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    1. Syrian Su-22F & Libyan Su-22M3 for Strike Fighters 2: Israel

      12 May 2011
      Syrian Su-22 and Libyan Su-22M3 Ground Attack for
      Strike Fighters 2: Israel
      Su-22M3 Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine.
      Su-17M/Su-22M/Su-22M3 was the most numerous variant
      with almost 1,000 built. Syria has about 50 Su-22's.
      Lybia has about 36 Sukhoi Su-22M3/UM-3K's.
      All files needed are included.
      To Install:
      Just drop files into The Strike Fighters 2: Israel
      User Directory. Can be used in other mods.
      Fixed Aircrafts left roll problem.
      Other adjustments to Data.ini.
      Changed the Name to Su-22 "Fitter-F"
      I want to thank the Community for all their effort.
      AmokFloo Su-17M Model & Skin.
      Armourdave, Sal Cockpit.
      Gepard Original Desert Skin.
      ravenclaw_007 PTB-800 Drop Tank & SPS-141 ECM-Pod.
      ravenclaw_007 SU-7 SPS-141 ECM Pod.
      Spectre8750 Repaint for Syria & Decals.
      Matt Ouellette for original Hungarian skin used for
      Spillone104 Sounds.
      The Trooper Red3203 Pilot
      AleDucat Zvezda K-36D Ejector Seat.
      MGunny Ordnance Shop II.
      add to Squadronlist.ini:
      [squadronxxx] <---Change xxx's to next in sequence.
      DisplayName=Libyan 81st BS 4th BW
      DisplayName=Syrian No. 677 Squadron
      Thanks to all, let me know if i missed anyone.
      Spectre8750 at gmail.com


         (4 reviews)



    2. Yak-28 for SF2

      Yak-28 for SF2 Readme
      Yak-28 Bomber, Trainer plane (1959)
      Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
      A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
      red5202 pilot by The Trooper
      plane required SF2 Soviet Bombs pack, please install it before
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy Yak-28 folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to Sound folder
      - copy pilots to Pilots folder
      - copy Fuel tanks & MER to Weapons folder (Weapon racks KD3-226-250 & KD3-226-500 has ini only section, they need for 6 FAB-250 / 4 FAB-500 loadout)
      Plane specifications:
      - Engine R-11AF-300
      - NR-23 gun
      - max flight distance 2200 km
      - Mach limit 1.74
      - Bombs loadout
      - 6 FAB-250 type bombs (1620 kg max)
      - 4 Fab-500 type bombs (2120 kg max)
      1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 type bombs (3200 kg max)
      Yak-28 features:
      - animated canopy
      - animated air intake cone
      - animated nozzles
      - grag chute
      Yak-28 production: (10-15 planes 1959-60), used for training only Replaced by Yak-28B, painted natural metal only


         (2 reviews)



    3. Yak-27R fix 1.1

      Yak-27R uptade for SF2
      - destroyed model added
      - some *.ini fixes
      - 'no shadows' bug fixed.
      installation: place to aircraft folder


         (1 review)



    4. Yak-27R for SF2

      Yak-27R for SF2 Readme
      Yak-27R Recon plane (1958)
      Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
      A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
      red5202 pilot by The Trooper
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy Yak-27R folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to Sound folder
      - copy pilots to Pilots folder
      - copy weapons to Weapons folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Engine RD-9F
      - Recon Cameras AFA-41/10, AFA-42/50, AFA-42/75, AFA-42/100
      - NR-23 gun
      - max flight distance 2200 km
      - Mach limit 1.4
      Yak-27R features:
      - animated canopy
      - animated air intake cone
      - animated nozzles
      - grag chute
      - 20 historical correct CN
      - animated recon cameras bay (press ctrl+O to open)
      - recon camera in cockpit (press "radar mode" key )
      Yak-27R production (Blocks 1-16):
      1958 - 11 planes
      1959 - 34 planes
      1960 - 46 planes
      1961 - 53 planes
      1962 - 21 planes


         (3 reviews)



    5. Mig-21 LanceR A & C

      MiG-21 LanceR A & C updated update.
      This is an update of dtmdragons LanceR A & C for StrikeFighters 2.
      Addet new Tanks and did some ini changes.
      Now you can open manual the canopy (animation 10)
      select the Romanian Blue Tanks
      And i addet 2 New Skins (Done by me & Bobrock).
      I made new Hangar & Loading Screens
      I made also alternate Hangar & Loading Screens for wide screens.
      They are in the "Alternate_Widescreen_Hangar_Loading_Screens" folder.
      - Bobrock for the nice Templates and Basic Grey skin
      - Crusader for the work on the Tank
      - dtmdragon for the Basic LanceR SF2 update
      - Eagle 99 for the basic SF1 LanceR Mod
      Back up your stuff before installing new mods!
      Only a tip for the Installation: Delete the things from the older mod out of the Aircrafts folder (Saves Space on HDD)!
      But it´s not needet
      You have to read the Readme!!!
      Mod is for SF2 Serie!!!
      this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
      I hope you´ll like this Mod.
      Schapen, 30th Novembre 2010
      Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


         (2 reviews)



    6. Mig-21 LanceR A & C updated for Strike Fighters 2

      Romanian Air Force Mig-21 LanceR A & C models updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -A model LanceR
      -B model LanceR
      -Modernized cockpit with HUD & TWS RWR
      -Correct loadout files with Python 3 missiles, LGBs and LITENING pod
      -Modernized weapons capability with ability to carry NATO and Israeli ordinance
      -Modernized Elta EL/M-2032 Air combat radar and avionics
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Eagle99


         (2 reviews)



    7. MiG-9 Fargo (upgraded for SF2)

      MiG-9 "Fargo" -Update Pak for SF2 (all, merged or not)

      This is a "minor" rebuild of the flight model for this 1st Generation Soviet Jet fighter by Timmy. It borrows heavliy from other work; I've just tried to combine and adjust to get it a little better (it's like around 110% better than it was!)
      Everything has been tweeked to SF2 standards; folderized decals for the PLAAF skins, use of stock in-game decals for Soviet Borts (and some other decal tweeks), the 260gallon/900 liter drop tanks, my semi-craptastic "PilotER" (we really do need a new early soviet jet pilot figure!) and the 'migengine' sound borrowed from TMF's MiG-21F, a new SF2-style hangar screen, and cockpit (modded from Kesselbruts Spitfire pit, called "1JetCockpit", that while not perfect, works pretty damn good). Instruments are still in English characters, but have been converted to metric readings in the cockpit ini.
      This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. While the flight modeling is VASTLY improved, it could still use a little fine-tuning. I welcome compentent modders to take this one, and bring it all the way home.
      As always full, detailed install instruction are included in the pack, so READ them!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    8. MiG-21R

      Mig-21R Fishbed H
      The first of the third Mig-21 generation.
      Recon Camera active on radar screen
      Canopy open animation key 10
      8 skins included (see pics, please)
      3D parts & sounds = Spillone104
      Skins etc. = Paulopanz
      Screens = C125
      Cockpit = Ataribaby/Paladrian (top mirror to remove ...)
      Thanks to = Starfighter2 for original SF1 mod guide (see readme); Suhsjake for support
      To install: simply put everything in Your mod folder.
      Happy recon.


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    9. MiG-19PM FARMER-D

      MiG-19PM (SF-2)
      by Spillone104 3D-Works & Paulopanz Paints Ltd.
      Variant with removed cannons, armed with 4 × Kaliningrad K-5M (NATO: AA-1 "Alkali") beam-riding missiles.
      Complete Skin Pack:
      - VVS
      - PVO
      - CVL (2) (Czechoslovakia) (historical decal set + 1113 red bolt)
      - LSK (DDR) (historical decal set)
      - PWL (Poland) (historical decal set)
      - FARSR (Romania) (historical decal set)
      - BVVS (Bulgaria) (historical decal set)
      - ML (Hungary) (historical decal set)
      - AMRPS (Albania) (suitable decal set)
      New RS-1U Alkali-A & RS-2US Alkali-B
      - Cockpit from Gepard’s F-6A
      - Oro-57 Rockets from Kukulino’s S-105
      - Fake Pilot (included) by FastCargo
      To Install: put everything in your main mod folder.
      Sounds by Spillo
      Canopy open: Key 10
      1.1 Upgrade: new nose added. Some other tweaks.
      Paolo & Alex
      N.B.: the Nato code FARMER-D is taken from Y.Gordon Mig-19 "bible" by Aerofax. Some sources report FARMER-E. If You like this code You can rename the model freely: it's only an enemy's nickname.


         (7 reviews)



    10. MiG-19P FARMER-B

      MiG-19P (SF-2)
      by Spillone104 3D-Works & Paulopanz Paints Ltd.
      Version equipped with RP-1 Izumrud radar in the nose and armed with 2 × 30 mm NR-30 (early 2 × 23 mm NR-23) cannons in the wings. Had provision for an unguided rocket pack under each wing.
      Complete Skin Pack:
      - VVS- PVO (new decal set + excellent write)
      - CVL (Czechoslovakia) (complete, historical decal set)
      - PWL (Poland) (historical decal set)
      - FARSR (Romania) (historical decal set)
      - BVVS (Bulgaria)
      - FAR (Cuba)
      - Cockpit from Gepard’s F-6A
      - Oro-57 Rockets from Kukulino’s S-105
      - Fake Pilot (included) by FastCargo
      To Install: put everything in your main mod folder.
      Sounds by Spillo.
      Canopy open: Key 10
      1.1 Upgrade: new nose added. Some other tweaks.
      Enjoy (radar equipped by now !)
      Paolo & Alex


         (4 reviews)



    11. MiG-19PT FARMER-B

      MiG-19PT (SF-2)
      by Spillone104 3D-Works & Paulopanz Paints Ltd.
      Late MiG-19P equipped to carry Vympel K-13 (NATO: AA-2 "Atoll") missiles.
      Skin Pack:
      - VVS
      - PVO (new decal set + excellent write)
      - BVVS (Bulgaria)
      - Cockpit from Gepard’s F-6A
      - Oro-57 Rockets from Kukulino’s S-105
      - Fake Pilot (not included) by FastCargo
      To Install: put everything in your main mod folder (MiG-19P needed!)
      Sounds by Spillo.
      Canopy open: Key 10
      1.1 Upgrade: new nose added. Some other tweaks.
      Paolo & Alex


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    12. MiG-19S Flyable & Upgraded

      This is only a little hors d'oeuvre of incoming Mig-19 serie packs.
      What's in:
      - CVL new complete historical decal set
      - CVL new skin
      - LSK historical decal set
      - VPAF historical decal set
      - Iraqi Silver Skin
      - Ordway's cockpit edited for SF-2
      - Spillone104 (who else?) sounds
      - Canopy open: key 10
      Stay tuned.


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    13. MiG-21S for a series of SF2

      MiG-21S for a series of SF2
      Option of the MiG-21S using the model of the MiG-21MF TW
      This option allows you to use more different suspension arms and equipment than in the model of the MiG-21S, appeared in SF2I, which uses a gun hanging container GP-9 on the central pylon
      This option is being followed and checked in the game Strike Fighters 2 Europe
      Overhead gun container GP-9 used in this work:
      Image Loadout.bmp made anew
      In the presence of two images Loading.bmp, one of which you can choose optional
      The movable part of the cabin opened by pressing a keyboard shortcut Shift + 1
      The installation process is described in the attached file


         (2 reviews)



    14. MiG-21 BISON for SF2

      This is a mod from Wrench and Ghostrider883 (decals as Wrench believes) of the current version of the Indian AF MiG-21. features include new radar, and the ability to launch the R-77 (AA-12 Adder) and A2G missiles as well as other ordnance. Bear in mind that the pit is a stand in only until somebody does a more dedicated cockpit for this bird. It was for the Indo-Pak mod but since I converted it for SF2 Wrench gave me the go-ahead for it, so here it is...


         (2 reviews)



    15. MiG-15bis and UTI for SF2 v1.3

      MiG-15bis and UTI brought close to SF2 standards. Only has Silver Skins.
      v1.1 (29 March, 2009)
      -Updated Engine Data based on the IL-28
      -New Canopy System (animation key 10)
      -Disabled Second and Third LOD on bis due to errors
      -Added MiG-15Engine.WAV by Tazkiller
      v1.2 (30 March, 2009)
      -Added Ordway's MiG-15bis Cockpit
      -Updated Cockpit Seat Position
      -Ejection Seat fuctional
      -All Units changed to Metric System
      v1.3 (21 November, 2009)
      -Updated damageholes to dds format
      -Added Tank (ops)
      -Added 12.7 UBK for UTI
      -Added Early VVS Pilot
      -Ground Destroyed model added
      -FM Updted
      -Bis Wing Textures updated
      -UserLists Added
      -Short Name Added
      Template can be found HERE.
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. IL-28R

      After Ilyushin had developed a two-pilot trainer version of the Il-28 Beagle,
      they turned their attention to developing a reconnaissance version known as the Il-28R which first flew on 19 Apr 1950.
      The Il-28R was equipped with a camera suite in the bomb bay, together with mountings for am portside oblique camera in the rear fuselage.
      Various day or night cameras could be carried and for night photography 12 flares were also carried in the rear of the bomb bay.
      Fitting a larger fuselage fuel tank, which abutted into the rear of the bomb bay and by adding wingtip tanks, increased the range of the Il-28R.
      Although the rear tail gunner was retained, the right nose cannon was removed and replaced with camera controls – the bomb aiming radar was also removed.
      Production of the Il-28R was authorised in late 1951 and it soon entered VVS service.
      - Soviet*
      - Poland* 15 (21 Pulk Rozpoznania Taktycznego, Sochaczew)
      - Finland* 3
      - Est Germany* 2
      - Bulgaria* 14
      - Romania 3
      - Hungary 2
      Made in Italy by Paulopanz (skins,data editing) & Spillone104 (new parts, sound) joint venture.
      WHAT's IN:
      A new plane, 5 skins (*).
      Cockpit from H-5 mod by Kelvin (as placeholder waiting true il-28 own)
      Radar and camera view (are we on a recon plane or not?)
      Put everything in your SF-2 mods folder.


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. Su-7BMK Fitter-A ver. 1.2 for SF2 Israel

      Arab Air Forces Su-7BMK Fitter-A ver. 1.2 for SF2 Israel
      This aircraft is an update of the excellent SF1 add-on "NKAF Su-7BMK" by Bob
      *howling1* Hauser for SF2.
      The NKAF Su-7BMK:
      Modification over ver. 1.0:
      Fixed loadout problem
      Modification over ver. 1.1:
      Using now the latest original Thirdwire FM and skins from SF2 Israel.
      1. Unrar
      2. Open the original \Objects\Aircraft\Su-7BMK\Su-7BMK.ini file with a text
      3. Inside the Su-7BMK.ini file you can see those lines:
      AircraftFullName=Su-7BMK Fitter-A
      4. To turn the original non flyable SU-7BMK into flyable one, add those 4
      lines at the end:
      5. Copy and paste the content of \Objects\Aircraft\Su-7BMK into the same
      folder of SF2I.
      Thats all,
      Special Thanks To:
      Bob *howling1* Hauser for his permission to use his model.
      The Beta testers pilots:
      Thirdwire for excellent simulator.
      For any Questions or comments just send me a message


         (1 review)



    18. Su-17M Fitter-C For SF2

      Su-17M Fitter-C For SF2
      Model and Soviet Camo Skin by Amokfloo
      Desert Camo Skin by Gepard
      HiRes Version of Amourdave's Su-17M Cockpit by Badger
      Engine Sounds by Spillone104
      SPS-141 Pod, PTB-800 Tank, S-5M Rocket, UV-16 and UV-32 Rocket Pods by ravenclaw_007
      Metel Pod and Kh-28 Pylon by Lindr2
      AA-2D and AA-2D1 by Krizis
      Zvezda K-36D Ejection Seat by AleDucat
      Red Pilot by The Trooper
      Hangar and Loading Screen by Epizikl
      SF2 Updates by NeverEnough
      Simply extract the contents of the Su-17M folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
      Shift 0 will open and close the canopy.
      Position and Tail Lights have been added, and the Position Lights move with the wing sweep. The FM was tweaked to correct a tendency for the aircraft to
      flop to one side. It turns out the problem was caused by a negative Ymac value (Ymac = Mean Area Chord in Y axis) for the Right Wing and Right Stab.
      Correcting those two values to a positive value completely eliminated the flopping problem, and significantly improved the feeling of the flight model.
      This bird flies really nicely, and is a real joy to throw around the sky. Amokfloo did a very nice job with the original FM, model, and skin.
      Gepard's Su-20 Egypt Desert Camo skin was altered to use Soviet decals, and would look right at home over an Afghan install.
      The weapon stations and Loadout.ini have been adjusted to reflect the capabilities of the Su-17M Fitter-C version of this distinguished warbird.
      The RWR is audio only.
      This is a very nice model by Amokfloo, and a "must have" addition for any Red Air enthusiast.


         (3 reviews)



    19. Sukhoi Su-15TM Flagon-F v2.02 For SF2

      Sukhoi Su-15TM Flagon-F v2.02 For SF2
      by Boopidoo and team
      The Sukhoi Su-15 was developed primarily because of the Soviet Unions great need for a capable high-speed high-altitude interceptor in the 1950's. The Sukhoi design bureu was tasked with the construction of the swept-wing S-1 tactical fighter and the delta-winged T-3 interceptor.
      The Su-1 'Fitter' which first flew in 1955 later developed into the Su-7 which in turn developed into the very successful Su-17,20,22 variable wing geometry attack aircrafts.
      The T-3 on the other hand developed into the Su-7 'Fishpot'. Unfortunately the Su-9 lacked performance in both operational range as well as radar range. This led to the development of the Su-15 'Flagon', not counting the half-failure of Su-11 (a bigger version of the Su-9). The Su-15 after lots of prototypes first flew operationally in 1965. During it's operational time it guarded the Soviet Unions borders right up until the desintegration of the USSR.
      Production of the T-model began in 1971 and that later became TM with the modernised Taifun-M radar. The Su-15 had at this point evolved with extended wings to lower the high approroach speed and a spherical nosecone to make room for the bigger radar. The TM also had smaller inner weapon pylons under the wings to carry R-60 (AA-8 APHID) missiles, this was done to satisfy the need of a dogfighting capability. To further increase it's overall capability the under fuselage pylons were upgraded to being able to carry gunpods, attack rockets, rocket pods and bombs up to 500kg. Since only the gunpods has been used and has a functional fire-control system the other loadouts options must be seen as theoretical, although the carrying capability's still there.
      ---Install guide---
      Simply extract the contents of the Su-15TM folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
      Chaff and flares have been added so you can spend more time flying, and less time dying!
      ---Made by---
      Aircraft LODs Boopidoo
      Aircraft textures Volksjaeger & Boopidoo
      Aircraft decals Volksjaeger & Boopidoo
      Cockpit LODS Boopidoo
      Cockpit textures Boopidoo & Badger the Bad
      su15tm_data.ini kreelin, MoonJumper & Boopidoo
      su15_avionics.ini Boopidoo
      su15_loadout.ini Boopidoo
      su15tm_cockpit.ini Boopidoo
      SU15_ABEmitter.ini kreelin & bpao
      SU15ab.tga kreelin & bpao (originally F14ab.tga by Deuces)
      Su15Engine.wav kreelin
      MiGLock & MiGTrack.wav Fubar512 (from Magos MiG-21 cockpit)
      Zvezda K-36D Ejection Seat by AleDucat
      Red Pilot by The Trooper
      Hangar Screen by Epizikl
      SF2 Updates and Loading Screen by NeverEnough
      ---Special thanks to---
      Invaluable testing by MoonJumper and kreelin which inspired me to improve the model way beyond my initial goals. Thanks Volksjaeger, Eruyi & Hawkwind for help with the original model. Armourdave gave me a lot of invaluable help and support, thanks David! Thanks to Mago for help and tutoring regarding Soviet avionics and especially the RWR.
      Without the help from you guys of the column5.us and SimHQ.com forums this wouldn't have happened.


         (2 reviews)



    20. MiG-17PFU

      Mig-17PFU FOR SF2
      To install just extract with directory structure intact to the Aircraft folder
      This is just a update model of Wrench Mig-17PFU model with new TK Mig-17PF body
      thank for all people that have work on this game
      Madcaddie for creating the orginal Fresco D & E mods
      Lexx_Luthor for weapons locations tweeks
      Wrench for doing the original skins to something better looking,his weapon system for mig-17 pf
      TK & the 3rd Wire team for creating the MiG-17, and the original skin.


         (3 reviews)



    21. MiG-17PF (SP16)

      Mig-17PF (SP16) FOR SF2
      To install just extract with directory structure intact to the Aircraft folder
      This is just a update model of Wrench model with new Mig17 PF body
      thank for all people that have work on this game
      Madcaddie for creating the orginal Fresco D & E mods
      Lexx_Luthor for weapons locations tweeks
      FastCargo for the 'fake pilot mod'...very cool!!
      Wrench for doing the original skins to something better looking.
      TK & the 3rd Wire team for creating the MiG-17, and the original skin.


         (3 reviews)



    22. MiG-21M

      The Mig-21M (modernizeerovannyy) was the export version of the Mig-21S (Sapfeer-21 radar), the first fighter of the third generation Mig-21s.
      Both NATO nickname was Fishbed-J, the engine was the Soyuz R11F2S-300.
      It differed from the domestic version in two important respects: the downgraded (simplified) avionics and the built-in GSh-23L gun.
      The Mig-21MF (modernizeerovannyy forseerovannyy), the export version of the Mig-21SM (S-modernizeerovannyy), all named Fishbed-J too, had the more powerfull engine Soyuz R13-300, the rear view periscope and two blast deflectors below the blow-in doors.
      The Mig-21M was exported in East Germany (87), Poland (36), Czechoslovakia (24), Romania (60), Yugoslavia (25), Bulgaria (15), Syria (12), Egypt (12) and India.
      The IAF had 65 Soviet-built Mig-21M (izdeliye 96) were called in India Mig-21MF, but the Indian-built Type-88(izdeliye 96F) , very similar to soviet Mig-21MF, was called Mig-21M , that caused some misunderstandings …..
      This is taken from Yefim Gordon’s Mig-21 masterpiece.
      There was’nt in TW/TK simulations.
      So I started from the Mig-21MF and removed the periscope and the blast deflectors, changed the engine stats (data taken from previous Mig-21S mod), made some other editings (performances and weapons) took some stock MF skins (Soviet, Syrian and Eaf), made new ones and historical known serial numbers.
      I was not able to remove periscope from inside the cockpit, if someone could , do it please.
      Because some Mig-21M were sometime “retrofitted” with periscope and blast plates, I included in the pack a dedicated “retrofitted” data.ini. You have only to change it with the stock one.
      In this way the plane is identical in shape to Mig-21MF.
      In fact the IAF planes were “retrofitted”.
      *** * ***
      The new skins included:
      1) LSK Silver & Camo with historical serial numbers (made on Souli’s original work as usual) and “Q” quality marks on appropriate planes;
      2) PWL Silver with historical serial numbers;
      3) Yugo Silver with historical serial numbers;
      4) IAF Silver & Camo with known historical serial numbers;
      5) FAR Silver with historical serial numbers;
      Stock Soviet, EAF and Syrian skin included.
      Credits (I hope no mistake ..):
      - Ordway for his wonderfull cockipt;
      - Spillone-104 for dedicated sound;
      - Soulfreak for LSK stencils
      To install: simply put everithing in your mod SF-2 folder.
      Pictures and Screenshots as usual.
      Happy fly.
      P.S. this is an "open mod" everyone can help with historical references or FM tuning.


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. Arab Air Forces SU-7BMK Fitter-A ver. 1.1 for SF2

      Arab Air Forces SU-7BMK Fitter-A ver. 1.1 for SF2
      This aircraft is an update of the excellent SF1 add-on "NKAF Su-7BMK" by Bob *howling1* Hauser for SF2.
      The NKAF Su-7BMK:
      Modification over ver. 1.0:
      Fixed loadout problem
      1. Unrar Su-7BMK Arab air forces to a temporary folder.
      2. Open SF2 Su-7BMK Arab air forces
      copy the folder SU-7BMK(EAF) and paste into
      C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft folder
      Thats all,
      Special Thanks To :
      Bob *howling1* Hauser for his permission to use his model.
      Thirdwire for Excellent simulator.
      For Questions or comments send me a message


         (0 reviews)




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