. Even though the folder is named "F-86D-45" it represents =ALL= production blocks of the Sabre Dog, for those users included in the mod package.
      The following units are depicted herein:
      101st Hikotai (56-68) - JASDF
      16th FIS (51-59) - PACAF, Misawa Japan
      37th FIS (53-58) - Ethan Allen AFB, VT
      97th FIS (51-55) - Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
      431st FIS "Red Devils" (55-58) - Wheelus AFB, Lybia
      469th FIS (53-58) - McGhee Tyson AFB, TN
      520th FIS (54-55) - Geiger Field, Spokane WA
      146th FIS Pa ANG (57-60) -they used the F-86L congruently with the F-86D
      and a
      USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use.
      All of the Original Skins have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. Several of the orignal decals have been reused, but modified from level 2 to level 0 (tail squadron markings). 26 all new serial and buzz numbers have been created. The 101 Hikotai and the 97th FIS & 431st do NOT use this same pool of numbers. They needed they're own for reasons that will become apparent during game play. The 431st is the ONLY unit in the pack that is listed on the stick squadronlist ini, and is tagged accordingly.
      Most marking are decals; in some cases wing and squadron marking had to be painted on due to mesh issues (tail). Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. On the individual number lists, any number marked with a star (*) is 100% correct for that unit.
       All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as the new one has many modifications and adjustments. 
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
      Happy Landing!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    12. North American F-86K Sabre Complete

      NATO version of F-86D; MG-4 fire control system; four 20 mm M24A1 cannon with 132 rounds per gun; APG-37 radar. 120 were built by North American, 221 were assembled by FIAT.
      WHAT'S IN:
      The F-86K aka "Kappone" 
      all old pack skins now in JPG, new ones and several tweaks and upgrades made in these long years.
      A.M.I.: 1^-4^-51^ Aerobrigata; 5°-36°-51° Stormo (5 skins)
                  (All numbers,serials & matricole historical, thanks to X-Ray for references)
      Luftwaffe: JG-74 JG-75 Silver & Camo (4 skins)
           (All historical numbers by squadron plus "kubik" & M.Lenz bonus planes)
      Armée de l'Air: 13 EC Alpes, Artois & Auvergne (10 skins all)
           (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron, thanks to Ludo, who made them, too)
      Koninklijke Luchtmacht: 700-701-702 Squadrons (10 skins)
           (All historical numbers)
      Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret: 332, 334, 337, 339 Skvadron (4 skins)
           (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron)
      Fuerza Aerea Venezoelana (1 skin)
             (All historical numbers)
      Fuerza Aérea Hundureña   (1 skin)
            (All historical numbers)
      Thanks to "Bobrock" for temps, to "Soulfreak" for his constant friendy help and to Baffmeister for usual, great FM tweaks.
      Sounds by Spillone104.
      Original credits in original readme.
      To install: as usual all in main mod folder.




         (3 reviews)



    13. E-7K Peace Eye (Stand-In)

      A Stand-in E-7K Peace Eye RoK AF, using Veltro2K's E-767 with acesfakia's MESA radar added.
      All I did was make some decals and a skin, adapted from an E-767 skin.

      All credit goes to Veltro2k & acesfakia

      Just drag and drop folders into your Strike Fighters mods folder

      Happy Flying! Trent0001


         (0 reviews)



    14. E-7T Peace Eagle (Stand-In)

      A Stand-in E-7T Peace Eagle for the Turkish Air Force, using Veltro2K's E-767 with acesfakia's MESA radar added.
      All I did was make some decals and a skin, adapted from an E-767 skin.

      All credit goes to Veltro2k & acesfakia

      Just drag and drop folders into your Strike Fighters mods folder

      Happy Flying! Trent0001


         (0 reviews)



    15. [Fictional] de Havilland Vampire FB.7 for SF2

      de Havilland Vampire FB.7 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of Pasko's Vampire FB.5 to create a fictional Vampire FB.7 in service with the Royal Dhimari Air Force in the 1950 to 1962 timeline with markings for the following three squadrons;
      No.6 Squadron - 'The Eagles'
      No.11 Squadron - 'The Rams'
      No.13 Squadron - 'The Antelopes'
      Whilst we now have Third Wire Vampires I hope this version is of interest to those who don't have that particular expansion pack and it also allows me to use Stary's lovely Vampire cockpit. 

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the VampireFB7 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the VampireFB7 folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop both folders into your Weapons folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to TK for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. 
      Special thanks to Pasko for this superb add-on aircraft (one of his many).
      Thanks also to Gramps for the desert camo skin and also to Don (C5) for the FM which works just fine in SF2. 
      Thanks to Stary for the Vampire cockpit.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 23/06/2020


         (0 reviews)



    16. (Marcfighters) KC-10A Extender in the 90s

      (Marcfighters) KC-10A Extender in the 90s
      This is a redux of the Marcfighters KC-10 mod. It incorporates each wing that used the KC-10A in the early to mid 1990s. This includes the units that still operated the Extender at the transition from SAC to AMC, as well as the transition to Travis and McGuire AFBs. Also included are the two skins for the KDC-10 tanker version used by the Royal Netherlands Air Force
      Installation:     Unlike many of my mods, i reccommend just deleting the previous mod if you have it on hand. This is a vast leap over the older skin set, and coversall available tankers rather than just 6 for each camo style. Allowing overwrite should not hurt anything, just dont complain about clutter if you go that path.
                                Otherwise, like always, unzip and install into any SF2 mod folder.

          5 skins for the 458th ARG, 22d ARW, 4th Wing, and the 60th and 305th AMWs in 1995
          multi camo decal sets for these skins
          nose art as appropriate
          tweeked skins for the KDC-10 aircraft
          original decals for these aircraft
      Known Issues
          the model and flight model are the same that Marcfighters included in the original (SF1) ODS mod. it was meant as eyecandy, and had no pit. as released i have commented out the cockpit, but had a sitting on the nose pit so i could load it in game
           to check work. there are also no windows for the cockpit, the entire fuselage is one piece (cause marking limitations)
          it is sluggish, and flies nose down.
          given there is a newer model known to be in the pipeline (eta two weeks), i am putting the lipstick on this pig but not working too much ini improvement. over 3/4 of the work on this should transfer easy to the new model when it comes.comments on how she flies will be referred to this warning.
      Credit and Thanks
          marcfighters                                          original model
          daddyairplanes                                     skin and decal work
          KC-10 FB group                                    reference on the old days of this tanker
          Anthony Spencer                                  more detailed reference on the KC-10
          Stratos, NightshadeP/R, allenjb42    extra eyes to catch my mistakes
      I hope you enjoy this mod
      Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes
      28 June 2020


         (0 reviews)



    17. BAE Systems Hawk 64

      Export version for the Kuwait Air Force.
      Twelve ordered 31 October 1983 and delivered 1985 to 1986
      What's in
      - 2 planes 2 skins
      - historical numbers
      - weapons
      - sounds
      - RussoUk2004: plane, cockpit
      - ndicki: templates
      - paulopanz: reskin, decals, etc.
      - Key 10 - open autoclosing cockpit/canopy



         (2 reviews)



    18. BAE Systems Hawk 65

      Hawk 65 – Export version for the Royal Saudi Air Force.
      30 ordered as part of Al Yamamah I arms deal in February 1986
      with deliveries from August 1987 to October 1988.
      Hawk 65A – 20 were sold to Saudi Arabia as part of a follow-on order,
      to an improved standard, and delivered 1997.
      What's in
      - 1 plane 1 skin
      - historical numbers
      - weapons
      - sounds
      - RussoUk2004: plane, cockpit
      - ndicki: templates
      - paulopanz: reskin, decals, etc.
      - Key 10 - open autoclosing cockpit/canopy




         (1 review)



    19. [Fictional] Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 'Yankee Squadron'

      Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 'Yankee Squadron' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Raven's early Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 to create a fictional Hurricane Mk.1 in service with 'Yankee Squadron' of the Spanish Republican Air Force in the 1938-1939 timeline.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Hurricane1spr folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Hurricane1spr folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!
      Please note that the nation name has been set to 'SPAIN' and you should amend this to suit your install and preferences.

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to Raven for his awesome work on the Hawker Hurricane in all it's forms and for generously including his templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 04/07/2020


         (0 reviews)



    20. Avro Shackleton MK.2 AEW

      During its later life, a small number of the RAF's existing Shackletons received extensive modifications in order to adapt them to perform the airborne early warning (AEW) role. The type continued to be used in this support capacity until 1991, when it was replaced by the Boeing E-3 Sentry AEW aircraft. These were the last examples of the type remaining in active service.
      Veltro2k: 3d model
      Wrench:for skins, decals and ini work
      Engine sound stolen from someplace
      Bombsight mod (used only on MK.2) by Crusader 
      Spinners: Decals
      View  Read ME


         (0 reviews)



    21. B-42A Mixmaster for Strike Fighters 2

      Douglas B-42A Mixmaster for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is the B-42 Mixmaster by veltro2k with some fictional 'in service' operational USAAF/USAF B-42A schemes using Third Wire's date switch to give you the USAAF starbar in 1944 to 1947 and then the USAF starbar (and nation name) from 1948 onwards. You can fly the prototype in 1944 and for gameplay reasons we've placed it in service from 1945 onwards with service years allowing for use in the Korean War (check out the night scheme) and all operational schemes have new nose art decals.
      The unique feature of the B-42 is, of course, it's twin bubble canopies and this caused some problems when 'in cockpit' as panning to starboard cannot accurately show a real world view of the right-hand canopy, the co-pilot and his cockpit so it's a bit of a compromise which we trust you will accept. If anyone can suggest any improvements in the cockpit view then let us know.
      It's likely some of you will want to do your own skins for favourite squadrons or perhaps for export versions so a template is included and we'd love to see your results!

      The B-42A Mixmaster is brought to you by;
      B-42 3D Model - veltro2k
      B-42A Skins/Decals - Spinners
      B-42A FM and ini's - Wrench

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the B-42A folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the B-42A folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the enclosed folders into your Weapons folder.
      4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the enclosed sound file into your Sounds folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Huge thanks to veltro2k for not only tackling this aircraft but also cranking in improvements along the way.
      Thanks to russouk2004 for his help with the 3D model.
      Thanks also to Capun for the Do-335 used as the damaged model. 
      Thanks to Wrench for his work on the flight model and ini work.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 21/08/2020


         (0 reviews)



    22. Ilyushin Il-14M/T

      The Ilyushin Il-14  (NATO reporting name: CRATE) was a Soviet twin-engine
      commercial  and  military  personnel and cargo transport Aircraft  that  first
      flew in 1950, and  entered service in 1954. Il-14 was also  manufactured in
      East Germany by VVB Flugzeugbau, in Czechoslovakia as the Avia 14.

      WHAT'S IN:
      -   2 planes (Twin-engined passenger and cargo transport aircraft)
      - 35 skins (VVS, BVVS, LSK, CVL, PWL, EAF, AURI, IAF, AAF, YAF, FAR, FARS,
                  PLAAF, JVL)
      - Historical Numbers
      - Veltro2k: plane
      - Wrench: original templates & Aeroflot first study
      - paulopanz: skinwork and ini tweakings, decals etc. as usual
      To INSTALL:
      - all in your main mod foder
      This is a quite old model at last uploaded and maybe useful for almost EVERY scenario we have, from Germany to Israel, from
      India to Timor, from Taiwan to Sweden ...



         (0 reviews)



    23. SF2 Lockheed WV-2/EC-121K Pack by RussoUK

      SF2 Lockheed WV-2/EC-121K Pack by RussoUK       8/20/2020
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      This package contains a new aircraft, the Lockheed WV-2/EC-121K Warning Star Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft as used by the US Navy.
      This aircraft comes complete with everything needed, and has skins that represent the following units, as is my habit one Atlantic and one Pacific based units:
      VW-1 "Typhoon Hunters", based at Barbers Point HI & NAS Agana, Guam
      VW-11, based at NAS Argentia, NFLD
      The aircraft is presented in two finishes; overall DGNB (VW-11), and DGNB with the anti-heat white upper fuselage (VW-1). Both aircraft have 18 BuNum (serial number) decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. On the Numbers.lst, any marked with a star (*) are 100% historicaly correct for that unit, and have been matched to their Modex number. Those not marked should be considered 'generic' in nature.
      When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see:
      WV-2/EC-121K Warning Star (R)
      Hopefully, will diferentiate it from any other EC-121s that you may (or may not) have, or be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker. The "WV-2" was the original designation when the aircraft was placed in service in 1954. It was renumbered to "EC-121" in the early 1960s, during the "Great McNamara Renaming & Consolidation" of all US military aircraft.
      As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, the credits list all the original FSX model & skin creators.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    24. SF2 Lockheed RC-121D Pack by RussoUK

      SF2 Lockheed RC-121D Pack by RussoUK       8/20/2020
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      This package contains a new aircraft, the Lockheed RC-121D Warning Star Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft as used by the US Air Force.
      This aircraft comes complete with everything needed, and has skins that represent the following units, as is my habit one East Coast and one West Coast based units:
      960th AEW&C Sqdn, 551st AEW&CW, Otis AFB, MA
      963rd AEW&C Sqdn, 552nd AEW&CW, McClellan AFB, CA
      The aircraft is presented in two finishes; overall NMF for the 963rd, and NMF with Arctic Red (orange?) wing, nose and tail sections. Both aircraft share a pool of 26 serial number decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. I was unable to run down individual serials for the units, so these should be considered 'generic' in nature, although they ARE correct for this aircraft.
      When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see:
      RC-121D Warning Star (R)
      Hopefully, will diferentiate it from any other RC-121s that you may (or may not) have, or be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker.
      As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, the credits list all the original FSX model & skin creators.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    25. [Fictional] Fiat G.55 Centauro for Strike Fighters 2

      Fiat G.55 Centauro for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Veltro2K's Fiat G.55 Centauro to create a fictional Fiat G.55 Centauro in service with the Turkish Air Force in the 1944-1949 timeline. Also included is a Parani Army Air Force skin (in fact, this mod is set up as a Parani aircraft).

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Centauro folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Centauro folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the Bf109G folder into your Sounds folder.
      4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all three folders into your Weapons folder.
      That's it, although you might want to use the WW2 pilot of your choice. Please note that the 3D model has a tiny bit of 'decal bleed' on the port side of the nose.

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Veltro2K for making the G.55 Centauro 3D model.
      Thanks to Charles for the original skins and also for the flight model.
      Thanks to Kesselbrut and Capun for the cockpit.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 24/10/2020


         (0 reviews)




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