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    1. SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak UPDATE

      SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak 12/14/2012
      - new gunsights added (A-1CM and A-4 types, with rocket sight where applicable)
      - 16x HVAR loadout enabled and weapon positions adjusted
      - Cockpit fixes:
      + CGCockpitOffset=TRUE added
      + cockpit POV height offset set to 0
      + cockpit height position synchronized with pilot position
      Notes on A/G rocket/bomb sight usage:
      - bombing , use pipper (center dot) to aim
      - rocketing, use bottom diamond for aiming rockets (pipper with F-86A)
      Have fun
      The KAW Mod Team


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    2. SF2 Korean War Era F9F-5P Photo Panther Pak by Pasko

      SF2 Korean War Era F9F-5P Photo Panther Pak by Pasko
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at their latest patch level. However, due to the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, some features will not be implemented/work/show up. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install of SF2 is reccomened at the LATEST patch level. This is how it was (re)built & tested for KAW.*
      Slight upgrades to Pasko's F9F-5P "Photo Panther" bring it more in line with SF2, in specific regards to the KAW mod.
      This is the complete aircraft, with 2 skin/decal sets for:
      VC-61, USN
      VMJ-3, USMC
      Skins remain in bmp format due to their small size (512x); decal randomization (for the 4 Level 2 decals used on them) is set to TRUE. This should pose no in-game issues, as Recon flights only generate 2 aircraft. AND...the aircraft only has the one mission tasking statement.
      Included are sounds (from the KAW F9F-2), the pilot figure, and the cockpit FROM the -2 Panther (although the -5 pit IS different -would you rather be stuck with the A-4B?? Again!!??). The aircraft is fully carrier capable, and was tested in the KAW mod. The FM remains relatively untouched. A userlist is also included, as is a NEW SF-2 "Box Art" style hangar screen.
      Wingfold operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/9. However, due to animation linking, the canopy ONLY opens when the arrestor hook is deployed (H key).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other data you should know.
      Get Good Pictures!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    3. MiG-19S,SV,R,Field Mod FARMER

      Here you gain 4 + 2* MiG-19 FARMER planes.
      - MiG-19S, the classic FARMER-C flyable with stock, old, new, restored camo, silver skins and dedicated decalsets:
      - Auri (4 silver)
      - BVVS (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
      - CVL (4 silver)
      - LSK (1 silver)
      - PWL (1 silver)
      - NKPAF(1 silver)
      - IrAF (1 silver)
      - EAF (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
      - SyAF (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
      - VVS (2 Silver + 1 Blue + 2 Red)
      - VPAF (1 Silver)
      - MiG-19SV the high altitude interceptor, made to kill the U-2 - 2 guns
      - VVS (1 Silver)
      - MiG-19R the recon plane - 2 guns + 1 camera
      - VVS (1 Silver)
      - MiG-21 Field Mod, late version equipped with 2 IRM
      - VVS (1 Silver)
      - VPAF (1 Silver)
      - MiG-19 Egypt 67 (DLC AI pack 2)*
      - MiG-19 VPAF*
      Canopies open: key=0
      - Spillone104 Sounds & 3D parts
      - FastCargo fakepilot (included)
      - Stary cockpit
      - The Trooper pilots
      - Horus3K arab kill Marks
      - All in main mod folder
      - optional install for DLC AI pack 2 owners*


         (7 reviews)



    4. SF2 Korean War Era F-86F GunVal Sabre Pak UPDATE

      Small adjustments:
      - ammo capacity increased to 115 rpg
      - new T-160 gun with correct muzzle velocity and ROF of 1500 rpm and no entry for tracer tga *
      - shell ejection set to TRUE (only the links were retained inside)
      - aircraft weight increased by 76 kg
      - Cockpit fixes:
      + CGCockpitOffset=TRUE added
      + cockpit POV height offset set to 0
      + cockpit height position synchronized with pilot height position
      * M39 cannon V0 and ROF are different . There was no 20-mm tracer ammo in Korea (only had API, HEI and a
      practice round)
      but they tipped API rounds into beeswax which gave a smoke trail when fired - wasnt perfect since the
      smoke trail was short ranged.
      Removing the tracer tga entry from the gun makes it a easy lookalike effect.
      Have fun
      The KAW Mod Team


         (1 review)



    5. SF2 Korean War Era F-86F "GunVal" Sabre Pak

      SF2 Korean War Era F-86F "GunVal" Sabre Pak
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
      The pack represents the experimental "GunVal" (Gun Evaluation) Sabres as used during the later part of the Korean War.
      These differ from standard, or garden variety A/E/F models in have 4 20mm cannon instead of 6 50 caliber machine guns. They were only used for a short time (53-54) before being retired, having proved the concept (the data obtained was used on building the F-86H, and possibly US Navy FJ Furys, and the gun itself went on to equip thousands of Century Series fighters).
      These aircraft carries the markings of the 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th FIW, where they were used.
      Like the other Sabres, this has a brand new skin, built from ravenclaw's beyond superb template. All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all markings are decals, excepting the yellow ID stripes. New DDS damage textures are included. Serial numbers are 100% historically accurate; after all, only 10 of these aircraft were ever built, and it was no great feat to run them down.
      Like the other recently released Sabres, an all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should!. There are NO weapons included as everything references something stock 3W (the gun) or what you'll already have the main F-86 Pak (the drop tank).
      Mission tasking is limited to A-A ONLY!!! This is a pure air superiority fighter, with NO privisions for the A-G role. The aircraft also uses the same pilot figure and sounds as the KAW Sabre Pak, so be advised, you need the KAW Sabre Pak installed to get the most from THIS pak.
      When in-game you'll see "F-86F-2 "GUNVAL" " in the aircraft selection drop-down window.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein
      -for the KAW Team-


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    6. SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak

      SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
      This is the F-86 Sabre Pak for the Korean Air War mod. Probably as eagerly awaited as the terrain itself...
      Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, THIS is the "Star of the Show"!!!
      In this pak you have 3 Sabre marks, with their various skins/decals sets:
      334th FIS
      335th FIS
      336th FIS, 4th FIW
      This set uses the 'SF2 date switch' to swap from the Black/White Invasion stripes (Early skins) to the Yellow ID band (Late Skins). They switch on March 1, 1951.
      No. 2 Squadron, SAAF
      16th FIS
      25th FIS
      39th FIS, 51st FIW
      334th FIS
      335th FIS
      336th FIS, 4th FIW
      16th FIS
      25th FIS
      39th FIS, 51st FIW
      334th FIS
      335th FIS
      336th FIS, 4th FIW
      ...and a Surprise Bird, with 3 skins of it's own!!!!!
      All aircraft have brand new skins, built from ravenclaw's beyond superb template. All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder markings (the yellow stripe for the 4th FIW, and checkboard with squadron color for the 51st). New DDS damage textures are included.
      An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! (as seen on some other recently released Sabre mods) A new userlist ini is also included. The F-86A gets an SF2-version of my original 'box art' Hangar screen; the E & Fuses a more 'generic' style. No weapons are included; they are in the KAW weapons pak, and excepting for the drop tanks and HVARs, reference stock items (ie: the bombs). Many new sounds are included; be advised the included 50cal sound =WILL= overwrite any others you posess. Several new 'effects' are included as well.
      For your extra added Flying Pleasure, a KAW =ONLY!!= modded InstantAction.ini resides in the included /Flight folder. REMINDER: use this =ONLY= in a stand alone KAW mods folder. It's based off the Korea V.3 map, and you'll need the MiG-15bis_NK, La-11 Fang, F-82G, F9F-2, and of course, these Sabres. This is an optional use file; I won't be insulted if you don't use it, or change the aircraft to what you want. Really; I promise!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other impertinant data you should know.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein
      -for the KAW Team-


         (14 reviews)



    7. MiG-21PF/PFL/PFS "Fishbed-D"

      Here You gain 4 planes all coded "Fishbed-D" by NATO
      - MiG-21PF - flyable with dedicated cockpit and a plenty of stock, old, revamped & new silver and camo skins with dedicated decalsets:
      BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      FAR (1 Silver)
      CVL (3 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      EAF (1 Silver+ 2 Camo)
      FARS (1 Silver)
      IAF (1 Silver)
      IrAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      LSK (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      ML (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      NKPAF (1 Silver)
      PWL (3 Silver + 1 Grey)
      VVS (3 Silver)
      SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      - MiG-21PFL - correct name (Y.Gordon rules) for stock MiG-21PFV, flyable with dedicated cockpit and historical numbers
      - MiG-21PFS I serie - a PF with parabrake (by Spillone104) - basic VVS skin - GP-9
      - MiG-21PFS II serie - an FL for VVS and later for BVVS - GP-9
      Canopy open (key=10)
      Dedicated Sounds
      - cockpit Ataribaby
      - sounds, GP-9 and PFS I parabrake Spillone104
      - pilot The trooper
      - references Svetlin, Gaunt & .... Y.Gordon
      - All in main mod folder
      @ paulopanz


         (9 reviews)



    8. MiG-21F13

      One of the most famous cold war warriors returns in a complete superpackage. An immortal classic.
      WHAT's IN:
      - Flyable plane, with dedicated cockpit, pilot & sounds.
      - A whole collection made through years of old, revamped, new, stock, edited, silver, camo, green skins all with a dedicated decalset.
      - VVS (2 Silver+ 1 green) - no more "00" plane numbered
      - BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 camo)
      - AURI (2 Silver)
      - SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 camo) - stock camo + Finflash fixed
      - Cuba (3 Silver+ 1 camo)
      - CVL (2 Silver+ 1 camo) *
      - EAF (2 Silver+ 3 Camo) - new silver- fixed camo - 26th Sq.
      - FAR (1 Silver)
      - ML (1 Silver)
      - Afgh (1 Silver)
      - NKPAF (2 Silver)
      - VPAF (2 Silver) - my early mod updated
      - Yugo (1 Silver)
      - Qjj (1 Silver) - decals added
      - PWL (1 Silver) - my early mod updated
      - IRAQ (1 Silver)
      - IAF (1 Silver)
      - IDF (1 Silver) - the remake of a Carlo's Classic.
      - SI (3 Silver) - my early mod tweaked numbers
      - LSK (1 Silver+ 2 camo) - my early mods updated
      (*) The Czech built S-106/MiG-21F had non window on the pilot back. The decalsets were made for TMF correct plane, but here is to use with stock model. The TMF one will be updated?
      - Openable cockpit (Key=0) closing during take-off
      - SF-2 Screens and loadout.
      - cockpit Ataribaby
      - pilot The Trooper
      - sounds Spillone104
      - references Sandesh, Svetlin, Gaunt, ....Y.Gordon
      - all in main mod folder


         (9 reviews)



    9. SF2 Chengdu F-7M Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF

      SF2 Chengdu F-7M Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod MAY work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini and avionics statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2, at the most current patch level. Your milage will vary!*
      One of the "newer models" that were never quite completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
      This package represents the F-7M (aka: J-7IIM) in PLAAF and Export service.
      Skins included in the pack are:
      China1 (white-ish in color)
      Iraq (may not be historically correct!)
      Silver2 (tagged 'generic' nationality)
      The PLAAF and Silver2 skins use stock VPAF Bort numbers (again, not historically correct -I'm hoping someone will pick up the decal ball, and create correct ones)
      Several of these export models have a start default date that corresponds with the 'End User Start Dates', ie: Pakistan in 1990,etc, as defined in the userlist.ini.
      All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions.
      All markings are decals,(excepting National Markings, which on some skins are painted on), and reference stock 3W items. The PLAAF Bort numbers may be incorrect; skinner/decal makers are !ENCOURAGED!! to create more correct ones.
      All sounds, seats, and some etcs, are included. Weapons, for the most part, reference those already "stock" in-game items. However, in the usual "CYA" effort, a Chinese A-A missile is included. These come from the GunnyPak. "Newish" coding in SF2 allows for 'nation specific loadouts'; this has been used for those nations using Western style weapons.
      The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. The RWR.lst for the F-7M references many items from dtmdragon's Updated Threat Library; the url/download link I cannot find! They were included in the J-7 Pak recently uploaded
      When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown Menu...
      Chengdu F-7M (TMF)
      However, due to national model changes, some of the texturesets ini will show the pertantiant type (ie: Pakistan, F-7MP)
      This will differentiate all these aircraft from any others you may have, either stock, user-made, imported from China, or whathaveyou.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
      A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein
      -for The Mod Mafia-
      For Oli


         (5 reviews)



    10. F-104J Starfighter SF2

      This is a fast repaint of the F-104G Starfighter.
      It represents an F-104J Starfighters as used by the Japanese Air Self Defence Force, 1962 to 1986. Since the Japanese were forbidden at the time to have have aircraft with an offensive capability, I removed everything except IRM, but any weapons you want can be re-added.
      There squadrons are included, the 302 Hikotai, 206 Hilotai, and the last user of the "J" Starfighter, the Air Proving Wing at Gifu.
      This is not a complete aircraft. There are no LOD's, cockpit or avionics included. To make this work properly, you must have the F-104G Starfighter from SF2 Europe, the cockpit from Strike Fighters and the DLC F-4EJ Phantom II since the serial numbers I used are from that aircraft.
      Thanks to TK and his crew for the Starfighter and the game.
      Enjoy, Pappy


         (1 review)



    11. F-4E_Aggressors.rar

      Update adding Brake chute and Formation lighting.
      Readme and required files included.


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      1 comment


    12. MiG-17F LSK Jabo

      In 1973-75 all DDR and Poland MiG-17F and Lim-5 in good condition were retrofitted with two extra pylons à la polish Lim-6 fighter-bombers. No brake parachute in german ones.
      They served in JBG-31 'Klement Gottwald' until 1986, when they were sold to Mozambique. They had original german camo or new light blue livery.
      This little add-on came from Spillone104's and my Lim serie and can be very useful for '70-'80 Nato Figthers campaigns (or modded stock ones) to portrait LSK Jabo unit, before it was equipped with new MiG-23BN or for the long waited South African scenario. So I hope You will like it. it long waited on my HD and this evening decided to share.
      What's in:
      - a new plane version
      - 2 new hardpoints (pylons) for fighter-bomber (jabo) duty;
      - 3 skins
      - cockpit by Stary
      - Pylons & sounds Spillone104
      - skins & ini edits Paulopanz
      To Install:
      - all in main mods folder


         (7 reviews)



    13. Banidos-Team Mirage IIIEA Fuerza Aérea Argentina

      In this new release from Banidos Team, we are proud to introduce the first FAA's Deltas, that arrived to Argentina in 1972. Just as the Nesher,
      it isn't an easy plane to fly, never attempt turns below 300km/h if there is not enough energy.
      The package contains new drop tanks and a new detailed model of Matra R-530 missile, in its two versions, semi-active radar guidance and IR.
      About effects you'll realize when you reach Mach 1 that the famous round halo around the plane is generated, it remains only at that speed.
      This model uses TW's Shahack cockpit from SF2I.
      Extract the contents of this file and place it in the Mods folder of your SF2I or full merged install.
      Banidos Team
      3D-ini: Aleducat
      Skin: Torno
      Any problem contact us at CombatAce.


         (11 reviews)



    14. MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" Chile Air Force

      MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" Chile Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need DLC7 Mirage5BA.
      The Elkan (name of the FACH for Mirage 5 Mirsip) were purchased secondhand from Belgium in 1994 for a total of $ 108 million. Replaced the Hawker Hunter Aviation Group No. 8 based in Antofagasta. During his service with the air force flew more than 14,000 hours over 12 years. The FACH at the time acquired 15 Mirage 5BA MIRSIP (called M-5MA Elkan by FACH), 5 Mirage 5BD MIRSIP (M-5BD Elkan) and 1 and 5 BD Mirage 5 Mirage 5BR reconnaissance without modifying the standard MIRSIP. Aircraft registrations received 701 to 725. At his low eight aircraft were operational, nine out of service and two rugged.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - Denis Oliveira
      data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


         (1 review)



    15. MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" (Early) Chile Air Force

      MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" (Early) Chile Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need DLC7 Mirage5BA.
      The Elkan (name of the FACH for Mirage 5 Mirsip) were purchased secondhand from Belgium in 1994 for a total of $ 108 million. Replaced the Hawker Hunter Aviation Group No. 8 based in Antofagasta. During his service with the air force flew more than 14,000 hours over 12 years. The FACH at the time acquired 15 Mirage 5BA MIRSIP (called M-5MA Elkan by FACH), 5 Mirage 5BD MIRSIP (M-5BD Elkan) and 1 and 5 BD Mirage 5 Mirage 5BR reconnaissance without modifying the standard MIRSIP. Aircraft registrations received 701 to 725. At his low eight aircraft were operational, nine out of service and two rugged.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - Denis Oliveira
      data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


         (2 reviews)



    16. Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force

      Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Upgraded Mirage 5V aircraft for Venezuela, with Atar 9K-50 engine, canards and updated avionics (including radar).Six new-build aircraft, three upgraded ex-Zaire 5M, plus six upgraded remaining IIIEV and 5Vs.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira, Ludo
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz


         (2 reviews)



    17. F-103 Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force V.2.0

      F-103 Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force
      Version 2
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The F-103 Mirage IIIEBR represented a tremendous leap to the Brazilian Air Force, being over thirty years of service and more than 65,000 flying hours.
      The versions of Mirage III acquired by FAB were developed primarily for air defense missions, but keep some capacity to act as platforms for ground attack.
      The engine was a SNECMA ATAR 09C, whose maximum thrust with afterburning reached 13,900 pounds (6305 kg), leading the aircraft a maximum speed of Mach 2.2 (2,350 km / h).
      The fire control system was based on radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, which originally operated the integrated air-to-air missile infrared Matra R530, later replaced by Israeli missile Python III.
      As arms fixed, the aircraft was equipped with two 30 mm DEFA. For navigation, the Mirage III FAB type Doppler systems used. In the early '90s, the FAB joined the Squadron's missions Jaguar air-ground attack, starting to use free-fall bombs and rocket launchers.
      O F-103 Mirage IIIEBR representou um tremendo salto para a Força Aérea Brasileira, ficando mais de trinta anos de serviço e voando mais de 65.000 horas.
      Os Mirage III das versões adquiridas pela FAB foram desenvolvidas primariamente para missões de defesa aérea, embora mantivessem alguma capacidade de atuar como plataformas de ataque ao solo.
      O motor era um SNECMA ATAR 09C, cujo empuxo máximo com pós-combustão alcançava 13.900 libras (6.305 kg), levando a aeronave a velocidade máxima de Mach 2,2 (2.350 km/h).
      O sistema de controle de fogo era baseado no radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, que originalmente operava integrado ao míssil ar-ar infra-vermelho Matra R530, depois substituído pelo míssil israelense Python III.
      Como armamento fixo, a aeronave era dotada de dois canhões DEFA de 30 mm. Para navegação, os Mirage III da FAB utilizavam sistemas tipo Doppler. No inícios dos anos 90, a FAB incorporou ao Esquadrão Jaguar as missões de ataque ar-solo, passando a utilizar bombas de queda livre e lançadores de foguetes.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi


         (3 reviews)



    18. SF2_CASA SF-5A

      SF-5A de las FFAA Españolas
      Basado en el NF-5A, disponible aqui: http://combatace.com/files/file/9484-nf-5a-for-sf2-ver102/
      3 Esquemas de color: "Metal", "Lagarto" y "Gris" con numerales históricos del escuadrón 211, 212 y 464 (Metal y Lagarto) y ALA 23 (Gris)
      2 Armas incluidas BR-250 y BR-500
      Skin del Piloto creado por Diego Lozano y modificado por mi.
      Breve historia, Archivos modificados, instrucciones de instalación, reconocimientos y créditos en el LEEME
      SF-5A of Spanish Armed Forces
      Based on NF-5A, available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9484-nf-5a-for-sf2-ver102/
      3 colour schemes: "Metal", "Lizard" and "Gray", with historic numerals from 211,212 y 464 Sqn (Metal & Lizard) and ALA 23 (Gray)
      2 Weapons included, BR-250 & BR-500
      Pilot Skin created by Diego Lozano, modified by me.
      A little bit of history, modified files, Instalation and acknowledgments and credits on README
      ¡¡¡Espero que lo disfruteis!!! --------- I hope that you enjoy it!!
      Thanks to ravenclaw_007 for the plane & Diego Lozano for the Pilot!!!!


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. KAW F7F-3N Tigercat

      An updated SF-2 version of Geo's F7F-3N Tigercat with the original Lod's, Skins, and decals.
      One of the aircraft that has been getting worked on by the KAW team. It includeds a new FM, a choice of two cockpits, both blue and black drop tanks, and a type specific TinyTim as well as a few other odds and ends.
      1.] GEO! For making the Tigercat models, skins and decals!
      3.] TMF for the Corsair NF cockpit. [i think]
      2.] Cliff11, for putting together the modified F-86D cockpit. Also Lex Luther, SabreDog Team, and Zura for previous work.
      3.] Cliff11 again for putting together the new 150Gal drop tanks.
      4.] FM credits: Baffmeister, Cliff11, Charles for the original, a lot of which is still there, and ThirdWire.
      WAIVERS: This package is for freeware use only!
      The Tigercat in Korea - A brief History
      VMF-542 Squadron left San Diego for Japan in late August, 1950, the Tigercats being hoisted aboard the small aircraft carrier USS Cape Esperance. After arriving in Japan, the squadron was based at Itazuke AB for a short period but probably didn't operate over Korea at that time. More likely they were just placed on alert status to counter any potential inbound threats.
      After the invasion at Inchon on September 15, VMF-542 began deployment to the newly captured airfield at Kimpo [K-14]. They flew their first combat missions from Kimpo on September 20. Operations from Kimpo were in support of the 1st Marine Division as it attacked northward. VMF-542 likely operated from the frozen Chosin Resevoir during that campaign. During this phase most operations were day and night interdiction, combat air support and armed recon but there is an interesting account of a VMF-542 Tigercat escorting a PR Tigercat [VMJ-1?] all the way to Vladivostok and back.
      In January, 1951, VMF-542 moved back to Itazuke, Japan. From there the Tigercats conducted long range armed recon missions as well as doing some spotting for naval gunfire.
      During February, 1951, VMF-542 was back in Korea, operating from Pusan [K-1] airfield.
      In March, 1951, VMF-542 returned to El Toro, California, to begin training on the F3D Skynight. VMF-542's Tigercats and some pilots were transferred to VMF-513, making VMF-513 a composite squadron with both Tigercats and Corsairs. At some point after being transferred to VMF-513 the Tigercats recieved their rather famous flat black paint jobs. With VMF-513 the Tigercats were flown from Pusan mainly at night with the Corsairs operating in the day time. During the night missions the Tigercats would sometimes team up with flare dropping R4D's and PB4Y Privateers.
      In June, 1951, VMF-513 moved to Kangnung [K-18], on the east coast of Korea. It was at this point the Tigercats scored there only aerial victorys, shooting down one PO-2 Biplane in June and another PO-2 in July, both shot down during night operations. From Kangnung the Tigercats also flew long night time patrols protecting the valuable radar station at Cho-do. On the return leg the Tigercats would engage any targets of opportunity. Another task was night time ground controlled radar bombing. The Tigercats would be called in by forward air controllers but the bombing run was calculated and directed by ground controlled radar operators. Yet another task was escorting B-26 Invaders during night time interdiction missions.
      At the end of March, 1952, VMF-513 moved to Kunsan [K-8] airfield. The front line was quite static at this time allowing a very heavy concentration of anti-aircraft guns to be built up. For night time combat air support operations, a system was devised were two crossed searchlight beams would be used as a reference point while a FAC would give targeting directions to the Tigercat pilot, based on the position of the crossed seachlight beams. After the first Napalm bombs were dropped the FAC would give directions for further drops by referencing the position of the fire from the first drop.
      In late summer, 1952, VMF-513 received twelve F3D SkyKnight fighters and the last of the Tigercats were phased out shortly after.


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    20. MiG-17PF and Chengdu J-5A Fresco-D

      Soviet and Chinese built radar equipped MiG-17 big pack.
      A project lasting from few years, finally completed with Stary's outstanding cockpit.
      What's in:
      MiG-17PF: 5 Soviet, 2 BVVS, 4 CVL, 4 EAF, 2 LSK, 1 FAR, 1 ML, 1 NKPAF, 1 VPAF, 2 SyAF, 2 PWL, 1 AURI Skins
      Chengdu J-5A: 2 PLAAF, 1 VPAF, 1 AMRPS Skins
      A big compilation of stock, old, new, reworked, camo, silver skins, all with historical dedicated number decalsets.
      Open canopy (with automatic close on take off) key = 0
      Restore file for after patching edits
      - Stary cockpit
      - Spillone104 sounds
      - The Trooper pilot
      - Wrench hangars (I hope he will do for me)
      - All in main mod folder
      @ paulopanz
      PS: a special thank to my friends Svetlin & Gaunt for their big help in Bulgarian and Hungarian references, hints and help. This is a real great around the world community.


         (5 reviews)



    21. Banidos IAI Nesher

      IAI NESHER SF2I/Full Merged
      Aca esta el primero de una nueva serie de la larga familia de aviones Mirage que estamos creando con el equipo de Banidos Team,
      "IAI Nesher", mi Delta preferido y uno de los que más acción vio. Pero no es un avion facil de volar,
      nunca intentes giros por debajo de los 300km/h si no se tiene suficiente energía.
      El paquete contiene nuevos tanques lanzables y un nuevo modelo muy detallado del misil Shafrir-2,
      De los efectos se daran cuanta al alcanzar mach 1 que se genera el famoso halo circular alrededor del avión, esto se mantiene solo en esa velocidad.
      Como no conozco mucho de escuadrones que integraron los Nesher utilicé los numeros de las decals creadas por Wilco para su skins del nesher original de TW.
      Este modelo utiliza el cockpit original del Nesher de TW.
      Extraiga el contenido de este archivo dentro de la carpeta principal de mods del SF2I (o instalación full que incluya SF2I).
      Banidos Team
      3D-ini: Aleducat
      Skin: Torno
      Ante cualquier problema contactenos en CombatAce.
      IAI NESHER SF2I/Full Merged
      Here's the first of a new series of the long Mirage aircraft's family that we are creating with the Banidos Team,
      "IAI Nesher", my favorite Delta and one of those more action. But isn't an easy plane to fly, never attempt turns below 300km/h if there is not enough energy.
      The package contains new drop tanks and a new detailed model Shafrir missile.
      About effects you'll realize when you reach mach 1 that the famous round halo around the plane is generated, it remains only at that speed.
      Since I don't know much of Nesher integrated squads, I used the numbers created by Wilco decals for his skins sets for original TW's Nesher.
      This model uses the cockpit of TW original of Nesher.
      Extract the contents of this file and place it in the Mods folder of your SF2I or full merged install.
      Banidos Team
      3D-ini: Aleducat
      Skin: Torno
      Any problem contact us at CombatAce.


         (7 reviews)

      1 comment


    22. SF2 Chengdu J-7 Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF (v.2)

      SF2 Chengdu J-7 Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF (v.2)        11/12/2023
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      An upgrade pack for the 3 J-7 Fishbeds built by The Mod Mafia/Mirage Factory. This is the full set as issued in 2012. This is EVERYTHING, all the aircraft, weapons, pilots etc. These aircraft have had their FM revised to something more SF2-ish, with all hit boxes and collision points also revised. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, all previous versions. Yes, you may just drop these over your originals. Backup copies of the data inis are all supplied as a "just in case CYA".
      Some of several "newer models" that were never quite completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
      This pack contains 3 of the J-7 Fishbed series, as built and operated by the PLAAF (People's Repbulic of China), and exported to some other folks. They are:
      Chengdu J-7I
      Chengdu J-7II
      Chengdu J-7IIA
      The J-7I and II have only PLAAF skins. The J-7IIA (exported as F-7B) has skins for
      Iraqi Air Force (folder called "Camo2")
      Islamic Republic of Iran AF (folder called "Camo1")
      All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE.  Damage textures are the older tga versions.
      All markings are decals,(excepting National Markings, which on some skins are painted on), and reference stock 3W items. The PLAAF Bort numbers may be incorrect; skinner/decal makers are !ENCOURAGED!! to create more correct ones.
      A user list is included for all, even for the I & II, which were NOT exported
      All sounds, pilot figure(s), seats, are included. Weapons, for the most part, reference those already "stock" in-game items. However, in the usual "CYA" effort, Chinese A-A missiles are included. These come from the GunnyPak.
      The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. The RWR.lst for the J-7IIA references many items from dtmdragon's Updated Threat Library; the url/download link I cannot find! So, I've just went ahead and included all the various RWR tgas that I had (in the /Flight folder included in this zip)
      When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown Menu, for each one...
      Chengdu J-7I (TMF)
      Chengdu J-7II (TMF)
      Chengdu J-7IIA (TMF)
      This will differentiate all these aircraft from any others you may have, either stock, user-made, imported from China, or whathaveyou.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explainations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
      A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
      Good Hunting!
       Kevin Stein
      -for The Mod Mafia-
      For Oli
      updated FM (3W based)
      revised hitboxes
      changed pilot for J-7I
      gunsight tgas 'brightened'
      minor 'hardening' of components
      -for The Mod Mafia-


         (12 reviews)



    23. Shenyang J-6 Pack

      Shenyang J-6/J-6A/J-6B/J-6C/J-6III
      What's in:
      J-6 Basic MiG-19S copy
      J-6A MiG-19P copy
      J-6A (74) J-6A with PL-2A IRM
      J-6B MiG-19PM with PL-1 SAHR
      J-6B (75) J-6B with guns
      J-6C J-6 with parabrake.
      J-6C (73) later Camo version
      J-6III Special Mig-19 derivate.
      J-6III (83) later Camo version
      - PLAAF, AMRP, NKAF, EAF, IrAF, SudAF colors.
      - working canopy on ground closing at take off key=0
      - Restore file for after patch making flyable
      All in main mod folder.
      - Spillone104 3D megaworks & Sounds LTD
      - Paulopanz Skin Paintings GMBH
      @ paulopanz


         (5 reviews)



    24. Mirage M5COAM

      Mirage M5COAM Colombia Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      In 1988 the Mirage fleet was upgraded by IAI at the Maintenance Command (CAMAN) in Madrid Air Base. They received Kfir-C.7-style canards, flight-refuelling capability and a new navigation and fire-control systems. The fleet was further upgraded during 2001 to include night vision systems and laser-guided weapons. The resulting aircraft has been designated 5COAM. In October 1996 the remaining 5COR recon version was converted into a standard 5COAM, after having its recon equipment removed. By 2004, the FAC had lost seven Mirages in separate incidents.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - ace888


         (4 reviews)



    25. Mirage 50CN Pantera

      Mirage 50CN Pantera Chile Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Mirage 50C and 50FC aircraft upgraded by ENAER with help from the Israeli company IAI for Chile with canards, revised, Kfir style nose and new avionics; 13 50C and FC upgraded plus two 50DC trainers.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - ace888
      Special thanks to Coupi, Ludo and ace888!
      Coupi great job!


         (3 reviews)




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