- MiG-9
- MiG-15
- MiG-17
- MiG-19
- MiG-21
- MiG-23
- MiG-25
- MiG-27
- Su-7
- Su-9
- Su-11
- Su-15
- Su-17
- Su-20
- Su-22
- Su-24
- Yak-23
- Yak-25
- Yak-27
- Yak-28
- Yak-38
- Other
Su-15TM Flagon F for SF2 [Revamp]
Realizing the limited capabilities in the Su-15 Flagon A, the USSR soon realized, of changes to be made to the plane, a new cranked delta wing was used, with the improved Taifun-M radar (NATO "Twin Scan") and provision for UPK-23-250 gun pod or R-60 (AA-8 "Aphid") short-range air-to-air missiles.
Aerodynamic demands forced a redesign of the radome with an ogival shape, earning a new NATO reporting name, "Flagon-F" (some info taken by Wikipedia)
*****The SF2 Plane*****
Again this is a revamp of Boopidoo`s Flagon F, few details in the inis were changed. thanks to Boopidoo to include this important red bird.
A new set of high 4096x4096 resolution has been added, some stenciling was added too, with a new template made by me, again, available if you want it.
AA-3C and AA-3D have been tweaked by Snailman and the UPK-23-250 has been reskined by me.
If i forgot to credit anyone here i beg my apologies, please let me know and i will update it.
Hope you have fun with this more capable plane, now you have the chance to shoot back if your interception is intercepted :D
Enoc Marquez AKA Flogger23.
Su-15 Flagon A for SF2 [Revamp]
The Su-15 "Flagon" was developed to replace the less capables Su-9/11 in the homeland interception duties, among the improvements were twin engines, side mounted intakes to replace the nose one.
The plane was powered with 2 Tumanski R-11F2S-300 engines.
The side intakes change allowed to mount the more powerful RP-22 Oryol-D (NATO 'Skip Spin') in the nose.
The initial delta wing in this plane had poor take-off and landing characteristics, so, a later variant was developed.
******** The SF2 plane ***********
The model used was made by Boopidoo who i thank for it, some ini edits were made by me.
The AA-3 Missiles were tweaked by Snailman to make them less dumb, thanks to him too :D
2 High 4096x4096 res skins were made by me with a whole, new, more detailed template, available if requested, the first skin depicts some examples of the 57th IAP, 10th OA PVO, based in Norilsk, and the other belongs to the Red Falcons Aerobatic team of the 60´s, this ones never carried bort numbers, info collected by Loborojo, who also i thank for the it.
This variant was never applied tactical camouflage and was kept natural metal, i wasn´t able to collect info about the stencils, so, if anyone has it and want to share i will update the planes and will credit him/her.
This plane is made mainly for high speed interceptions, so if you ran out of missiles and got into troubles and don´t want to ram your objective (which sometimes the soviet pilots were instructed to do so), dive as low as you can and run for home, missiles weren´t too reliables at that time and a gun was loooong needed, so that will be corrected in the next variant.
If i forget to mention anyone who worked in the plane, my apologies, just let me know and i will correct it.
Hope you have fun with it.
Enoc Marquez AKA Flogger23
SF2 Antonov An-2 "Colt" by Pasko
By Wrench
SF2 Antonov An-2 "Colt" by Pasko 9/1/2013
= For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended)
*Note: this mod will probably NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGens at any patch Level*
Modifications, tweeks, partial reskinning and redecaling for Pasko's An-2, bring it (more in line) with SF2 levels.
Included are the 4 skins, most still in their 1stGen tiny sized bmp format:
Soviet Green
North Korean Black
Polish Camo
The Aeroflot skin was partly redone, to remove the painted on registration number; 17 new historically accurate number decals were created for it. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins.
See "Change List" below for more details.
This aircraft includes the data ini posted by Dave on the CA boards; I don't know who built the FM, but it's MUCH better now!! However, further fine tuning MAY be requried, as during testing, I experienced wingman crashings on take off. Be Advised!
Control/O (Oh, not Zero) opens the cargo door on the side. Weapons are NOT included.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list.
For those that have the 1stGen releases, it's advised you delete, or move to a storage disk or elsewhere, the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total. For those having this aircraft from other "all inclusive" mods pack, you may wish to review this pak before installing it over your existing aircraft. For saftey's sake, and all that kind of stuff.
**The aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Sukhoi Su-7BMK / Type S-22 Fitter
By paulopanz
An upgraded and remade plane made starting from original idea by Bob *howling1* Hauser.
Some Ghostrider883 & Marcfighter's skins reworked.
Sound from Alex aka Spillone104.
Used weapons ready.
All known serials included.
v. 2.0
- Stary's cockpit added (see proper readme)
- auto closing cockpit
- IAF pilot (original the trooper pilot repainted)
simlpy put everything in your mod folder.
see included readme
This files were made in 2010 for Indo-Pak mod forum, where they stand for 2 years.
Maybe could be useful .....
@ paulopanz
Su-7 "FITTER-A" Super Pack
By paulopanz
The Sukhoi Su-7 (NATO designation name: Fitter-A) was a swept wing, supersonic fighter aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in 1955.
Originally, it was designed as tactical, low-level dogfighter, but was not successful in this role.
On the other hand, soon-introduced Su-7B series became the main Soviet fighter-bomber and ground-attack aircraft of the 1960s.
The Su-7 was rugged in its simplicity but its shortcomings included short range and low weapon load.
It had 4 hardpoints, later implemented to 6. This pack portrays both early and later version for each BM/BKL/BMK types.
What's in:
Su-7 [DLC AI planes 2]
Su-7BM (4 & 6 hardpoints)
SU-7BKL (4 & 6 hardpoints) [new]
Su-7BMK (4 & 6 hardpoints)
All flyables (the stock ones only reading flagged but with restore file for after patch edits)
Each with new/stock fixed/old edited/restored skins & proper historical decalset
sound & pilots
canopy open = 10 key
improved weaponloads
tweaked userlists (Su-7BM: LSK fake skin removed - Soviet '75 Camo left only for fun)
left/right wing red/green lights issue solved.
For IAF Su-7BMK / type 22: please D/L specific plane.
- Stary - fantastic new cockpit (see proper readme)
- paulopanz - skins and edits
- Spillone104 - sound & help
- kukulino - CVL camo 2 skin restored
- The Trooper - pilots (see proper readme)
- Lindr2 - SF-1 weapons edits
- Y.Gordon - References
All mod f
older content in main mod folder and overwrite.
The "real" SU-7BKL had quite different gear, but we can live with these
PS: Better screens and FM tweakings very wellcome
Mikoyan MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F' Mongolia
By Spinners
MiG-21PFM 'Mongolian People's Republic' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-21PFM to give a 'Fishbed-F' in service with the Air Force of the Mongolian People's Republic. I've added an extra 'M' to the designation to keep it separate from the true MiG-21PFM but by all means just add the skin and decals to your standard MiG-21PFM.
I was inspired to do this by the outstanding photographs at the following;
Please check it out!
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Decals folder.
As always, thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks to Paladrian for the MiG-21 pit.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - 24/08/13
Version 1 - 02/09/11
Sukhoi Su-9 "Fishpot-B" - DLC AI planes pack 2 -
By paulopanz
The Su-9 emerged from aerodynamic studies by TsAGI, the Soviet aerodynamic center, during the Korean War, which devised several optimum aerodynamic configurations for jet fighters.
The design first flew in 1956 as the T-405 prototype.
The Su-9 was developed at the same time as the Su-7 'Fitter', and both were first seen by the West at the Tushino Aviation Day on 24 June 1956, where the Su-9 was dubbed Fitter-B.
It entered service in 1959.
Total production of the Su-9 was about 1,100 aircraft.
It is believed that at least some Su-9s were upgraded to Su-11 'Fishpot-C' form.
None were exported to any of the USSR's client states nor to the Warsaw Pact nations.
Remaining Su-9s and later Su-11s were retired during the 1970s.
Some were retained as test vehicles or converted to remote-piloted vehicles for use as unmanned aerial vehicles.
It was replaced by the upgraded Su-11 and the much-superior Su-15 'Flagon' and MiG-25 'Foxbat'.
What's in:
- a new flyable plane
- great Stary's cockpit built in
- 6 simple (but all I found) skins includind famous 179 IAP one
- specific sound
- pilot
- animated canopy
- screens
- plane Tk [DLC AI planes pack 2]
- cockpit Stary (readme included)
- sound Spillone104
- Skins/decals/edits paulopanz
- put all in main mod folder and overwrite
Su-9.ini is flagged as only reading (sola lettura) to avoid patching rewriting, so the plane will be flyable until you'll not change files property, maybe to add further skins. By the way a recovery copy is included.
This is for Stary the "pitmaker".
Pavel Osipovich Panz
Pasko's Su-9A/9B, Su-11 Fishpots for SF2
By Wrench
Sukhoi Su-9A/9B and Su-11 Upgrade Pak for SF2 series
A relatively large upgrade pak, with some relatively minor tweeks for Pakso's Fishpot series of Soviet Interceptors, for use with SF2 Series games, either stand-alone or full merged installs. As seen in the original Upgrade pak, landing lights have been added, and in this pak, canopies have been activated via a manual animation key (Shift/0). Landing gear rolling radi have been adjusted to make the aircraft sit a little more evenly in SF2. Afterburner effects have been swichted over to a stock, game supplied one. No other changes to the FM have been effected; there is the occasional 'burp' in it, but it flys and handles quite nicely, given the time passed from their Original Release .
This package, broken down into individual folder for ease of installation, is the COMPLETE Package of all 3 aircraft, and includes the changes from the WoE 08 Upgrade Pak. Mostly consisting of ini mods, that 'tweek' the data, and loadout inis, making them more usable in the SF2 series. Ordway's cockpits are also included, as is my 'instructional' text and jpg for use with the gunpods on the Su-11.
This pack is designed to work with any, or no Weapons Pak, as Weapons ARE included, for those that don't have/use a weapons pak. PLEASE read the Notes below for some explainations of whyfores and wherefores, with reference to the Su-11.
New 'generic' SF2-style hangar screens are also included for all 3 aircaft. Userlists have also been created, thereby limiting their 'deployment' only to the Soviet Air Force.
This mod has been tested in SF2, Full 4-merged sims, at the May 2010 patch level. I haven't tested it in SF/Wo*, but don't feel there'd be any major differences, other than how the weapons are handeled. However, the landing gear rolling radui has been adjusted for SF2, and may need readjustment for 1stGens. The canopy fixes used here can be easily applied to the original 08 upgrade pak quickly, easily and with no problems.
As always, it's reccomended to read this document through; there's some explainations along with the instructions as to why/how certain things were done. Also, for a full lisitng of Credits and Sources.
Good Hunting!
Comrade Wrench
Kevin Stein
Type 74 Fishbed, Indian Air Force
By Wrench
Type 74 Fishbed-D, Indian Air Force
=For SF2, Full-4 Merged
** May Also require Expansion Pak 1, or whichever gave us the 21FL, who's body is used for this mod ** (I disremember which!!) **
From the India/Pakistan Mod.
This is the Type 74, a variant of the 21FL, as first used by the Indian Air Force. This was their first supersonic aircraft (and their first Fishbed), and bears the marking of No. 28 Squadron, "First Supersonics"
All decals/serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this model. (just wish there was more of them...)
A new weapon, the GP-9 gun pod from the Type77 mod, is included. All other weapons used at stock. (historcally, first used on this mark)
A new avionics ini is included with an audio-only RWR and a radar-ranging gunsight.
This mod creates a single-user 'nationalized' version for the IAF. Even though a userlist is included, the data ini has been adjusted such that it's not Exported, and is assigned India as the only nation user.
This package is the compliation of work by many talented people -- they are listed in the Credits secion below. You'd do well to read it, and thank them.
The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). The hangar screen is a 'generic Indian Fishbed' type, having more than 1 variant shown
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
With thanks to my teamates from the India/Pakistan Mod!!
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Type 77/Type 77 Late Fishbed, IAF
By Wrench
HAL Type 77/77 Late Fishbed, Indian Air Force
=For SF2, Full-4 Merged
** May Also require Expansion Pak 1, or whichever gave us the 21FL, who's body is used for this mod ** (I disremembe which!!) **
From the India/Pakistan Mod.
This is the MiG-21FL as used/produced by HAL for the Indian Air Force. There are 2 full versions of the aircraft in this package, both the Early and Late models. This is a nationalized, single-user version that will create 2 new seperate aircraft for your enjoyment.
The 77 (early) has 7 skins, and the Late has 3. All decals/serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this model.
A new weapon, an several "other items" are added - the GP-9 gun pod, and some other 'goodies' added via the FakePilot method for the 77Late.
This package is the compliation of work by many talented people -- they are in the text file called "ori-readme.txt" by PauloPanz. You'd do well to read it, and thank them. I just assembled this package.
The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). The only thing NOT included are hangar screens ... I can't find them! (use a generic Fishbed one if you have too!)
As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
With thanks to my teamates from the India/Pakistan Mod!!
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
ps: the screenie shows the 77 Late, with the extra wing pylons. The Early only has the stock 2
EAF MIG-17F Fresco, Fighter-Bomber Modification
By Wrench
EAF MiG-17F Fresco-C Fighter-Bomber Mod
=For SF2, Any and All - Reccomended for Use in SF2:I=
This is a revamping of my 2008 releade of the same aircraft, now updated/tweeked/fiddled with for SF2*. As such, it is my not-so-humble attempt to duplicate the fighter-bomber modifications the EAF performed on their MiG-17's during the 6 Day War.
*meaning....I'd forgotten I was doing it and stumbled across it 'hidden' in SF2I!*
Inis have been adjusted to make use of various and sundry imporvement since the initial release.
This is a complete package, with weapons*, skins, cockpit (Ordway's Fresco pit). Markings make use of all stock in-game decals. The only thing =NOT=included is the Fresco's LOD, as it's pretty much available in ALL versions of SF2. Loadouts have been 'adjusted', using the new 'change by year' feature, to discontinue use of the Sakr pak, and return to standard UB series rocket pods around 1975. The data ini (ie: Flight Model) is fully updated to the latest patch level (Oct 2011 -not the betas)
*weapons included are the Sakr rocket rack and pylon set. It uses the S-5 57mm rocket that should be stock in all installs. The FAB-100 may require the GunnyPak*
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 MiG-15bis Fagot-B, KAW
By Wrench
SF2 Korean War Era MiG-15bis Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged =WITH= SF2I ExpansionPak 1 (Required!!!) =
*Note: you must have SF2I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15bis lod!! Without it, this mod will do you no good!!*
This is a reskin/nationalization of the stock 3W MiG-15bis Fagot-B for use in a KAW envrionment.
The data ini (FM) is exceedingly close to RealLife. The 'nation name' and userlist have been limited to China and NKorea. Not only will this 'fix' the aircraft to KAW, but it will also NOT be overwritten by patching or the game-generated random re-rwrites that kill all AI-only aircraft made User-Flyable.
There are 2 skins supplied, all in jpg format:
NK2- a generic silver with red nose and fin top
NKSilver- which is my "The Hunters" MiG skin (aka "Casey Jones" 7-11 skin)
Decal radomization is set to TRUE
When in-game, you'll see
MiG-15bis "Fagot-B" (NK)
on the aircraft selection drop-down menu.
The window opens with the standard animaion keystroke, shift/0.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Tu-142 'Bear-F", Indian Naval Air Service
By Wrench
Tu-142 'Bear-F', Indian Naval Air Service
= For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! =
-An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
*As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA to gain access to the Tu-95RT lods this mod requires. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
Ini mods, redecaling, etc, of the stock SF2NA Tu-95RT recreate (a passble) Tu-142 Bear-F as used by 312 Squadron "Albatross" of the INAS. All textures are jpg format; this should pose no issues for users at the latest patch level (April 2012 or later)
Although a cockpit IS provided, it's "suggested" that the aircraft be left under AI control. Several 'issues' have recently appeared on non-radar equipped cockpits for player use. I built this, basically, to have something 'interestering' parked around the large airbases.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
Also, the "Notes" section for more details, as there are a few small differences in the INAS Real Life version, from the 3W one.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo
By Wrench
MiG-21Um "Mongol" by AmokFloo
= For SF2, Any and All* =
*Reccomended for Full-4 merged, as it references some decals from SF2:E and SF2:I*
Fairly Complete SF2 package of the MiG-21UM "Mongol", with a collection of skins (well, those that I had ... feel free to add others!). 10 skins/decal sets are included in this package. Looking through the 1stGen downloads shows several more skins that can be easily added.
You have these skins in this package:
4 Indian AF (24 Sq, 101 Sq, HAL, IAF Gray)
2 Czech
1 East German
2 Soviet (NM & Camo)
1 "Generic" overall Desert (tagged for EAF)
A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Minor tweeks to data, loadout and avionics inis. The avionics ini now as a gun-rangine radar and an audio-only RWR. A new Hangar screen is also included. All lighting has been adjusted to fit the aircraft, however, a landing light was NOT added. It also references the 'MiGEngine.wav' from TMFs MiGs (not included)
Decal randomization is set to true, for the most part. With a little luck, I got them all dialed in correctly!!! Feel free to make any/all adjustments and correction.
Weapons, with the exception of the MG pod are NOT included, as they use all stock in-game items.
The KV-1 seat is also included in the /Pilots folder.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
MiG-9 "Fargo" SF2 Upgrade Pak
By Wrench
MiG-9 "Fargo" (by Timmy & Lexx_Luthor) -- SF2 UpDate Pak
= For SF2, Any/All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
An upgrade pack for Timmy/Lexx_Luthor's early Soviet Jet Fighter. This mod will replace any others, including the one I did several years ago. This'll give another early 1stGen Jet Fighter for the Red side, for whatever use you see fit to put it to.
This is the complete aircraft package, with a new cockpit - a slight modification of Stary's Mig pit-, all new 90% SF2 compliant FM, and 7 skins (all the ones I could find). All weapons (ie: the drop tank) are included. You should already have the necessary guns, so they are not supplied. A pilot figure and seat are also included, as are new Hangar and Loading screens. Also new are dds damage textures.
The skins are basically the same as when first released, with the additon of a nicer natural metal Soviet by p10ppy (shown in the accompanying screenshot). The Soviet skins have been renamed slightly. Check the drop down on the loadout screen for the selection. Included is Timmy's fictional Polish AF camo*. Where necessary, all decal inis have been pointed to stock items; decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins.
*Please note, the Polish skin references bort numbers that may only be available in SF2E*
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Don't forget the 'Notes' section for other usless information, clarifications, and general ramblings.
For historical purposes, the Original Release Read-me is included. Other credits are listed further down this (the readme) document.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
MiG-17AS Fresco, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)
By Wrench
MiG-17AS Fresco-A, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara
= For SF2, (Hopefully, For Any and All with Access to the MiG-17 Fresco-A)
This is a re-packaging of the MiG-17AS, (iirc) by Starfighter2, as used by the Cuban Air Force. His original readme is also included, for you history buffs. As the FAR were the only users of the 17AS, this is a 'nationalized' version; both the _data.ini and Userlist.ini reflect this.
It makes use of (almost) all stock items, in particular the Fresco-A's lod. So make sure the plane-jane MiG-17 (no suffix letter) is available in your game install. In a pinch, you can edit the main ini to point to the MiG-17F lods, as they are mapped identically (don't forget to rename the skin maps to match the 17F's). A slightly revamped/repainted version of the "F6 Pylon" pak has been included for the outboard Atoll mounts.
The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. New Bort number decals have been created for the approx 40 used by the FAR (*note: this number of aircraft may have also included standard Fresco-A and Fresco-C). These numbers are 'best guess', as only a few listings had been found during my research. The font used is also the closest match I could find.
The cockpit is Ordway's Mig Pit. The avionics ini has been 'tweeked' to add the radar ranging gunsight. A new 'generic' MiG-17 Hangar screen is included (albeit with Soviet markings on the aircraft). The canopy has also been activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it)
As always, please READ the enclosed 'readme' for full, detailed install instructions.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Tu-22M3 Backfire-C for SF2
By eburger68
Tu-22M3 Backfire-C for SF2
This mod package contains the Tu-22M3 from HoneyFox/Insky Group, updated and converted to SF2 standards. Included are all the effects, weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use the aircraft in this package.
This aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use it, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
To install, simply drag the \Effects, \Flight, \Objects, and \Sounds folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft is not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.
Notes About This Mod
In addition to doing the basic work to convert the aircraft for use in SF2, I also made a number of other fixes and additions.
1. Fixed non-working tailgun
2. Fixed incorrect Afterburner.tga reference
3. Added referenced B-1B sounds from B-1B Redux package
4. Added correct version of Kh-22
5. Added damage texture
6. Added B-1B_86 cockpit (replaces C-130J cockpit in the original)
7. Adjusted attachment positions for several weapon stations
8. Changed Armor.Thickness and StructuralFactor values to more reasonable numbers
9. Added new dirty exhaust effect
10. Added new Hangar, Loading, & Loadout images
11. Added tail numbers to vertical tail
12. Other minor fixes/corrections
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make a number of fixes, adjustments, and additions (discussed above).
jv447 .......................................... Tu-22M3 model
HoneyFox/Insky Group ........................... Tu-22M3 mod for SFP1
Dels ........................................... B-1B_86 cockpit
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. A copy of the original ReadMe for the Tu-22M3 for SFP1 from HoneyFox/Insky Group is included in \_OriginalDocs (along with several other original items). Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
26 July 2011
Swing-Wing Fitters for SF2
By eburger68
SF2 Su-17/20/22 Swing-Wing Fitters
This mod package contains a collection of Su-17, Su-20, and Su-22 Fitters, all converted and updated to SF2 standards. Included in the package are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft in this package.
These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
To install, simply drag the \Objects and \Sounds folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.
Aircraft & Nations Included
The following aircraft are included in this package:
Domestic Version Export Version
---------------- --------------
Su-17 Fitter-B n/a
Su-17M Fitter-C Su-20A/B Fitter-C
Su-17M2 Fitter-D Su-22 Fitter-F
Su-17M3 Fitter-H Su-22M / Su-22M3 Fitter-J
Su-17M4 Fitter-K Su-22M4 Fitter-K
The following nations are represented:
USSR Afghanistan
Bulgaria Egypt
Czechoslovakia Iraq
East Germany Libya
Hungary Syria
Poland Peru
For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
A Few Notes About This Package
Those familiar with Lindr2's Fitter packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated package builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:
1) Limited use of AmokFloo's Su-17M model
Where Lindr2 used AmokFloo's Su-17M (from 2008) to represent the -17, -17M, -17M2, -20A, -20B, and -22F, I have opted to use ArmourDave's earlier Su-17 model (from 2003) for the -20A, -20B, and -22F. Although AmokFloo's model is arguably better-suited in many ways to stand in for those early export versions, ArmourDave's model has a wider range of skins available to represent the various user nations of those aircraft. Sadly, there appear to be only three skins available for AmokFloo's model. If someone wants to do more skins for AmokFloo's model, I would be happy to release an updated version of this pack to make use of them.
2) Adjusted weapon stations and loadouts
Again, I have largely followed Lindr2' lead in this area, but I have adjusted the attachment positions of some weapon stations (esp. on ArmourDave's Su-17 model) and made some changes to the default loadouts for most aircraft. In particular, the loadouts for center fuselage stations needed changes, because with size of the PTB-800 or Tank600_Su-7 drop tanks, there simply isn't enough room to load both tanks and weapons on the front and back fuselage stations. The default loadouts load weapons (rockets, bombs) on all four stations or tanks alone on the rear stations, but never a mix of weapons and tanks on front and rear. Note that the Loadout screen *will* let you load the fuselage stations with weapons and tanks simultaneously -- just don't do that. (And, if you do, don't complain to me about the unsightly result.)
3) Wider range of skins/nations
You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations. I am not an expert on the operational history of the swing-wing Fitters. Still less am I a skilled texture artist, so I make no claim that these skins are 100% historically accurate in their depiction of these aircraft as used by so many different nations. I did consult online references and looked at quite a few photos while putting together this package, and I do think it represents a general improvement over what was available before. If you've got better data and/or better skins, please do share -- I'd be happy to do an updated, more accurate version of the package.
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
ArmourDave ..................................... Su-17 model & cockpit
AmokFloo ....................................... Su-17M model
Lindr2 ......................................... Su-17/20/22 Packs for SFP1 (incl. pods)
Spectre8750 .................................... bits from his Su-22 Fitter pack for SF2
NeverEnough .................................... bits from his Su-17M update for SF2
Gepard, Matt Ouellette, Soulman, Sundowner ..... Skins
whiteknight06604, & Spectre8750
ravenclaw_007 .................................. PTB-800 Drop Tanks & SPS-141 ECM Pods
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
The Trooper .................................... Red3203 Pilot
AleDucat ....................................... Zvezda K-36D Ejector Seat
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the main components of this mod package are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
10 July 2011
SF2 Su-24 Fencers
By eburger68
SF2 Su-24 Fencers
This mod package contains a collection of Su-24 Fencers, all converted and updated to SF2 standards. Included in the package are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft in this package.
These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
Those familiar with Lindr2's Su-24 Fencer Pack for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated package simply builds on his earlier efforts.
To install, simply drag the \Flight, \Objects, and \Sounds folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.
Aircraft & Nations Included
The following aircraft are included in this package:
Su-24 Fencer
Su-24M Fencer-D
Su-24M2 Fencer-D
Su-24MK Fencer-D
Su-24MP Fencer-F
Su-24MR Fencer-E
The following nations are represented:
For more information on the differences between these various versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
Veltro2K ....................................... Su-24 model
Lindr2 ......................................... Su-24 Pack for SFP1 (incl. weapons)
NormanKnight ................................... F-111 cockpit
Veltro2K, Tunderchief .......................... Skins
Erwin Hans ..................................... APK-9E Targeting Pod
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. A copy of the original ReadMe for Lindr2's Su-24 Pack for SFP1 is included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
22 July 2011
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 3
By eburger68
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 3
This mod supplies a collection of MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers, created by ArmourDave and The Mirage Factory, and heavily modded by Lindr2 for SFP1. (These are not mods of the 3rdWire Floggers supplied in the SF2 titles.) All have been converted and updated to SF2 standards. Also included with this mod are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft supplied with this mod.
This mod consists of three parts:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23S, Mig-23M, MiG-23ME, MiG-23MF,
MiG-23MF, MiG-23UB)
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLAE, MiG-23P,
MiG-23PD, MiG-23-98, MiG-23UM)
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s (MiG-23B, MiG-23BN) & MiG-27s (MiG-27,
MiG-27D, MiG-27K, MiG-27M, MiG-27ML)
Each of the three parts includes all the decals, pilots, sounds, effects that you will need for the aircraft in that part. The WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
Please note that installation of these aircraft will overwrite & replace the default 3rdWire versions included in the various SF2 titles. I recommend that you first REMOVE the 3rdWire MiG-23 and MiG-27 versions - even if you haven't modded them -- before installing these alternate versions.
To install, simply drag the following folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to):
By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to.
If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly. And remember, the WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
Aircraft & Nations Included
The following aircraft are included in the three parts of this mod:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23S Flogger-A (Early)
- MiG-23S Flogger-A
- MiG-23SM Flogger-A (obr.71)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 1)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 23)
- MiG-23ME Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B (Late)
- MiG-23MF Rakshak
- MiG-23MS Flogger-E
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C (Early)
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G (Early)
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLA Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLAE-A Flogger-G (32-22)
- MiG-23MLAE-B Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLD Flogger-K
- MiG-23P Flogger-G
- MiG-23PD Flogger-G
- MiG-23UM Flogger-C
- MiG-23-98 Flogger-K
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s & MiG-27s
- MiG-23B Flogger-F (Early)
- MiG-23B Flogger-F
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Egypt)
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Iraq)
- MiG-23BN Vijay
- MiG-27 Flogger-D
- MiG-27D Flogger-J
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2 (Early)
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2
- MiG-27M Flogger-J
- MiG-27ML Bahadur
The following nations are represented:
USSR Angola
Bulgaria Ethiopia
Czechoslovakia Egypt
East Germany Iraq
Hungary Libya
Poland Syria
Romania India
Ukraine Sri Lanka
Cuba Ivory Coast
North Korea
For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
A Few Notes About This Mod
Those familiar with Lindr2's Flogger packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated mod builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:
1) Different Engine Sounds & Afterburner TGAs
I have used different engine sounds and afterburner TGAs to give the various engines used by different models distinct sounds and appearances.
2) NATO Code Names
The aircraft names do include the NATO code names, whereas Lindr2's SFP1 versions did not use them at all. Also, the Air-to-Air weapons use both NATO and Soviet names/designations (e.g., "R-73 AA-11 Archer").
3) Wider range of Skins/Nations
You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations, drawing on the various one-off skins that have been released by other modders.
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models for SFP1
wpnssgt ........................................ MiG-27 models for SFP1
ArmourDave ..................................... MiG-23M for SFP1
The Mirage Factory ............................. MiG-23 packages for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 & MiG-27 Packs for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack for SFP1
ArmourDave & Sal ............................... Su-17 cockpit
Paladrian ...................................... MiG-21MF cockpit
Ordway ......................................... SF2 cockpit for MiG-23-98
Gramps, Matt Ouellette, Marcello, Phantuam ..... Skins
ghostrider883, whiteknight06604, Soulfreak,
Sidewinder86, TMF, & Blackrat
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the components of this mod are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
20 July 2011
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 1
By eburger68
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 1
This mod supplies a collection of MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers, created by ArmourDave and The Mirage Factory, and heavily modded by Lindr2 for SFP1. (These are not mods of the 3rdWire Floggers supplied in the SF2 titles.) All have been converted and updated to SF2 standards. Also included with this mod are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft supplied with this mod.
This mod consists of three parts:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23S, Mig-23M, MiG-23ME, MiG-23MF,
MiG-23MF, MiG-23UB)
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLAE, MiG-23P,
MiG-23PD, MiG-23-98, MiG-23UM)
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s (MiG-23B, MiG-23BN) & MiG-27s (MiG-27,
MiG-27D, MiG-27K, MiG-27M, MiG-27ML)
Each of the three parts includes all the decals, pilots, sounds, effects that you will need for the aircraft in that part. The WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
Please note that installation of these aircraft will overwrite & replace the default 3rdWire versions included in the various SF2 titles. I recommend that you first REMOVE the 3rdWire MiG-23 and MiG-27 versions - even if you haven't modded them -- before installing these alternate versions.
To install, simply drag the following folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to):
By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to.
If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly. And remember, the WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
Aircraft & Nations Included
The following aircraft are included in the three parts of this mod:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23S Flogger-A (Early)
- MiG-23S Flogger-A
- MiG-23SM Flogger-A (obr.71)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 1)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 23)
- MiG-23ME Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B (Late)
- MiG-23MF Rakshak
- MiG-23MS Flogger-E
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C (Early)
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G (Early)
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLA Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLAE-A Flogger-G (32-22)
- MiG-23MLAE-B Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLD Flogger-K
- MiG-23P Flogger-G
- MiG-23PD Flogger-G
- MiG-23UM Flogger-C
- MiG-23-98 Flogger-K
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s & MiG-27s
- MiG-23B Flogger-F (Early)
- MiG-23B Flogger-F
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Egypt)
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Iraq)
- MiG-23BN Vijay
- MiG-27 Flogger-D
- MiG-27D Flogger-J
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2 (Early)
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2
- MiG-27M Flogger-J
- MiG-27ML Bahadur
The following nations are represented:
USSR Angola
Bulgaria Ethiopia
Czechoslovakia Egypt
East Germany Iraq
Hungary Libya
Poland Syria
Romania India
Ukraine Sri Lanka
Cuba Ivory Coast
North Korea
For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
A Few Notes About This Mod
Those familiar with Lindr2's Flogger packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated mod builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:
1) Different Engine Sounds & Afterburner TGAs
I have used different engine sounds and afterburner TGAs to give the various engines used by different models distinct sounds and appearances.
2) NATO Code Names
The aircraft names do include the NATO code names, whereas Lindr2's SFP1 versions did not use them at all. Also, the Air-to-Air weapons use both NATO and Soviet names/designations (e.g., "R-73 AA-11 Archer").
3) Wider range of Skins/Nations
You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations, drawing on the various one-off skins that have been released by other modders.
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models for SFP1
wpnssgt ........................................ MiG-27 models for SFP1
ArmourDave ..................................... MiG-23M for SFP1
The Mirage Factory ............................. MiG-23 packages for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 & MiG-27 Packs for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack for SFP1
ArmourDave & Sal ............................... Su-17 cockpit
Paladrian ...................................... MiG-21MF cockpit
Ordway ......................................... SF2 cockpit for MiG-23-98
Gramps, Matt Ouellette, Marcello, Phantuam ..... Skins
ghostrider883, whiteknight06604, Soulfreak,
Sidewinder86, TMF, & Blackrat
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the components of this mod are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
20 July 2011
IAF MiG-21bis Vikram
By paulopanz
IAF MiG-21bis 'Vikram'
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) license built the MiG-21bis
under the name Vikram (Valor).
What's In:
- a new plane
- a new historical number set (Y. Gordon rules)
- 5 skins by me
- 3 skins by Ghostrider883 (Grey, 3, 26)
- dedicated patches for all
- Hangar, Loading & Loadout immages
- Sounds & Antennas by Spillone104
- fake pilot (included) by Fastcargo
- references, help & effort by Ghostrider883,
and 3 fine wheathered skins
as usual, all in main mods folder.
This work is especially dedicated to my very friend Ghostrider883, who always kindly helped me making his best for the better possible result.
Long live to his cats!
I hope You like this as much as we enjoyed to build it up in these last years.
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 2
By eburger68
SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 2
This mod supplies a collection of MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers, created by ArmourDave and The Mirage Factory, and heavily modded by Lindr2 for SFP1. (These are not mods of the 3rdWire Floggers supplied in the SF2 titles.) All have been converted and updated to SF2 standards. Also included with this mod are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft supplied with this mod.
This mod consists of three parts:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23S, Mig-23M, MiG-23ME, MiG-23MF,
MiG-23MF, MiG-23UB)
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLAE, MiG-23P,
MiG-23PD, MiG-23-98, MiG-23UM)
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s (MiG-23B, MiG-23BN) & MiG-27s (MiG-27,
MiG-27D, MiG-27K, MiG-27M, MiG-27ML)
Each of the three parts includes all the decals, pilots, sounds, effects that you will need for the aircraft in that part. This is the second part. The WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THIS PART -- THE 2ND PART.
These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
Please note that installation of these aircraft will overwrite & replace the default 3rdWire versions included in the various SF2 titles. I recommend that you first REMOVE the 3rdWire MiG-23 and MiG-27 versions - even if you haven't modded them -- before installing these alternate versions.
To install, simply drag the following folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to):
By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to.
If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly. And remember, the WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
Aircraft & Nations Included
The following aircraft are included in the three parts of this mod:
Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23S Flogger-A (Early)
- MiG-23S Flogger-A
- MiG-23SM Flogger-A (obr.71)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 1)
- MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 23)
- MiG-23ME Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B
- MiG-23MF Flogger-B (Late)
- MiG-23MF Rakshak
- MiG-23MS Flogger-E
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C (Early)
- MiG-23UB Flogger-C
Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G (Early)
- MiG-23ML Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLA Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLAE-A Flogger-G (32-22)
- MiG-23MLAE-B Flogger-G
- MiG-23MLD Flogger-K
- MiG-23P Flogger-G
- MiG-23PD Flogger-G
- MiG-23UM Flogger-C
- MiG-23-98 Flogger-K
Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s & MiG-27s
- MiG-23B Flogger-F (Early)
- MiG-23B Flogger-F
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Egypt)
- MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Iraq)
- MiG-23BN Vijay
- MiG-27 Flogger-D
- MiG-27D Flogger-J
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2 (Early)
- MiG-27K Flogger-J2
- MiG-27M Flogger-J
- MiG-27ML Bahadur
The following nations are represented:
USSR Angola
Bulgaria Ethiopia
Czechoslovakia Egypt
East Germany Iraq
Hungary Libya
Poland Syria
Romania India
Ukraine Sri Lanka
Cuba Ivory Coast
North Korea
For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
A Few Notes About This Mod
Those familiar with Lindr2's Flogger packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated mod builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:
1) Different Engine Sounds & Afterburner TGAs
I have used different engine sounds and afterburner TGAs to give the various engines used by different models distinct sounds and appearances.
2) NATO Code Names
The aircraft names do include the NATO code names, whereas Lindr2's SFP1 versions did not use them at all. Also, the Air-to-Air weapons use both NATO and Soviet names/designations (e.g., "R-73 AA-11 Archer").
3) Wider range of Skins/Nations
You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations, drawing on the various one-off skins that have been released by other modders.
Credits & Acknowledgements
This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models for SFP1
wpnssgt ........................................ MiG-27 models for SFP1
ArmourDave ..................................... MiG-23M for SFP1
The Mirage Factory ............................. MiG-23 packages for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 & MiG-27 Packs for SFP1
Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack for SFP1
ArmourDave & Sal ............................... Su-17 cockpit
Paladrian ...................................... MiG-21MF cockpit
Ordway ......................................... SF2 cockpit for MiG-23-98
Gramps, Matt Ouellette, Marcello, Phantuam ..... Skins
ghostrider883, whiteknight06604, Soulfreak,
Sidewinder86, TMF, & Blackrat
Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the components of this mod are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
Eric Howes
20 July 2011
Tupolev Tu-128 & Tu-128M Fiddler
By ErikGen
Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler B & Tu-128M The Tupolev Tu-28/Tu-128 (NATO name 'Fiddler') was a long-range interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. It remains the world's largest production fighter aircraft.
In this pack the Tu-128 Fiddler B and the most recent Tu-128M.
This aircraft is for SF2 and SF2E last patch ... not tested in SF2V.
1) Unzip the file Gen2_TU128packV00.rar
2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your mods folder (i.e...\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Please, read the readme file.
- kreelin for the FM
- Spillone104 for the jet sound
- Spillone104, bobrock, lindr2, Soulfreak as beta tester
- me ... the remaining stuff
Special thanks to NGHENGO who stressed me (a lot) in order to not stop this project and lindr2 who kindly helped me with much detailed infos.
Thank you very much guys.
Last UpDate 22/03/2011 – Ver.2.0
Various improvements; now compatible with Expansion2
Thank you to Spillone104, paulopanz and X-RAY for the support as beta tester.
Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
Enrico "ErikGen" Gennari
MiG-21FL Type-77 Trishul
By paulopanz
The production of the MiG-21s in India under license by Hindustan Aeronautics in Nasik started
with the MiG-21FL in 1966 in four phases starting with the assembly of CKD kits, moving on to
subassemblies, parts, and finally advancing to production from scratch.
205 MiG-21FLs, designated Type 77 and nicknamed Trishul ("Trident), were built in India between
1966 and 1972; the first one built entirely from Indian-made components was delivered to the IAF
on 19 October 1970, with the first Indian-made R11F2S-300 powerplant leaving the assembly line
on 2 January 1969.
In the late 1970s, the IAF began acquiring MiG-21M/MFs, consequently a large part of the MiG-21FL
fleet were sent into storage.
However in the mid-1980s, these FLs were pulled out of storage and retrofitted with two extra
pylons and were fitted with IFF-400 antennas(on the nose).
Whats's in:
- two flyable planes
- Type 77 with GP-9 gunpod (13 skins)
- Type 77 (late) with 4 pylons and IFF-400 antenna (5 skins)
- MiG-21 cockpit
- IAF Pilot (76.IAP-Blackbird's reworked)
- New Mig-21FL userlist without India
- Dedicated sounds
- Historical Serial Numbers
canopy opens as usual with 10 key.
Known Issues: none
- White 'ghosts' in the cockpit - solved!
To Install:
Put all in your mod folder.
- Spillone104: 3D Works (GP-9 pod, Pylons, Antennas) & Sounds
- Paulopanz: Skins, Decals, Pilot, Loading Screens & Ini Editing
- Ghostrider883: for help & refereces; 3 well wheathered skin
- AtariBaby for cockpit
- 76.IAP-Blackbird: for original pilot
- Fast Cargo: for Fake Pilot (included).
PS: Try the Type-77 Silver Skin n° C-1111 plane ...
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